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仁爱版八年级上学期英语期末测试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 听力题 (共8题;共40分)1. (2分)听第二段对话,回答小题。 Where will they meet?A . In front of the schoolB . In front of the cinema.C . In front of their house2. (2分)Choose the best answer to the question you hear. A . To see a doctor.B . To see a dentist.C . To go to sleep.D . To have a rest.3. (2分)Who can play the guitar? A . Lisa.B . Tom.C . Jane.4. (2分)Where does Bruces cousin live? A . In America.B . In Australia.C . In England.5. (2分)Who won the basketball match? A . No.1 Middle School.B . No. 2 Middle School.C . We dont know.6. (10分)听短文,写出所缺部分,每空不超过两个单词There is a big new library in our school. It is a(n) _building. There are a lot of green trees around. It looks very beautiful. There are about 2,000;000 books in the library and there are _reading room in it. We can read newspapers, magazines and books there. After class we often go to the library and do some reading. Every _we borrow books from the library and we can keep them for _Books are our good friends. There are a lot of interesting things and _in them. We love books very much, so we love our school library, too.7. (10分)听短文,选择最佳答案 (1)When did Catherina move here? A . Two years ago.B . Two months ago.C . Two weeks ago(2)What party is Catherinas family going to have?A . A housewarming partyB . A birthday party.C . A leaving party.(3)How old is Catherinas daughter? A . 13.B . 14.C . 15.(4)What can Mr. Lis son play? A . The dram.B . The piano.C . The guitar.(5)What problem does Catherinas daughter have? A . She minds the noise.B . She has too much homework.C . She doesnt have a talent for music.8. (10分)请听短文,选择正确的答案。 (1)_ won the boys 400-meter race. A . Wang TaoB . Li MinC . Wang Min(2)Li Min is good at _. A . runningB . jumpingC . swimming(3)Liu Mei is a student from _. A . Class 6, Grade 8B . Class 2, Grade 8C . Class 1, Grade 9(4)Liu Mei took part in the _. A . high jumpB . 400-meter raceC . long jump(5)Class 1, Grade 9 won the _. A . boys relay raceB . girls relay raceC . 800-meter race二、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)9. (2分)I think its good to learn English by _ more English movies . A . seeB . seesC . seeingD . Saw10. (2分)Seeing their teacher into the classroom,they stopped at once. A . walk; tellingB . entering; to speakC . enter; to tellD . walking; talking11. (2分)He can probably tell us all the details we want.A . surelyB . certainlyC . possibly12. (2分)I have travelled a lot. I _ speak four languages.A . canB . mayC . mustD . need13. (2分)Tom, _ the rules in your school. A . breakB . followC . keepD . make14. (2分)Would you like _ with us? A . to play tennisB . play tennisC . playing tennisD . plays tennis15. (2分)(2015.湖北孝感) Dick, _ I use your e-dictionary? Yes, sure. _ you give it to David after you use it?A . will; WouldB . may; MightC . can; CouldD . shall; Should16. (2分)- There a basketball game in our school tomorrow.- Great!A . is going to haveB . will beC . beD . will have17. (2分)Its a fine day today and the sun is shining.Yes. What about going out for a walk?A . giving out lightB . taking in airC . picking up heat18. (2分)Is there _ in todays newspaper? A . something interestingB . anything interestingC . interesting somethingD . interesting anything19. (2分)Careless driving _ many terrible traffic accidents every year.A . causesB . refusesC . happensD . carries20. (2分)Neither my parents nor my best friend _me to play computer games _. A . allow, too muchB . allows, much tooC . allows, too much21. (2分) black clouds in the sky! I think its going to rain. A . WhatB . What aC . HowD . How a22. (2分)My new friend is a _ boy. A . fifteen-year oldB . fifteen-years-oldC . fifteen years oldD . fifteen-year-old23. (2分)The washing machine_ in Shanghai _ well. A . producing ,is workedB . produced, worksC . was produced, works.D . producing, words三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)24. (10分)根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。Farley worked for the Canadian government. One day. he was1 to learn more about wolves(狼). Do wolves kill lots of caribou(北美驯鹿)? Do they kill people?They gave him lots of food and clothes and guns. Then they put him on a plane and took him to2. The plane put him down and went away. There were no houses or people in this place, but there were lots of animals and lots of wolves.People tell terrible stories about wolves. They say wolves like to kill and eat people. Farley remembered these stories,and he was3. He had his gun with him4.Then one day, he saw a group of wolves. There was a mother wolf with four baby wolves. A father wolf and another young wolf lived with them.Farley watched these wolves every day. The mother was a very5 mother. She gave milk to her babies. She gave them lessons about life. They learned how to6 food. The father wolf got food for the mother. The young wolf7 the children. They were a nice, happy family-a wolf family. Farley did not need his 8 anymore. In a short time, he got on well with the wolf family. Farley watched them for five months. He learned many new things about wolves. He learned that many stories about wolves were9. Wolves do not eat people, and they do not eat many large animals. And he also learned bad things about men. It was men who killed many caribou and wolves.Later, Farley wrote a book about wolves. He wanted people to10 them and not to kill them.