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七年级上学期英语第一次月考试卷(无听力材料)D卷一、 听句子,选出最佳答句。 (共5题;共10分)1. (2分) 选择最佳应答语( )A . Two hundred bikesB . White bikesC . Our bikes2. (2分) (2017河北) 选出该句的最佳答语( )A . Sorry, I dont know.B . Yes, I think so.C . No, I dont feel well.3. (2分) (2017重庆) 选出最恰当的答语( )A . Well done!B . Sorry to hear that.C . I agree with you.4. (2分) (2019宁津模拟) 听录音,选答语( ) A . Thank you.B . Yes, it is.C . To London.5. (2分) (2019八下綦江期末) 听句子,选出最恰当的答语( ) A . DressB . T-shirtC . Uniform二、 听长对话,回答问题。 (共3题;共16分)6. (6分) (2018七上衢州期中) 听下面一段较长对话,回答问题。 (1) What does the girl usually do on Sunday? A . Go shopping.B . Do her homework.C . Go to see her friends.(2) Do Betty and Daming have a busy weekend? A . No, they dont.B . I dont know.C . Yes, they do.(3) What do Damnings parents do? A . They are workers.B . They are bus drivers.C . They are teachers.7. (4分) 请听第一段对话,回答小题。 (1) Why doesnt the woman like rock music? A . She thinks its not beautiful.B . She thinks its too noisy.C . She thinks its not exciting.(2) Whats the womans favorite music? A . Classical music.B . Rock music.C . Country music.8. (6分) (2018八下阳谷期末) 听下面一段对话,回答问题。 (1) What is Jane doing? A . She is chatting on the Internet.B . She is writing an email.C . She is calling her friend.(2) Why did Rose move to another city? A . Because she found a good job there.B . Because her father found a new job there.C . Because she went to a new school.(3) How many friends does Jane have at this school? A . Three.B . Four.C . Five.三、 听短文,回答问题。 (共1题;共10分)9. (10分) 根据短文选择最佳答案。 (1) It is in the _. A . eveningB . afternoonC . morning(2) Erics jacket is_ A . greenB . blackC . yellow(3) Erics ruler is _ A . greenB . yellowC . brown(4) It is an English_ A . CDB . mapC . name(5) Eric can spell _ A . orangeB . jacketC . UFO四、 听短文,请根据所听到的内容和思维导图,完成下面的简述。 (共1题;共5分)10. (5分) 信息转换Life in BritainHousesMany people in Britain_ in houses with gardens.Daily lifeOffice workers work from about 9:00 a. m.to about 5:00 p. m.,and they dont go home for_.People usually have a _ meal in the evening.School lifeClasses begin at about _ oclock in the morning.They have different activities after school.ShopsShops open at about nine and close at about six on _.Many supermarkets stay open twenty-four hours.五、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)11. (2分) (2019八上南山期末) What is the lecture about? Some modern methods of teaching English. Lets go to it together.A . patternsB . plansC . ways12. (2分) (2019八上咸阳月考) The girl saw her mother, so she didnt cry . A . any moreB . no moreC . not any longerD . no longer13. (2分) His favourite _ is blue.A . foodB . colourC . sportD . class14. (2分) Jims brother often borrowed his money.But he never returned it. So Jim doesnt lend him any now.A . tookawayB . gavebackC . turnedover15. (2分) (2017八上重庆期中) If you feel bored , you can go _ interesting to have fun . A . to somewhereB . to anywhereC . somewhereD . nowhere16. (2分) Have you got a brother? . His name is Henry.A . Yes, I amB . No. Im notC . Yes. I haveD . No,I havent17. (2分) “Lily, lets make vegetable salad. How many _ do we need? ” “One is enough.”A . orangesB . potatoC . tomatoesD . egg18. (2分) Have you ever watched Lin Shuhaos basketball match? -Yes, of course, he is such _ excellent player that I want to see it _ second time.A . an, aB . a, aC . the, aD . the, the19. (2分) (2018徐汇模拟) _does it take to get to the nearest supermarket?About half an hour on foot.A . How farB . How longC . How soonD . How often20. (2分) (2015八上黄冈期中) Do you want to go to the movies tonight? _A . Most of the movies on right now are cartoons.B . Whats called?C . Im sorry to hear that.D . Sure, Id love to.21. (2分) Is your English teacher American?YesShes from USAA . a;theB . an;aC . a;aD . an;the22. (2分) The boy needs to have a rest. Dont _. A . wake up himB . stay up himC . wake him upD . stay him up23. (2分) (2019山东模拟) The boys often play _ soccer after school. A . /B . aC . anD . the24. (2分) (2018八上大同月考) At first she _ like maths, but now she _. A . didnt; didB . doesnt; doesC . didnt; does25. (2分) Have you improved your spoken English ?Yes, I have. Ive _ improved a lot. A . yet; yetB . yet; alreadyC . already ; yetD . already ; already六、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)26. (10分) Do you have lots of friends? What do you1friends and friendship? Are they very important for you? Some of your friends may have different views and interests, and some like doing the same2as you. Do you like friends different from3the same as you? You may like the friends who 4the same interests as you. But I dont really care.I have two good friends, Peter and James. Peter is 5me. I am a quiet boy, and Peter is also quiet. We6enjoy reading books and surfing the Internet. On weekends, we often go to the library or 7on the computer together. But James is very different from us. He likes playing ball games, and he is more athletic than us. He is 8more outgoing. He likes talking and often makes9laugh. You see, friends are not10to be the same. Do you agree with me?