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冀教版2019-2020学年度上学期七年级英语科期中检测题(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 字母和单词辨音. (共1题;共4分)1. (4分)从选项中选出符合单词读音的音标。_addressA. dres B. dres C. drs_encourageA. enkrd B. nkrd C.nkrd_bottomA. btm B. btm C.btm_gasA.ges B. geis C.gs二、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)2. (2分)It was brave of the policemen to get over all the difficulties in that case .Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence? A . keisB . ka:sC . ksD . ks3. (2分)中国中央电视台的缩写是 A . NBAB . UFOC . CCTVD . kg4. (2分)Chongqing is _ lively city with many places to have fun.A . anB . aC . theD . /5. (2分) What are _ in English? They are eggs.A . theseB . thatC . itD . this6. (2分)Did Linda and Mike make the model plane on _own?Yes, we are so proud of them.A . herB . hisC . theirD . our7. (2分)“NBA”代表_。 A . 千克B . 停车场C . (美国)全国篮球协会D . 世界贸易组织8. (2分)This is Class 4, and its classroom. A . Jenny and MaryB . Jennys and MaryC . Jenny and MarysD . Jennys and Marys9. (2分)Dont worry, AliceTwenty minutes long enough for you to get to the train station A . areB . isC . wereD . was10. (2分)Mum, I play football this afternoon? Sure, but you finish your homework first.A . may; couldB . can; mustC . can; mustntD . may; cant11. (2分)_ is the weather in New York?Its very cold, because it just snowed yesterday.A . HowB . WhatC . WhereD . Why12. (2分)Is there _ beef in the fridge? No,there isnt. There is _ pork.A . some;anyB . any;anyC . some;someD . any;some13. (2分)I _ a great sports collection _ I dont play sports.A . have; andB . have; butC . has; andD . has; but14. (2分)He eats _ fast food, so he is _ fat. A . much too; too muchB . too much; much tooC . much too; the manyD . too much; too many15. (2分)Sunny Cinema is the best movie theater in this city, because you can buy the tickets here the most _.You are right. The prices in other cinemas are much higher.A . cheaplyB . quicklyC . carefully16. (2分)What a beautiful skirt!_A . All right.B . Youre right.C . Dont say so.D . Thank you.三、 情景交际。 (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)补全对话。选择方框内合适的句子完成对话。A: Hi, May. What do you think of Mr. Cools Clothes Store?B: _. Therere lots of nice clothes in it. Lets go to the store to buy skirts after school.A: _. How far is it from our school?B: _.A: How do we get there?B: _.A: Sorry, my bike is not at school.B: _.A: Great! See you at the bus stop.B: See you.A. By bike.B. That sounds great.C. How long does it take?D. Then lets take the bus there.E. I like it.F. Where is your bike?G. About six kilometers.四、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共18分)18. (8分)阅读理解 There would be a school party on Friday evening. The girls were talking about what they were going to wear. Im going to wear a black dress, so everybody will notice(注意)me, said Emily. How about you, Linda? Im not sure. Maybe jeans(牛仔裤), an old shirt, and a hat. People will notice me more than you said Linda. But what are the boys going to do in the party? asked Jane. Do you remember the last school party last year? They just stood there, and we girls had to dance by ourselves!I hear that some of the boys learned how to dance this summer holiday. Maybe itll be better this time, said Mary.The party was held on Friday evening. Groups of students arrived. The music began. The girls stood in a line on one side, and the boys stood on another side. Mr Green, their teacher, tried to get them together, but failed. After a while, Tim said, I dont want to stand here the whole time. The party is only for two hours. Itll be over soon. He started to dance. All the others watched him. Then David asked Emily if she wanted to dance. Then Jack and Linda. Then, all began to dance. Soon there were more dancers than watchers. (1)How long would the party last? A . On Friday evening.B . For one hour.C . For two hours.D . For three hours.(2)What kind of clothes was Emily going to wear? A . A black dress.B . Jeans.C . An old shirt.D . Jeans, an old shirt and a hat.(3)How did Emily and Linda dance in the school last year? A . They danced by themselves.B . They danced with the boys.C . They didnt dance.D . They danced with their teachers.(4)How did the boys spend the summer holiday according to the passage? A . They went swimming.B . They learned to dance.C . They watched TV.D . They went climbing.19. (10分)根据表格内容,选择正确最佳答案。