上海版英语八年级下学期Units 1-3教材梳理(I)卷

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上海版英语八年级下学期Units 1-3教材梳理(I)卷_第1页
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上海版英语八年级下学期Units 13教材梳理(I)卷 一、 熟悉课文重点词汇和短语。 (共10题;共16分)1. (1分)I think this documentary is_(有教育意义的) 2. (1分)I feel fired today, and l want to r_early 3. (1分)His dog was lost_(某处)Maybe its in the park now4. (1分)The young man got in t_the window. 5. (1分)He wore a pair of dark glasses and a j_yesterday. 6. (1分)The womens ages are s_in America. If you ask a womans age, its impolite. 7. (1分)There is a short _ (对话) in this unit. 8. (4分)他父母一点儿都不喜欢汉堡包。His parents _ _ hamburgers _ _.9. (2分)On weekends I have to stay at home and _(照顾) my little sister. 10. (3分)Lily有一个小嘴巴和大眼睛。Lily _ a small _ and big _ .二、 语法巩固。 (共9题;共44分)11. (2分)Good afternoon, Cindy!(写出答语)_ _, Grace!12. (1分)我们想看其他的海洋动物。 (would like to)_13. (3分)自从他的爸爸养了只宠物狗,他再也不害怕狗了。 He _ been afraid of dogs _ _ since his dad kept a pet dog.14. (5分)张辉和他的姐姐们已经吃过午饭了。(together with) 15. (8分)英汉互译你有足球还是篮球?_you _ a football _ a basketball?吃太多的巧克力对你没有好处。Too much chocolate isnt_ you.你的妈妈好吗?_your mother? 鲍勃通常在晚上七点钟做作业。Bob usually_his_ at seven oclock in the evening.我每天早晨七点钟去上学,你呢?I go to school at 7 oclock every morning. _ you? 16. (10分)根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。 (1)我弟弟喜爱运动,比如滑冰和爬山。My brother likes exercise, _skating and climbing.(2)你们是同学,在学习上应该互相帮助。You are classmates. You should help _in study.(3)我胃痛,现在不想吃任何东西。I have got a _and I dont feel like eating anything now.(4)我弟弟年龄太小,不能上学。My brother is _young _go to school.(5)别担心!我女儿已经长大了,她能够自己照顾自己。_! My daughter has grown up and she can look after herself.17. (3分)To start with, it was raining, and rainy days make me sad. 起初,天在下雨,雨天使我心情很不好。 _作首先解时,在句中常常以插入语的形式出现。To start with, the computer room must be kept very clean.首先,计算机工作室必须保持清洁。Our group had five members, to start with.刚开始,我们小组只有五个人。 start with可表示从开始;先从某事做起,与beginwith是同义词组。反义词组是_ 以结束。The meeting _ a speech given by the chairman.会议以主席的讲话结束。He wanted to start/begin with the smallest country and end with the largest one.他打算先去最小的国家,最后去最大的国家。start单独使用时,意为开始,可用作及物动词或不及物动词。用作及物动词时,其后跟名词、代词,也可跟动词不定式或动名词形式。begin是start的同义词,两者在用法上没有很大差别,只是start侧重动作的突然开始。As soon as we got there, it started raining.我们一到那儿就下雨了。When did we start/begin this lesson?我们是什么时候开始讲这一课的?18. (2分)很快,他在床上睡着了。He _in bed soon. 19. (10分)用所给词的适当形式完成短文My name _(be) John Miller. Im 14_(year) old now. My birthday is on June _(twenty-one)I like _(sport) very much. We have a School Day every year. Its on April _(four)We also _(have) an art festival and an English speech contest(演讲比赛)But I like _(have) a school trip every year or a basketball game. My best friend Tina _(like) to have a volleyball game. She likes playing volleyball. She _(have) four volleyballs. She has _(she) birthday party every year. She and her parents are very happy on that day.三、 单项选择。 (共20题;共40分)21. (2分)If I were , I would buy to read.A . enough rich; enough booksB . rich enough; books enoughC . enough rich; books enoughD . rich enough; enough books22. (2分) Where is Tom? He is practicing _ English _ he can win the speech competition.A . to speak; in order toB . speaking; so thatC . speaking; in order toD . to speak; so that23. (2分) How was your school trip? It was . We had a great time there.A . importantB . terribleC . fantastic24. (2分)Only 30 percent of the e-books online good for childrens study and growth. So lets be careful of reading online.A . isB . areC . were25. (2分)What