(1)A . seen B . told C . heard D . sound (2)A . a small town B . a big city C . a far place D . a lonely village (3)A . afraid B . happy C . angry D . tired (4)A . at times B . all the time C . once a week D . every afternoon (5)A . bad B . good C . hungry D . thirsty (6)A . cook B . make C . get D . pick (7)A . shouted at B . looked into C . laughed at D . played with (8)A . food B . clothes C . gun D . plane (9)A . not good B . not true C . not easy D . not clear (10)A . grow B . have C . teach D . understand 四、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)25. (10分)阅读理解For a long time being happy was considered something that just happened, and there was nothing special about it. Now we know that getting along with other people is something that we can work at. It is possible to act in such a way that other people will like us better. One way is being unselfish, not wanting everything from our friends. Another way is to look for good points, not bad points in other people. It is surprising how successful this treasure hunt can be.You do not have to be spineless (优柔寡断的) in order to be popular. In fact, you will be liked or loved if you are not afraid to stand up for your rights (正当行为). But do it politely and pleasantly. Being friendly and polite to your group, to other people and to strangers and especially to those who do not look important or do not interest you is one way to develop a good character.You cannot expect to be perfect, and you must learn not to be unhappy when you make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, and no one is to be blamed if he does not refuse to learn from them. Many young people become discouraged (灰心丧气的) when they know in themselves qualities that they do not likeselfishness, laziness, and other unpleasant qualities. Just remember that we all have some of these faults (缺点) and have to fight against them.At the same time, it is important to remember that while you are probably no worse than others, the best way to be happy is to think yourself above other people. When something is wrong, it is good sense to try to make it right. Perhaps you do not like a teacher or a classmate. Try to see why, and look at yourself, too, to be sure that you are not doing anything to make that person dislike you. Some day, things may turn out all right when you have to learn to get along the best with the situation, without thinking too much about it. Worrying never helps in a situation you cannot change.(1)One of the two ways the writer suggests for us to get along with others is to _. A . work hard at everything we doB . enjoy the best share of everythingC . look for treasure in order to be successfulD . pay more attention to their strong points(2)If a person wants to be popular, he or she has to _. A . be polite and friendlyB . give up some rightsC . get away arguing with other peopleD . be ready to change his or her character(3)There is no person but someone should be blamed if he or she _. A . is modest and generousB . is selfish and lazyC . does not draw a lesson from his or her own faultD . is very happy with unpleasant quality(4)The purpose for the writer to write the passage is to _. A . train you to be perfectB . show you the way to be happyC . tell you how to act when you dislike a personD . teach you how to be popular among your friends26. (10分)阅读理解THREE CENTURIES OF HOAXES(骗局;恶作剧)!A THINKING MACHINEIn 1769, long before computers were invented, a man from Hungary(匈牙利)built a wonderful machine that could play chess very well. It made people all over Europe happy and beat nearly everyone it played against .including famous people like French leader Napoleon Bonaparte, and scientist and inventor Yenjamin Franklin. For years, many people believed that it was truly a thinking machine. There were people who said it was a hoax, but could not prove it or explain how it worked. About 85 years later, the secret was finally found. There was a man hiding inside the machine all the time. who was very good at playing chess!ZOO ESCAPE(逃脱)On November 9, 1874, New York newspaper, The Herald, ran a terrible story on its front page. It said that all the animals in the Central Park Zoo had escaped and were running around the city. It said the police were working to save people, but 27 people had already been killed, and 200 people hurt. It warned everyone to stay at home to avoid the danger. Many people in New York were terrified, and did as the paper said. If only they had read the final words of the article, which said; Not one word of it is true. Not a single act described has taken place. It was just a hoax. The story was made up by Thomas Connery, aneditor at The Herald, who wanted to draw attention to the poor condition of cages in the zoo.ROSIE THE RUNNERThe first woman to cross the finishing line of the 1980 Boston Marathon(马拉松)was 23-year-old Rosie Ruiz. However, as she climbed the stairs to receive her prize, people started to become suspicious(怀疑的).She didnt seem to be tired at all. Furthermore, none of the other runners remembered seeing her, and her picture never appeared in photos or TV broadcasts of the race. Later, several people said that they had seen her join the race only at the end. It turned out she had run only half a mile(about 805 meters) and taken the train for the rest of the race! Her prize was taken away, of course.(1)Which of the following is mentioned in the passage? A . The thinking machine used a computer to win games.B . 200 people were killed by zoo animals in 1874.C . Rosie Ruiz wasnt tired at the finishing line.D . Rosie Ruiz didnt appear in TV broadcasts of the race.(2)What is true about all the hoaxes in the passage? A . They made people scared.B . They fooled a lot of people.C . They made people suspicious.D . They made people happy.