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新目标八年级英语下书面表达复习指导第1单元本单元的考点:运用将来时预测未来,如未来的家乡,未来人们或是你的生活。一定要注意将来时的运用。写地方你可以用以下句子开头I am from Its a beautiful city with green mountains and two big river.I think in ten years, the road will be wider and cleaner. (我想十年后,.的马路会更宽、更干净),There will be more tree in the mountains.(山上会有更多的树),The people in will be much happier. (重庆人会更幸福)等等范文: In the future I think my life will be more interesting and our world will become more beautiful. Maybe I will be a teacher and make friends with my students. Also I will live in an apartment with my parents. Of course I will have a lovely pet dog, because I think dogs are friendly to people. During the week I will wear a suit to look smart. But on the weekend Ill dress more casually. Oh, I will travel a lot . I would like to visit many English-speaking countries like America and Australiaa.第2单元本单元的考点:谈论遇到的问题或困扰,或者回复求助信,当人家遇到困难时,给别人真诚的建议。主要用到 could do 和 should do 一般以There are a lot of things you could do.(你有很多可以做的事情) 开头。然后以 I think you should (could)来组织整篇文章。常见的建议有:(1)you should say sorry. (2) you should write a letter. (3) you could buy him a gift. (4) you should have a talk with him to communicate better. (5) you should find a part-time job.等等最后,别忘了在信的结尾写上 Good luck. 祝人家好运。范文:假如你叫王磊,你和同桌李明发生了争吵,事后你很后悔,想和他从归于好,但又不知道该怎么做。请给你的笔友发一封电子邮件,寻求他的建议。Dear Tom, Im very upset. I need your help. Li Ming is my deskmate. We get on well all the time. But yesterday I argued with him for an unimportant thing. And I shouted at him. After that he didnt talk to me . I hope he will get over it. I want to be friends with him again. But I dont know what to do . Could you give me some advice please?Many thanks. Yours sincerely Wang Lei第3单元本单元的考点:谈论过去的事情,是一定要用过去进行时,来表示当过去某事发生的时候,某某正在做某事。而同学们千万不要忘了过去进行时的格式 was (were) + doing,而且过去发生的短暂的动作一定要到一般过去时。 (注意以下句子划线处)例如:When the accident happened, Sam was taking a shower, Nick was watching TV. Then they helped the injured people together. (当事故发生时,山姆正在洗澡,尼克正在看电视,然后他们一起去帮助伤者)范文:昨晚七点开始下雨,请你描述一下当时你和你的家人分别在做些什么。 It began to rain at about 7:00 yeaterdat evening. At that time I was doing my homework in my bedroom. And my sister was playing with her favorite toy doll. My father was watching TV. He was watching CCTV news.My mother was washing dishes in the kitchen.第4单元本单元的考点是 转述 (直接引语转为间接引语)他人的话。其作文的考察要点一般是转述别人的话或评价。课本30页上的课文可能对你会有很大的帮助。 但是请一定要注意:转述时,如果前面的是过去时,后面从句部分切记用和过去相关的时态!I got my report card. I did OK this time. My Chinese teacher said I could do better. My math teacher said I was clever. MY English teacher said I was hard-working.(我接到我的成绩册了。我这次做得不错。我语文老师说我可以做得更好,数学老师说我聪明,用语老师说我很努力)等等范文:Dear aunt I got my report card yeaterday. I did OK in some subjects. My math teacher said I was hard-working. My Spanish teacher said I was good at speaking. And another good news is that my geography teacher said I did well in writing. I found science very difficult this term. So my worst report was from my science teacher. He said I was a lazy student. But its not true. Well, thats all for now.第5单元 本单元的考点 假设if (真实性条件状语从句)。 而这单元作文的考察要点,往往和1单元的 一般将来时 相结合。特别是命题为:你长大了、毕业了想当什么?如果你成了,你将会。(特别注意,主句将来时,从句一般现在时) 例如: I want to be a pilot after leaving school. If I become a pilot, I will visit different places in the world and make different friends. It will open up my eyes to the outside world. (我毕业以后想当一名飞行员。 如果我成了飞行员,我会参观不同的地方,交不同的朋友,开拓我的眼界) 等等。