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九年级上学期英语(五四制)10月月考试卷B卷一、 选择填空(30分) (共30题;共30分)1. (1分) How old is your sister? She is _girl. A . a eight-year-oldB . an eight years oldC . a eight year oldD . an eight-year-old2. (1分) (2019滨州模拟) Excuse me, how can I get to the South Hill? Oh, of these buses will take you there, you can only take a taxi.A . allB . bothC . noneD . nothing3. (1分) The London Olympics make people all over the world _ there very much.A . want to goB . to flyC . flyD . to want to go4. (1分) (2019中山模拟) The Hong KongMacao Bridge is _ important bridge. So far it has been _longest bridge that goes through a sea all over the world. A . a; theB . an; theC . an; /D . the; the5. (1分) What do you think of my shirt? It cotton.It looks nice on you.A . is made inB . is made forC . is made ofD . is made by6. (1分) (2019宿迁) _do you sleep every day, Eric? For about eight hours.A . How muchB . How fastC . How oftenD . How long7. (1分) (2019山东模拟) When traffic lights are red, we stop and wait. A . shouldB . mustC . needD . can8. (1分) (2019新吴模拟) What about a cup of coffee? Youll feel better. Thanks, I am sleepy. I really need _.A . oneB . thatC . thisD . it9. (1分) (2017九上大石桥期中) The math problem is _ difficult and _ of the students can work it out . A . too much , a fewB . much too , a fewC . too much ,fewD . much too , few10. (1分) _do you get to school? I get to school _bus.A . How;take aB . What;byC . How;byD . What;take11. (1分) I think saving water is more important than recycling paper in our daily life. I disagree. Recycling paper is saving water.A . the same asB . so important asC . as important asD . the most important12. (1分) _ sweet the flowers smell in spring! Yes, many tourists come to enjoy them every day.A . WhatB . HowC . What aD . How a13. (1分) (2019八下杭州月考) Mr Black used to _ to work. Yes, but now hes used to _because he wants to keep healthy.A . drive; walkingB . drive; walkC . driving; walkD . driving; walking14. (1分) What will you do if you _ to the old folks home for a visit? A . goesB . goC . are going15. (1分) (2019九上东莞月考) I didnt go to bed last night _ my mother came back. A . afterB . ifC . beforeD . until16. (1分) (2019河南) Shall I help you _ the street, Grandpa? No, thanks. I can manage it myself.A . onB . withC . acrossD . along17. (1分) Youll have a great time _ you go to the party. A . soB . ifC . although18. (1分) _ is your brother? He is 1.47 metres tall .A . How highB . How tallC . How longD . How far19. (1分) Id like _. A . a glass of juiceB . some juicesC . some breadsD . some waters20. (1分) Her home is _ school in her class, so she goes to school by bus. A . the closeB . the closer toC . farthest fromD . the farthest from21. (1分) Listen! The TV is _. Who is in the living room? Little Jim. He is watching his favourite cartoon.A . offB . outC . awayD . on22. (1分) (2019七下融安期中) do you like, Mike? Blue. All boys like it.A . How muchB . What colourC . What size23. (1分) Was there a computer room in your primary school?_A . Yes, there is.B . Yes, there was.C . No, there arent.D . No, there werent.24. (1分) The apples are over there. _ are good for our health. A . TheyB . ItC . TheirD . Its25. (1分) You look . What happened, Kate? I cant find my ticket. The movie will start soon.A . worriedB . relaxedC . tiredD . excited26. (1分) (2019江阴模拟) How do you find your new classmates? Most of them are kind, but _is so good to me as Bruce.A . noneB . no oneC . everyoneD . someone27. (1分) Are there _ cakes on the table? Yes, there are _.A . some; someB . any; someC . some; any28. (1分) (2019屯溪模拟) Our basketball team wont win the match _ we work together. A . ifB . sinceC . whileD . unless29. (1分) (2019南充) Mum, may I play computer games this evening? No way, you _finish your homework.A . canB . mustC . mayD . will30. (1分) Your brother doesnt get up early, does he? . But he gets up late on weekends. A . Yes, he doesB . No, he doesntC . Yes, he doesntD . No, he does二、 完形填空(10分) (共1题;共10分)31. (10分) (2018孝感) 完形填空A traveler was in a large desert, planning to walk across it in one month. Twenty more days passed the journey had been going on1. Soon Ill be able to walk out of this desert, he thought gladly.But the desert was never friendly2travelers. In a short time, there came a strong sandstorm. He hurriedly3his head with the clothes, prostrate on the sand. After about ten minutes, the sandstorm4. He shook the