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高二上学期英语语法总结Grammar focus语法重点1The simple passive form of the infinitives不定式被动态的一般形式的内涵及用法。2Four functions of the infinitives used as subject,attribute,object and adverbial用作主语、定语、宾语和状语的不定式的四种功能的用法。本单元的语法项目是不定式的被动式,具体讲解如下:当不定式的逻辑主语是不定式所表示动作的承受者时,不定式一般用被动形式。不定式被动形式在句中可作主语、表语、状语、补语等。如:To be obeyed was natural to her她生性让别人听命于她。(作主语)The problem remained to be solved这个问题还有待解决。(作表语)It needs not to be said that they are very happy together不必说他们在一起非常幸福。(作宾语)There were plans to be made at once要立即制定计划。(作定语)He has returned only to be sent away again他回来以后又被打发走了。(作状语)The captain ordered the flag to be hoisted船长命令升旗。(作宾语补足语)The book is intended to be read and not to be torn这书是供人阅读的而不是供人撕毁的。(作主语补足语)在某些句子中,不定式虽表被动,但仍用主动形式。如:What is to pay?要付多少钱?The reason is not far to seek道理很浅显。He gave me some books to read他给了我一些书读。We found the report easy to understand我们发现这些报告很容易懂。 不定式作主语、定语、宾语和状语的功能和用法讲解如下:由于不定式有名词、形容词和副词的特点,所以它在句中可做主语、表语、宾语、定语、同位语、状语、补语等。但由于时间关系,今天我只把不定式作主语、定语、宾语和状语的用法讲解一下。1)作主语。如:To see is to believe眼见为实。To serve the people is our duty为人民服务是我们的职责。在日常英语中,常用it作为语法上的主语,即形式主语,而将真正的主语放在后面。It is our duty to serve the people为人民服务是我们的职责。2)作宾语。如:I couldnt afford to buy a new car我买不起汽车。Have you decided to marry him?你决定嫁给他吗?有些动词常常跟不定式作宾语,它们是:want,wish,hate,prefer,hope,continue,manage,try,ask,offer,start,forget,remember,begin,decide,agree,choose,learn,pretend,promise,mean,expect,desire等。另外,在一些复合宾语中,常用it代表不定式作为形式宾语,而将真正的宾语不定式放在后面。如:I thought it right to do this test我认为做这项实验是对的。3)作定语。通常都置于被修饰名词或代词之后。如:This is the best way to solve this problem这是解决这个问题的最好办法。I have a lot of work to do我有许多工作要做。如果不定式和它所修饰的词有逻辑上的动宾关系,且这个不定式是不及物动词,则它后面需有必要的介词。如:He is a good comrade to work with他是一个很好共事的同志。There is nothing to think about没什么值得考虑的。4)作状语,表示目的、结果、原因等。如:He went home to see his parents他回家看望父母。(表目的)I turned the radio down so as not to disturb you我把收音机音量调小,以免打扰你。(表目的)The problem is too hard to understand这问题太难了,理解不了。(表结果)What have I done to make you unhappy?我做了什么事使你不高兴?(表结果)Im glad to hear the news听了这消息,我很高兴。(表原因)I was surprised to see him there我真想不到会在那里见到他。(表原因)Grammar focus语法重点The past participle used as attribute and predicative用作定语和表语的过去分词 本单元的语法项目是过去分词作定语、表语。它们的用法讲解如下:1)过去分词作定语。如果是及物动词的过去分词作定语,过去分词与被修饰词有逻辑上的被动关系,且表完成的状态;如果是不及物动词的过去分词作定语,过去分词与被修饰词在逻辑上没有主被动关系之说,所以不及物动词的过去分词只表完成的状态。但有些表示思想感情的过去分词如astonished,disappointed,excited,frightened,interested,pleased,surprised,tired,worried等既不表主动,又不表完成。此外,作定语的过去分词如果是单词,一般放在被修饰词的前面;作定语的过去分词如果是动词短语,一般放在被修饰词的后面。如:We need more qualified teachers我们需要更多的合格老师。He stepped carelessly on some broken glass他不小心踩到了碎玻璃上了。The letter written by my brother is on the desk我兄弟写的信在桌子上。The TV set made in China are good quality中国制造的电视机质量很好。You can drink boiled water,not boiling water你可以喝白开水,但不可以喝沸腾的水。From his disappointed look,I knew he didnt pass the examination从他的失望表情看,我知道他没通过考试。2)作表语,过去分词作表语,多表示主语的状态。