(3)The title of the passage shows us that the writer thinks that hoaxes . A . are not newB . are easily avoidedC . are always interestingD . are usually unbelievable27. (10分)阅读理解Do you look like your name? Scientists say theres a good chance you do.This comes from a new study published in a magazine. Researchers from Israel found that our given names may have something to do with our facial appearances.Lead writer Yonat Zwebner of a university, along with her team, did eight different experiments in Israel and France. The different experiments were set up to answer two main questions: whether people can correctly guess a persons name based only on a photo of a face and what is behind this matching effect.During the experiments, researchers asked students to look at photos of peoples faces and guess each persons name from a list of four choices. They correctly guessed the right name 38 percent of the time, which was better than the 25 percent of a random(随机地)guess.Whats more, when the faces the students looked at came from within their own country, they were able to best match the faces to the names. French students were better at matching only French names and faces while Israeli students were better at matching only Hebrew names and Israeli faces.Researchers believe it is possible that people change their appearances without paying attention to it, to match their names. One study especially backed up this idea, showing that a hairstyle, something that can be changed by people easily, was enough to guide others in correctly guessing their names.“Earlier research has shown there are cultural stereotypes(老套观念)carried by names, including how someone should look. For example, people are more likely to imagine a person named Bob to have a rounder face than a person named Tim. We believe these stereotypes can, over time, influence peoples facial appearances,” Zwebner said.The results of the experiments may even make parents think twice when choosing a name for their children.“If a name can influence appearance, it can influence many other things. This research opens an important direction that may suggest how parents should consider better the names for their children,” said Zwebner, who recently had a baby herself.“As parents, it was really difficult for us to name our 12-day-old daughter as we know the meanings of names.”(1)One of the purposes of the experiments is to _. A . give the students a chance to know each otherB . explain what influences our facial appearancesC . find out different characteristics carried by different namesD . see if people can correctly guess a persons name based only on a photo of a face(2)People could match the faces to the names more easily _. A . when they did a random guessB . when the faces are from other countriesC . when the faces are from their own countryD . when they have more knowledge themselves(3)The underlined part backed up in Paragraph 6 most probably means “_”. A . supportedB . changedC . comparedD . cancelled(4)Paragraph 6 and Paragraph 7 are mainly to show _. A . the results of changing namesB . names have something to do with appearancesC . the importance of cultural stereotypes carried by namesD . the importance of a hairstyle in guessing different looks(5)According to Zwebner, we know that _. A . facial appearances may influence namesB . we shouldnt think of others just according to their namesC . a name may influence many things and should be well chosenD . we should pay less attention to the meanings of names and be ourselves五、 选词填空(词汇运用) (共1题;共10分)28. (10分)根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。 for least health quick dinnerHealthy eating habits are important. Here are five of the best eating habits. Follow them and you will have a_lifestyle.Drink at _8 glasses of water a day. You may need even more water if you are exercising.Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You will have more energy after eating breakfast.Eat a light lunch every day. If you dont have time to go out, take a sandwich in the morning with you for a _ lunch.We should eat fruit and vegetables every day. Add a banana to your breakfast, have a salad with lunch, and eat at least one vegetable for _.Try to have dinner at least 3 hours before you go to bed. Your body needs time to digest most of the food before you rest _the next 8 hours.六、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)29. (5分)填入一个适当的词补全对话,每空一词。 A: Hello, Wu Ling speaking. B: Hi, Wu Ling. _ Zhang Hui. A: The math exam is coming. I have to study for it the whole weekend. B: So, you must get ready for the exam now. A: Yes. But I feel very nervous. B: Relax. Youd better _ your cool. A: Youre right. I should calm down. By the way, _ was your trip to Taiwan?B: It was excellent. I ate all kinds of famous snacks in Taiwan. A: Sounds _ you had a good time. What about the weather there?B: The weather was great, and the air was so clean. I watched the stars at night. They were so beautiful. A: _ you. B: I think so. You should also feel its beauty if you have the chance. A: I certainly will. 七、 写作题 (共1题;共5分)30. (5分)假如你是Millie的英语老师Mr. Friend。他在学习和生活中一定碰到了许多令他烦恼的事吧?请你发挥想象, 给就令他烦恼(至少三个问题:如没有时间旅游、没有足够的时间踢足球、考试头痛等)写一封回信, 谈谈产生这些烦恼的原因以及解决的方法。要求:1、短文必须包括提示内容, 并组适当增加细节;2、语言流畅, 符合逻辑。字数90左右, 短文开头已经给出, 但不计入总词数。Dear Millie;Thank you very much for your letter. I hope I can help you. I hope that my advice will be valuable to you.Best wishesSigmund Friend第 22 页 共 22 页参考答案一、 听力题 (共8题;共40分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、7-2、7-3、7-4、7-5、8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、二、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)24-1、四、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)25-1、25-2、25-3、25-4、26-1、26-2、26-3、27-1、27-2、27-3、27-4、27-5、五、 选词填空(词汇运用) (共1题;共10分)28-1、六、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)29-1、七、 写作题 (共1题;共5分)30-1、

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