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2014-2015学年度第一学期寒假作业答案英语(一)单项选择专项1-5 BCBBC 6-10 BCDAA 11-15 CDBCB 16-20 ABBCC 21-25 AACDA 26-30 AADBA31-35 AACCA 36-40 DCACC 41-45 ABAAC 46-50 BDADA 51-55 CCABA56-60 DCCCD 61-65 CDBCC 66-70 BBCDB 71-75 ACBDA 76-80 A A/D CAD81-85 DDABA 86-90 ABBCD英语(二)词汇专项1.true 2.secret 3.the tallest 4.interesting 5.worse 6.us 7.winner 8.herself 9.going10.the most beautiful 11.took 12.caught 13.will try 14.travelled 15.will have16.are playing 17.to save 18.to keep 19.happened fell 20.was playing 21.to be 22. telling 23.took 24.laugh 25.making 26.have , not eat 27. do 28. doesnt rain 29. says30.telling 31.laugh 32.to eat 33.didnt feel 34.comes35. will leave 36. rains 37. swimming38. not climb 39. are playing 40. humour 41. friendly 42. less 43. the best 44. heavier45.the most beautiful46.thinner47.singer 48.careless 49.helpful 50.buildings 51.interesting;interested52.goldfish53.mice54.slowly 55.worried 56.matches 57.danger 58.careless 59.helpful 60.friendly 61.our 62.better63.hearing64.difference65.mixed66.twice67.less 68.worse 69.tasty70.popular71.myself72.the most interesting 73.length 74.much 75.travels 76.to win 77.practicing playing78.drove 79.chatting 80.Taking 81.are having 82.to get 83.not to watch 84.more beautiful 85.taller 86.cheaper87.more88.heavier89.sing 90.playing 91.them 92.carefully 93.Dont give;more 94.hunt 95.weighed 96.saying 97.play 98.gets 99.impossible 100.to look after 101.the most expensive 102.uncomfortable 103.brushes;teeth;twice 104.noise;noisy;noisily 105.weighs;weight 106.memories 107.ask;advice 108.diving;dangerous;swimming 109.minutes 110.good;well 111.died 112.to fly 113.living 114.born 115.moved 116.slowly 117.Hunters 118.to protect 119.was cooking;arrived 120.invitation 121.dangerous;danger 122.beginning 123.mainly 124.sadly 125.making 126.shines 127.quietly 128.importance 129.easily 130.northern 131.will bring 132.inviting 133.to choose 134.caught 135.burning 136.protected 137.didnt catch 138.natural 139.including 140.harvesting 141.sleepy 142.sudden 143.foggy 144.piles 145.blowing 146.to read 147.covered 148.rain 149.sudden 150.will drop 151.to close 152.Luckily 153.sleepy 154.rang 155.brightly;sunny 156.worse 157.natural 158.to eat 159.not to study 160.angrily英语(三)选词组填空和阅读专项一.、选词组填空1.drives;to 2.look out of 3.twice a week 4.near the end of 5.to keep healthy 6.brought in 7.in hospital 8.were having driving lessons 9.have three weeks off 10.has a good voice 1.places of interest 2.not any more 3.in front of 4.feel sick 5.got off 6.on the Interenet 7.by underground 8.join in 9.to keep fit 10.will arrive 1.Unluckily 2.will take place 3.by himself 4.to keep fit 5.are different from 6.to teach herself 7.to bring in 8.believe 9.taking some photos 10.take the underground 1.made a mistake 2.stands for 3.to pay someone to fix it 4.spelling the words wrong 5.filled with 6.is crazy about 7.attends lessons 8.Not only;but also 9.on the other side of 10.No problem 1.look after himself 2.not;any more 3.on your own 4.for the first time 5.in danger 6.keeps crying 7.loos like 8.is made from 9.took away 10.in the future 1.a bit 2.is covered in 3.will turn more cloudy 4.from morning till night 5.the rest 6.looks sleepy 7.in the thirties 8.a bit of 9.had a high fever 10.is full of 1.washed away 2.was snowy 3 were trapped 4.turn off 5.at last 6.said to himself 7.will try my best 8.impossible 9.fell down 10.in fear 1.lost their lives 2.came down 3.crash into 4.find their way out 5.A moment of 6.thousands of 7.as soon as possible 8.wont;at all二、阅读专项1-5 DBCCB 6-10 ADBAA 1-5 CBCAB 1-5 ACCBB 1.inventions 2.printing 3.telephone 4.toilet 5.Waste 6.Illnesses 7.clean 8.autumn 9.glasses 10.forty-five/45 英语(四)翻译句子专项1. grows up 2.make friends with 3.some more 4.care about 5.crashed into 6.trust;tell lies 7.often slimes;says a bad word about 8.tells funny jokes;makes me laugh 9.also helpful;ready to;any time 10.tell them everything;keep it secret 11.gives his seat;in need 12.is;like;watching 13.On;ends earlier 14.more quickly;other students;the most quickly 15.the secrets to 16.finish;by yourselves 17.learn to how to 18.cost;is;each person 