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1、 有一个数学运算符号“”使下列算式成立:24=8,53=13,35=11,97=25.那么73=_17_。1. 小永的三门功课的成绩,如果不算语文,平均分是98分;如果不算数学,平均分是93分;如果不算英语,平均分是91分。小永三门功课的平均成绩是_94_分。2. 一家三口人,爸爸比妈妈大3岁,现在他们一家人的年龄之和是80岁,10年前全家人的年龄之和是51岁,女儿今年_9_岁。3. 书店以每本1008元的价格购进某种图书,每本售价1680元,卖到还剩10本时,除了收回全部成本外,还获利504元这个书店购进该种图书_100_本。4. 列车通过300米长的隧道用15秒,通过180米长的桥梁用12秒,列车的车身长是_300_米。5. 若四位数能被11整除,则a代表的数字是 _3_。6. 如果四位数X=68能被236整除,那么X除以236所得的商是_28_。7. 如右图,是一片刚刚收割过的稻田,每个小正方形的边长是1米,A,B,C三点周围的阴影部分是圆形的水洼一只小鸟飞来飞去,四处觅食,它最初停留在0号位,过了一会儿,它跃过水洼,飞到关于A点对称的1号位;不久,它又飞到关于B点对称的2号位;接着,它飞到关于C点对称的3号位,再飞到关于A点对称的4号位,如此继续,一直对称地飞下去由此推断,2004号位和0号位之间的距离是 0 米(2试第12题) 8. 盒子里放有编号为1到10的十个球,小明先后三次从盒中共取出九个球如果从第二次开始,每次取出的球的编号之和都是前一次的2倍,那么未取出的球的编号是 6 _ 。9. 幼儿园老师给几组小朋友分苹果,每组分7个,少3个;每组分6个,则多4个苹果有_46_ 个,小朋友共 _7_ 组。10. 某人徒步旅行,平路每天走38千米,山路每天走23千米,他15天共走了450千米。这期间他走了 184 千米山路。真的不掉线吗?、?11. 右图是一所小学的科技楼,它有4层,正面每层的三个圆形窗户由左向右表示一 个三位数,这些三位数是:837,571,206,439,但是不知道这四个数和哪一层的窗户对应请你观察一下,然后画出表示2008的四个窗户 12. 一次口算比赛,规定:答对一题得8分,答错一题倒扣5分小华答了18道题,得92分,小华在此比赛中答错了 4 道题。13. 口袋中有10个小球,颜色为1红、2黄、3蓝、4绿,至少需要摸出 8 个小球才可以保证其中一定含有3种不同颜色的小球。14. 甲乙两人分别从A,B两地同时出发,相向而行。第一次在距A地40千米处相遇,两人继续向前行走,到达对方的出发点后立即返回,在距B地20千米处第二次相遇,则A,B两地相距_100_千米。15. 一架飞机从A地飞到B地,再返回A地。去时每小时飞1500千米,返回时每小时飞1000千米,来回共用6小时。那么A、B相距_3600_千米。16. 东、西两城相距75千米。小明从东向西,每小时走6.5千米。小希从西向东,每小时走6千米。小辉骑自行车从东向西而行,每小时行走15千米。三人同时动身,途中小辉遇见小希即折回向东行,遇见了小明又折回向西而行;再遇见小希又折回向东行。小辉这样往返-直到三人在途中相遇为止。小辉共行了_90_千米。17. 学生问老师多少岁,老师说:“当我像你这么大时,你刚1岁,当你像我这么大时,我已经40岁了。”你知道老师多少岁吗? 分析:画线段图可知40与1的差相当于三个年龄差,所以年龄差为13岁,进而可以求出学生14岁,老师27岁。18. 学校举行一次考试,科目是英语、历史、数学、物理和语文,每科满分5分,其余等级依次为4、3、2、1分今已知按总分从多到少排列着5名同学A、B、C、D、 E,并且满足条件:在同一科目中以及在总分中没有两人得同样的分数;A的总分为24分;C有4门科目得了相同的分数;D历史得4分;E物理得5分,语文得3分那么B的成绩为:英语_分,历史_分,数学_分,物理_分,语文_分英语历史数学物理语文A55545B42414C33331D24222Elll53分析:A的总分为24,那么A的分数只可能是4个5分和1个4分,而E的物理为5分,所以其他4科A都是5分5人的总分是(1+2+3+4+5)5=75,于是B、C、D、E的分数和为7524=51,而E的分数至少是11,其他3少的分数依次增高,所以这4个人的分数只能是15、13、12、11.现在已经知道了A和E的各科分数C有4科分数一样,不能是4和5,而总分是13,所以C有4科是3分、一科是1分。D的历史是4分,他的总分为12,而现在只剩下一个1分、3个4分5个2分可以分配,这样D的其他4科只能都是2分A、C、D、E的分数都已得到,剩下的即为B的分数。真的不掉线吗?、?提高班1. 根据规律填空:15,16,13,19,11,22,_9_,_25_ 。 3,5,9,17,_33_,652. a、b、c都是质数,并且a十b=33,b+c=44,c+d=66,那么d=_53_。3. 有一个数学运算符号“”使下列算式成立:24=8,53=13,35=11,97=25.那么73=_17_。4. 小永的三门功课的成绩,如果不算语文,平均分是98分;如果不算数学,平均分是93分;如果不算英语,平均分是91分。小永三门功课的平均成绩是_94_分。5. 一家三口人,爸爸比妈妈大3岁,现在他们一家人的年龄之和是80岁,10年前全家人的年龄之和是51岁,女儿今年_9_岁。6. 书店以每本1008元的价格购进某种图书,每本售价1680元,卖到还剩10本时,除了收回全部成本外,还获利504元这个书店购进该种图书_100_本。7. 列车通过300米长的隧道用15秒,通过180米长的桥梁用12秒,列车的车身长是_300_米。