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冀教版备战2020年中考英语复习专题固定搭配(真题)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共40题;共80分)1. (2分)My bike doesnt work. What will you do _ it then?A . atB . forC . ofD . with2. (2分)I spent almost an hour and a half _ the train to Hong Kong. Thats quite a long time. There must be too many people waiting in line.A . tookB . to takeC . takeD . taking3. (2分)Can you tell me how to communicate foreigners? A . toB . forC . withD . of4. (2分)I find hard to finish the work. A . thatB . itsC . itD . this5. (2分)Whats this? Its a map _ the world.A . inB . onC . ofD . to6. (2分)Do you often watch Yi Jianlian _ basketball on TV? A . playB . playsC . playedD . to play7. (2分)You _ get her a scarf as a birthday gift. A . should be supposed toB . are suppose toC . should suppose toD . are supposed to8. (2分) Its a quarter past five. Its time _ home.A . to go toB . to goC . goD . go to9. (2分)While we down the street, the accident happened. A . walkedB . are walkingC . were walking10. (2分)It is important _ children _ learn to help others. A . of;ofB . of;toC . for;toD . to;to11. (2分)students in our class is 50.A . A number ofB . The number ofC . A lot ofD . Many of12. (2分)Her friendly look made me _ relaxed. I stood up and tried _ my idea. A . feel; expressB . to feel; to expressC . feel; expressing13. (2分)Students should arrive at school _. A . at timeB . on timeC . on the timeD . in the time14. (2分)Im sorry I _ my exercise book at home.Dont forget _ it to school tomorrow, please.A . forgot, to takeB . left, to bringC . forgot, to bringD . left, to take15. (2分)I dont think he can speak well an Englishman. A . so; asB . such; asC . more; thanD . less; than16. (2分)Having a good friend will help you _ the best in you. A . bring outB . bring inC . bring backD . bring up17. (2分)Many old men prefer in a peaceful countryside. A . to liveB . liveingC . liveD . lived18. (2分)Li Na is _ famous _ all the tennis fans in China know her.A . too; toB . enough; toC . as, asD . so, that19. (2分)We have some books. But we need _.A . more manyB . another manyC . many anotherD . many more20. (2分)The traffic signs warn people after drinking.A . to driveB . not to driveC . driving21. (2分)I will travel to Wuxi with my parents _the end of this August. A . ofB . onC . inD . at22. (2分)It takes me two hours _ my homework every day.A . doB . to doC . doingD . does23. (2分)I was listening to the music while _ my homework yesterday evening. A . to doB . doingC . didD . is doing24. (2分)-Do you like Zhou Libos talk show?-YesHis talk show is very funnyIt always makes people A . laughB . laughedC . laughingD . to laugh25. (2分)Shelly, its cold today! put on more clothes?Ok.A . Why dontB . Why notC . Would you mindD . Would you like26. (2分)For the coming vacation, why going abroad and seeing the outside world?A . not considerB . dont considerC . dont thinkD . not think27. (2分)My study in junior high school is coming to an end. Its time _us_.A . for, graduateB . to, to graduateC . for, to graduateD . to, graduating.28. (2分)Stop_down trees, _the environment will get worse and worse.A . to cut ; andB . To cut; orC . cutting ; or29. (2分)Do you know the of the bag?NoLets it nowA . weight;weightB . weigh;weightC . weight;weighD . weigh;weigh30. (2分)The MP3 _ too much. He _ 200 yuan _ it . A . spent, spent, onB . cost, spent, onC . paid, paid, forD . paid, cost, in31. (2分)Do you like sports?Sure. Im looking forward to _ the 2020 Olympic Games that _ in Tokyo on TV soon.A . watch, will heldB . watching, will be heldC . watching, held32. (2分)The children were out of _ kntrl after their father left. A . controlB . cultureC . country33. (2分)Goldfish are . A . easily to look afterB . easy to look afterC . easily to look after themD . A,B and C34. (2分)Colours can change our moods and make us happy or sad . A . feelB . to feelC . feltD . feeling35. (2分)It was that we both thought worth learning from.A . such valuable experience; itB . such an valuable experience; that itC . such an valuable experience; it isD . so valuable experience; it36. (2分)It has been sunny these days, so I _ it _ tomorrow.A . think , wont rainB . dont think, will rainC . think ,doesnt rainD . dont think , rains37. (2分) I dont like practicing the piano. If you _ it, you will play it well.A . stick toB . get toC . talk toD . shout to38. (2分)Watching TV is bad your health. A . too much, toB . too much, forC . too many, toD . too many, for39. (2分)Though he often made his little sister _, today he was made _ by his little sister.A . cry; to cryB . crying; cryingC . cry; cryD . to cry; cry40. (2分) Where _? An art exhibition. I think its really worth _ and we can learn a lot from it.A . have you gone; visitingB . have you been; visitingC . have you gone; visitD . have you been; visit第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共40题;共80分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、

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