clothes and stood up. At that moment, he found himself in a hopeless situation-the backpack with food and water was swept away by the5.As we know, it seems 6to leave the desert without food and water.7, he had a pear left. He held it in his hands tightly. Not too bad, at least I have a pear. I8I can walk out of the desert.Days and nights went by quickly, but the desert still looked endless. Besides, hunger, thirst and fear of9were always around him like ghosts,10, each time he was close to losing hope, he forced himself to stare at the pear that he had been11. Not too had, at least I have a pear.A small pear became the12for his survival(生存). Three days later,13he saw a village not far away, he laughed with excitement. He felt completely relaxed-the pear brought him back to14.To keep hope is the best weapon(武器) for victory, so never tell you 15 because only if you try to search, you can always find a pear to pull you out of trouble.(1)A . well B . badly C . terribly D . heavily (2)A . at B . on C . to D . by (3)A . played B . beat C . filled D . covered (4)A . began B . stopped C . hid D . continued (5)A . snow B . desert C . sandstorm D . smoke (6)A . right B . impossible C . safe D . important (7)A . Carefully B . Easily C . Sadly D . Luckily (8)A . believe B . wonder C . remember D . advise (9)A . death B . pain C . illness D . sand (10)A . Also B . And C . Or D . However (11)A . smelling B . eating C . keeping D . imagining (12)A . hope B . rule C . question D . plan (13)A . as long as B . even if C . so that D . as soon as (14)A . danger B . sleep C . life D . mind (15)A . anything B . nothing C . something D . everything 三、 阅读理解(每小题1分,共25分) (共5题;共25分)32. (5分) (2018太仓模拟) 阅读理解For one group of children aged between ten and fifteen, Saturdays are spent_ learning the art of serious cooking. Their weekly lessons in small classes are so popular that there is a waiting list of 30 children who want to do the course. Parents pay $280 for the course where their children can have fun and learn how to make good food.Class member Bill, aged ten, says, I love my mums cooking and now I can do it better than her. The teachers make us laugh, especially when we sit down with them to share the food weve made.Flora is twelve, and shes having problems preparing onions. I love cooking. I did a meal for ten friends which they really enjoyed. Then my mum suggested I take up a hobby, instead of doing nothing at weekends. I was happy staying at home, so I wasnt too active at first. Im really glad I decided to come, though.Their teacher, Philippe, says, Its great fun. Children pay attention and remember things better than adults, although the kitchen isnt always tidy when theyre cooking! As adults, were always learning more about food. If parents interest their children in cooking while they are young, theyll have enough skill to make food for themselves when they leave home.(1) In this article the writer is trying to . A . warn parents not to expect too much from their childrenB . advertise schools to teach children how to cookC . describe how some children spend their spare timeD . explain why parents want to learn more about cooking(2) A reader can find out from this article. A . which dishes students prefer to cookB . why cooking classes are so successfulC . what parents do during the courseD . when the next classes begin(3) Why did Flora join the course? A . Her friends asked her to improve cooking.B . She wanted to learn to cook a big meal.C . She felt bored at home at weekends.D . Her mother wanted her to develop an interest.(4) What does Philippe say about his young students? A . They will be confident about cooking in the future.B . They have a good memory but dont always listen.C . They keep the kitchen cleaner than adults do.D . They teach their parents what they have learnt in class.(5) What would one of Philippes students say to a friend? A . B . C . D . 33. (5分) “I sometimes get up at three or four in the morning and I surf the net.”“I often check my e-mail forty times a day.”“I often spend more than three hours during one time on the net.”