8. 若四位数能被11整除,则a代表的数字是 _3_。9. 如果四位数X=68能被236整除,那么X除以236所得的商是_28_。10. 如右图,是一片刚刚收割过的稻田,每个小正方形的边长是1米,A,B,C三点周围的阴影部分是圆形的水洼一只小鸟飞来飞去,四处觅食,它最初停留在0号位,过了一会儿,它跃过水洼,飞到关于A点对称的1号位;不久,它又飞到关于B点对称的2号位;接着,它飞到关于C点对称的3号位,再飞到关于A点对称的4号位,如此继续,一直对称地飞下去由此推断,2004号位和0号位之间的距离是 0 米(2试第12题) 11. 盒子里放有编号为1到10的十个球,小明先后三次从盒中共取出九个球如果从第二次开始,每次取出的球的编号之和都是前一次的2倍,那么未取出的球的编号是 6 _ 。12. 幼儿园老师给几组小朋友分苹果,每组分7个,少3个;每组分6个,则多4个苹果有_46_ 个,小朋友共 _7_ 组。13. 某人徒步旅行,平路每天走38千米,山路每天走23千米,他15天共走了450千米。这期间他走了 184 千米山路。真的不掉线吗?、?14. 右图是一所小学的科技楼,它有4层,正面每层的三个圆形窗户由左向右表示一 个三位数,这些三位数是:837,571,206,439,但是不知道这四个数和哪一层的窗户对应请你观察一下,然后画出表示2008的四个窗户 15. 一次口算比赛,规定:答对一题得8分,答错一题倒扣5分小华答了18道题,得92分,小华在此比赛中答错了 4 道题。16. 口袋中有10个小球,颜色为1红、2黄、3蓝、4绿,至少需要摸出 8 个小球才可以保证其中一定含有3种不同颜色的小球。17. 甲乙两人分别从A,B两地同时出发,相向而行。第一次在距A地40千米处相遇,两人继续向前行走,到达对方的出发点后立即返回,在距B地20千米处第二次相遇,则A,B两地相距_100_千米。18. 一架飞机从A地飞到B地,再返回A地。去时每小时飞1500千米,返回时每小时飞1000千米,来回共用6小时。那么A、B相距_3600_千米。19. 东、西两城相距75千米。小明从东向西,每小时走6.5千米。小希从西向东,每小时走6千米。小辉骑自行车从东向西而行,每小时行走15千米。三人同时动身,途中小辉遇见小希即折回向东行,遇见了小明又折回向西而行;再遇见小希又折回向东行。小辉这样往返-直到三人在途中相遇为止。小辉共行了_90_千米。20. 满足被5除余3,被6除余l,被7除余2的最小的自然数是_163_.21. 学生问老师多少岁,老师说:“当我像你这么大时,你刚1岁,当你像我这么大时,我已经40岁了。”你知道老师多少岁吗? 分析:画线段图可知40与1的差相当于三个年龄差,所以年龄差为13岁,进而可以求出学生14岁,老师27岁。22. 学校举行一次考试,科目是英语、历史、数学、物理和语文,每科满分5分,其余等级依次为4、3、2、1分今已知按总分从多到少排列着5名同学A、B、C、D、 E,并且满足条件:在同一科目中以及在总分中没有两人得同样的分数;A的总分为24分;C有4门科目得了相同的分数;D历史得4分;E物理得5分,语文得3分那么B的成绩为:英语_分,历史_分,数学_分,物理_分,语文_分英语历史数学物理语文A55545B42414C33331D24222Elll53分析:A的总分为24,那么A的分数只可能是4个5分和1个4分,而E的物理为5分,所以其他4科A都是5分5人的总分是(1+2+3+4+5)5=75,于是B、C、D、E的分数和为7524=51,而E的分数至少是11,其他3少的分数依次增高,所以这4个人的分数只能是15、13、12、11.现在已经知道了A和E的各科分数C有4科分数一样,不能是4和5,而总分是13,所以C有4科是3分、一科是1分。D的历史是4分,他的总分为12,而现在只剩下一个1分、3个4分5个2分可以分配,这样D的其他4科只能都是2分A、C、D、E的分数都已得到,剩下的即为B的分数。真的不掉线吗?、?23. 甲、乙两人沿铁路相向而行,速度相同。一列火车从甲身边开过,用了8秒,离开甲后5分钟与乙相遇,用了7秒开过。从乙与火车相遇开始,再过_分钟,甲、乙两人相遇。分析:一列火车从甲身边开过,用了8秒:车长为 = 8(车速-人速);离开甲后5分钟与乙相遇,用了7秒开过:车长为 = 7(车速+人速) ;所以可得:车速=15人速 。当火车车尾离开甲到乙与火车相遇时,甲乙之间的路程为,5(车速-人速)= 514人速=70人速,所以再过70人速2人速=35(分钟),甲、乙两人相遇。精英班1. 根据规律填空:15,16,13,19,11,22,_9_,_25_ 。 3,5,9,17,_33_,652. a、b、c都是质数,并且a十b=33,b+c=44,c+d=66,那么d=_53_。3. 有一个数学运算符号“”使下列算式成立:24=8,53=13,35=11,97=25.那么73=_17_。4. 小永的三门功课的成绩,如果不算语文,平均分是98分;如果不算数学,平均分是93分;如果不算英语,平均分是91分。小永三门功课的平均成绩是_94_分。5. 一家三口人,爸爸比妈妈大3岁,现在他们一家人的年龄之和是80岁,10年前全家人的年龄之和是51岁,女儿今年_9_岁。6. 书店以每本1008元的价格购进某种图书,每本售价1680元,卖到还剩10本时,除了收回全部成本外,还获利504元这个书店购进该种图书_100_本。7. 列车通过300米长的隧道用15秒,通过180米长的桥梁用12秒,列车的车身长是_300_米。8. 若四位数能被11整除,则a代表的数字是 _3_。9. 如果四位数X=68能被236整除,那么X除以236所得的商是_28_。10. 