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小学六年级第一学期英语单词竞赛试题Name:_ Class: _ Mark: _一、 根据中文意思写出下列单词。(10分)总是_ 地铁_ 五次_ 最喜欢的_赢 _ 去潜水_ 图画_ 寻找_魔术_ 寄给_ 好主意_ 迷路_保管_ 宝藏_ 照顾_ 咳嗽_票_ 不幸的_ 擅长于_ 车库_二、 写出可以替换下列句子画线部分的词组。(10分)1. Dad is going go buy a cartonof ice cream.A. _ B. _ C. _2. How often do you go ice breaking?A. _ B. _ C. _3. I go horse riding twice a year.A. _ B. _ C. _4. These are more expensive than those.A. _ B. _ C. _5. The whale is the biggest in the world.A. _ B. _ C. _三、 按要求写出下列单词。(9分)never(减一字母)_ many(比较级)_ thin(最高级)_letter(换一字母)_ far(比较级)_ bad(最高级)_ear(加一字母)_ bring(过去式)_ come back(过去式)_四、 选出与下列所给词发音相同的单词。(10分)1.stairs ( ) A.hear B.bear C.clear2.cheer ( ) A.near B.pear C.where3.swim ( ) A.twice B.fish C.time4.ice ( ) A.hike B.live C.cookies5.girl ( ) A.carrot B.pearl C.chair6.knife( ) A.knee B.cookies C.key7.kite ( ) A.carrot B.knife C.knock8.calf ( ) A.plant B.elephant C.plane9.tall ( ) A.call B.garage C.are10.tall ( ) A.this B.toad C.than五、 写出下列形容词的原级、比较级或最高级。(20分)原级比较级最高级原级比较级最高级coldlightestbusierfinecloudiestfinestsunthinfastbiggerfunbeautifulfarthestlessgoodbaddirtiermosttidiestslower六、 找出下列短语的中文意思,将其字母写在题前的括号里。(5分)( ) 1.put on A. 跟他们去( ) 2.look for B. 穿上( ) 3.look at C.寻找( ) 4.are good at D.看( ) 5.go with them E.擅长于七、 把下列数字用英语表达出来。(10分)13_ 70_ 92_ 33_ 26_ 62_ 84_ 19_ 1818 _ 9223 _ 4159 _ 5790 _ 327 _ 585 _ 八、 选出正确的答案。(9分)( )1. Do you like_?A.swim B.to swim C.swiming( )2.There_ a pair of glasses on the book just now. A.is B.were C.was( )3.I want to see a movie . Im going to the _. A.theater B.library C.museum( )4.Who is the_ in your class, Jack、Lisa or Ben? A.younger B.youngest C.the young( )5.Today,I _to the park by bus. A.go B.went C.am going to go( )6.He likes_ magazines. A.reading B.watching C.looking( )7.Its _ ant. The ant is very _. A.big B.small C.smaller( )8.Is this cat_? A.your B.yours C.you( )9.Did you go to the beach_your father? A.at B.in C.with九、 用单词的适当形式填空。(12分)1. Can you _(make) a birthday present for me?Yes, I_ _(make) a model plane now.2. What does your mother_? She _to buy a violin.(want)3. Id like to come to _(he) birthday party.4. The students_(be) here now.but they_(be)not here yesterday.5. Peter likes_ _ (get) some food.6. This dress is sixty_(yuan). That dress is sixty_.(dollar)十、 用量词的适当形式填空。(5分)1. They bought four_ of tea.2. Yesterday my father bring five_of ice cream.3. I had two_of rice and a _of candy.4. Shes going to buy two_of bread and two_of milk.5. Im going to buy a _of pants.6. Did you buy three_of chips at the store? No, I bought a_of chips at the store.7. My Dads going to get six_of tissues.

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