如:This machine part is broken这个机器零件坏了。He looked very excited他看起来很激动。有些过去分词实际上已被看成形容词了,常见的有:delighted,disappointed,discouraged,drunk,amused,astonished,hurt,interested,crowded,tired,satisfied,pleased,surprised,worried,excited,married,puzzled,upset等。Grammar focus语法重点The Past Participle used as Object Complement用作宾补的过去分词本单元的语法项目是过去分词作宾补,你能把它的用法讲解一下吗?师:过去分词作宾补,与前面的宾语有逻辑上的被动关系且表动作的完成。1)作表感觉或心理状态的动词的宾补,它们是:see,hear,watch,feel,find,think等We hear the music played by the band我们听了乐队演奏这首乐曲。I found her greatly changed我发现她变化很大。Everybody thought the battle lost人人都认为这场战役输掉了。2)作使役动词的宾补,它们是:make,keep,leave,have,get,help等When you speak,you have to make yourself understood说话时要让人听懂。Please keep us informed of the latest development请随时向我们通报事态的最新发展。I must get my bike repaired我必须请人修自行车。3)作表希望或要求的动词的宾补,它们是:want,like,wish,prefer,need,declare,report,order,acknowledge等。这种用法与不定式的被动形式作宾补基本相同。I dont want any of you(to be)involved in the scandal我不要你们任何人牵涉到丑闻中去。The viewers wish the serial film(to be)continued观众们希望这部系列片继续下去。She needs the work(to be)done before tomorrow他要此项工程明天以前完成。Grammar focus语法重点The Past Participle used as Adverbial用作状语的过去分词本单元课文中出现了许多过去分词作状语的句子,您能把这一语法现象讲解一下吗?师:无论过去分词作状语还是现在分词作状语,分词的逻辑主语都要和主句的主语一致。过去分词与主句的主语应是被动关系。过去分词作状语,表示时间、原因、让步或伴随等,这种过去分词通常相当于状语从句。下面我将举例说明。1)表时间(When the metal is)Heated,the metal expands加热后,这种金属会膨胀。(The couple took good care of the baby while(the couple was)occupied by their work这对夫妇一边工作,一边很好地照顾这个婴儿。像第二句那样当强调实践概念时,过去分词之前可用连词when,while。2)表原因(As he was)Greatly surprised,he couldnt say a word他大吃一惊,一时说不出话来。(Because she was)Scolded by the teacher,the girl felt unfair那姑娘因受老师责备,而愤愤不平。3)表让步Even if(I were)invited,I wouldnt go即使受邀请,我也不愿去。Though(they were)defeated again and again,they went on fighting尽管一再遭受挫败,他们仍然继续战斗。4)表伴随He stared at me(he was)astonished他两眼瞪着我,惊恐万状。Einstein walked along the street,(he was)lost in thought爱因斯坦漫步街头,沉浸在思索中。Grammar focus语法重点Noun Clauses introduced by relating pronoun“that”由关系代词“that”引导的名词性从句本单元的语法项目是关联词“that”引导的名词性从句,你能把它的内涵及用法讲解一下吗?that引导名词性从句时,本身没有什么意思,它只起一个连接作用。that引导主语从句时,一般不可省略,且可把that所引导的主语从句放在后面,前面用it代替that从句;当然,当主句用了被动语态或是一般疑问句时多用it作形式主语;如主句是感叹句时,必须用it作形式主语,把that从句放在后面。引导及物动词的宾语从句时,在不引起歧义的情况下,that可以省略;that很少引导介词的宾语从句(中学阶段常见的能引导that从句的介词有:except、but、in等),如介词引导that从句作宾语,常常在其后加it,在加that从句作宾语。that从句作表语从句,一般不可省略。that从句作同位语从句,一般不可省略。请看下列例句:That we shall be late is certain=It is certain that we shall be late我们要晚了,这是确定无疑的。It is said that hes got married听说他结婚了。How strange it is that the children are so quiet!真奇怪孩子们如此安静。He told me(that)he would come to Guan the next day他告诉我第二天他来固安。He did come here in that he had another thing to do他没来是因为他有其他事要做。You can depend on it that he is a millionaire你就放心吧,他是百万富翁。The fact is that he doesnt understand English at all事实上他根本不懂英语。I know the fact that the doesnt understand English at all我知道他根本不懂英语(那个事实)。如何区别 where 引导的定语从句与状语从句 1where 引导定语从句时,where 是关系副词,在从句中作地点状语,其前面有表示地点的先行词,where 引导的从句修饰先行词。