如右图,是一片刚刚收割过的稻田,每个小正方形的边长是1米,A,B,C三点周围的阴影部分是圆形的水洼一只小鸟飞来飞去,四处觅食,它最初停留在0号位,过了一会儿,它跃过水洼,飞到关于A点对称的1号位;不久,它又飞到关于B点对称的2号位;接着,它飞到关于C点对称的3号位,再飞到关于A点对称的4号位,如此继续,一直对称地飞下去由此推断,2004号位和0号位之间的距离是 0 米(2试第12题) 11. 盒子里放有编号为1到10的十个球,小明先后三次从盒中共取出九个球如果从第二次开始,每次取出的球的编号之和都是前一次的2倍,那么未取出的球的编号是 6 _ 。12.幼儿园老师给几组小朋友分苹果,每组分7个,少3个;每组分6个,则多4个苹果有_46_ 真的不掉线吗?、?个,小朋友共 _7_ 组。12. 40只脚的蜈蚣与3个头的龙同在一个笼中,共有26个头和298只脚。若40只脚的蜈蚣有一个头,那么3个头的龙有_14_只脚。13. 右图是一所小学的科技楼,它有4层,正面每层的三个圆形窗户由左向右表示一 个三位数,这些三位数是:837,571,206,439,但是不知道这四个数和哪一层的窗户对应请你观察一下,然后画出表示2008的四个窗户 14. 一次口算比赛,规定:答对一题得8分,答错一题倒扣5分小华答了18道题,得92分,小华在此比赛中答错了 4 道题。15. 口袋中有10个小球,颜色为1红、2黄、3蓝、4绿,至少需要摸出 8 个小球才可以保证其中一定含有3种不同颜色的小球。16. 在右图中四个圆圈内分别填入四个不同的自然数,使得1至13中任一个自然数都可以表示成若干相邻圆圈内填数之和,那么填入的四个自然数依次为 1 、 2 、 6 、 4 。(按顺时针顺序)17. 原计划有600块砖让现有的男孩搬运,后来又来了两个女孩,工作量平均分配,每个男孩比原计划少搬25块,那么共有_6_个男孩。18. 东、西两城相距75千米。小明从东向西,每小时走6.5千米。小希从西向东,每小时走6千米。小辉骑自行车从东向西而行,每小时行走15千米。三人同时动身,途中小辉遇见小希即折回向东行,遇见了小明又折回向西而行;再遇见小希又折回向东行。小辉这样往返-直到三人在途中相遇为止。小辉共行了_90_千米。19. 满足被5除余3,被6除余l,被7除余2的最小的自然数是_163_.20. 学生问老师多少岁,老师说:“当我像你这么大时,你刚1岁,当你像我这么大时,我已经40岁了。”你知道老师多少岁吗? 分析:画线段图可知40与1的差相当于三个年龄差,所以年龄差为13岁,进而可以求出学生14岁,老师27岁。21. 对于一个自然数n,如果能找到非零自然数k和l,使得n=k+l+kl,则称n为一个“好数”,如3=1+1+11,则3是一个“好数”。在1,2,46这g个自然数中,“好数”共有 个。分析: 又k和l都是非零自然数,故n+1为合数,在146中加上1之后不是合数的有1,2,4,6,10,12,16,18,22,28,30,36,40,42,46共15个。因此,“好数”共有46-15=31(个)。真的不掉线吗?、?22. 学校举行一次考试,科目是英语、历史、数学、物理和语文,每科满分5分,其余等级依次为4、3、2、1分今已知按总分从多到少排列着5名同学A、B、C、D、 E,并且满足条件:在同一科目中以及在总分中没有两人得同样的分数;A的总分为24分;C有4门科目得了相同的分数;D历史得4分;E物理得5分,语文得3分那么B的成绩为:英语_分,历史_分,数学_分,物理_分,语文_分英语历史数学物理语文A55545B42414C33331D24222Elll53分析:A的总分为24,那么A的分数只可能是4个5分和1个4分,而E的物理为5分,所以其他4科A都是5分5人的总分是(1+2+3+4+5)5=75,于是B、C、D、E的分数和为7524=51,而E的分数至少是11,其他3少的分数依次增高,所以这4个人的分数只能是15、13、12、11.现在已经知道了A和E的各科分数C有4科分数一样,不能是4和5,而总分是13,所以C有4科是3分、一科是1分。D的历史是4分,他的总分为12,而现在只剩下一个1分、3个4分5个2分可以分配,这样D的其他4科只能都是2分A、C、D、E的分数都已得到,剩下的即为B的分数。23. 甲、乙两人沿铁路相向而行,速度相同。一列火车从甲身边开过,用了8秒,离开甲后5分钟与乙相遇,用了7秒开过。从乙与火车相遇开始,再过_分钟,甲、乙两人相遇。分析:一列火车从甲身边开过,用了8秒:车长为 = 8(车速-人速);离开甲后5分钟与乙相遇,用了7秒开过:车长为 = 7(车速+人速) ;所以可得:车速=15人速 。当火车车尾离开甲到乙与火车相遇时,甲乙之间的路程为,5(车速-人速)= 514人速=70人速,所以再过70人速2人速=35(分钟),甲、乙两人相遇。真的不掉线吗?、?am (m ,is iz是)was:wzmake(meik 做;制造)made:meidmove(mu:v 移动)movedmu:vddraw(dr: 画) drew:dru:play(plei 玩耍) playedwork(w:k 工作) workedtsay(sei 说) sedare(: 是) werew:cut( kt 切;割;剪) cutcolour(kl 染色) clouredfind(faind 发现) foundfaundput(put 放) putroll(rul 打滚) rolledfall(f:l 落下;跌倒) fellfelburn(b:n 燃烧) burnt/burnedbuy(bai 买) boughtb:tlay(lei 下蛋;产卵) laidleidlead(li:d 引导;领(路) ledledlearn(l:n 学习) learnt/learnedleave(li:v 离开) leftleftlend(lend 把.