上海新世纪版2020届九年级下学期英语最后一次模拟考试试卷(II )卷

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上海新世纪版2020届九年级下学期英语最后一次模拟考试试卷(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)_ girl in _ uniform is my sister. A . a; aB . a; anC . the; aD . the; an2. (2分) Is this your T-shirt? No, its not .A . IB . myC . mineD . me3. (2分)Tony _ a letter to his teacher last night. A . writeB . writesC . will writeD . wrote4. (2分)Zhou Libo can always _ some special ways to make his talk shows more popular in China.Yeah. He is very smart and creative.A . be afraid ofB . take pride inC . come up withD . take care of5. (2分)There _ a talk show on CCTV-4 this evening. A . will haveB . is going to beC . is going to haveD . is having6. (2分)Children to watch thrillers. They may have a bad influence on children.A . shouldnt allowB . should allowC . shouldnt be allowedD . should be allowed7. (2分)- have dinner with my wife and me next weekend?- Yes, Id like to. Thank you.A . Would you likeB . Do you likeC . Would you like toD . Do you8. (2分)What _ three and four? A . beB . amC . isD . are9. (2分)Learning English can make _ to talk with foreigners. A . you easierB . you more easilyC . it easier for youD . it more easily for you10. (2分)Amy was reading a book _I came in.A . whenB . whileC . becauseD . Though二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Im Kitty. Im 121old. I have black2and black hair. I3from Liuzhou but I live4Laibin now. I have a sister.5name is Sandy. I like6sports andSandy7dancing. I have8of good friends at school. Mary is my9friend. She is a good student. She wants to be a doctor when she10up.(1)A . days B . weeks C . months D . years (2)A . mouth B . nose C . eyes D . face (3)A . am B . is C . comes D . coming (4)A . in B . on C . for D . with (5)A . She B . Her C . He D . His (6)A . do B . did C . does D . doing (7)A . like B . love C . enjoy D . loves (8)A . lot B . lots C . a lots D . lot a (9)A . good B . better C . best D . well (10)A . gets B . puts C . rings D . grows 三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共86分)12. (8分)阅读下面短文, 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。One evening as I was leaving the store, I noticed a man with a very old sleeping bag going through the garbage can nearby. He pulled out fast food trash bags and inspected all that was in the thrown away bags, but he never stopped anyone to beg for money or anything else as they entered or left my store. After he went through the entire trash can, he carefully cleaned up the area and wrapped up the food he found in the dirty hamburger wrapper. My heart literally hurt for him.I decided to help him. I got out of my car and asked him if I could buy him something to eat. He thanked and, followed me to the fast food place around the block. I bought him the biggest meal they had on the menu. He didnt ask for anything and the only request was a big glass of hot sweet tea to go with his meal. When I brought him the food, he was so thankful. He told me how much he appreciated the meal.I wanted to give him some money. He shook his head. I asked him if I could buy a few meals and put it on a gift card for him. He agreed.As I handed him the gift card, he broke down crying. He told me that he prayed for me today. I wasnt sure what he meant (I was guessing he was praying for me for what I did for him )so I thanked him.NO, I prayed that God would send someone to buy me a hot meal todayand be sent you! Tears traced down his checks.I didnt know what to sayI always pray over my food, but Ive never prayed for a meal. Ive never doubted that I wouldnt be able to eatTears began to fill my eyes. Oh myhow blessed am IMaybe God used me to answer this mans prayer.Everybody has a story though I didnt know his, but I had done what God wanted me to. God put him in my pathI knew he did. I took him to my office.(1)The man that writer saw outside his store was possibly a .A . beggarB . homeless manC . street cleanerD . hamburger lover(2)Why did the man break down crying when he got the gift card?A . He had finally talked to God.B . He could have a new sleeping bagC . He finally got what be needed.D . He wanted to have some hot meals(3)According to the passage, what kind of person was the man?A . A polite, careful person with few words.B . A lonely, serious person with a trash bagC . A nice, lonely person with a sleeping bugD . A friendly, careful person with little money(4)What did the writer most probably do in his office?A . He gave the man some moneyB . He gave the man another big hot mealC . He asked the man to pray for himD . He invited the man to work in his store.13. (10分)Dave Smith is 12. He has a sister .Her name is Jenny .She is 8.Dave has a dictionary .It is blue .The dictionary is in his black backpack .He has a computer game and he likes it .Jenny has a watch .It is red .She likes it very much. She has a good pencil case ,too .Its white . Her pencil ,ruler ,eraser and pen are in the pencil case. Her pencil case is in her yellow backpack.(1)Whats Jennys family name?A . WhiteB . BlackC . SmithD . Brown(2)What color is Daves dictionary?A . Its blue.B . Its black.C . Its red.D . Its white.(3)_ things are in Jennys pencil case.A . OneB . TwoC . ThreeD . Four(4)What color is Jennys backpack?A . Its blackB . Its redC . Its greenD . Its yellow(5)下面哪项陈述是正确的?A . Dave is 8B . Jenny has a computer gameC . Daves backpack is blackD . Jenny has a sister14. (50分) The first telephone cards, produced in 1976, were Italian. Five years later the first British card appeared, and now you can buy cards in more than a hundred countries. People usually start collecting cards because they are small and light and you do not need much space for them. It is also a cheap hobby for beginners, although for some people it becomes a serious business. In Paris, for example, there is a market where you can only buy telephone cards, and some cards cost up to 4,000.The first Japanese card has a value of about 28,000. Most people only see cards with prices like these in their collectors magazine.(1)When were the first Italian telephone cards produced?