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1、It seems that David has changed a lot. David看起来好像改变了许多.(seem)2、Last year i spent much time playing games every day. 去年我每天花费很多时间玩游戏.(spend)3、He is more interested in soccer. 他对足球更感兴趣了.(interest)4、When I was young,I used to be afraid of snakes. 我小的时候常常害怕蛇.(use)5、More and more people cant afford to pay for a house now 现在越来越多的人付不起买房子的钱了.(pay)6、Teachers should pay more attention to the students who get bad grades. 教师应当更多地留意那些成绩差的学生.(attention)7、Did he use to cause a lot of trouble? 他过去总是捣乱吗?(cause)8、In the end,my parents took pride in what I did. 最后,我的爸爸妈妈为我所做的一切感到自豪.(what)1.He used to be a football player. 他以前是一个足球队员。(used) 2.She used to be afraid of being alone. 她过去害怕独自一个人待着。(afraid)3.I go to bed/sleep with my bedroom light on. 我把卧室的灯开着睡觉 (withon) 4. She used to have short hair, but now it grows long. 她过去留短发,但现在长长了。(grow)5.Larry is still afraid of speaking in front of a group. Larry现在仍然害怕在众人面前说话。(front)6.He used to watch NBA games on TV.他以前经常在电视上观看NBA比赛。(watch) 1、Our sports meeting will be put off unless it is fine tomorrow除非明天天晴,我们的运动会就将会延期。(unless)2、Youre tired.Let take a walk instead of playing basketball你累了,我们就散散步吧,不打篮球了。(instead)3、You should take some grammar notes in every class . 你应该每堂课记些语法笔记。(take)4、The best way to Learn a language is using it. 学习语言的最好方法是使用语言。(way)5、How do we deal with our problems? we can regard problems as challenges.我们如何处理问题呢?我们可以把问题当做是挑战。(regard)1、My uncle often asks me about my study. 我的叔叔经常询问我的学习情况。(ask)2、He said the best way to learn the new words was by reading English magazines他说学习新单词最好的方法是通过看英语杂志.(way)3、Listening to tapes is a good way to study English. 听磁带是一种好的学习英语的方法。(listen)4、They ended up speaking in Chinese. 他们以中文结束对话。(end)5、Our English teacher has been teaching English in our school for 10 years . 我们的英语老师在我们学校教英语十年了。(teach)1、Teenagers should be allowed to have a part-time job. 应该让十几岁的孩子打零工。2、Here a six-year-old child should go to school. 在这里六岁的孩子应该上学了。3、Shed better stop wearing that silly dress. 她最好别再穿那件傻乎乎的连衣裙了。4、Children need to spend time with friends. 孩子们需要花时间和朋友们在一起。5、We went climbing the mountain instead of doing homework at home last weekend. 上周末,我们去爬山而不是在家做作业。1、We have lots of rules(许多规章制度)at our school.2、Mark isnt allowed to watch TV on school nights(在上学的晚上).3、In my house,we arent allowed to go out(也不允许到外面去).4、My parents allow me to choose my own clothes(挑选我自己的衣服).5、Sarah must clean up her room(必须把她的房间打扫干净)every morning.6、You can go to the movies with friends(与朋友们一起去看电影)this evening,but must be home by half past ten(不迟于十点半必须到家).1、Whats the matter(你怎么了)?2、Mark got to school late(上课迟到)yesterday morning.3、Children should be allowed(应该允许孩子们)to do something useful for the community.4、-Peter,you look quite sad.why? Bad luck!I failed my science test(我的科学考试没及格).5、Dont be to strict with children(别把孩子管的太严)!They need to have their own time.6、I am allowed to study at friends house(在朋友家里).7、Students should get to school on time(应该按时到校).1、We have nothing against his chemical experiments. 我们不反对他搞化学实验。2、Few people knew he won 5 million dollars from the lottery. 很少有人知道他中了五百万的彩票大奖。3、I think that she should be allowed to make her own decision. 我觉得还是让她自己做决定。4、Youd better play less computer games and concentrate more on you homework.你最好少玩电脑游戏,多用点功夫在家庭作业上。5、Man succeeded in stepping on the moon in 1960s. 人类已于60年代成功登上了月球。1、If I were you,I take a small present. 如果我是你,我会带去一件小礼物。2、If she was here,everything will all right. 要是她在这儿,一切就没问题了。3、We should study hard. 我们应当努力学习。4、You should not be late for school. 你不应该上学迟到。5、He doesnt know if(是否)he should bring a present.1、I dont know what to say and what to do. 我不知道说什么和做什么。2、What should I do? 我该怎么办?3、You should eat more fruits and vegetables and drink a lot of water. 你应该多吃水果和蔬菜,还要多喝水。4、If I were you,I would take a walk before going to bed. 如果我是你,我会在上床睡觉之前散散步。5、I cant sleep well the night before an exams. 我考试前的晚上不能很好地入睡。1、Celia is very clever,she always comes up with good ideas. Celia很聪明,她总能提出好点子。2、George is not interested in math in the slightest. George对数学一点也不感兴趣。3、I enjoyed her company when I was learning English. 学英语时,有她为伴真是愉快。4、I dont want to let my parents disappointed. 我可不想让我的父母失望。5、He is a writer rather than a teacher. 与其说他是教师还不如说他是作家。1、Id rather read books at home than go to the movie. 我宁愿在家看书也不愿去看电影。2、Kate get along well with her classmates. Kate与同学们相处得很好.3、My brother doesnt like vegetables at all我弟弟一点也不爱吃蔬菜。4、There would be no living things on the earth if there If there were no air and water. 如果没有空气和水,地球上就不会存在生物。