范文: 如果将来你很有钱,你会如何帮助他人 If I have a lot of money ,I will buy what I need and do what I always want to do. For example traveling around the world.studying outside China,buying my parents a big apartment. I hope my dream will come true. Of course I will do something helpful to others. I will give away money to charities. I will help those kids who are too poor to go to school. 第6单元本单元考点是谈论爱好I have been collecting stamps for 3years(since three years ago). I started the hobby when I was ten. (我开始集邮已经三年了,我是从9岁时开始这项兴趣的)范文:你有集邮(collect stamps)的爱好吗?请谈谈你集邮的历史。如果没有,也可以谈谈你别的爱好,以此为内容写一篇60词左右的短文。I like to collect many things, such as nice stones, movies tickets, books, toys, photos of famous people. But I like collecting stamps best. I have been collecting stamps for five years. When I was very young, my uncle sent me a stamp from Australia. I loved it at once. Since then I tried to collect stamps and fell in love with it. I have more than one hundred stamps. Some were sent by my friends, some were collected by myself; some were from foiregn countries, some were Chinese. I like them. Often, I take them out and show them to my friends.第7单元本单元考点主要是向别人委婉地提出要求或请求,主要运用would you mind (not) doing? 或者是could you please (not) do sth.? 一般来说,考作文的可能性不太大。不过不排除考察:你讨厌的行为是什么,当你遇到的时候,你会对别人说什么? 你可以这样写,结合5单元,例如:I get annoyed when someone is smoking on bus. When this happens, I will say to him, “would you mind not smoking on the bus?” (当有人在公车上抽烟,我会很不高兴。当这种事情发生时,我会对他说:“请不要在公车上抽烟好吗?)第8单元本单元的考点向他人礼貌地提建议,和7单元一样,本单元考作文的可能性也不大,主要语法还是以口语为主,以 提建议 ( Why dont you do sth?/ Why not do sth? / How about?/ What about?) 等为主。这单元的作文可以和2单元的提建议相结合。范文:谈谈你是怎样学好英语的。 Today Enlish is not only useful but also very important. I began to learn English at the age of ten. At first I felt it hard to learn English well. With the help of the teacher,I have made great progress. I often listen to the tapes and speak Ebglish in or after class. Sometimes I watch English TV news and go to the English corner. If you are brave enough, I think its a great help to talk to the native speakers of English. 第9单元本单元的考点是用现在完成时 (have/has +过去分词), 表示已经做过或者没做过某事。作文中特别注意 have/has been to的用法。例如:I have been to Jiu zhaigou. I went there in 2003. I liked it very much. (我已去过九寨沟,我是2003年去的。 我很喜欢那里)I have studied English for 2 years. I began to study it two years ago. (我已学英语2年,我是2年前开始学习的)特别注意,这单元的作文,很有可能会和6单元结合,包括写自我介绍、学校介绍、兴趣介绍,一定要注意综合运用。范文:假设你叫刘慧,想应聘兼职某旅行社英语导游,请根据自身情况写一封自荐信。Dear Sir or Madam:I learn that you need a part-time English tour guide. I am interested in the job. I will be free from June 3 to Aughst 31. I have studied English for more than five years. I can talk with English native speakers. And I alwas get along well with my teachers and classmates. Also I know a lot about many places of interest in our city. If I get the chance to work for your travel agent, I am sure I can be anexcellent tour guide. Hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes Yours, Liu Hui 第10单元本单元的考点是日常生活中的一些小对话,考写作的可能性不大,主要了解不同的场合,人们一般的话题,往往运用反义疑问句。还有就是写各类感谢信,属于小作文。Its a nice day, isnt it. -It sure is. I hope so. I hope not.范文; 假设你上周末搬家,你的朋友Tony 来帮忙,请给他写一封60字左右的感谢信。Dear Tony Thanks very much for helping me to carry the things from my old house to the new one. I was having a hard time doing it with my parents until you came along. We couldnt finish it that day if you didnt come to help us. You are so friendly. Yours

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