外研版英语八年级上册 Module 5 Lao She’sTeahouse . 单元测试A卷

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外研版英语八年级上册 Module 5 Lao ShesTeahouse . 单元测试A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) Zhou Yang _ to her hometown with her parents five years ago.A . returnsB . will returnC . is returningD . returned2. (2分) He tried his best and he succeeded in working out the problem _. A . by the endB . at the endC . in the end3. (2分) They drank tea and watched _ opera at the teahouse yesterday afternoon.A . aB . anC . theD . 不填4. (2分) Linda often _ to help her classmates with their English.How kind she is!A . forgetsB . learnsC . offersD . starts5. (2分) The film 2012 is wonderful. Lets go to see it,_? A . do youB . shall weC . dont youD . arent you6. (2分) I like Japanese very much. What about you?Not especially. Its difficult for me _ .A . to learnB . learnedC . learningD . learn7. (2分) At the beginning of century, there were not so many cars on the streets. A . twentyB . the twentyC . twentiethD . the twentieth8. (2分) A terrible accident _ on April 20, in Shandong.A . took placeB . came trueC . warmed upD . went out9. (2分) Whats his job?He is a _ and he has worked in a restaurant for three years.A . bank clerkB . waiterC . reporterD . actor10. (2分) My grandfather was born _ Beijing _ 1945.A . in; inB . in; atC . at; atD . at; in11. (2分) Whats your plan for this weekend?I decided _at home and help my mother with the housework.A . stayB . to stayC . stayedD . staying12. (2分) a book in the library, enter a key word into the computer. A . To findB . FindC . To findingD . Finding13. (2分) How old is your _ sister?She is 17 years old.She is three years _ than me.A . elder; olderB . old; olderC . older; elderD . elder; elder14. (2分) Would you like to play football with us after the exam?_. We should relax ourselves.A . My pleasureB . Im afraid notC . Id love toD . No doubt15. (2分) Do you know Han Hong?Of course. Shes one of _ in China.A . a famous singerB . the most famous singerC . the more famous singerD . the most famous singers二、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)16. (10分) 阅读理解BShu-How Lin was born on August 23,1988 in California in the USA. Hes the newest well-known NBA professional basketball player. His ancestors lived in Fujian Province in China. In 1977, his parents moved to America. Although they live in the USA, they know they are Chinese. And they love their motherland. They try their best to earn more honor(争光)for China. When Shu-How was at high school, he showed a great interest in playing basketball. He practiced basketball much harder than any other student in his school. Because of him, the school team became the champion of all the high schools in America, which had never got a champion before. Meanwhile(同时),he studied particularly hard during high school. He always got “A” in most of his subjects. After highschool, his dream was to join a university, which was famous for basketball, to major in basketball. But none of these universities in America accepted him. They thought that he was just a Chinese and a Chinese could hardly become an excellent professional basketball player. He felt so sad and he had to attend Harvard University by his good grades, where professional basketball players are not wanted. But before long, he became the first man in Harvard who entered NBA after 1954. Shu-How never gave up his basketball dream. He joined several NBA teams, but he was never given a chance to show himself in each game. One day, two players of his team were badly hurt. There were no more players who could play the game. The coach had to let Shu-How go for it. This was a great chance for him. He showed his talent in this game. He got 25 scores! After that,Shu-How became one of the most outstanding basketball players around the world. He set a great example to all of us. According to him, we know nothing is impossible if we try our best.(1) When was Shu-How Lin born?A . He was born on August 23,1988.B . 000 He was born on August 23,1977.C . He was born in California in the USAD . He was born on August 23,1982.(2) When Shu-How was at high school, _.A . he became the first man in Harvard who entered NBA after 1954B . he joined an NBA teamC . he showed a great interest in playing basketballD . he liked volleyball(3) Which is NOT true according to the article?A . He always got “A” in most of his subjects in high school.B . He became an important player as soon as he first joined the NBA team.C . He is one of the most outstanding basketball players around the world.D . He never gave up his basketball dream.