借给) lent真的不掉线吗?、?let(let 让) letlie(lai 撒谎) laylose(lu:z 丢失) lostlstspellspel 拼写speltspelt/spelledspendspend 花(钱),花费spentstandstnd 站立stoodstudsweepswi:p 打扫sweptcatchkt 抓住caughtk:tchoosetu:z 选择chosetuzekm 来camekeimcostkst 花费costdigdig 掘(土);挖dugdgdodu: 做diddiddrawdr: 画drewdru:drinkdrik 饮,喝drank drkdrivedraiv 驾驶(汽车等) drovedruveati:t 吃ateeitfeelfi:l 摸,触、感觉feltflyflai 飞flewflu:meetmi:t 遇见metmetreadri:d 读readride骑(马等);乘(车等) raid roderudringri摇铃rangrriseraiz 上升roserunrn 跑,奔ranrnswimswim 游泳swamswmtaketeik 拿,取; tooktuktelltel 告诉toldtuldthinkik 想thought:tthrowru 投,扔threwru:forget fget 忘记forgotfgtfreezefri:z 结冰,凝固frozefruzgetget 到达gotgtgivegiv 给gavegeivgo gu 去,行走wentwentgrow gru 生长grewgru:hangh 把.挂起hungh/hangedhavehv/hashz 有hadhearhi 听见heardh:dhidehaid 把.藏起来hidhidhithit 打,击中hithurth:t 受伤hurtkeepki:p 持有,保有keptknow nu 知道;懂得knewnju:seesi: 看见saws:sellsel 卖soldsuldsetset 放,置setshakeeik 摇shookukshineain 发光;照耀shonen/shinedshowu 显示,露出showedsingsi 唱歌sangs/sungssinksik下沉sanksk /sunksksitsit 坐satstsleepsli:p 睡觉sleptsleptsmellsmel嗅,闻smeltsmelt/smelledspeakspi:k 说话spokespukteachti:t 教taughtt:tunderstand,ndstnd 理解;懂:understood ndstudwakeweik 唤醒wokewuk/wakedwearw 穿着worew:winwin 获胜,成功wonwnwriterait 写下wroterut 真的不掉线吗?、?八年级看图短文填空专项练习看图短文填空专项练习1 Tom was a poor boyHe made a living by cleaning leather(皮革) 1 for others in the streetTom was also a 2 boyOne day,a rich man 3 Miser appeared in front of TomHe watched his 4 shoes for a while,and then,looked at TomTom knew this kind of people wellThey love money but hate to spend itTom said,“Let me 5 your shoes,sirOnly two pence(便土),sirMrMiser shook his head and walked away Tom thought for a second and then called out,Id like to clean it for nothing”This time MrMiser agreedAnd soon one of his shoes was shining brightly When the rich man put his other shoe on the stool(凳真的不掉线吗?、?子),Tom said he wouldnt clean it for him 6 he was paid two pence for his workMrMiser was very 7 He refused to pay anything and went away But to his 8 ,the well-cleaned shoe was so bright that it made the other one look even dirtierMrMiser looked roundPeople in the street were 9 at himFinally the rich man 10 and gave Tom two penceIn a very short time his two shoes shone brightly2Jerry is a middle school student. He likes 1 very much and his favourite star is Jay Chou. He usually practices Jays songs. One day, he took part in an imitation 2 of Jay in a park. He