2020年初中英语外研(新标准)版七年级下册期末模拟试卷(4)(II )卷

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2020年初中英语外研(新标准)版七年级下册期末模拟试卷(4)(II )卷_第1页
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2020年初中英语外研(新标准)版七年级下册期末模拟试卷(4)(II )卷_第2页
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2020年初中英语外研(新标准)版七年级下册期末模拟试卷(4)(II )卷_第3页
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2020年初中英语外研(新标准)版七年级下册期末模拟试卷(4)(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单选题 (共15题;共15分)1. (1分) Is everyone here today ? No . Mark _ his leg in the basketball game yesterday .A . breakB . breaksC . to breakD . broke2. (1分)A notebook and a pencil box _ in my schoolbag. A . amB . isC . are3. (1分)Where _ your teacher two days_?A . were; beforeB . was; beforeC . were; agoD . was; ago4. (1分)-What does the new teacher look like?-She _ of medium build and _ long curly hair.A . is, isB . has, hasC . is, hasD . has, is5. (1分)_ those your pens, Bob?Yes, I lost them in the classroomA . AmB . IsC . AreD . Be6. (1分)This pair of shoes _ me well, but the shoes _ expensive. A . fit, areB . fits, areC . fits, isD . fit, is7. (1分)If someone is in good _, he or she is being well in the body and mind,and free from diseases. A . healthB . luckC . success8. (1分)The _ of a country or area is the total number of people living in it.A . educationB . populationC . information9. (1分)How do you like our new math teacher?Very much. He always makes his classes _.A . easyB . sillyC . boringD . friendly10. (1分) Will you take part in the football game on Sunday afternoon? Yes, but it has been _because of the rain.A . refusedB . controlledC . cancelledD . served11. (1分)The TV set is really expensive. It_ him $900. A . spentB . tookC . costD . paid12. (1分)“You can have some cakes, _ you must wash your hands first.”Mum says.A . andB . orC . butD . so13. (1分)Did you water the flowers yourself? No, I got them .A . waterB . wateringC . watersD . watered14. (1分) Why are you late for Susans party? Because I cant find the way _ her home.A . fromB . toC . for15. (1分)Im _ that he can wash his clothes.A . surpriseB . surprisedC . surprisingD . surprises二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。Accept life as it is. I learned how to do it from my father. 1, he did not teach me acceptance when he was strong and healthy, but rather when he was 2and ill.My father was 3a strong man who loved being active, but a terrible illness 4all that away. Now he can no longer walk, and he must sit quietly in a chair all day.Even talking is 5. One night, I went to visit him with my sisters. We started 6about life, and I told them about one of my 7. I said that we must very often give things up 8we grow - our youth, our beauty, our friends - but it always 9that after we give something up, we gain something new in its place. Then suddenly my father 10up. He said, “But, Peter, I gave up 11! What did I gain?” I thought and thought, but I couldnt think of anything to say. 12, he answered his own question: “I 13the love of my family,” I looked at my sisters and saw tears in their eyes, along with hope and thankfulness.I was also 14by his words. After that, when I began to feel angry at someone, I 15remember his words and become 16. If he could 17his great pain with a feeling of love for others, then I should be 18to give up my small anger. In this 19, I learned the power of acceptance from my father.Sometimes I 20what other things I could have learned from him if I had listened more carefully when I was a boy. For now, though, I am ashamed(惭愧的) for this one word.(1)A . Therefore B . Meanwhile C . However D . Afterward (2)A . poor B . weak C . slow D . tired (3)A . already B . once C . still D . only (4)A . took B . sent C . threw D . put (5)A . stressful B . hopeless C . impossible D . difficult (6)A . asking B . worrying C . talking D . caring (7)A . experiences B . beliefs C . ambitions D . decisions (8)A . as B . till C . before D . since (9)A . promises B . suggests C . seems D . requires (10)A . opened B . summed C . spoke D . turned (11)A . anything B . something C . nothing D . everything (12)A . Immediately B . Surprisingly C . Naturally D . Certainly (13)A . accepted B . had C . gained D . enjoyed (14)A . attracted B . warned C . astonished D . touched (15)A . should B . could C . would D . might (16)A . quiet B . relaxed C . calm D . happy (17)A . remove B . combine C . share D . replace (18)A . likely B . free C . ready D . able (19)A . way B . place C . case D . time (20)A . wonder B . doubt C . guess D . know 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共15分)17. (5分) Around the world more and more people are taking part in dangerous sports and activities. Of course, there have always been