is the matter _your brother? He has a _cold.A . with; badB . on; badC . with; badlyD . on; badly26. (2分)The writer will let me have a copy of his new book as soon as it .A . comes inB . comes outC . comes upD . comes about27. (2分)Lisa is a little poor at ChineseI think she needs it every day A . practice to speakB . to practice speakingC . practice speakingD . to practice to speak28. (2分)In last English exam, I did _ than Li Lei. A . goodB . wellC . betterD . best29. (2分)Who is singing in the next room? Is it Amy?No, it be her. She has gone to Yunnan on holiday.A . cantB . mustntC . may notD . neednt30. (2分)You are from Shenzhen. It means you _ China A . come fromB . will go toC . love31. (2分) Mum, could you buy me a dress like this, please? Of course. We can buy one than this, but it.A . a better; better thanB . a worse; as good asC . a cheaper; as good asD . a more important; not as good as32. (2分)He came into the classroom and his homework. A . bring outB . bring toC . take awayD . took out33. (2分)While she TV, she a sound outside the room. A . was watching; was hearingB . watched; was hearingC . watched; heardD . was watching; heard34. (2分)Jack , you look tired today. Whats wrong?I was _busy_ I didnt go to bed until midnight yesterday.A . such , thatB . too, toC . so ,thatD . enough to35. (2分)Oh, I had a terrible toothache. Youd better see a dentist and have your bad teeth out.A . to go; pulledB . go to ; pullingC . to go; pullingD . go to; pulled36. (2分)Kate did something strange yesterday.A . goodB . famousC . unusual37. (2分)Tony is _ student. A . an 11-year-oldB . an eleven-years-oldC . a 11-year-oldD . a eleven-year old38. (2分) Do you play_ping-pong?Yes, its_.A . a; boringB . /; interestingC . the; difficultD . /; interested39. (2分) Would you mind my closing the window, please? _. We need some fresh air.A . Of course notB . We dont mindC . Youd better notD . Youre welcome四、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共10分)40. (10分)根据短文内容的理解,选择正确答案。DOur school is in Beijing. It isnt very big but it is very beautiful. There are a lot of trees in it. Im in Class Two, Grade Seven. The walls of our classroom are white. There is a blackboard and some pictures on the wall. Our classroom is very clean (干净的). There are 45 students in my class. Mr. White is our English teacher. He is from England. I like English very much. Mr. White is very friendly to us. He likes China and he is learning(学习)Chinese now. He can speak some Chinese. My father and mother are English teacher too. They often help me with my English. My classmates are very friendly. We are all friends. We love our school.(1)There are _ in my school. A . many treesB . 45 studentsC . two classesD . three teachers(2)Mr. White is _. A . an American teacherB . my fatherC . an English teacherD . a maths teacher(3)My father is _ teacher. A . myB . a ChineseC . an EnglishD . an art teacher(4)_ help me with my English. A . My friends and Mr. WhiteB . My parentsC . my friendsD . Mr. White(5)Our school is _. A . not beautifulB . very bigC . behind my homeD . in Beijing第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 熟悉课文重点词汇和短语。 (共10题;共16分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 语法巩固。 (共9题;共44分)11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、17-1、18-1、19-1、三、 单项选择。 (共20题;共40分)20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、四、 阅读理解。 (共1题;共10分)39-1、39-2、39-3、39-4、39-5、


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