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户口本Lot No.: *Type of HouseholdNon Agricultural ResidenceName of Householder*Residence Number*Address*Certified Seal of Guangdong Province Public Security Bureau For Hukou certificate onlyCertified Seal of Household Registration Office* Local Police Station Guangzhou Public Security BureauSeal of Registrar:*eIssuing Date: *,*Register of Residence ChangeNew AddressDate of registration updateRegistrarRegistration card for permanent residenceName *Householder or Relation with the householder Householder herselfFormer name (if available) Sex FemalePlace of birth *District, GuangzhouEthnicity HanAncestral native place *,GuangdongDate of birth *Other residential address in this city (county) Religious belief Citizen ID card number 4*Stature * cm Blood group Educational degree Marital status Married Military service status Employer Occupation When and from where immigrated to this city (county) Registered on *, *When and from where moved in current residential address Seal of Registrar: * Date of register: *Registration card for permanent residenceName *Householder or Relation with the householder SonFormer name (if available) Sex MalePlace of birth *District, GuangzhouEthnicity HanAncestral native place GuangzhouDate of birth *Other residential address in this city (county) Religious belief Citizen ID card number Stature Blood group Educational degree Marital status Military service status Employer Occupation When and from where immigrated to this city (county) *District, Guangzhou When and from where moved in current residential address Seal of Registrar: *Date of register: *Updates of Members InformationNameUpdated item Updated content Date of Update Seal of Registrar

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