“I spend more time in chatting rooms than with my real-life friends.”Do you know any people like these? They are part of a new addiction(瘾) called Internet addiction. Internet addicts spend at least thirty to forty hours online every week. The use of the Internet can be an addiction like drug(毒品) use. People lose control of the time they spend on the Internet.For example, one college student was missing for several days. His friends were worried, and they called the police. The police found the student in the computer lab: he was surfing the net for several days straight.Studies show that about 6% to 10% of Internet users become addicted. And people worry about the teens because the Internet is changing the playing field for some of them. They spend more time in cyberspace than in the real world of friends and family. Is surfing the net a hobby or an addiction for you? You may have a problem if you have these symptoms(症状):You do not go to important family activities or you do not do school work because you like to spend hours on the Internet.You cant wait for your next online time.You plan to spend a short time online, but then you spend several hours.You go out with your friends less and less.(1) What does the beginning of the passage tell us?A . How to become an Internet addict.B . What an Internet addict usually does.C . Where to find an Internet addict.D . Why to write this passage.(2) How does the writer describe the addictsuse of Internet?A . It is something like keeping drugs.B . It is a way of producing drugs.C . It is like taking drugs.D . It is terrible to imagine.(3) Why do people worry about the teens?A . The teens are wasting too much money.B . They used to work on the Internet.C . The playing field of the teens will disappear.D . More and more of the teens wil1 become addicted to the Internet.(4) The example in the passage shows that _.A . Internet problems are more serious among college studentsB . Internet addicts usually stay in the computer lab without sleepC . Some of the Internet users have already been seriously addictedD . The police often help to find those Internet addicts.(5) What is the writer trying to tell us at the end of the passage?A . Dont be addicted to the Internet.B . Go to family activities more often.C . Do things as you have planned.D . Stay with your parents as often as possible.34. (5分) (2019七下长兴月考) 阅读理解 How do you pay for your meals at a fast food restaurant? With change(零钱)? Nowadays we have We Chat wallet and Alipay. I use my tap-and-go card(感应式信用卡). I dont even need to enter my PIN number(SIM卡密码)or a signature(签名)to pay money. Its quicker and everybody in the queue(队)is happy.Contactless payments(非接触式支付)are more and more popular, but the safety (安全性)still needs improving(改善). And people shouldnt pay too much at a time-in the UK its 30. If you use the card a few times, you will need your PIN number.Some things, such as your clothes, have been combined with electric technology(与电子技术联系起来). Kenneth Cukier, the writer of the book Big Data, says, You can take any card and put it in a coat. When you make a payment, just wave your arm in front of the terminal(终端). This is for people who dont want to take their card out of their pocket, or use their phone or watch.Good, isnt it?So spending money is becoming easier at the time. And people are buying more and more things. But making money still needs the hard work.Back to work then!(1) Why does the writer want to use his tap-and-go card more? A . Because its cheaper.B . Because it helps to save (节省)time.C . Because it helps to save money.D . Because its safe (安全).(2) Which of the following statements about contactless payments is true according to the passage? A . Contactless payments are always safe enough.B . If you use the contactless payments. You always need your PIN number.C . To make payments safe, you shouldnt pay too much at a time.D . Contactless payments take more time.(3) Kenneth Cukier says that one can pay by waving his or her arm in front of the terminal because _ is put in his or her coat. A . a phoneB . a watchC . a cardD . a computer(4) The last sentence of the passage tells people that. A . working hard to make more moneyB . making money is easierC . making money is not important nowD . money spent can come back(5) The main idea(要旨)of the passage is _ . A . to make people have more bank cardsB . to make people save moneyC . to make people throw their cash (现金)D . to make people learn about payments35. (5分) (2019八下台州期中) 阅读下面的材料,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Have you ever paid attention to the Air Quality Index (空气质量指标) or AQI reported in the newspaper? The AQI helps us understand