(2)When were the first Italian telephone cards produced?(3)How many countries can produce telephone cards now?(4)How many countries can produce telephone cards now?(5)Where can we find a market to buy telephone cards?(6)Where can we find a market to buy telephone cards?(7)What is the price of the first Japanese telephone card?(8)What is the price of the first Japanese telephone card?(9)In which magazine do most people see cards with prices?(10)In which magazine do most people see cards with prices?15. (8分)阅读理解 Li Ming is a 17-year-old boy in China. He studies in a high school in Hainan. There are 40 boy students and 20 girl students in his class. Yesterday he did a survey about what the students in his class want to be when they grow up. Here is the result. What the boys like doing most is to become engineers and the second largest group like being doctors. That is, 30 percent of the boys want to be engineers and 25 percent want to be doctors. 20 percent of the boys want to be computer programmers and another 20 percent want to be actors. Only 5 percent of the boys want to be teachers. What the girls like doing most is to become teachers and the second largest group like being engineers. That is, 40 percent of the girls want to be teachers and 25 percent want to be engineers. 15 percent of the girls want to be doctors and another 15 percent want to be pilots. Only 5 percent of the girls want to be basketball players.(1)Li Ming is a Chinese_. A . teacherB . studentC . pianistD . scientist(2)How many boys in Li Mings class want to be engineers? A . FourB . NineC . TwelveD . Eighteen(3)Eight boys in Li Mings class want to be _ when they grow up. A . actorsB . doctorsC . pilotsD . bus driver(4)How many students in Li Mings class want to be teachers? A . TwoB . SixC . EightD . Ten16. (10分)阅读理解Americans love cars. They go everywhere in them. 85% of people in the US go to and form work by car. And most adults have driving licenses. Why does this car culture exist?How it startedAmericas love of cars started after the war when soldiers returned home from World War to rebuild their lives. They borrowed money from the government to buy houses and cars which became the symbols of status(地位). The more money they had, the bigger their cars were.Making of roadsDuring the war, President Eisenhower noticed what good roads Germany had. He decided to build new four-lane(四车道)roads in America. He said is something happened suddenly, the two-lane roads wouldnt be able to carry all the cars that would suddenly leave the cities. Car and oil companies liked his idea and building started.Car loversNot just teenagers are crazy about cars. Some Americans love their cars so much that they paint their cars beautifully. These are called Art Cars. Every April there is an activity in Houston, Texas, where they show their cars.PollutionCars have polluted the environment. American President Bush refused a worldwide law that is against pollution. Many countries were angry about it. Bush said he had to think of the American economy(经济)and all the American people that make money from cars. Factories say they want to make cars that pollute less. But others say making cars that pollute less will never be as good as having fewer cars.(1)When did Americans begin to love cars?A . Before the new two-lane roads were builtB . After World War.C . During World War .D . Before World War(2)New four-lane roads were built _. A . in GermanyB . by car and oil companiesC . in AmericaD . when something suddenly happened(3)The underlined word “building” here means “the building of_”. A . companiesB . soldiers livesC . housesD . roads(4)What were other countries feeling about Bushs decision? A . They agree with him.B . They showed anger to it.C . They paid no attention to it.D . The passage doesnt tell us.(5)The meaning of the last sentence is: “_”.A . Its better to have fewer cars.B . Its better to make cars that pollute less.C . Its easier to make cars that pollute less.D . Its easier to make people have fewer cars.四、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共1题;共4分)17. (4分)阅读短文,并根据所读内容在文后表格的空格中填入最恰当的单词,每空一词。 A good book can help you learn more things than you can learn in class. If you want to get into a good reading habit, here are a few ways.Plan your timeYou should give yourself at least thirty minutes for reading every day. When time is set, nothing can change it.Always carry a bookWherever you go, take a book with you. When you leave the house, make sure that you always carry a good book as well as your school things.Find a quiet placeFind a place in your home where you can read a book quietly and no one will trouble you. There should be no television, computer, music or even noisy family members around you.Some ways to have a good reading _.Plan your timeYou should read for at least _an hour every day.Always take a bookMake sure a book always stays with you _you go.Find a quiet placeFind a place _television, computer, music or even noisy family members around you.五、 阅读短文,翻译划线句子 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)No matter how hard your situation is, you had better not give up. 六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)现在有许多新的购物方式,网上购物是其中的一种。越来越多的人熟悉和喜欢网购,但是网购利有弊。请根据下面提供的信息,以“Online shopping”为题写篇短文,描述网购的优点和缺点,并谈谈自己的看法。 优点:1)可以在任何时间购物;2)只需要一台电脑和鼠标;3)方便比较同类产品的价格,可以省钱;4)无论何时何地都可以收到所购物品缺点:1)网上付款有时不安全;2)看不到实物,也不能试穿衣服注意:1)不得在作文中出现真实的学校名称和姓名;2)语句连贯,表达准确,词数80100。Online shoppingThere are many new ways of shopping, and online shopping is one of them. One day no one will go to the shops any more, because youll be able to buy almost everything on the Internet.第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共86分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、14-6、14-7、14-8、14-9、14-10、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、四、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共1题;共4分)17-1、五、 阅读短文,翻译划线句子 (共1题;共5分)18-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)19-1、

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