chose one of Jays most 3 songs, he sang and acted with his heart. He 4 he was acting just as Jay himself did. So when he heard someone 5 “once again, once again”, he was moved and 6 them. But to his surprise, the other two 7 of Jay who watched Jerry act told him what they really 8 . They wanted Jerry to practice more 9 he had acted so badly! Jerry was 10 and couldnt say a word.真的不掉线吗?、?3Xiaohong is a primary school student. On (1) , she has to do all kinds of extra work. On Saturday morning, she has to practice the (2) . In the afternoon, her parents want her to practice (3) . On Sunday morning, she has a(n) (4) lesson. On Sunday afternoon, she has to learn (5) . Does this girl really have so many (6) ?Nowadays, parents in China have too much hope for their (7) . They hope that their children are able to (8) some special skills so that they can have a better life in the future. In my (9) , few of the children are really interested in these lessons. Children are children. They must have some free time to enjoy their childhood. As an English proverb(谚语) goes, “All work and no (10) makes Jack a dull boy.”4It was December 25th, my friends and I had a party in my house to celebrate (1) . Everyone(2) themselves at the party. But(3) 真的不掉线吗?、?something unhappy happened. I happened to find David, my friend,(4) my diary in my bedroom. At that time I was so(5) that I(6) at him. David stood up and (7) my house at once, (8) saying a word. After he left, I thought it was not (9) to read others diary, yet it was not polite to shout at (10) . Its better for me to tell him not to do that politely. 5It was Sunday. The weather was very fine. The students of Class One went out for a 1 .They went by 2 with fruits, vegetables, meat , cookers and some other things. At about half past ten, they 3 at the foot of a hill. There was a big 4 and many green trees there. Birds were singing and the air was very fresh. The students were busy 5 for the picnic. Some of them were getting 6 from the lake, some were washing vegeta真的不掉线吗?、?bles and fruits, and others were putting a big cloth on the grass. At about twelve oclock the lunch was ready. After lunch, they had a 7 time singing, dancing, drinking and talking. At three oclock, they began to 8 the hill. The hill was quite 9 , but they all tried to climb to the 10 of it. On the top of the hill, they felt very excited and all cheered. 