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仁爱版2019-2020学年八年级下学期期中考试英语试题B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1. (10分)阅读下面的短文,从各题所给的四个备选项中选出最佳答案。 The junior high school graduates(毕业生) have to take a P.E. test in many places around China. The full marks are1forty-five points, but now, the number rises to sixty! And it means2in the senior high school entrance exam(中考).In Hechi, the test is held in May or June every year. Students of Grade 93a test in their own schools. Each student is tested on three sports. They can choose long jump, basketball dribbling (运球) 4skipping. The pull-up(引体向上) is for boys and girls can choose the sit-up(仰卧起坐). 5boys and girls must run 50 meters. Some students find the test is 6and they can get full marks. Students of Grade 9 usually do lots7practice in P.E. classes. The training makes the test easier than it seems to be.Students dont have to 8a lot for the test. But in P.E. 9, they still run a lot. Most teachers and parents welcome the P.E. test. They say it helps students 10their health.(1)A . never B . very C . seldom D . usually (2)A . little B . less C . much D . most (3)A . has B . have C . had D . having (4)A . or B . then C . but D . so (5)A . Either B . None C . Both D . Neither (6)A . easy B . easier C . difficult D . more difficult (7)A . in B . at C . of D . to (8)A . runs B . running C . ran D . run (9)A . classes B . class C . test D . tests (10)A . built in B . build up C . built up D . building up 二、 阅读理解 (共3题;共24分)2. (6分) Martin had just finished high school. He would go to college at the far end of the city. He didnt want to live there, and he didnt want to take the bus either. So his father agreed to buy him a car.His father spent all his summer teaching him how to drive, from the ABC to the XYZ. Thinking of the great feeling of driving a new car, Martin learned very quickly, and received his drivers license just before his eighteenth birthday.The second day, all the family, and their dog, went to a car shop. Martin spent almost all the morning going from one car to another. Finally he saw a red Blue Bird. He had a test drive on the open ground, and called out, “This is what I want, Dad!” When everything was done, they were ready to leave.Martin climbed into the front seat. He said excitedly, “Its my first day driving alone. Dad, Mom, and Poo! Enjoy it!”His dad immediately took the back seat, right behind the new driver. Martin wondered why his father chose that seat, for his father always enjoyed looking in front.So he said, smiling, “Im sure youre back there to have a change after all those weeks of sitting in the front seat teaching me how to drive.”“No,” Dad replied, “Do you remember what you did to me all those years when I took you to and from school? I am sitting here to hit and kick the back of your seat all the way!” (1)Which of the following is NOT the reason why Martins father agreed to buy him a car?.A . Martin would go to college and it was far from homeB . Martin preferred living at home to living at college.C . Martin didnt want to take the public transport.D . Martin was able to learn how to drive very quickly.(2)In which order did Martin do the following things?a. He finished his high school. b. He test-drove driving the new car.c. He got his drivers license. d. He decided to buy the Blue Bird.e. He kicked the front seat while his father was driving.A . eacbdB . acbdeC . ecabdD . acdbe(3)How would the whole family probably feel on their way back home?A . AngryB . SadC . CheerfulD . Shocked3. (10分)阅读理解Shopping Guide in Central MallFloorsArticles(物品)6Restaurant / Coffee shop/ Tea house5Childrens pleasant ground/ Game center4Electrical equipment, clocks and watches/ Writing materials and office supplies3Mens clothing/ Bedding2Womens clothing/ Childrens clothing1Fruit, vegetables, meat, eggs, drinks, cooked food, etc/ Kitchen wareBusiness hoursWeekdays: 8:30 am- 6:30 pm Weekends: 9:00 am- 9:00 pm(1)If you want to have a cup of coffee, you should go to the _ floor, A . firstB . fourthC . fifthD . sixth(2)If you want to buy some apples and beef, you should go to the _floor, A . firstB . secondC . thirdD . fourth(3)If Mr Green wants to buy a shirt, he should go to the _floor, A . secondB . fourthC . thirdD . fifth(4)If Mrs Greens children want to play, they should go to the _ floor. A . firstB . fourthC . fifthD . sixth(5)If you want to do some shopping in Central Mall in the evening, you may go there on _. A . WednesdayB . FridayC . SaturdayD . Monday4. (8分) Do you know that a fast reader can get the ideas better than a slow reader can? Of course, you save time by reading fast, but this is not the main reason for fast reading. The main reason is that you understand better what you are reading when you read fast.As your eyes move along the line of point, they make fixations (固定) or pauses (暂停). It is important that you see several words at a fixation. It is also important that your eyes leave a group. The numbers of letters or words that you see at a fixation are called your eye span (视跨). Pay more attention to improving your rate of reading. With practice you can learn to read faster than you usually read.The way in which you read always depends on (取决于) what you are reading and for what purpose. You should know the different ways of reading so that you can apply whatever method is necessary. Here are four ways of reading:(1) Skimming is an important kind of reading. This method can be used when you wish to review something that you have forgotten. You can skim to get the main points.