5、If you good friend speaks ill of you behind your back,would you be angry? 如果你的好朋友背地里讲你坏话,你会生气吗?1.It must be the only modern house in the district. 这肯定是本地区唯一的现代化住宅。2.This basketball might be Johns or Toms这个篮球可能是John或Tom的.3.The sweater cant belong to Lucy because she doesnt like the color blue.这件毛衣不可能是Lucy的,因为她不喜欢蓝色。4.Bcause of the storm,he didnt go there. 因为暴风雨,他没有去那儿。5.She is always complaining about her parents她总是抱怨她得父母为考试而学习study for a test 大声朗读练习发音read aloud to practice pronunciation提高我的说的技巧improve my English speaking skills 向老师请教ask the teacher for help看英文录像watch English-language videos 通过那种方式学了很多learn a lot that way和朋友练习对话practice conversations with friends 制作词汇表make vocabulary lists 制作抽认卡make flashcards 太难了听不懂 too hard to understand the voices. 男生寄宿学校a boys boarding school 即使、尽管even though 放弃做某事give up doing sth. 不再no longer注意pay attention to 为自豪take pride in 听录音带listen to tapes令某人惊讶的是. to ones surprise 制造很多麻烦cause a lot of trouble支付得起她孩子们的教育费用afford to pay for her childrens education做出一个困难的决定make a difficult decision 陷入麻烦get into trouble更加难的多much more difficult 一个十五岁的男孩a fifteen- year- old boy尽她所能地照看好他look after him as well as she could 在过去in the past 问题孩子Problem child 担忧考试worry about tests我以前在足球队I used to be on the soccer team. 嚼口香糖chew gum 讨厌体育课hate gym class 我以前不喜欢考试I dont use to like tests.吃糖果eat candy 我过去嚼很多口香糖I used to chew gum a lot. 一直all the time 蜘蛛和其他昆虫Spiders and other insects Send money 寄钱 help disabled people 帮助残疾人Full with 填满 help out 帮助摆脱困境Cheer me up 使我振奋 fetch my book 取回我的书Put up posters 张贴海报 make a pen pal website 制作一个笔友网站give out supermarket 分发广告 work out the math probem 计算数学题Set up a call-in center 建立一个呼叫中心 come up with ideas 提出想法run out of money 把钱用完 take after his father 长得像他的爸爸fix up bicycles 修理自行车 give away to charity 捐赠给慈善机构I am similar to her. 我长得像她 I dont have any more of it. 我没有更多地.Clean up 收拾整齐 cheer up 使高兴起来 give out 分发 put off 推迟Set up 建立 think up 想出 Come up with 提出 put up 张贴hand out 分发 help with 在帮助take a trip 做一次旅行 do lots of outdoor activities 开展许多室外活动provide sb with sth/ provide sth for sb 给提供 save money 攒钱somewhere nere the ocean靠近海洋的某个地方 be away 离开 somewhere in eastern china 中国东部的某个地方 big enough 足够大a room with a kitchen 一个带有厨房的房子 this summer 今年夏天an exciting vacation 一个令人激动地假期 introduction to the .把介绍给 somewhere relaxing 一些令人轻松的地方 hope to do sth 希望去做某事plan your vacation 计划你的假期 trek through the jungle 徒步穿越热带丛林an educational movie 一部有教育意义的电影 too many tourist 游客太多in public 在公共场合 be afraid to 害怕做某事 wait for 等待、等候give a speech 发表演说 without presnission 未经许可 some day 有朝一日pretty confident/fairly confident 非常有信心/相当有信心a small circle of very good friends 一个很要好的朋友的小圈子let my friends down让我的朋友失望 get along with 与相处would ratherthan宁愿也不愿think of a good solution想到好的解决办法give it to charity 捐给慈善 speak in public 在公众面前讲话put it in the bank存到银行里 enjoy parties 喜欢聚会not.in the least稍许一点点也不 buy snacks 买快餐Unit1 How to learn English well Good evening , friends!Very glad to talk with you about my way of learning English well . I would like to share some of my ideas with you .I think practicing listening and speaking are two of the best ways of improving your English. So I try best to listen to tapes every day. It has already become a good habit of mine. It really helps me a lot. Having a conversation with my classmates in English as often as possible is another way I use. Never feel shy if you want to improve your speaking skills . trying to think in English isnt a bad idea , either . I always think about what to do or how to do things in English . Thanks for listening !Unit2 How Ive changed ! My life on weekends has changed a lot in the past two months. You know I used to go shopping with my monther , and I played sports with friends on weekends. but now I have not time to play . I have to go to school on weekends because we have many classes all day. at night, I used to watch TV , read a newspaper or a magazine and I could also chat online. Now , I feel stressed out . I have to do lots homework. Sometimes I can only read comics. It is boring . I really miss the old days .Unit3 Keep our school clean Good afternoon, everyone ! We are studying in this school. Its our duty to keep it clean and tidy ,so we have made some school rules. We cannot spit in public places , such as in the library and in the classroom. We are not allowed to draw pictures on the walls or throw any litter onto the ground. We should clean the classroom every day. If everyone tries to do something useful more and more beautiful.Thats all. Thank