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人教版五年级上册英语 Unit1 Whats he like ?PartA Lets learn,Ask and answer 宜沟镇中心小学 窦素贞【教学重点】1. 能听、说、读、写单词“old”,“young”,“kind”,“funny”和“strict”。2.学会灵活运用句型“Whos your art / English / maths / science / music / teacher?”,“Is he / she young / old / funny / kind / strict / ?”,激发学生进一步了解各科老师的欲望,融洽师生关系。【教学难点】1. 利用教材提供的对话情景,以旧引新,引导学生进入学习状态。2. 能准确判断各科老师的性格。【教学准备】1. 教师准备多媒体课件、录音机和录音带、词卡。2. 教师准备各科教材和各科老师的照片。【教学过程】一、课前热身(Warm-up)1. 简单介绍各科老师。T: Now let me ask and you answer. (出示英语书) Whats this?Ss: Its an English book.T: And I teach you English. So I am yourSs: English teacher. 然后教师出示其他科目老师的照片和相应的课本,和学生进行类似的对话。二、课前预习(Preview)师生就各科老师的体貌特征进行问答练习,如:T: Whos your P.E. teacher?Ss: T: Is he thin / fat / tall / short / ?Ss: Yes, he is. (No, he isnt.)T: Now read after me. Thin, thin (Fat, fat / Tall, tall / Short, short). My P.E. teacher is thin (fat / tall / short).Ss: Thin, thin (Fat, fat / Tall, tall / Short, short). My P.E. teacher is thin (fat / tall / short).三、新课呈现(Presentation)1. A. Lets learn(1) 教学新单词 教学单词“old”和“young” 绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.lspjy.comT: Boys and girls, its the new term and lets meet some new friends.教师用多媒体课件分别出示老爷爷和小男孩的图片与学生进行对话,如:T: Look at the man in the picture. Hes.?(指着洋村村长的图片) ?Ss: 老的.T: 用英语怎么讲呢? Read after me. Old , old , the man is old.Ss:Old , old , the man is old.T: Look at the boy. He is .?Ss: 年轻的.T: Youre right. Hes not old. Hes young. Now read after me, please. Young, young, he is young.Ss: Young, young, he is young. 教学单词“kind”和“funny”教师用多媒体课件出示小头爸爸和大头儿子的图片,与学生对话,如:T: Look at the man in the picture. Whos he?Ss: Hes 小头爸爸.T: Hes kind to his son. And whos the boy?Ss:大头儿子。让学生扮演小头爸爸和大头儿子,帮助学生明白单词“kind”和“funny”的含义。 教师出示平时比较严厉的一位任课老师的照片,与学生进行对话:T: Look at the picture. Whos he ?Ss: Hes T: Is he kind?Ss: No, he isnt.T: Youre right. Hes not kind. Hes very strict. Read after me, please. Hes strict.Ss: Hes strict. 教师把本节课学习的五个新单词写在黑板上,并用“唱反调”的方式带来学生读几遍单词。2. 教师用多媒体课件出示本部分的教学挂图,并简单介绍情景,如:T: Oliver and Zhang Peng are talking about the teachers. Lets see what their teachers are like.(1) 第一次播放教学录音,全班学生跟着录音读,了解对话的大致内容。(2) 第二次播放教学录音,学生听完后回答下面问题: Whos Zhang Pengs art teacher? Is Zhang Pengs art teacher old?Answer: Mr Jones. No, hes young.(3) 学生同桌合作,利用情景图中提供的信息替换示例对话中的关键词,编写对话,如:S1: Whos your maths teacher?S2: Hes Mr Li.S1: Is he strict?S2: Yes, he is.然后教师请几对学生上讲台表演对话,表扬表演到位的学生。2. A. Ask and answer(1) 教师出示本班班主任的照片,与学生进行对话,如:T: Whos she in the picture?Ss: Shes Miss T: Shes your head teacher. (帮助学生明白词组“head teacher”的意思)(2) 请两位学生站起来示范读本部分的对话。S1: Whos the Mrs Smith?S2: Shes the head teacher. Shes tall. Shes strict.(3) 让学生拿出画纸和画笔,画出自己最喜欢的任课老师,仿照示例编写新对话,如:S1: Whos the man / woman in your picture?S2: Hes / Shes Hes / Shes thin. Hes / Shes kind.四、巩固延伸(Consolidation & Extension)1. 猜一猜教师描述一位教师的体貌和性格特征,让全班学生猜,如:T: Shes tall. Shes beautiful. Shes very young. We all like her. Whos she?Ss: Is she Miss Sun?T: Yes, youre right. Shes Miss Sun.2. 课堂练习选择不同类的选项:绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.lspjy.com( ) A. young B. old C. boy( ) A. funny B. kind C. girl( ) A. maths B. music C. class( ) A. father B. teacher C. brother3. Check the answer C, C, C, B 五、课堂小结(Summary)1. 师生一起总结本节课学习的词汇和句型。2. 鼓励学生认真观察各科任老师,并正确总结各科任老师的主要性格特征。六、布置作业(Homework)1. 将本节课学习的新单词在四线三格内抄写六遍。2. 听录音,跟读本部分内容。3. 准备几张家人或朋友的照片,利用本节课学习的新词汇和句型描述照片中的人物。【板书设计】Unit 1 Whats he like?A. Lets learn A. Ask and answer - Whos your art teacher? - Mr Jones. - Is he young? - Yes, he is. old young funny kind strict


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