6Mr. Smith is a sixty-year-old man. He loves sports. He often goes to different places to kill his spare time and enjoys the beautiful countryside scenery.On a 1 Saturday afternoon, Mr. Smith went 2 in the country. He carried a rucksack (背包)on his back, with a stick in his hand. In the evening, he decided to stop for a 3 . He didnt want to sleep in the open air, so he began to 4 up a tent near a village. The he made a 5 not far from the tent and placed a pot 6 the fire to cook something to eat. After supper, he spent the night in the tent. Because he kept walking a whole day, 真的不掉线吗?、?he was very tired and fell asleep soon.At the mid-night the weather began to turn bad. A 7 wind began to blow. At that time, Mr. Smith was still 8 . The next morning, when he 9 up, he found himself in the open air. And to his great surprise, there was a pig, a 10 , a goose, a sheep and a cock running around him!7It was a reading room. A boy and a girl were sitting (1)_ a desk. The girl was reading (2)_when the boy suddenly(3)_ , because he was reading a book of jokes. The girl (4)_him by (5)_ him to look at the (6)_ with the words “Be quiet”. The boy (7) _sorry and stopped laughing at once. Then he thought of an (8)_ . He took the book outside and (9)_ reading it. He laughed as (10)_ as he could.8One day, Mr Black came back from a party very (1) 真的不掉线吗?、? . It was too late, and the weather was very cold. There was no bus or taxi, so he had to go home on(2) . He held his (3) under his arms.When he got home, he opened his bag.He wanted to get his keys. They were always there. But he couldnt find the keys this time. He was worried and he didnt know(4) to do.When he looked up, he suddenly saw his window was (5) . Smiling to himself, Mr Black thought of an(6) .There was a ladder behind his house.He carried it to the window.Then he began to (7) up the ladder. How dark it was! It was (8) for him to do that, because he was very nervous and his hat fell down. So he was very careful. A moment later he jumped into the room and he was very happy. But suddenly when he put his hand into his (9) , he was surprised to find his(10) just right there. 9It was a 1 day. In the morning, Lulus mother was busy doing some 2 . When she had everything done, she said to her son, “ Its time to get up, my son. ” But there was 3 answer. She came into the bedroom and said again, “ e 4 , my baby. Did you hear it? Its time to get up now. ” It 5 that Lulu was still having a dream. He didnt hear 6 his mother said. His mother came to his bed, “ Lazybones (懒虫). You see, the sun is 真的不掉线吗?