2019五年级英语上册 Unit 1 We have new friends(Lesson 3)教学课件 人教精通版.ppt

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2019五年级英语上册 Unit 1 We have new friends(Lesson 3)教学课件 人教精通版.ppt_第1页
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2019五年级英语上册 Unit 1 We have new friends(Lesson 3)教学课件 人教精通版.ppt_第2页
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2019五年级英语上册 Unit 1 We have new friends(Lesson 3)教学课件 人教精通版.ppt_第3页
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Unit1Wehavenewfriends Lesson3 Let ssing Review Australia Lookandsay Britain NewZealand Review Lead in Quickanswer Whereareyoufrom Whoarethey Whataretheydoing Presentation Look listenandsay Perry ZhouPei Pat They rehavingaTVMusicTalk China France Germany ZhouPei Pat Perry Presentation Listenandcheck Wheredotheycomefrom Wherearetheyfrom Presentation Lookandsay France PatcomesfromFrance isfrom Presentation Lookandsay Germany PerrycomesfromGermany isfrom Presentation Listenandanswer 1 Whatdotheylike 2 WhatdoesPatsay Ilikebothsinginganddancing Theyalllikesinging Presentation ZhouPei Hello MynameisZhouPei I mfromChina Whereareyoufrom Pat I mfromFrance Thisismynewfriend Perry ZhouPei Hi Perry Wheredoyoucomefrom Pat IcomefromGermany Justtalk Presentation ZhouPei Doyoulikesinging Perry Yes Ido ZhouPei Ilikesinging too Howaboutyou Pat Pat Ilikebothsinginganddancing ZhouPei Great Let ssingasongtogether Pat OK Let ssing Justtalk Readitbygroupsforoneminute 小组读对话一分钟 10 20 30 一分钟倒计时 50 40 60 30 20 10 Practice Showtime 小组合作 练习对话并表演 其他同学评价 Practice OK Great Super Practice Wheredoyoucomefrom Icomefrom What syourname Mynameis I m Whatdoyoulike Ilike Pairwork Practice Doasurvey 活动1 Name Country Age Hobby Groupwork Practice 名人采访秀 活动2 Consolidation Mynameis I m Let ssay Name Country Hobby Icomefrom I mfrom Ilike 如何询问和回答某人来自哪个国家 1 Wheredoyoucomefrom Icomefrom 2 Whereareyoufrom I mfrom Summary

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