Driver WantedDrive for busy restaurant some evening and weekend workAll meals are freeRing 33335678House for Sale150, 000, built in 1995The house with 3 bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room, a kitchen and a breakfast room. Its on the south side of the cityYingbin Supermarket, the biggest shopping centre in our city will open on July 8, 2005. Everybody with todays Tianjin Daily will get a small present that day. You are welcome.Tel: 27984321Add: No. 6 Huanghe Road Tianjin Daily June 1, 2005Roses Special ConcertTime: 2 p. m. , July 3, SaturdayPlace: Peoples StadiumTicket Price:RMB: 150 yuan for adults;70 yuan for studentsJune 25, 2005(1)If you work as a driver in the restaurant, you may _.A . never pay for mealsB . pay a little for mealsC . work on weekendsD . work in the afternoon(2)If you buy the house, you _.A . may pay more than 150, 000 for itB . must have breakfast in the kitchenC . have to take a bath in the public bathroomD . may live on the south side of the city(3)Any customer with a Tianjin Daily of June 1, 2005 will get a small present from _.A . every supermarketB . Huanghe RoadC . Tianjin DailyD . Yingbin Supermarket(4)Yingbin SupermarketA . July 1, 2005.B . June 8, 2005C . July 3, 2005.D . June 25, 2005.(5)If two adults and two students want to go to the concert, the tickets will cost RMB _.A . 220 yuanB . 440 yuanC . 270 yuanD . 370 yuan五、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)20. (15分) One day, my English teacher asked me to help her save back-up(备份) copies of her work in the computer. I then realized I was able to know the grades of all of her students. I 1her how to copy files(文件) from one disk to another and she thanked me.A few days later, she asked me to help her again, because she 2how to do it. When I showed it to her, some students in my class 3and began to talk among themselves 4.Later that day, at lunch time, several of them came up to me.“Hey, could you help us change our grades? Well 5for it.”I could not believe what I heard. I could get paid for something very 6. “All right. Ill do it.” The next day, my English teacher 7me to help him out again. When he was not paying 8, I changed their grades from Fs to As.I soon became very 9among my friends. They began to treat me like God who could do 10. Word spread quickly and I became very rich.Everything was going fine 11I was called into the headmasters office. When I got there, both of my teacher and the headmaster were very angry. “ I dont want to 12what your teacher said, but I have to. She has too much evidence(证据), the headmaster said. “Do you have anything to say for yourself?”“No,” I said finally. I didnt realize how 13my behavior had been. I had disappointed my teacher and the headmaster. And there was no way 14. I had to leave my school. That was a good 15for me.(1)A . said B . urged C . urged D . showed (2)A . lost B . remembered C . reminded D . forgot (3)A . listened B . noticed C . noticed D . checked (4)A . quietly B . luckily C . luckily D . angrily (5)A . pay B . praise C . praise D . explain (6)A . familiar B . easy C . interesting D . pleasant (7)A . challenged B . allowed C . taught D . asked (8)A . money B . work C . attention D . interest (9)A . common B . popular C . popular D . dishonest (10)A . something B . dishonest C . dishonest D . some things (11)A . until B . since C . because D . after (12)A . believe B . reply C . hate D . influence (13)A . hard B . interesting C . serious D . important (14)A . up B . in C . back D . down (15)A . skill B . lesson C . story D . example 六、 词汇运用 (共2题;共6分)21. (1分)People who are kind and warm-hearted may make it a lot e_ to get along in a new place.22. (5分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每个单词限用一次。rule shop visit music still(1)After eating lunch, they want to _ in the supermarket.(2)My parents are _ my grandparents now.(3)Lets make five _ for our dream school.(4)Come and be a _ in our school music festival.(5)I _ miss the friends at my old school.七、 句型转换 (共1题;共2分)23. (2分)Lets play soccer this afternoon. (改为同义句)_playing soccer this afternoon?八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)24. (5分)最近,部分学校开设了一些特色课(special classes),诸如烹饪课、手工制作课以及传统戏曲课等。你所在学校的校园网就开设此类课程的必要性广泛征求同学们的意见。以下是你们班同学的观点和理由,请就此并结合你自己的想法用英语写一篇短文,发表在校园网的英语论坛上。OpinionsReasonsNecessarydevelop interests, improve life skills,Unnecessarya waste of time, not helpful for lessons,Your opinion and reasons要求:必须涵盖以上要点,并适当发挥;文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息;词数:约110词(开头已给出,不计入总词数)Recently some schools offer their students some special classes, such as cooking classes, handicraft classes, traditional opera classes and son on.第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 字母和单词辨音. (共1题;共4分)1-1、二、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、三、 情景交际。 (共1题;共5分)17-1、四、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共18分)18-1、答案:略18-2、答案:略18-3、答案:略18-4、答案:略19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、五、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)20-1、六、 词汇运用 (共2题;共6分)21-1、22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、七、 句型转换 (共1题;共2分)23-1、八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)24-1、

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