you . If I were a parent. I would try to make friends with my child. I wouldnt say I did not like this or that at your age. Id allow him to develop his hobbies, such as listening to pop songs , and watching action movies . Id let him choose his own clothes. If I were a parent , I would encourage my child to have fun after school. The most important thing is that I would set a good example for him or her and win his or her respect. Unit4 Hello .everyone . we are going to have a picnic at XiangShan park this Sunday .well meet at the gate of the park at 8:30 am. Well begin to climb the mountain at about 9:00. if everything goes smoothly, we can reach the top of the mountain at 11:00 am. We plan to have our lunch there at 11:30 am and after lunch well be free. We will return at around 4:30pm.Everyone should bring your lunch. Of course, dont forget to bring some money . Thats all. Thanks . Unit5 Music is important to us. It can bring us energy and make us happy. Different people have different ideas about music. Mary loves music that she can dance to. Because she enjoys dancing . Jave likes jazz music. She thinks Jass is really cool. Tom enjoys rock music and dance music every much. He thinks they are interesting . Linda prefers music that is relaxing. So she likes country music a lot . I also like country music because it can make me feel quiet. Unit6Dear Li Ming , Unit7Its my pleasure to give you some suggestions for your travel . I think either Sydney or Havaii is the best choice because they are both warm and interesting. There are some inexpensive but clean and comfortable hotels in both places. Whats more , you can enjoy the sunshine, lie on the beach and swim every day. Also, there are many good museums in Sydney. If you go to Hawaii. You could visit pearl harbor, which is quite educational and historical .These are my suggestions . I home they can be of some help. Yours, GinaAugust 30 Sunday sunny Unit8 Today my classmates and I went to an old peoples home to help the old people do some cleaning . some of us swept the floor, and others washed the clothes for the old . later we had lunch with old. After lunch we told some interesting stories to them and they were very happy. Although we were very tired after a days work, we were all very happy. We all should respect the old people and do something for them.Unit9 How to become an inventor To be an inventor is many peoples dream. Would you like to be an inventor, too? If so, as a student , you need to do these things :You must study hard. Knowledge is the base. If you dont master any knowledge, its impossible to invent anything.Interest is the best teacher. When you are interested in something, you will do it well. So you should have interest in what you are studying. Creativity is very necessary, you need to be creative to come up with new ideas.Finally ,you should keep on studying hard and never give up. Dont be afraid of failure.Unit 10 It was Sunday yesterday, I didnt have any classes and stayed at home alone doing some housework. But my parents needed to work. At noon I felt hungry but my parents didnt come back. Suddenly I came with a good idea, “why not cook the lunch by myself ?So I was busy preparing the lunch. By the time my parents arrived home at 1p.m . I had already finished cooking . when they saw the dishes on the table, they were very excited. They said I was a good helper and I felt very happy. Ill do the things that I can do to help my parents .1打算乘火车去神农架(Shennongjia);2.神农架非常美丽,拥有众多美景,非常宁静,很适合人们去放松:3。神农架有迷人的丛林,有众多野生动植物:4。计划拍摄很多照片. May Day holiday is coming,. I would like to take a train to Shengnongjia. Its in Sichuan. Its very beautiful and you can enjoy the real nature. Its a good and quiet place for people to relax themselves. You can go through the jungle and sometimes you will meet the wild animals, our humans friends. Its a wonderful place where you can breathe(呼吸) the fresh air. Im gong to take lots of photos .有关发明方面的文章: New inventions are invented all the time. Inventions has changed our lives a lot. Most of the inventions are helpful or interesting, but some of them are annoying. I think the computer is the most helpful invention because it helps me search the information that I need. It was invented in 1976. It was invented by two young men from America. But I think the alarm clock is the most annoying invention because it is used for waking people up. It wakes me up when I want to go on sleeping.


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