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北师大版2020年北京中考英语真题试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)_ you do, dont miss this exhibition, for its so hard for me to get the tickets. A . WhateverB . HoweverC . WheneverD . Whether2. (2分)Where is Taiwan? Look at the map. Its the southeast of China.A . inB . onC . toD . at3. (2分)What do we have for lunch? _ rice and chicken?A . How aboutB . Think aboutC . Lets haveD . Excuse me4. (2分)Now the environment(环境) in the city is than it was before. We should keep it clean. A . much betterB . more worseC . more betterD . much worse5. (2分)We _TV from seven to rune last night. A . were watchingB . willC . watchedD . watch6. (2分)About two hundred teachers are having a meeting in our school_. A . every dayB . nowC . last SundayD . just now7. (2分)Mrs White _ dinner when her son came home. A . is cookingB . are cookingC . was cookingD . were cooking8. (2分)Amily is lucky enough to have got the well-paid job. Yes. she is young and with little experience.A . IfB . BecauseC . WhenD . Though9. (2分)Its reported that more and more High Speed Railways _ in China. A . builtB . are buildingC . will be builtD . will build10. (2分)Do you know _ just now? Outside the school gate.A . where Kate is waiting for her motherB . where is Kate waiting for her motherC . where Kate was waiting for her motherD . where was Kate waiting for her mother二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)阅读下面一篇短文,掌握其大意,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。My name is Paul. I was a1boy. One morning, I woke up and realized I was not2. I decided to do something to put my name in the Guinness Book of World Records.3my dream, I thought of something I could do. First, I tied my arm around my back and wanted to be the person who4the farthest with one arm. But as soon as I got in the water, I sank(下沉).Then, I stuffed 165in my mouth and tried to be the person who put the most cookies in his mouth. However, when cookiewent in, I got sick.Finally,6a Friday evening, I ran to the bathroom and filled up the tub(浴盆) with water.I decided to be the person who took the worlds longest bath. It was a perfect idea7all that I had to do was to sit there. The first three hours was great. I drank soda and ate potato chips,8in the water so long made me look like I was 80. But I was determined.An hour later, my brother shouted outside the bathroom that the record for the longest bath in the world was9than a month! Feeling10, I got out.Maybe I will never be in the Guinness Book of World Records. But thats OK. I am still special.(1)A . 16 years old B . 16-years-old C . 16-year-old (2)A . good B . famous C . interesting (3)A . To achieve B . To put C . To act (4)A . swam B . run C . jumped (5)A . cakes B . candies C . cookies (6)A . on B . in C . at (7)A . until B . because C . if (8)A . Walking B . Being C . Making (9)A . less B . fewer C . more (10)A . on B . up C . down 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共30分)12. (6分)阅读理解 Student Volunteers NeededAre you looking for something fun? Do you want to help others in your spare time? Then join us to be a volunteer.On October 23, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Clapton Middle School will be holding a musical festival in the school gym. A variety of professional musicians and singers will show up at the special event. Interested students should speak with Ms Braxton, the music teacher. Students who would like to help at the festival must have written permission(同意书)from their parents.TasksMake postersSet up the gymHelp performersWelcome guestsClean up the gymTime1 p.m.- 4 p.m.11 a.m. - 4 p.m.9 a.m. - 4 p.m.10 a.m. - 2 p.m.4 p.m. - 7 p.m.DatesOctober 17October 20October 23October 23October 23(1)The musical festival at Clapton Middle School will last . A . 3 hoursB . 4 hoursC . 5 hoursD . 7 hours(2)Before the festival, volunteers need to . A . make postersB . clean up the gymC . help the performersD . welcome the musicians(3)We can learn from the passage that . A . student volunteers will also perform at the festivalB . volunteers will be asked to do some work in the eveningC . volunteers will be given some presents after the festivalD . students can volunteer if they get their teachers written permission13. (8分)阅读理解 I am a fifteen-year-old girl in a junior high school. I have a problem now. I hope you can give me advice. Three months ago, I knew a boy on the Internet. I found that he had the same hobbies as me, so we got on well soon. Two weeks ago we began to talk on the phone. We both felt comfortable when talking to each other, as if(好像)we had been good friends for a long time. Last week we met because he doesnt live far from my home. We talked a lot and enjoyed ourselves together in the gym. However, some of my friends said that I shouldnt make friends on the Internet. They also said that the boy might be dangerous. I dont know what I should do. I dont want a close relationship with him, but Im really happy with him. Should I talk about this problem with my parents or teachers? Im afraid that they would be angry and think Im a bad girl. So I am turning to you for advice. Please help me. (1)The writer knew the boy. A . at schoolB . on the InternetC . at a partyD . in a gym(2)The writer began to talk with the boy on the phoneago. A . two weeksB . two monthsC . three monthsD . three weeks(3)The writer got on well with the boy because . A . the boy was cool and richB . The boy was nice and safeC . they had the same hobbiesD . they were in the same class(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . The writer and the boy have been friends for a long time.B . The writers parents know the boy.C . The writer doesnt know where the boy lives.D . The writer doesnt know if(是否) she should make friends with the boy.14. (8分)阅读理解 Sending packets, shopping for everyday goods and even building a house, these are new skills that new robots show at the World Robot Exhibition.RoBohoN Scientists are recommending the latest talking robots. They can be highly intelligent in their responses. RoBohoN, just 10cm tall, makes a lively description of the Great Wall and the PalaceMuseum. It can speak Chinese, English or any other language you like.Human Support This robot stands at 1m tall and looks like a container with arms. It provides much support to different places and keeps in touch with the outside world through the internet.HRP-5P As world cities continue developing, there are building sites everywhere, but there arent enough people to build them. HRP-5P looks like a strong builder. It stands at 1.8m tall andCarriRo CarriRo, in the shape of a toy bus, has friendly eyes on its front. It works as a postman and sends packages by rolling around the streets. It has a GPS to travel. The person who receives the package is sent a code to the smart phone to open the CarriRo and get the package.