(1)A . talk about B . think of C . thank for D . look at (2)A . interests B . views C . things D . habits (3)A . or B . and C . until D . but (4)A . are B . have C . show D . get (5)A . like B . as C . for D . with (6)A . all B . each C . both D . some (7)A . watch B . work C . read D . play (8)A . a few B . few C . a lot D . little (9)A . him B . her C . them D . us (10)A . important B . necessary C . difficult D . different 七、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)27. (8分) Dictionaries say that “spring fever” is a lazy or restless feeling . People usually have the feeling on the first warm day of spring. Everyone has probably felt it at one time or another . people have talked about it for years.Recently, scientists have taken a good look at spring fever. What they found is quite surprising.In many places we live in , the winter months often seem dark and dreary. When spring comes late March , the world becomes colorful . The number of daylight hours grows with each passing day. According to many scientists, all the sunlight sets off chemicals in the brain (大脑). The chemicals make our feeling change and bring on spring fever.(1) How do people who have spring fever feel ?A . activeB . awakeC . energeticD . restless (2) Scientists think that _ cause(s) spring fever .A . colorsB . sunlightC . darkD . illness(3) According to the passage ,the underlined word “dreary ”means“_” in Chinese.A . 沉闷的B . 暖和的C . 晴朗的D . 明亮的(4) The best title for the passage is _ .A . How to Get Over Spring FeverB . Spring FeverC . Darkness in winterD . Spring and winter28. (10分) Xuanwu LakePrice: Adults¥30 Children¥20Open: 6:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. every dayHongshan Forest ZooPrice:¥25Open: 8:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. every dayZijin Mountain ObservatoryPrice: Adults ¥15 Children¥10Open: 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m. every day(1) You have 15 yuan ,where can you go?A . the Zijin Mountain ObservatoryB . the Xuanwu LakeC . the Hongshan Forest ZooD . A and B(2) If your parents and you go to the Xuanwu Lake, you should spend _ yuan on tickets(票).A . 50B . 60C . 70D . 80(3) You can go to the Zijin Mountain Observatory at _.A . 5:00 a.m.B . 6:00 p.m.C . 1:00 p.m.D . 7:30 a.m.(4) Jack wants to see the monkey, he can go to_.A . the Hongshan Forest ZooB . the Xuanwu LakeC . the Zijin Mountain ObservatoryD . A, B and C(5) Its fine today, Jack and his friends want to go boating. You can go to _ to look for them.A . the Zijin Mountain ObservatoryB . the Xuanwu LakeC . the Hongshan Forest ZooD . A and B29. (8分) (2019八上新泰月考) 阅读理解 Linda, 14 My mother does most of the housework like cooking and folding the clothes. My father can only do the washing, sweep the floor and take out the rubbish. He really needs to learn how to do the housework.Celina, 13 My mother and my father do 50% of the housework each. My mother does the washing and cleans the living room. My father makes the bed and drives me to school.Paul, 16 My father doesnt do a lot but he tries to help. He hangs up the clothes after my mother washes them and my mother is happy that he always gives her a hand.Bill, 15 My mother is a doctor. She is busy with her work every day, so she has little time to do the housework. In fact, she isnt good at doing it. So my father has to do most of it. Sometimes my grandmother comes to help.(1) Lindas father doesnt _ at home. A . do the washingB . take out the rubbishC . sweep the floorD . fold the clothes(2) How does Celina go to school? A . By bike.B . By bus.C . By car.D . By subway.(3) The underlined phrase hangs up means _ in Chinese. A . 闲逛B . 晾晒C . 熨烫D . 