what the air quality around us means to our health. The AQI uses colors, numbers and words to tell us about the air. Lets see what these colors and numbers mean.ColorsNumbersHealth word(s)What to doGreen0-50GoodJust enjoy the clean air!Yellow51-100Moderate (适中)Air quality is fine for most people.Orange101-150Unhealthy forsensitive groupsActive children and adults with lung(肺) disease should spend less time outdoors.Red151-200UnhealthyPeople with lung disease and active kids and adults shouldnt spend too long time outdoors. Everybody else should try to spend less time outside.Purple201-300Very unhealthyPeople with lung disease and active kids and adults should not spend any time outdoors. Everybody should try not to go outside.(1) If the Air Quality Index is _, the air quality is good for most people. A . orangeB . redC . purpleD . yellow(2) The _ AQI numbers are, the _ air quality is. A . bigger; betterB . bigger; nicerC . smaller; betterD . smaller; worse(3) Which of the following is TRUE? A . If the AQI number is 140, the AQI color will be red.B . If the AQI color is purple the air is the best for people.C . People with lung disease are very sensitive to the air.D . The AQI cant help people know the air quality.36. (5分) (2019九下九龙坡模拟) 阅读理解 Gardening is popular in many parts of the world. It brings us sweet smelling flowers, fresh fruit and vegetables. But you can get more from your garden.Gardening helps to keep healthy. Todays people sit indoors for too long and dont get much exercise. When you garden, you have to move around. Its a good chance for you to exercise your body by watering flowers or doing some digging. Besides, when you are in your garden, you can feel the warm sunshine. This means you are getting Vitamin D. It help your bodies use calcium (钙), which necessary to keep your bones(骨骼) strong.It gets them off computers, televisions and phones. Gardening can be great teacher to teach children about nature and healthy eating. It can also help them to understand the meaning of No pains, no gains.Gardening is a great way to meet people and build relationships. When you are gardening, you are outdoors. So it is a perfect time to communicate with your neighbors. Most people love to talk about their hobbies, and so do gardeners. They usually enjoy showing people what they are growing. And most enjoy sharing advice and stories about their gardens.(1) When its , you can get Vitamin D in your garden. A . sunnyB . cloudyC . snowyD . rainy(2) According to the passage, is one of the gardening activities. A . watching TVB . watering flowersC . walking dogsD . playing with phones(3) Which of the following can be the missing part in Paragraph 3? A . Gardening will be good for your bones.B . Gardening may help people to feel happy.C . Gardening is a great activity to do with children.D . Gardening can be a good way to meet neighbors.(4) The best title of the passage may be . A . Outdoor ActivitiesB . Advantages of GardeningC . Healthy Eating HabitsD . Relationships with Neighbors四、 补全对话(10) (共1题;共10分)37. (10分) (2019七下涡阳期末) 根据短文内容,从所给的选项中选出最佳选项补全对话。 A. What did you do there?B. Why did you go there?C. It was terrible!D. I hope I can visit the computer museum, too.E. It was great!F. Did you go anywhere?G. Where did you go?A: Hi, Jimmy. How was your weekend?B: Hi, Cindy. _ I really enjoyed it.A: _B: Yes, I went to a computer museum with my friends.A: _B: Because I am interested in computers.A: _B: I learned something about computers and who invented (发明) them.A: Sounds great! _B: Why not? Maybe we can go there together next time.五、 单词拼写(10分) (共10题;共10分)38. (1分) I think we should take action to r_noise pollution. 39. (1分) (2019九上南充期末) The better you know her, the more you will_(欣赏)her. 40. (1分) Jenny and her friends r_some money for the programme last week. 41. (1分) Susan usually_(得分)in the last minute of the matches. 42. (1分) Mike a_Tom are good friends. 43. (1分) Dont _(forget) your umbrella. It is raining. 44. (1分) They sat behind me at the cinema and talked from the_ to the end. 45. (1分) I think you should _ (道歉) to your brother. 46. (1分) (2019北部湾) Bob and Jim have been good friends _ (自从) they joined the same tennis team. 47. (1分) As students, we_(应该) work hard. 六、 语法填空(10分) (共10题;共10分)48. (1分) (2018徐州模拟) Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep _ (move


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