(1)How tall is the RoBohoN? A . 0.1 meterB . 1 meterC . 1.8 meterD . 101 meters(2)Which Robot is the best helper to the old peoples homes? A . RoBohoNB . Human Support RobotC . HRP-5PD . CarriRo(3)How does the owner of the package open the CarriRo? A . by working as a postmanB . by rolling around the streetC . by following the GPSD . by using the code(4)In which part of a newspaper can we find this passage? A . cultureB . sportsC . scienceD . people15. (8分)阅读理解 Great changes have taken place in family life because of science and industry(工业). In the past, when most Americans lived on farms, the typical family had many children. In a farm family, parents and their children often lived with grandparents. Usually, uncles and aunts lived nearby. But when industry became more important than agriculture in American life, families became smaller because industry requires workers who are ready and able to move off the land and move again whenever necessary. And large families cannot move from place to place as smaller families. So, at present people tend to have smaller families.In the future, because of industrialization, a typical family will be required to move even more often than now, so families will be even smaller. The typical family may remain childless and consist only of a man and a woman. A small number of families may take raising children as their chief work. At the same time they may also raise other peoples children, leaving those families free to move from job to job.(1)Which of the following topics is discussed in the passage? A . The development of science and industry in America.B . The influence of science and industry on American families.C . Harmful effect of industrialization.D . Social problems resulting from the highly-developed science and industry in America.(2)What kinds of families are described in the passage? A . Families of the past and the present.B . Families of the present and the future.C . Families of the past and the future.D . Families of the past, the present and the future.(3)What is one of the reasons that families are getting smaller in America? A . Children tend to leave their parents and grandparents when they grow up.B . People stop caring for children.C . The need for workers who are able to move at any time has been increasing.D . Both old and young people prefer to live by themselves.(4)What can you infer from the passage? A . Science and industry have caused thousands of families to split(破裂).B . Children do not live with their parents or grandparents.C . Large families can hardly survive in modern society.D . Americans are very choosy about their jobs.四、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共21分)16. (6分)阅读下面短文,根据短文中出现的先后顺序将方框内短语排序,并回答问题。 Detective Dino is on a holiday. He travels to another city and stays in a hotel. The owner gives him a single room. All the rooms on his floor are single rooms. The owner says to him, The room is for one person only. Dont bring anyone else to your room. Dino takes the key and goes upstairs.A young lady lives next door to Dino. When Dino passes the ladys room, the lady is telephoning the owner. She says that her necklace is missing. Shes just back from shopping.In the evening, someone knocks on Dinos door. He opens the door. A stranger stands outside. He looks surprised, Im sorry, I thought this was my room, the man says.Dino closes the door and calls the police. The police catch the stranger. He is the thief. How does Dino know the stranger is the thief?(1)短语排序 A. telephoning the ownerB. catch the strangerC. take the keyD. knock on the door_(2)Where can you read this article? A . In a magazine.B . In Nature and Science.C . In a storybook.D . In a weather report.17. (15分)阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)。 Recently a young womans post(博文) on Weibo caught many peoples eye. In the post she said that she wanted books for her students in Xinjiang.After finishing her study in college,the young woman chose to become a teacher in Xinjiang. When people asked why she went to teach in the faraway area,she just said,Because I love my country. The young teacher found that some books in her school library were not good enough for the children. So she went to Weibo for help. Many Kind-hearted people saw her post and offered to send her books. Someone placed an order for 30 books on Taobao. When the seller 1earned about who the books were for. He sent 44 books to the school. Many organizations also sent books. So far, she has received (收到)over 2,000 books. Some are storybooks,some are books on natural science,and some are books about history and so on. Now, some people are still asking for the address (地址) of the school. They want to give more books to the school. The teacher said her students were very happy to receive so many new books. For those books,she plans to set up a rotation system(轮转系统)in her class so that no children will miss their favorite ones. Now, the teacher calls herself the happiest woman in the world. (1)What did the young woman do after she finished her Study in college?(不超过10个单词) (2)How many books has she received so far? (不超过5个单词) (3)Why does she plan to set up a rotation for those books?(不超过10个单词) 五、 书面表达 (共2题;共10分)18. (5分)你叫Nick,是一名八年级学生,看到了招聘志愿者海报,请你写一封信(约100词),告诉他们你希望参加这个活动,说说你能做的事情,你参加志愿者活动的经历,以及你的认识。 Volunteers WantedShow your warm heart to the old!Donate your kindness!Help them!We clean up their rooms. We cheer them up. We sing songs or tell storics to them. Please join us!The StudentsUnionDear Sir, Nick19. (5分)科技为人们的生活带来种种便利,为了让同学们更好的去学习和了解它,学校组织八年级学生11月16日去深圳市图书馆参加科技展,请你帮忙写一份通知。 要求:1)表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,要点齐全,书写规范。2)80词左右,短文开头已给出,不计入总字数。提示词:organize组织(v.) activity 活动(n.) fair 展览(n.) 集合时间:8:00 a.m.集合地点:校门口交通工具:校车要求:穿校服,不要迟到,参观过程中保持安静。活动内容:1)听一些有关最新发明的介绍;2)看一部有关机器人5D电影,了解机器人的发展;3)亲自操作各种不同的智能(intelligent)机器人;4)Technology brings people much convenience. In order to What an amazing and exciting activity! Why not come with me?第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共30分)12-1、12-2、12-3、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、四、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共21分)16-1、16-2、17-1、17-2、17-3、五、 书面表达 (共2题;共10分)18-1、19-1、

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