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八年级英语学案8A Unit4 Wild animals (Integrated skills) 执笔:宜兴市陶都中学 曹瑾 2010.12.3【学习目标】1、识别不同野生动物的外貌特征、性格特点、能力长处、主要食物以及各自所面临的危险。2、能从听力材料中获取相关有用信息。3、能用已经掌握的信息使相关文章意思表达完整。4、学会表达自己的观点。【学习过程】一、预习导学1、请写出已学过的野生动物的名称。(越多越好) _ _2、你对我国的国宝熊猫有足够的了解吗?请按以下提示进行描述: Appearance _ Ability _ Character _ Food _ Danger _3、重点词汇导学:(1) until意为“直到为止”,其用法有两种: a.用在肯定句中,主句谓语动词一般是延续性的,表示这个动词的动作一直延续到所表示的时间为止。例如: He _ next Sunday. 他将待在这儿直到下周日。 b.用在否定句中,表示这个动词的动作直到所表示的时间才发生,主句的谓语动词是瞬间性的动作。notuntil意为“直到才”。例如:He _late in the evening. 他直到晚上很迟才来。(2) live alone“独自一人居住”,相当于_ ,_。(3) work as a team“作为团队一起合作” If you want to win the match, _.如果你们想赢得比赛,你们应该团体协作。(4) _意为“生存地区的丧失”,_意为“失去他们的生命”,其中,_为名词;_为动词,其过去式为_。(5) 当衣服做主语时,look lovely on sb.意为“某物穿在某人身上好看”。 _ . 这件外套你穿起来很好看。4、阅读PartA1(P68)的两份资料单,试着预测空白处要填写的有关内容。5、尝试思考:What kinds of danger are the wild animals facing? _ _6、朗读PartB(P69)对话,试着找出表达观点的句子。并思考还有哪些句型可用来表达观点,请写下:_ _7、通过预习,你还有什么疑问?_二、课堂探究1、预习检查。2、听力策略培养(1)阅读A1中的两份资料单,预测空白处所要填的内容。 (2)听录音(A1),获取有用信息使资料单内容完整。 (3)用资料单中已经掌握的信息进行完整表述。 (4)用A1中的信息,完成A2,使信件意思表达完整。3、口语策略培养 (1)思考讨论:What kinds of danger are the wild animals facing?(2)听录音,回答下列问题:a. Why does Millies Mum like to wear clothes made of animal fur? _ b. What is Millies opinion(观点)? _ c. Does Mum agree with Millie at last? _ (3)朗读对话(B),并仿照自编对话。4、学习收获和困惑_三、巩固延伸 Not long ago, an old scientist(科学家) made some tests(实验) with d_ animals to find out which was c_ than the other animals. In one test, the old scientist put a monkey in a room where there were many boxes. Some boxes are inside other boxes. One small box had some food in it. The scientist wanted to w_ the monkey and to find out how long it would t_ the monkey to find the food. The scientist left the room and w_ a few minutes outside the door. Then he got down on his knees(膝盖) and put his e_ to the keyhole(钥匙孔). What did he s_? To his surprise(吃惊), he found himself looking into the eye of the m_. The monkey was on the o_ side of the door and looked at the scientist t_ the keyhole, too.

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