、?7 now, but you still 8 in bed. Get up, my dear! ” Suddenly, Lulu 9 , “Thats unfair (不公平) ! The sun went to bed at six oclock last night, but I reviewed (复习) my lessons 10 10 oclock. ” 10It was a quiet midnight. There was a full (1) in the sky. Mr. Black was sleeping. Suddenly, his dog (2) barking loudly. Maybe the dog had(3) some sound. Mr. Black was (4) up. He was very angry with the dog. He jumped out of his bed and held a shoe, went up to the window and hit the dog (5) it. The dog stopped barking at once and ran away. Mr. Black went back to rest. But, a few minutes (6) , he heard the dog making a noise under the window. He got even (7) angry than before. He jumped out of the bed and (8) up the other shoe and wanted to hit the dog again. When he went near the window, he (9) the dog looking at him and holding the shoe in its (10) . Mr. Black felt sorry for the dog.答案:11shoes 2cleverbrightwise 3callednamed 4dirty 5cleanbrush 6unlessuntilbefore 7angryunhappy 8surprise 9laughinglooking 10Returnedagreed真的不掉线吗?、?21singing 2 show 3 famous 4 thought 5 shout 6thanked 7 fans 8 meant 9 because 10 sorry/ frustrated/embarrassed31. weekend(s) 2. piano 3. positions4. English 5. painting/drawing 6. hobbies 7. children 8. learn 9. opinion10. play41. Christmas 2. enjoyed 3. suddenly 4. reading 5. angry 6. shouted 7. left 8. without 9. right polite 10. others him51. picnic 2. bike 3. arrived 4. lake 5. preparing6. water 7. good/great/happy/nice 8. climb 9. high 10. top61.sunny 2. hiking 3. rest 4. set 5. fire 6. over 7. strong 8. sleeping 9. woke 10. cow71 at 2 quietly 3 laughed 4 stopped/prevented 5 asking/telling 6 sign 7 was/felt 8 idea 9 continued 10 loudly81.late 2.foot 3.bag 4.what 5.open 6.idea 7.climb 8.dangerous 9.pocket 10.keys91. sunny 2. housework/ cooking 3. no 4. on 5. seemed 6. what 7. shining 8. stay 9. said 10. till101.moon 2. began 3. heard 4. woken 5. with 6. later 7. more 8. picked 9. found/saw 10. mouth 真的不掉线吗?、?god 神 goddess 女神emperor皇帝 empress 女皇帝(皇后)king 国王 queen 女王(王后)prince 王子 princess 公主actor 演员 actress 女演员waiter 饭店服务员 waitress 饭店女服务员master 男主人 mistress 女主人host 男主人 hostess 女主人heir 继承人 heiress 女继承人shepherd 牧羊人 shepherdess 牧羊女count 伯爵 countess 女伯爵,伯爵夫人landlord 男房东 landlady 女房东chairman 主席 chairwoman 女主席wizar


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