people who have looked for adventure(冒险)-those who have climbed the highest mountains, traveled into unknown parts of the world or sailed in small boats across the greatest oceans. Now, however, there are people who look for an immediate excitement from a risky(冒险的) activity which may only last a few minutes or even seconds. I would consider bungee(蹦极) jumping to be a good example of such an activity. You jump from a high place(perhaps a bridge or a hot-air balloon) 200 meters above the ground with an elastic(有弹性的) rope tied to your ankles. You fall at up to 150 kilometers an hour until the rope stops you from hitting the ground. It is said that about 2 million people around world have now tried bungee jumping. Other activities which most people would say are as risky as bungee jumping include jumping from tall buildings and diving into the sea from the top of high cliff(悬崖).For the reasons, some psychologists explain that many people think their life in modern societies has become safe and boring. Not very long ago, peoples lives were constantly(持续的) in danger. They had to go out and hunt for food, diseases could not easily be cured, and life was a continuous battle (战争)for survival.Nowadays, according to many people, life offers little excitement. They live and work in comparatively safe conditions; they buy food in shops; and there are doctors and hospitals to look after them if they become ill. The answer for some of these people is to look for danger in activities such as bungee jumping.(1)Are there many people who are taking part in the dangerous sports?(2)How many kinds of dangerous sports does the writer refer to?(3)How long does a bungee jumping usually last?(4)What do many people think of their life nowadays?(5)What does the writer tell us in the last two paragraphs?18. (5分)阅读理解Mr. Green lives in a village. He has a few farms and is the richest there. And he has pigs, chickens, cows and sheep. He works in the fields with some workers, and his wife had to do all the housework at home. So she is very busy and asks her husband to employ( 雇) a girl to help her, but he doesnt agree.There are so many chickens, dear, said the woman one day. I cant look after them at all.Thats easy, said Mr. green. Theres Mr. Blacks farm outside our enclosing walls (围墙).Wed better make a few holes in the walls and the chickens will go to his farm through them and eat his vegetables.And soon Mr. Black found it. He told Mr. Green and his wife about it. They promised they would stop their chickens doing it but they didnt keep their promise at all. Mr. Black thought for a while and found a way. He put nearly 20 eggs near the holes one afternoon. And that evening, when Mrs. Black was counting her chickens, she called out on her farm, Oh, Im lucky today! Ive found twenty eggs on my farms.Of course, Mrs. Green saw it herself. And the next morning Mr. Black found all the holes had been stopped up(堵死).(1)Mrs. Green is busy because_. A . she has a few farmsB . she has to do a lot of houseworkC . she has to help her husbandD . she isnt strong enough to do all(2)Mr. Green doesnt agree with her wife because _. A . he has little money to employ a helper for his wifeB . he thinks his wife is very lazyC . he tries his best to save moneyD . he has enough time to help her with the housework(3)Mr. Green made some holes in the walls to _. A . let his chickens go to Mr. Blacks farm and eat Mr. Blacks vegetables.B . Let his chickens lay(产) some eggs in Mr. Blacks fieldsC . make Mr. Black angryD . watch Mr. Blacks chickens(4)The Greens thought _. So they stopped up the holes that night. A . Mr. Black will kill their chickensB . Their chickens laid eggs in Mr. Blacks fieldsC . Mr. Blacks chickens will go to their farmsD . Mr. Black will tell the police about it.19. (5分)阅读短文,选择正确的选项。Here are the New Years resolutions of my four friends.My name is Dave and I am from the United Kingdom. Im going to drink more water and less cola. Im also going to brush my teeth before breakfast and after dinner, and wash my hands before eating.My name is Tina and I am from the United States. I want to make more friends this year. Im going to be nicer to the other children in my class. Im going to be friendly to children who need friendslike someone who is shy or new to my school.Im Selina and I am from the United States. Im going to work harder this year. Im going to do all the homework that our teachers ask us to do. If I have any problems with my subjects, Im going to ask my teachers for help.My name is Toby and I am from Singapore. Im never going to play computer games. When I feel angry or stressed, Im going to find better ways to relax, like exercising, reading or discussing my problems with my friends.