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人教版2020届九年级下学期中考英语第一次模拟考试试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分) (2017七下江津月考) Bill can play_ violin but he cant play _ basketball. A . the, /B . the, theC . /, theD . the, a2. (2分) Many houses _ in the earthquake of April 20, 2013 in Yaan.A . is destroyedB . are destroyedC . was destroyedD . were destroyed3. (2分) Daddy, will you come home for supper with us today? _, but I might be a little late.A . Im busyB . No problemC . Its a pityD . Its hard to say4. (2分) (2018九下信阳模拟) Its so careless of you to make a spelling mistake again.Sorry. I couldnt remember .A . when I learnt the wordB . if I have learnt the wordC . where should I put the silent tD . in which class did you teach the word5. (2分) (2016八上深圳月考) The little boy answers all the Maths problems correctly. Amazing! He is so smart.A . wronglyB . rightlyC . Finally6. (2分) (2016八上六盘水期末) First,_ two bananas, then put them into the blender. A . pourB . peelC . makeD . give7. (2分) , we saw the sun rise on top of Mount Taishan.A . LuckyB . LuckilyC . UnluckyD . Unluckily8. (2分) The prisoners were _ after half a year. A . set upB . set offC . set freeD . set out9. (2分) - Tom, can you help me do some housework?- Sorry, mum. I to school.A . goB . goesC . am going to goD . going10. (2分) The flowers often.A . must be waterB . must be wateredC . must watered11. (2分) (2017深圳) In Shenzhen the city center will be connected to all the districts by metro in several years.Great, Im proud of living in Shenzhen.A . closed toB . joined toC . added to12. (2分) Im too nervous to give a talk before so many people?_, Maria. I think you can make it.A . Thats trueB . With pleasureC . Come onD . Youre right13. (2分) I hear that Hu Jintao will come to Nantong because the Sutong Bridge is open to traffic soon. Do you know _?A . what will he talk aboutB . where will he give a talkC . how will he comeD . when he will arrive14. (2分) 一 Would you like to drink milk?一 Thank you, but just .A . a fewB . fewC . a little15. (2分) (2017八上蒙城月考) Her book is _than _. A . interesting, meB . more interesting, myC . the most interesting, ID . more interesting, mine16. (2分) Dont talk to the elderly like that, John. We _ respect and be kind to them. A . canB . mayC . needD . should17. (2分) (2018九上深圳开学考) Mum, when shall we leave for HongKong? Im not sure. We have to wait for your dad to decide.A . put offB . take offC . set off18. (2分) (2016七上夏津开学考) Ive got a toothache. Im going to the _. A . parkB . dentistC . teacher19. (2分) Eason finished school last month, so he is _ a student now. A . no longerB . any longerC . onlyD . still20. (2分) How is your vacation, Sarah? _.A . Its pretty goodB . It is very muchC . Its hot二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分) (2017邵阳) 阅读短文,掌握其大意,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the country,1mouse lived in the city. After many years the Country Mouse saw the City Mouse, he2, Do come and see me at my house in the country. So the City Mouse went. The City Mouse said, This food is not good, and your house is not good,3 . Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should4and live in the city. You would live in a nice house 5stone. You must come and see me at my house in the city. The Country Mouse went to the house6the City Mouse. It was a very good house. Nice food was ready for them to eat. But just as they began to eat they heard a great7 . The City Mouse cried, Run! Run! The cat is coming! They ran away 8 and hid. After some time they came out. When they came out, the Country Mouse said, I9living in the city. I like living in my hole in the field. For 10is nicer to be poor and happy, than to be rich and afraid.(1)A . the other B . other C . others (2)A . spoke B . said C . told (3)A . too B . either C . also (4)A . come B . came C . comes (5)A . be made of B . made of C . making of (6)A . at B . on C . of (7)A . sound B . voice C . noise (8)A . quickly B . more quickly C . the most quickly (9)A . like B . dont like C . am not like (10)A . it B . this C . that 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)22. (10分) (2019七上南山期末) 阅读理解 Chinese people have never liked a Japanese sports star before as they have loved Japanese ping-pong player Ai Fukuhara.But now they may feel sad, as the 29-year-old said on Oct.21,2018 that she would be retiring(退役)from the sport, As a ping-pong player, Im drawing the line here.Fukuhara has had a talent for playing ping-pong since 3 years old. When she was 12 years old, she came to China to learn ping-pong as well