例如: The bookshop where I bought this book is not far from here 我买这本书的那个书店离这里不远。 This is the house where I lived two years ago 这就是我两年前住的那所房子。 We will start at the point where we left off 我们将从上次停下来的地方开始。 2where 引导状语从句时,where 是从属连词,where 引导的从句修饰主句的谓语动词,where 前面没有表示地点的先行词。例如: Wuhan lies where the Changjiang River and the Han Jiang River meet 武汉位于长江和汉江的汇合处。 Mark a mark where you have any doubts or questions在有疑问的地方做一个记号。 I found my books where I had left them我在我原来放书的地方找到了我的书。 有时,where 引导的地点状语从句兼有抽象条件含义,可放在主句的前面,而 where 引导的定语从句则不能。例如: Where there is a will,there is a way(谚语)有志者事竟成。 Where there is water,there is life有水的地方就有生命。 3在有些情况下,where 引导的定语从句可转换为 where 引导的地点状语从句。例如: A tall building was put up at the place where there used to be a desert( = A tall building was put up where there used to be a desert)在以前曾是沙漠的地方盖起了一幢高楼。 Bamboo grows best in places where it is warm and where it rains often( = Bamboo grows best where it is warm and where it rains often温暖而多雨的地方最适合于竹子生长。Grammar focus语法重点Noun Clauses Introduced by Question Words由疑问词引导的名词性从句讲解由疑问词引导的名词性从句多作主语从句、宾语从句或表语从句,偶尔也作同位语从句。在作上述从句时,其句型结构应该采用以下两种:1疑问词 + 主语 + 谓语动词 + 其他2本身是主语的疑问词 + 谓语动词 + 其他不管采用哪种句型,其词序总是正装的,即主语必须置于谓语动词前面。例句1)What you need is more practice(主语从句)2)What is hard is to do good all ones life and never do anything bad(主语从句)3)I cant imagine when we will be able to travel in space(动词宾语从句)4)This reminded me of what he had once told us(介词宾语从句)5)The problem is whether robots will be smarter than humans(表语从句)6)Scientists have not found answers to the question why there is no life on Mars(同位语从句)Grammar focus语法重点虚拟语气语气是一种动词形式,表示说话人对某一行为或事情的看法和态度。英语中共有三种语气:陈述语气、祈使语气、虚拟语气。本单元所讲的是虚拟语气。虚拟语气是一种特殊的动词形式,用来表示说话人所说的话不是一个事实,而只是一种愿望、假设、怀疑、建议、猜测、可能或纯粹的空想等。本单元要学习关于虚拟语气的以下三个用法:1虚拟语气在一般现在时的条件句和主句中的谓语动词的形式如下:从 句 主 句过去式(be用were) would + 动词原形例句1)If I knew German,I would read Das Capital in the original要是我懂德文,我就读资本论的原文。2)If he were here now,everything would be all right要是他现在在这儿,一切就都没问题了。3)How nice it would be if I could stay a bit longer!2虚拟语气在wish后的宾语从句中的应用。如果该宾语从句表示一般现在时,其动词一律用其过去式形式,be用were;如果该从句表示一般过去时,其动词形式要用:had + 过去分词;如果该从句表示现在进行时,其动词形式要用werewas + 现在分词;如果该从句表示一般将来时,其动词形式要用:wouldcould + 动词原形。例句1)I wish I werewas as strong as you2)I wish I remembered his phone number3)I wish I had not forgotten his address the other day4)How I wish it werentwasnt raining now!5)I wish he would try again3虚拟语气在含有as if引导的从句中的动词形式与wish后的宾语从句中的动词形式相同。1)He acts as if he werewas an expert2)It seems as if it werewas spring3)They are talking as if they had been friends for yearsGrammar focus语法重点Subjunctive Mood in the Past Tense and the Future Tense一般过去时与一般将来时中的虚拟语气 表示过去情况的虚拟条件句的主句与从句中谓语动词的主要形式如下:从 句 主 句had + 过去分词 would have + 过去分词例句1If we had left a little earlier,we would have caught the train2If I hadnt taken your advice,I would have made a bad mistake3You wouldnt have caught cold if