(1)Dave is going to brush his teeth a day. A . onceB . twiceC . three timesD . four times(2)Selina is going to this year. A . drink more waterB . work harderC . make more friendsD . do more exercise(3) are both American. A . Toby and SelinaB . Tina and DaveC . Toby and DaveD . Tina and Selina(4)Who is Toby going to talk with about his problems? A . His friends.B . His teachers.C . His parents.D . His classmates.(5)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A . Dave is going to wash his hands before eating.B . Selina is going to ask her teachers about her study problems.C . Tina is going to be friendly only to children who are new to school.D . Toby doesnt want to play computer games any more.四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)补全对话A. How many lessons do you have every day?B. Why do you like it?C. Who is your P. E. teacher?D. How do you usually come to school?E. Whats your favorite sport?A: Good morning, Zhou Jun._B: I usually come to school on foot.A:_B: Six. I have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon.A:_B: My favorite sport is basketball.A:_B: Because its very exciting(令人兴奋的).A:_B: Mr. Zhao. Look! He is playing basketball there.A: Nice talking to you. Thank you.五、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共5题;共5分)21. (1分)Take care not to _(打破) the glass. 22. (1分)He a_ asks Mr Green for help. 23. (1分)Jackson doesnt want to _(损坏) his reputation. 24. (1分)Ben_(折叠)the paper carefully and put it on the table25. (1分)Last week Bob bought a new watch and it _(花费) him a lot of money. 六、 语法填空 (共5题;共5分)26. (1分)Lets play soccer.That_(sound) great.27. (1分)Its our duty _ (keep) our hometown clean and beautiful. 28. (1分)How are your parents? Fine, _ (thank), Mr. Chen.29. (1分)Playing football makes him _. (happily) 30. (1分) The rainy season is coming, so bad! I agree, and there _ (be) much rain then.七、 翻译 (共5题;共11分)31. (2分)Jenny的自行车坏了,这就是他迟到的原因。Jennys bike was broken_she was late 32. (2分)根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子。(1)作为一名9年级学生, 你应当按时完成所有的家庭作业。As a Grade 9 student, you should finish all your homework _.(2)花些时间在业余爱好上是值得的。It is _ some time on the hobbies.(3)考试之前, 我们常常复习功课。We often _ lessons before exams.(4)对于我们来说, 待在外面很久踢足球是不对的。It isnt right for us to _ late to play football.(5)他想知道怎样在家庭和工作之间获得平衡。He wonders how he can _ a _ between his family and work.33. (2分)单词翻译。 多少钱_ 长裤 _ 袜子 _ 衬衫 _T恤衫 _ shorts _ 毛衣 _ 鞋_裙子 _ 特价 _34. (3分)我可以帮你从那个饭店订餐。I can help you_the restaurant.35. (2分)你猜怎么着?我遇到了一位影星。_?I met a movie star八、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共20分)36. (20分)A.This electric(电子的) product can make you cool during hot days. It can help you change the temperature and control the huimdity(湿度).B. This can help you wash your dirty clothes and dry them. You just need to turn it on and later hang the clothes on the line.C. You can do many things with this product, such as sending e-mails, playing games, getting on line and listening to music.D. Each family needs it to keep meat, vegetables, fruits and drinks cool and fresh on hot days.E. It is a very helpful product which tells you the time. It can wake you up at any time you want.F. When you wash your hair, you need this product to make wet hair dry right away.Match the information according to what you read.Lucy is often late for school becauses he always gets up late. She needs to buy something to wake her up in the morning._Bob likes listening to music when he is free. And he has to send e-mails to his customers(顾客)every day. He wants to buy something that can help him._Summer has come. Peter is heavy and he cant sleep well on such hot days. Hed like to buy something to make him feel cool._Jenny often washes her hair late at night. It is often wet when she goes to bed. She needs to buy something to dry her hair._Mrs. Brown is a housewife. She has so many chores to do. She has to wash clothes for her family every day, so she needs a product to do it for her._九、 写作题 (共1题;共14分)37. (14分)学校将邀请家长们于7月15日上午9点到校参加艺术节,观看精彩的节目,并为学生带来礼物。假如你是校学生会主席,请给家长们写一封邀请函。Dear Parents, Students Union第 22 页 共 22 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共15分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共15分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、17-6、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)20-1、五、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共5题;共5分)21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、六、 语法填空 (共5题;共5分)26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、七、 翻译 (共5题;共11分)31-1、32-1、32-2、32-3、32-4、32-5、33-1、34-1、35-1、八、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共20分)36-1、九、 写作题 (共1题;共14分)37-1、

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