as Chinese Now she speaks Chinese very well.Thats one reason why Chinese fans love her so much. Another reason is that she always shows her real feeling to others. Fukuhara often cries when she loses the games especially against Chinese pingpong players so Chinese fans call her Crybaby.Although Fukuhara is not always the winner, she is trying her best when playing her favorite sport all the time. When talking about why she planned to stop playing pingpong, she said Japanese players are playing pingpong better and better with her help and that its OK for her to retire as for her future plans, Fukuhara wrote that she would like to help more people around the world get to know the beauty of the sport.(1) The underlined words mean Ai Fukuhara plans to . A . teach pingpongB . continue to play pingpongC . take up drawingD . stop playing pingpong(2) When did Fukuhara come to China to learn pingpong? A . In 1989.B . In 2000.C . In 2004.D . In 2014.(3) Why do Chinese fans call Kufuhara Crybaby? A . She often gets hurt.B . She often plays with babies.C . She often cries over games.D . She often sings songs like babies.(4) Why did Fukuhara retire from pingpong? A . She has helped Japanese pingpong players improve a lot.B . She has new plans to teach students to play pingpong.C . She wants to spend more time with her family.D . She doesnt love pingpong any more.(5) Whats the best title of this passage? A . Ai Fukuhara said goodbye to Japanese fansB . Ai Fukuhara said goodbye to Chinese fansC . Ai Fukuhara has deep love for ChinaD . Ai Fukuharas new plan in China23. (10分) From age eight to eleven, I studied at a small school in Bath, England. It was a small school of four classes, with about twenty-five children in each class according to age. For the most part, one teacher had to teach all subjects. However, sometimes the headteacher , Mr. Ronald Broaches would come in and spend an hour or so.He was a large man with a very happy nature. He had a sense of humor and would be glad in telling the children small stories which make us laugh.I found that he took great interest in me and he quickly found that I enjoyed puzzles. He would stop me as I was going to class and take a piece of paper out of his pocket, often with a puzzle on it. As time went on, they slowly gave me an interest in math and problem solving that stays with me to this day.To this day, I can remember Mr. Broaches cheerful cry of “Well done!” whenever I got a problem right. I shall always be thankful that our paths crossed.Mr. Bruoaches died just two weeks after I won the 1993 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. Unfortunately, I had no chance to speak to him before he died. I learnt late that he had heard of my success and I will always hope that he knew the deep influence he had made on my life.(1) The writer spent _study at the school in Bath, England.A . three yearsB . six yearsC . one yearD . two years(2) The writers success shows us _.A . Mr. Broaches often gave him some puzzles only for fun .B . they had the same interestC . Mr. Broaches found and developed his interestD . Mr. Broaches was his fathers friend.(3) From the story, we can guess the writer_.A . liked language lessons very well.B . was a good football playerC . was good at mathD . had a great dream(4) The writer felt sorry because_.A . Mr. Broaches passed away before he won the Nobel PrizeB . he didnt express his thanks before Mr. Broaches died.C . he couldnt find Mr. Broaches after he grew upD . Mr. Broaches didnt know about his success.(5) The best title for the passage is _.A . The Story of Mr. BroachesB . The History of Nobel PrizeC . My Early School LifeD . An Important Teacher in My Life24. (10分) (2016八上萧山期中) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。AHouse For SaleRed Rose Garden, Pudong3-storey home, 509 sqm total land area, 428.8 sqm built-in, 312.9 sqm garden.Asking RMB13 million (USDl.57 million).MP: 13761973547 Tel: 02158609228 Fax: 02158609728Job Wanted Cherry, 24, a shining girl, good at oral English and putonghua. Now I am working at an international trade (国际贸易) company in Guangzhou. I am kind-hearted, hard-working and healthy. I would like part-time weekend work offering putonghua lessons to foreign friends. If you are interested, please e-mail me at cherryif hotmail.com.Beijing Snow World Ski ParkPrice: 18 yuan (ticket),50 yuanhour on weekdays and 70 yuanhour at weekends,120 yuanfour hours on weekdays and 190 yuanfour hours at weekends.Tel: 01069191617(1) If an Australian student wants to learn Chinese, he or she can _. A . call 02158609228B . fax 02158609728C . e-mail cherryifhotmail.comD . telephone 010-69191617(2) How many square meters is the garden of the house for sale? A . 