(4) According to him, we know _ .A . we should practice playing basketball moreB . nothing is impossible if we try our bestC . nothing could be done if we try our bestD . we should be interested in playing basketball(5) This passage is mainly about _ .A . Shu-How Lin and his familyB . Shu-How Lin and HarvardC . Shu-How Lin and his basketballD . Shu-How Lin and his best friend17. (10分) 阅读理解BWhen people go to the movies today, they can watch and listen to a story. But when the movie first appeared (出现) many years ago, there was no sound or music. Those silent (无声的) movies play an important role in movie history.When movie theatres showed silent movies, musicians were often there to play music along with the movie. Sometimes, musicians also made some special sounds. However, there was no sound in the movie itself. People learnt the story through the actors, the musicians and words on the screen. When movies first had sound, not everyone liked it. Many silent movie actors thought it was hard to act in the new kind of movies. Clara Bow was a famous silent-movie actress in the early 1920s. She was so nervous (紧张的) about her voice that she couldnt become a star in the world of talking pictures. She then left show business (演艺界).The Jazz Singer (1927) was the first movie with sound. Talking pictures became a big success, and there were more and more movies like that. Later, silent movies became history.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。(1) What is Paragraph 1 mainly about?A . What silent movies were like.B . Who liked to see silent movies.C . Where people went to see silent movies.D . How people felt when they saw silent movies.(2) What helped people to learn the story of a silent movie? Actors. Musicians. Music in the movie. Words on the screen.A . B . C . D . (3) Why did Clara Bow leave show business?A . Because she was not popular.B . Because she didnt like acting.C . Because she could not sing or dance.D . Because she was nervous about her voice.(4) . The first movie with sound came out in _.A . 1925B . 1927C . 1929D . 1931(5) Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A . Silent movies are important in movie history.B . There was no sound in the silent movie itself.C . Clara Bow was a famous actress in the early 1930s.D . The first movies with sound were not popular with everyone.18. (10分) 阅读理解 Beijing Qingxin Court Teahouse53A,Dongdaqiao Road,Chaoyang DistrictA quiet traditional teahouse near the busy Silk MarketTel:6507 4872Lao She Teahouse3rd floor,3 Qianmen West Street,Xicheng DistrictRegular nightly performances of traditional Beijing OperaTel:6303 6830Ji Gu Ge Teahouse132136 Liulichang,Xicheng DistrictTraditional pottery and gift tea sets for saleTel:6301 7849Sanwei Bookstore60 Fuxingmen West Street,Xicheng DistrictTeahousebookstore with live music on Friday and Saturday eveningsTel:6601 3204Tian Hai TeahouseSanlitun Road,20 metres north of Workers Stadium Beilu,Chaoyang District IntersectionPerformances of traditional music by local artists on Friday and Saturday evenings(1) If you want to buy traditional pottery after drinking tea,which teahouse would you like to go to? A . Beijing Qingxin Court Teahouse.B . Lao She Teahouse.C . Ji Gu Ge Teahouse.(2) You want to watch the performances by local artists at weekends,and then you can go to _. A . Beijing Qingxin Court TeahouseB . Lao She TeahouseC . Tian Hai Teahouse(3) A foreigner shows great interest in Beijing Opera,so you can take him to _. A . Sanwei BookstoreB . Lao She TeahouseC . Ji Gu Ge Teahouse(4) Kelly from Australia likes reading and being quiet, so where would you like to advise her to go? A . Beijing Qingxin Court Teahouse.B . Sanwei Bookstore.C . Ji Gu Ge Teahouse.(5) You want to take four of your foreign friends to shop for silk stuff,and after that,you would like to have a cup of tea and rest. Which phone number can you dial to ask if they have a table for five? A . 6601 3204.B . 6301 7849.C . 6507 4872.三、 填空题 (共1题;共10分)19. (10分) 根据汉语提示写出单词或补全句子。_ (也许) we should buy some morebeef.The Spring Festival isone of the _ (传统的) Chinese festivals.Listen!The music shop isplaying a _ (唱片) of Mozart.There is a gym in the_ (中心)of the school.Do you like taking a_ (慢的)train to travel in the country?除了音乐,她还喜欢旅游。_music,she likes travelling as well.李雷出生于中国的首都北京。LiLei _ Beijing,the capital of China.冼星海以歌曲黄河大合唱而闻名。XianXinghai _ the song The Yellow River.请带你的朋友到花园四处转转。Please_ the garden.在5岁时,他和父母搬到了广州。_,he moved to Guangzhouwith his parents.四、 句型转换 (共1题;共25分)20. (25分) 根据括号内的中文提示,将所给的英文意群连接成正确的句子。 (1) in Liuzhou,Li Ning,was born (李宁出生于柳州。)(连词成句) (2) succeeded,she,in the end (她最后终于成功了。)(连词成句) (3) English,he,translated the book,into (他把这本书译成了英语。)(连词成句) (4) is,one of,his most famous stories,also,this,at the same time(同时这也是他最著名的故事之一。)(连词成句) (5) when,I,have no idea,the story,took place (我不知道这个故事什么时候发生的。)(连词成句) 五、 短文填空 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分) 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词Miss Gao and her family are_(普通的)people.Can you _(描述)your fathers personality?He is reading a_ (小说) in the library.Yang Mi is a famous_(女演员).This_ (茶馆) looks cleaner than that one.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分) 写作根据以下提示,以”My music”为题,用第一人称写一篇70词左右的短文。1)你最喜欢流行音乐,因为它使你感到轻松。2)音乐给人带来力量(power) ,使人快乐;3)没有音乐,生活会很无趣。My music第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略二、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)16、答案:略17、答案:略18、答案:略三、 填空题 (共1题;共10分)19、答案:略四、 句型转换 (共1题;共25分)20、答案:略五、 短文填空 (共1题;共5分)21、答案:略六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)22、答案:略

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