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一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容(听两遍)10%( )1 A classes B glasses C grasses( ) 2 A cinema B camera C come( ) 3 A earphones B mobile phone C telephone( ) 4 A now B know C how( ) 5 A on B behind C near二、 听录音,根据所听到的问句,选择正确的答句(听两遍)10%( )1 A its in the bag. B it was in the bag. C Yes ,it is( ) 2 A Yes, it does B Yes, they are C NO, it isnt( ) 3 A Sure. B Yes , it is C No, it isnt( ) 4 A No, it isnt B No, they arent C No, they werent( ) 5 A Im looking for my camera B Im here C I water flowers 三、 听录音,填入所缺单词(听两遍)(4%)1 It was here a _ago . Where is it now ?2 The running race is very _. Let me some photos.3 A : Can I_ them , please ? B : Sorry, they were in my bag . But they _here now.四、 根据课文内容,完成短文 ( 6%) There are a lot of_ _in the park .They mean _things. The sign on the wall means _.We must _ _from the building. The sign on the grass means _ _ the grass. It means we _walk _the grass. The sign on the_ cage means_. We shouldnt_ there.一 单项选择(15%)( ) 1 It _here a moment ago. A is B was C were ( ) 2 Let me _. A have a look B to help you C reading this book( ) 3 The race is very_. A exciting B excited C beautiful( ) 4 There_ a pair of _ on the desk. A is ; glass B is ; glasses C are ; glasses( ) 5 They_ there now . They _ there just now. A are; wasnt B were ; are C arent ; were( ) 6 Are you_your bag?A seeing B looking C looking for( ) 7 I like the _cartoons A China B Chinese C Chinas( ) 8 A: Here are some pictures for you B;_ A Thank you B All right C Ok( ) 9 Mrs Brown wants to_ a walk in the park. A taking B taking C talk( ) 10 A;_birthday is it today? B;Its Bens A Whos B Whose C When( ) 11 Mr Green is teaching_. A me Music B to me Music C my Music ( ) 12 My cousin _ use chopsticks. Please give _ a fork. A can ; he B cant ;him C dont ;his( ) 13 There is _English book over there ._English book is Lilys. A an ;An B an ; The C the ; The( ) 14 A : Whats the name _-that book ? B: Its Harry Potter. A of B for C call( ) 15 The woman _-yellow_- my maths tester three years ago. We all likeed her. A on ; is B with ; was C in ; was二 选择合适的词组,并用它的正确形式填空(8%) a moment ago see you excuse me listen to musuic eight oclock a nice watch a public sign come to my birthday party 1 A: Heres _for you.B : Thank you.2 I like _. What about you?3 A; See you this afternoon.B: _.4 Its _in the morning. Lets begin our class.5 Tomorrow is my birthday . Would you like to_?6 A: Where s my football?B: Sorry, I don”t know. It was here_.7 _,is Miss Liu in the teachera”office now?8 There is _on the wall . It means “ Be quiet”三 从栏中选出与栏相匹配的句子(10%) ()1 What day is it today? A Be quiet. ()2 Can I watch TV now? B She is my cousin,Lily.()3 Do you have any hobbies? C Thank you ()4 What does that sign mean? D Yes ,there are()5 Thank you E Its Thursday()6 Who is the girl? F You are welcome.()7 Lets go to the cinema now. G No, you cant.()8 Are there any birds in the tree. H Maths,of course ()9 Your Chinese is very good. I Yes ,I do()10 What subject do you like? J Ok. Lets go 四 根据上下文完成对话(7%)A: There _a lot of signs here. Do you know them?B: Yes , I _.They are _signs. They _different things.A: Theres a sign _the wall. What does this mean?B: It_“Danger”!A: What dose that sign mean?B: It means you cant _photos here.A: Thats interesting.五 根据汉语意思完成句子(10%)1 已经十点半了。迈克,去睡觉吧。Its already _past ten. Go to _ .Mike.2 公园里有许多花。 There are _flowers in the park.3 史密斯先生正在公园里散步 Mr Smith_ a walk in the park.4 那个标志的意思是“禁止钓鱼”That sign_ “NO_”5 碰一下左边的按键,你就可以打开盒子了。_the left key, then you can _the box.六 阅读理解(15%)(一)阅读短文,判断正(T)误(W) Su Yang and her sister, Su Hai, are walking in the park, They are going to draw pictures. Suddenly, Su Hai and Su Yang come up to her quickly. SuYang says to her, “You should stay away from the lake.How old are you ?”The girl answers, “Im four.” Su Yang asks again, “ Where are your parents?” The girl shakes hei hesd and says, “I dont know.” So Su Hai and Su Yang have to(不得不) take her to the police.( ) 1 Su Hai and Su Yang are going to draw pictures in the park.( ) 2 The little girl is standing under a big tree.( ) 3 Su Hai finds the little girl first.( ) 4 The little girl is four years old.( ) 5 Su hai and Su Yang go to the police with the little girl, because her parents are policemen.(二) 阅读短文,选择正确的答案(10%)Tom and Mike like animals very much. They go to the zoo every Saturday. Its Saturday today. Now they are in the zoo. They see some signs on the wall. The signs mean different things. They know a lot about them. They cant litter there. They cant noise there. Then a man comes. Hes smoking. Tom and Mike goup to him and say, “Sir,you shouldnt smoke here. Look at sign over there. It says NO SMOKING .” The man says sorry like and goes out of the zoo.( )1 Tom and Mike like _very muchA reading B animals C signs( ) 2 Tom and Mike see _ on the wall in the zoo. A many animals B some pictures C some signs( )3 Tom an Mike _-about the signs A know much B dont know much C want to know( ) 4 The man is _. A eating an drinking B smoking C feeding the birds( ) 5 Which statement is ture? A There arent any signs in the zoo B Mike and Tom tell the man not to smoke in the zoo C The man still smokes in the zoo七 话题描述 (5%) 要求:单词不得少于50个词 提示:周末的时候和哥哥一起去公园,路上看到很多的公共标志,发挥你的想象力,结合城市的风貌。 ()


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