19.to go to;by underground 20.a beautiful flat with 21.football team needs 22.what the teacheres are talking about 23.have a good time 24.as big as 25.couldnt believe my eyes 26.Near the end of each term 27.agreeing to wait for me 28.cheer for 29.so many places of interest 30.wait to get off 31.cut;into small pieces 32.tidy;right away 33.spent;putting up 34.shouldnt be crazy about playing 35.had better 36.stand for 37.is putting up 38.make mistakes 39.not only;but also 40.broke down 41.cut out 42.instead of working 43.baby pandas weighed;at birth 44.make laws to protect 45.with;open 46.dont act;be no pandas left 47.Sadly;wolves;fewer;fewer 48.never kill for fun 49.get lost;to go back 50.to take action 51.Because of the heavy snow 52.pity;fur;any more 53.writing report about;in danger 54.to get sick 55.move around slowly;daytime 56.In the beginning 57.As a result 58.not only;but alse 59.not;any more 60.live on 61.take action to protect wildlife right away 62.face serious problems 63.wolves are dangerous to people 64.lost their lives 65.live alone 66.They may become dishes on the table any time 67.have pity on 68.to count describe 69.speak more slowly;clearly 70.become a member of 71.all year round;while;for a short stay 72.heard someone singing 73.singers;make beautiful sounds 74.writers;include birds;poems 75.part of our lives 76.make more space for 77.provide;for 78.provides an important living area for giant pandas;79.will lead to less and less 80.in order to 81.are facing many problems 82.turn brown 83.the best time to ski 84.cover her face with a scarf 85.are busy harvesting crops 86.were kicking the ball 87.Hows the weather;88.flying a kite 89.was covered with 90.Bring me 91.fell into piles upon the ground 92.drop to 93.stay above zero;dropped below zero 94.with nothing on 95.fly far away to find 96.throw snowballs at each other 97.make snowmen 98.playing outside in winter 99.the perfect time to play football outside 100.go swimming and eat ice cream 101.flood washed;away 102.hurried;bricks and stones 103.broke down 104.went through;frightened 105.was doing;to go home early 106.crashed;both;died 107.in all directions 108.saying to himself 109.tried their best to save him 110.Because of;had nothing to eat 111.was a lot of traffic;hit last night 112.More than 200 people lost their lives in that earthquake 113.They told themselves to calm down since they were still alive 114.caught fire 115.are busying clearing the snow from the streets 116.forgot to bring 117.looked at each other in fear英语(五)8B Unit 2 Travelling Comic strip & Welcome to the unit【当堂巩固】1.Is there anything special 2. I have been to 3. are going ; going to 4.be helpful to5.is in Australian 6.is from the story 7.I am excited英语(六) 8B Unit 2 Travelling Reading I【当堂巩固】一、1.travelling 2.speed 3. magic 4. pie 5. cartoon 6. rode; riding二、1. chased; stopping taking photos 2. best time of the day 3. bought; moved at high speed 4. have great fun 5. a pair of for 英语(七)8B Unit 2 Reading 2重点短语:1. move at high speed 2.hurry to 3. take photos 4.on the way 5.such as. 6.a couple of 7. At the end of 8.enjoy oneself 9 later in the afternoon 10.cannot stop doing sth 11.My parents and I have been in Hongkong for two days.12.It was the best time of the day.13.Im sure you will love them. 14.I know you have gone to Hainan Step 2. Language points:1.left, How long has 2.has been, has gone 3.have a fantastic time4.at high speed, at a/ the speed of. ride,rode 5.excited,exciting, exciting6.hurry to move away the bricks 7.on the way,on the way such as9.cant stop laughing 10.a couple of 11. are sure 12.at the end of 【当堂巩固】一、填词。1. End 2.couple 3.magic 4.fantastic 5.speed二、完成句子。1. in a hurry 2.at the end of 3.am sure to play 4.will not stop to learn 5.such as英语(八)8B Unit 2 Travelling Grammar【当堂巩固】 一、用have gone to / have been to / have been in 填空。 1.Have been to 2.have been to 3.have been in 4.has gone to 5.have been in ,have gone to 6.have gone to 二、用延续性动词改写句子。 (1)has kept , for one year (2)has kept,since yesterday (3)has been, since three days ago (4)has been married since last month3

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