清洗(4) Whose father does most of the housework? A . Lindas.B . Celinas.C . Pauls.D . Bills.30. (10分) A student was going to spend his holiday in a cool mountain village. That evening he stayed at an inn (小旅馆) near the railway station (火车站). Before going to bed, he went to the boss of the inn and said, Excuse me, sir. Will you please wake me up at a quarter to five tomorrow morning? Ill take the five oclock train.Oh, sorry, sir, the boss said in a hurry, Im afraid I cant. I wont be able to get up so early.The student was disappointed (失望). When he began to return to his room, be stopped and asked, Have you got an alarm-clock (闹钟)? Maybe it can help me.Wait a minute, then. The boss said and brought out an alarm-clock. Here you are, sir.Thank you very much. The student said happily. But he found it was rusty (锈的) when he had a look at it. And it sometimes worked and sometimes didnt. He asked, Will it ring in time?I dont know, either. said the boss, But it doesnt matter. You just give it a good shake at a quarter to five. And it will ring on time.(1) The student stayed at the inn because _.A . it was in the cool mountain village he was going toB . the boss of the inn was kind to himC . the boss could wake him up at the right timeD . it was near the railway station(2) The student asked the boss to wake him up the next morning because _.A . the boss had the habit (习惯) of getting up earlyB . the boss had promised (答应) to help him in every possible way (千方百计地)C . he was afraid he would not wake up in time to catch the trainD . it would take him a long time to walk to the railway station(3) The train the student was going to take would start at _ the next morning.A . five oclockB . a quarter to fiveC . half past fourD . a quarter to six(4) The student was disappointed because _.A . he had to buy an alarm-clockB . the boss refused to wake him upC . he would take another trainD . he had to go to the village on foot(5) From the story we know the _.A . clock would wake the student up in timeB . student certainly missed his train the next morningC . alarm-clock was no use for the studentD . student had the alarm-clock repaired (修理)八、 单词拼写 (共10题;共23分)31. (1分) (2019九下宿豫期中) _ comes after September. 32. (1分) The t _ is how to help each other at the meeting today. 33. (10分) 写出下列词语的比较级形式 (1) mall _(2) red _(3) funny_(4) nice _(5) hot_(6) clever _(7) fat _(8) happy _(9) wide _(10) easy _34. (1分) (2017八下湖州期中) _(sudden), I noticed the rain had stopped. 35. (1分) The ship sent a r_message to ask for help. 36. (5分) (2017常州模拟) 请根据题中空格后的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。(1) With the development of _ (工业), more and more water is polluted.(2) Drums play an important role in _ (非洲的) traditional music.(3) Dont go _(超过) the fifth street, or youve gone too far, the guide said to the visitors.(4) Have you got the _ (up-to-date) information about the first National Memorial Day?(5) Anyone who _ (偷) anything here will be caught to the police station.37. (1分) (2020八下深圳) A true f_ is very valuable, but its hard to get it. 38. (1分) My friend Jack invited me to _(参加) his birthday party. 39. (1分) (2018九上嘉兴月考) My mother _(种植)a lot of vegetables in the garden in front of our house. 40. (1分) In the movie Alice in Wonderland, a _ (兔子) took Alice into the wonderland. 九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)41. (5分) (2017八上龙湾期中) 近日,一位女儿为从未出过国的父母手绘过海关图,感动无数人,微友纷纷转发点赞。假设你是在北京工作的英国人Jim,伦敦的父母将在元旦来北京看你。你准备给父母写封信,介绍北京和家乡的不同,消除父母的紧张,也让父母顺利过关。要求:1.字数80左右。2.须包含以下内容。3.书信开头结尾已给,不计入字数。小小关卡 过关妙招1).语言关可以通过看电视/电影、听中国歌曲、请教中国留学生等方法学习简单的中文2).环境关北京在中国的北方,冬天比家乡伦敦干燥和寒冷,多带保暖衣服3).人文关中国首都,人口最多的城市之一(超过2千万),比伦敦多,人们更友好4).娱乐关可以游玩名胜古迹,品尝北京美食,欣赏京剧等;出行推荐地铁-最便宜最快;各种健身运动参考词汇:dry干燥,capital首都, places of interest 名胜古迹Dear parents,How is it going? Im glad to hear that you are coming to ChinaIm looking forward to seeing you soon.Yours,Jim第 23 页 共 23 页参考答案一、 听句子,选出最佳答句。 (共5题;共10分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略二、 听长对话,回答问题。 (共3题;共16分)6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略三、 听短文,回答问题。 (共1题;共10分)9、答案:略四、 听短文,请根据所听到的内容和思维导图,完成下面的简述。 (共1题;共5分)10、答案:略五、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略16、答案:略17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略20、答案:略21、答案:略22、答案:略23、答案:略24、答案:略25、答案:略六、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)26、答案:略七、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)27、答案:略28、答案:略29、答案:略30、答案:略八、 单词拼写 (共10题;共23分)31、答案:略32、答案:略33、答案:略34、答案:略35、答案:略36、答案:略37、答案:略38、答案:略39、答案:略40、答案:略九、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)41、答案:略

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