509 sqm.B . 428.8 sqm.C . 312.9 sqm.D . 741.7 sqm.(3) Where is Cherry working now? A . Shanghai.B . Guangzhou.C . Beijing.D . Pudong.(4) If Nick goes skiing in Beijing Snow World Ski Park,he has to pay more money on _ than on Tuesday. A . SundayB . FridayC . WednesdayD . Monday(5) If you want to ski for eight hours on weekdays, how much money will you pay at least?A . 240 yuan.B . 138 yuan.C . 258 yuan.D . 398 yuan.25. (10分) In most languages, a greeting is usually followed by “small talk”. Small talk means the little things we talk about at the start of a conversation.In English-speaking countries people often make small talk about the weather: “Nice day, isnt it?” “Terrible weather, isnt it?” But there is something special about small talk. It must be about something which both people have the same opinion about. The purpose of small talk is to let both people agree on something. This makes meeting people easier and more comfortable. People usually agree about the weather, so it is a safe topic for small talk. But people often disagree about religion or politics so these are not suitable topics for small talk in English. The topics for small talk also depend on where the conversation is taking place. At football matches, people make small talk about the game they are watching: “Great game, isnt it?” At bus stops, people may comment about the transport system: “The bus service is terrible, isnt it?”Greetings and small talk are an important part of conversation in any language. The way people great each and the things they talk about, however, may be different from one language to another. This shows that there is much more to learn when we learn a language than just the vocabulary and the grammar of the language. We also have to learn the social behavior of the people who speak it.(1) Small talk _.A . is a kind of conversation with short wordsB . is a greeting when people meet each otherC . is to let people disagree about somethingD . is something we talk about to start a conversation(2) The best topic of small talk is about _.A . the weatherB . politicsC . GamesD . languages(3) The passage suggests that when we learn a language _.A . we should learn about the transport system of the countryB . we should only master the grammar and vocabularyC . we should know the culture about the countryD . we should grasp the importance of the language(4) When we say “Great game, isnt it?” we in fact_.A . ask a questionB . have a conversationC . greet each otherD . begin a small talk(5) What we learn from the passage is that _.A . different language has different grammarB . small talk is an important part in a languageC . small talk depends on the purpose of the conversationD . in English-speaking countries we should talk about the weather.四、 补全对话 (共2题;共22分)26. (17分) 用适当的词补全对话。A: Do you know we have a new teacher and two new students this semester?B: Really? What _the new teacher look _?A: He is an old man. He _no hair.B: Is he _?A: Yes. And he _glasses.B: _he have a mustache?A: No, he _a beard. He is not good-looking. But he is very kind.B: What _your new classmates? What _they _like?A: They are twins. They look the _. They _of medium height. Theyre not heavy _thin. They _curly hair.B: Whats the _their hair?A: Well, they _blonde hair. They are good-looking.27. (5分) (2019八下北碚期末) 阅读下列对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。 A: Because they are interesting.B: What animals do you like?C: Why do you like them?D: That sounds good.E: Yes, I do.F: Why are they interesting.G: I can do this.A: Do you like animals?B: _A: Lets go to see the animals this afternoon. Theres a new zoo in our city.B: _A: _B: Dolphins!A: _B: Because they are kind of smart. I like to see a dolphin show.A: Well, I like elephants.B: Why do you like them?A: _ They can do a lot of things with their noses.