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译林牛津版2020届九年级3月联考英语试题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1. (10分) The girl is my friend. She is thirteen 1old. She is 2with long legs. She 3long hair, but she has a 4face like an apple. She has two big black eyes and small ears. 5mouth is big, but her nose is6. She likes red, but now she is 7a yellow skirt and brown 8. She is a nice girl. She and I9good friends. 10is she? She is Linda.(1)A . year B . years C . the year (2)A . long B . tall C . small (3)A . have B . has C . does (4)A . round B . big C . long (5)A . Shes B . His C . Her (6)A . big B . long C . small (7)A . at B . to C . in (8)A . dress B . shoes C . shirts (9)A . is B . am C . are (10)A . How B . Where C . Who 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共38分)2. (8分) (2017昌平模拟) 阅读理解The Double Ninth FestivalThe Double Ninth Festival, also named the “Chong Yang Festival”, is celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar.The festival began as early as the Warring States Period (475-221 BC). In ancient time, numbers were mysterious and were divided into yin and yang. Yin means something of darkness and yang means life and brightness. The number nine is regarded as yang. The ninth day of the ninth month is a double yang day, so it is called “Chong Yang Festival”. (Chong means “repeat” in Chinese)People always climb mountains and drink chrysanthemum wine on the Double Ninth Festival. It is hard to say when the customs were created. But there are many stories which are closely related. As recorded in a historical book of the sixth century, in ancient times, there lived a man named Huang Jing. He was learning the magic arts from Fei Changfang. One day, they were climbing a mountain. Fei Changfang suddenly stopped and looked very upset. He said to Huang Jing, “On the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, a big trouble will come to your hometown”. You must go home immediately. Remember to make a red bag for each one of your family members and leave home quickly and climb to the top of a mountain. Most importantly, you must all drink some chrysanthemum wine. Only by doing so can your family members avoid the big trouble.On hearing this, Huang Jing rushed home and asked his family to do exactly as his teacher said. The whole family climbed a nearby mountain and did not return until the evening. When they got back home, they found all their animals dead, including chickens, sheep, dogs and so on.Since then, climbing a mountain and drinking chrysanthemum wine became the traditional activities of the Double Ninth Festival, to avoid evil spirits and bad luck. Nowadays, the Double Ninth Festival is also a time for family get-togethers to do some exercise as well as enjoy the autumn scenery.(1) The Double Ninth Festival began around _. A . 475-221 BCB . 435-231 BCC . 337-221 BCD . 245-213 BC(2) People usually climb mountains and _ on the festival. A . cook mealsB . feed the animalsC . drink chrysanthemum wineD . learn magic art(3) Fei Changfang is _. A . Huang Jings cousinB . Huang Jings teacherC . Huang Jings friendD . Huang Jings neighbor(4) Nowadays the Double Ninth Festival is also a time to _. A . make dumplingsB . buy some wineC . wear new clothesD . do some exercise3. (10分) (2019宁德模拟) 阅读理解 Earlier this year, China achieved a new landmark in space exploration. On Jan 3, Change 4 became the first space probe in history to successfully land on the far side of the moon, Peoples Daily reported.From Earth, we can only see one side of the moon. The other side has been a mystery. Scientists have long wondered what is on this side of the moon. Change 4 cant communicate with Earth directly. But Queqiao, a reply satellite(中继卫星), can help us stay in touch. Queqiao was sent into space in May. After Change 4 landed on the moon, it took pictures and sent them back to Earth through Queqiao.Change 4 has sent back photos of the far side of the moon. It is also being used to carry out experiments, such as growing seeds in a low-gravity environment. The data(数据) collected from these experiments could be used to help us build a base on the moon in the future.The success of the Change 4 mission is a major achievement for Chinas space program. It marks a new stage in Chinas deep space exploration, said Wu Yanhua.China launched its lunar exploration program in 2004, naming it Change. Chinese scientists set three goals “orbiting(环绕运行), landing and sample returning” referring to launching probes that could circle around the moon, touch down on its surface and bring lunar materials back to Earth.Change 4 has realized the second goal. The third will be achieved during the Change 5 mission, which is set to take place before the end of this year, China Daily reported.Following the success of the Change missions, Chinese scientists are looking even farther into(调查) our solar system. Chinas first Mars mission is expected to be carried out by 2020, Wu said.(1) reported that Change 4 has successfully landed on the far side of the moon. A . Peoples DailyB . China DailyC . Chinese scientistsD . Wu Yanhua(2) Why was Queqiao set up? A . To take photos.B . To be sent into space.C . To keep in touch with the earth.D . To grow seeds on the moon.(3) What does the underlined it refer to in Paragraph 5? A . The Change 4 probe.B . A base on the moon in the future.C . Chinas space program.D . The success of the Change 4 mission.(4) Whats the third goal of Change? A . Circle around the moon.B . Bring lunar materials back to earth.C . Send people to the moon.D . Land on the surface of the moon.(5) What can we infer from the passage? A . Change 5 will be Chinas last lunar exploration program.B . China has not launched any space probes to Mars so far.C . Change 4 has uncovered the secrets of the far side of the moon.D . China launched its space exploration program fifteen years ago.4. (10分) (2017八下岳池期末) 根据短文内容的理解,选择正确答案。