(2) Rapid (快速) first reading and then rereading certain parts carefully is important. You may use this type of reading to study a science lesson or a history lesson.(3) You need to do careful reading and rereading sometimes. This type of reading is necessary for making an intensive (细致的) study of your school subjects, solving math problems or reading directions.(4) Rapid reading is used when reading stories for enjoyment. You may also do rapid reading when reviewing materials that you already know well.(1)The main reason for reading fast is that you can _.A . get the ideasB . save timeC . understand betterD . learn well(2)The way of reading always depends on _.A . the method that you likeB . your reading materialC . your reading purposeD . both B and C(3)The word “skimming” means “_”.A . reading the main pointsB . reading carefullyC . reading very fastD . reading some parts of the material(4)Careful reading is an important kind of reading _.A . when you review a lesson that you already know wellB . when you read the directions before using a camera which is expensiveC . when you read a story of enjoymentD . when you wish to find a lost place that you have read三、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)5. (5分)补全对话 A: You always goes to the library on the weekend.B. Yes. _ And I get great fun.A: Now, I know why you are so good at writing.B: _ And I want to be a writer.A: How are you going to become a writer?B: Well, I will read more books and keep on writing.A: _ Who is your favorite writer?B: J.K. Rowing. She is well-known for Harry Potter.A: Ive read it. But Harry Potter was refused 12 times before it came out.B: Thats tree. _A. Just make sure you are trying your best.B: Yes, you are right.A: _B: Great!A. You can be anything you want.B. I dont care whether I will be successful.C. I began reading at the age of five.D. I always read books there.E. Reading is of great help.四、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)6. (10分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入个适当的词或用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 The summer vacation is coming! What are you going to do for_(you)summer vacation?Tom made_plan for his summer vacation. At the_(begin), Tom is going to take singing lessons and practise it every day. He wants_(be)a singer like Jay Chou when he grows up. Next, Tom is going to take a plane to Shanghai _his parents. The boy thinks a family summer vacation will be_(relax). Tom hopes to visit Shanghai Disneyland. He wants to play all the games in Disneyland and take_(photo).Shanghai, Tom will do his schoolwork _study hard for the new term. He is also going to spend more time_(read) books every day. He thinks reading is_(use)and enjoyable. Toms summer vacation will be busy and interesting.What about your plan for the summer vacation? Can you tell me?五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)7. (1分) What time do you get up in the morning? I get up at a q_past six.六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共25分)8. (25分)阅读下面短文,根据其内容完成后面各项任务。Im Mike Im a middle school student. I learn many subjects in school. 我最喜欢的科目是科学 The science teacher Mrs Green, is my friend Jills mother. She is nice and she teaches very well.I like maths because I think it is so interesting. I always do very well in the mathstests (测试). My friends say I am clever (聪明的), but I don t think so. I just work very hard.I also like geography. I like learning about people and places. I want to know what they are like and what theyre doing. I travel a lot. Im making plans for my trip on Sunday.I dont like English It is not very interesting. We read a lot, sometimes write, but we dont often speak or listen. Most children want to talk with others in English.(1)将文中划线的汉语句子译成英语。(2)回答问题:What does Mike think of maths? (3)将文中划线的英语句子译成汉语。 (4)回答问题:Whats Mike doing? (5)回答问题:下划线单词It指代的是什么? 七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分)Write a review of the following story in about 90 wordsThe review has to include the following points:1)The name of your review2)The idea(s) of your review3)The reason(s) for your idea(s).,4)Something you decide after you consider all the information in the storyCockadoodledoo!cried the cock(公鸡)Hestood in the farmyard and cried aloud,so that all people might hear himCockadoodledoo!How useful I an,for I always get uo firstAnd I cry aloud as siin as the sun rises to make all people in the house awakeCluck!Cluck!Cluck!*cried the ben from the yardShe was walking about with three pretty little chickens,and trying to find some food for themCluck!Cluck!Cluck!Im more useful than youAlmost every day I ay a nice fresh gee for mu masters (男主人)breakfastThen think how useful I am to my mistress(女主人)Howmany nice things does she make with my eggs for the children?She could not get on well without eggs第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1-1、二、 阅读理解 (共3题;共24分)2-1、2-2、2-3、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、三、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)5-1、四、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)6-1、五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)7-1、六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共25分)8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)9-1、

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