五、 单词填空 (共1题;共10分)28. (10分) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整正确(每个单词限用一次,每空只填一个单词。) he, happy, baby, save, arm, volunteer, clean, quick, work, turnWang Ping is a cleaner. He has _ in a park for 5 years. He is also a good father. Nothing can make him _ than playing with his little daughter in his free time.Last Tuesday afternoon, while he was _ the park, suddenly, he heard a woman crying for help. He ran up _ to see what happened. The womans 15-month-old baby girl choked(窒息) on a small piece of fruit and her face _ purple. The baby was too young to save herself, and the mother was so nervous that she didnt know how to save her daughter properly. Luckily, Wang Ping knew what to do. He took the baby in his _ without thinking twice. With the mothers help, Wang Ping held the baby upside down and gave her a few pats (轻拍) on the back. After a short while, he succeeded in getting the piece out of her mouth and the baby began to cry. Her mom was so thankful because her daughter was _.Wang Ping tried his best and saved the _ life. In his mind, helping others is just helping. _. He hoped more people could _ to help the people in need if possible.六、 短文阅读 (共3题;共35分)29. (5分) 根据材料内容完成短文,每空不超过三个单词。Hi Jamie. This is Michael. Sorry youre not in. There is a play (戏剧) on in New Theatre. The play is called The Dinner Party. Do you want to see it? It is about some friends. They meet again after twenty-five years for a dinner. People say its really good. I think you will like it.I know its your birthday on 27th August. Well, the play is on the 29th.The New Theatre is in Church Street near Mr Henrys Bookstore. The theatre is new and very nice inside.The play starts at eight in the evening, so why dont we meet in the bookstore first? Ill see you there at 6:45 pm and we can do some reading before it starts.If you want to see the play, please call me at 778-4219. Bye.根据材料内容完成短文,每空不超过三个单词。Michael asks Jamie to see a play with him. The name of the play is _ It s on 29th August, _days after Jamies birthday. The play is on in a(n)_and nice theatre. The play starts at 8:00 pm, but Michael hopes they can meet at _in Mr Henrys Bookstore. He thinks its great to _there first.30. (5分) 任务型阅读Its a must-eat fruit in Southeast Asia: People there call it King of Fruits. Many love it so much that they eat it at every meal. _It is the durian (榴莲).The durian can only grow in hot places. Its name durian comes from the Malay word duff. _The durian is the most famous fruit in Southeast Asia. It looks big and dangerous and has a very strong smell (浓烈的气味)._They come in different sizes. A durian can grow up to 30cm long, and usually it can be as heavy as 1 to 3kg.The greatest thing about the durian is inside. When you open it up, a very strong smell comes out. _In Singapore, people cant bring a durian into a hotel room or onto a city train. And they cant bring a durian onto some planes, either.Although the durian has a strong smell, the fruit tastes quite good._Some animals living in the forest like it!根据材料内容,从方框中选择合适的句子填入文中空缺处,使材料完整、通顺。A. It means thorn (刺).B. It tastes soft and sweet (又软又甜).C. Whats it? you may wonder.D. Some people love this smell, but others dont like it!E. There are many different kinds of durians.31. (25分) 阅读理解BI have a garden(花园)It is a great place to have funNow its summerThe garden has many colorsgreen,white,red and yellowThere are three trees in the gardenan orange tree,an apple tree and a pear treeThe orange tree is young and it doesnt have any fruitsThere arent many pears on the pear tree,either because of the cold weather in April and May this yearThere are a lot of green apples on the apple treeIt always has a lot of fruits every yearThere are two animals in the garden nowMax is my dogMax is big,but he is very friendly and everybody loves himHes 4 years oldMax is playing with Hector, my beautiful white catHector is about ten years old:There is a purple tent (帐篷)in the middle of the gardenMy brother,Luke,likes camping(扎营),but my mother doesnt want him to go campingSo he sometimes sleeps in the purple tentI think my mother is rightCamping in the garden is safe (安全的)for a five-year-old boy根据材料内容简要回答下列问题。(1) How many trees are there in the garden?(2) Which tree has more fruits, the pear tree or the apple tree?(3) What ammals are in the garden?(4) Where is Lukes tent?(5) How old is Luke?七、 信息匹配 (共1题;共5分)32. (5分) (2019八上融安期中) 根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出五个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 Let me tell you something about sharks (鲨鱼). Sharks are among the oldest animals in the world._Most sharks are about two meters long and live in the oceans (海洋).A shark can smell (闻) something in the water. For example, the blood (血) of animals._Sharks mainly eat fish, other sharks and plants in the ocean.Most sharks bite (咬) people by mistake. _When the sun goes down or comes up, sharks are looking food._The numbers of ( 数量) sharks in the world is dropping (下跌) fast.A. That helps them find their food.B. So at these times people shouldnt go swimming in the ocean.C. People think sharks are i

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