you had put on more clothes 表示将来情况的虚拟条件句的主句与从句中的谓语动词的主要形式如下:从 句 主 句were toshould + 动词原形 would + 动词原形例句1If I were to study at Harvard University next year,I would major in biology2If he were toshould travel on Mars in the future,he would drive a space wagon all over it注:在虚拟条件中,有时可以把表示假设的从属连词if省掉不用,在此语境中,就把从句中的助动词had,should或were移至其主语前,如:1Had we made enough preparations,we might have succeeded in doing the experiment2Were they to act like that again,we wouldshould criticize them severely3Should we fail again next time,we wouldnt lose courageGrammar focus语法重点Inversion 倒装主语与谓语有两种顺序:一是主语在前,这和汉语是一致的,称为自然语序或正装语序。反之,如果谓语的全部或一部分置于主语之前,就是倒装语序。产出倒装语序主要有两个原因:语法结构的要求;第二种则是修辞上措辞和安排的需要。下面就是按两种要求讲授本单元有关倒装语序的知识。1主谓倒装A)凡表方位、方向或时间的副词或介词词组处于句首时往往引起主谓倒装。如:1)There exist different opinions on this question关于这个问题存在着不同的意见。2)Here comes the old lady那位老太太来了。3)Then came the hour we had been looking forward to我们期待的时刻到来了。4)Up went the arrow into the air飕的一声箭射上了天空。5)Now comes your turn现在轮到你了。6)Through the air hurtled a jet-plane呼地一声在天空中飞过一架喷气式飞机。B)否定词置于句首,引起部分倒装(助动词或情态动词移至主语前),如:1)Never before has our country been so prosperous我们的国家从来没有这样繁荣昌盛。2)Hardly did I think it possible我几乎认为这是不可能的。3)On no account should we follow blindly我们决不应盲从。C)“only + 状语”置于句首引起部分倒装,如:1)Only after a bitter struggle was the aim achieved只有在艰苦斗争之后这一目标才得以实现。2)Only in this way can we hope to improve the situation there只有用这种方式我们才有可能改善那里的局势。D)省略了if的虚拟条件句中要用部分倒装,如:1)Should anyone phone me,tell him to call me again in two hours time万一有人给我打电话,叫他两小时以后再给我打。2)Had I been informed earlier,I might not have bought the air ticket要是早点通知我,我就可能不买那机票了。2表语倒装当表语置于句首,其系动词也就随之移至主语前形成完全倒装,如:1)Near the southern end of the village was a large apple orchard靠近村子南头是一个很大的苹果园。2)Among its exhibits are computers and mobile phones made in China在展品中有中国制造的电脑和手机。3)Their grandparents are very warm-hearted,as are their parents他们的祖父母是非常热心的人,他们的父母也一样。Grammar focus语法重点Ellipsis省略在有些英语句子中,某些成分被省略掉了,这样的句子称为省略句(Elliptical Sentences)。一般说来在上下文已经交待清楚的情况下,可以省略那些已经提到的或不言而喻的部分。省略是避免重复、突出重要内容和使上下文紧密连接的一种语言手段。省略可出现于简单句、并列复合句和主从复合句中。一、常被省略的部分1省略主语Beg your pardon?请再说一遍。(省略I)2省略谓语或谓语的一部分He is a doctor and his wife a teacher他是医生,他妻子是老师。(省略is)I will do the best I can我将尽力而为。(省略do)3省略表语表语的省略指的是:在主系表句子中,回答其问句时省略表语。这种省略已成固定格式,如果不省略反而不成句子习惯。There be句型的回答以及其反意问句的后半部分也要用省略式。Are you hungry?你饿吗?Yes,I am(hungry)我饿。4省略宾语This is the book(that)youre looking for5主语和谓语(系动词)一起省略What would you like to eat?你要吃什么?(I would like)Rice and meat米饭和肉。6在if,when,though,as if等引导的从句中,如果其谓语动词是be,可将主语一起省略。Dont speak while(you are)eating吃饭时别说话。7一般疑问句的省略回答中动词只用系动词、情态动词、助动词Can you swim?Yes,I canNo,I cant8只保留一个主要句子成分,其余全部省略。What did you get?A book(保留宾语)Wait!(保留谓语)9the reason why,the time when等限定性定语从句中可省略关系副词。This is the place(where)we came last month这就是我们上个月来过的地方。That was the reason(why)he had not arrived on time这就是他没按时到达的原因。


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