My two little daughters and I usually go out and help others on Thankful Thursday. Last Thursday we were going to buy lunch for the beggars(乞丐) in the street. Then we went to the nearest McDonalds. I ordered 15 lunches from it and drove my car to hand them out.We gave the lunches to the beggars. They were excited. We were happy to see that.Then we noticed a small, old woman, asking for pocket money. We gave her our last lunch bag. Before we got into the car, she started to speak to us, No one has ever done anything like this for me before, she said with a smile. Well, Im glad that we were the first, I answered. So, when will you eat your lunch, I asked.She just looked at me with her big, tired brown eyes and said, OH, dear, Im not going to eat this lunch. You see, I have a little daughter. I usually cant buy her favorite food, but today she will be so happy!I dont know if the kids noticed the tears in my eyes. I have asked many times whether our actions of kindness were too small to change anything. Yet at that moment, I realized the truth of words: We cannot do great things only small things with great love.(1) Who were they going to buy lunch for? A . The beggars.B . The old woman.C . The little sister.D . Themselves.(2) How many lunches did the writer order? A . Three.B . Five.C . Fifteen.D . Fifty.(3) Has the woman ever got food from other people? A . Yes, she has.B . No, she hasnt.C . No, she doesnt.D . We dont know.(4) Who do you think will get the last lunch? A . The old woman.B . The writer.C . The womans little daughter.D . The writers daughters.(5) What can we learn from the story? A . We cannot do great things.B . Only small things with great love.C . Our actions of kindness were too small to change anything.D . We can do something small with great love.5. (10分) Mr. Smith lives in Toronto. He is a doctor. His wife teaches English in a middle school. They have two children, one is a son called Mike and the other is a daughter. She is only three months. Mike loves the baby very much. He often shows her to the guests. He is young and doesnt go to school. He stays at home to help his mother look after the baby.One day Mikes aunt comes to see the baby. She works in another city and sees the baby foe the first time. Mike shows the baby to his aunt.“Look at the baby, Aunt”, says Mike, “Shes beautiful. I think she looks like me.”“Does she like playing with you?” asks his aunt.“I dont know,” answers the boy, “She cant speak yet.”(1) Mike is _.A . an AmericanB . an AustralianC . an EnglishmanD . a Canadian(2) Therre _ people in Mr Smiths family.A . twoB . fourC . fiveD . three(3) Mrs Smith is a _.A . doctorB . workerC . teacherD . bookseller(4) The baby is Mikes _.A . younger cousin .B . younger sisterC . younger brotherD . elder brother(5) Little Mike thinks _.A . hes beautiful ,too.B . the baby is nice .C . his aunt is friendly to him .D . he loves the baby best.三、 词汇运用 (共2题;共15分)6. (10分) (2015八上庆元期中) 阅读下面短文,然后根据括号内所给汉语意思写出单词的正确形式。(每空一词)Doing sports is good for our health. Do you like sports? _ (哪一个) sport do you like best? My favorite sport is riding a bicycle. Why do I like bike riding? The main _ (原因) is that I like to go to different places. When Im _ (空闲的), I often ask a few friends to go bike riding. On the way, we meet different people and see different _ (建筑物). Its so interesting.Sometimes we ride on rainy days, too. We _ (选择) a road with few cars and ride slowly and _ (小心地). It is so good to enjoy the wet and _ (清新的). The sound of the rain makes me feel quiet and _ (舒适的).So what do you think about bike riding? Are you _ (愿意的) to join us? Bike riding is truly a great sport. I _ (希望) more people can ride bikes with us.7. (5分) 选用方框内的短语,并用其适当形式完成句子。clean up cheer up hand out used to call up(1) Tina _be short and thin. But now she is tall and heavy.(2) Julia is unhappy now. How about _her _?(3) After they _the bedroom, it looked clean and nice.(4) I _five students to volunteer and they were glad to come.(5) What are they doing? They are _new books.四、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)8. (1分) (2017八下姜堰期末) Look! Some climbers are trying hard to pull _ (they) up the rocks. 五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分) 根据短文内容,从方框中的AE五个选项中为每段文章选出合适的小标题并填在相应的序号后面。 Tips for Studying EnglishDifferent people have different study habits. The following tips have worked on a great number of people. Some of them may work on you; some of them wont. Try them all and start your own habit. _Find a quiet place with enough room to study. Once youve found it, study there every time. It could be a desk in your bedroom, or the kitchen table. Lying down on your bed and studying is not a good habit. _Find the time you can concentrate(专心)best. Spend that time on study every day. However,you should be sure it is not so late at night. _Put your books,dictionaries and stationery in the same place. Make sure you can find everything you need right away when you go to study. _Keep all your mind on you studies. When you study,turn off the TV and turn down music. Any other thoughts should also be set aside. _You should at least take a break every hour while studying. It can be five or ten minutes,but dont rest too long. Make sure you can concentrate at any time. A. Keep everything readB. Rest after every hourC. Study at the same timeD. Focus on your studiesE. Study at the same place六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10. (5分) (2017八上揭阳期末) 小明是一名八年级学生,他很喜欢画画,但没有足够的时间来做自己喜欢的事,因为学校和父母给的压力大,作业太多,他不知道是否要放弃他的爱好。请根据以下内容写一篇作文。内容包括:1.请简要描述小明的情况;2.就怎样处理好学习与爱好之间的关系给他提两点建议。作文要求:不能在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实名字。语句连贯,词数80个左右。第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1、答案:略二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共38分)2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略三、 词汇运用 (共2题;共15分)6、答案:略7、答案:略四、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)8、答案:略五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)9、答案:略六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10、答案:略

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