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年级:七 课题:Unit6 Topic3 Section A 总 课时: 32 使用时间: 第 周 夏邑县济阳初中七年级英语教学案课 题:Unit6 Topic3 SectionA 班级: 学生姓名: 自学质疑解疑(一)学习目标:1.预习P43-44的单词,大声朗读1a部分对话。2.学习介词短语和祈使句。3.学习问路和指路的句型。总结:问路用语:Excuse me ,is there a band near her指路用语:Go up Xinhua Street to the end(二)自学方法1.大声朗读本部分的单词,2a部分的课文,熟悉大意,然后回答后面问题。2大声朗读3a表格中的单词,注意字母o,or,j,qu在单词中的发音。然后试着完成3b. 总结:。1.字母组合o在字母m,n,v,th前常发 ; 2.字母组合or在单词中长发 或 ; 自测互查互教1、朗读课文,熟悉大意,翻译下列短语或句子。go up this street to the end _ turn left at the first crossing _ go across the bridge_ on the right_Its about 100 meters along_ the way to the Post Office_Thank you all the same_2.小组合作做2a和3部分的练习。 展示反馈导学 知识点击:(1) Go up Xinhua Street to the end, and youll find it on your left. 沿这条街一直走到头,就会在你左边找到它。and 连接两个并列句,该句型结构是:“祈使句,and表示将来时的句子”。如:Study hard, and we can go to college. 努力学习,那么我们就能上大学。Go up 沿着道路走,如:Please walk up the street.请沿着这条街走。You will find it on your left,用的是将来时,表示将要发生的事情,结构“will动词原形”。In next class, well study Section B. 下节课我们将学习B部分。(2)Go along Xinhua Street and turn left at the first crossing. 沿着新华街往前走,在第一个十字路口向左拐。along 是介词,表示“沿着,顺着”。相当于上一句的up。如:Walk along go along go down go upWe walk along the road every day. 我们每天沿着街走。Turn left at the first crossing take the first crossing on the left,在第一个十字路口向左拐。【拓展】Turn 还可以作名词,表示“顺序,机会”如:Its my turn now. 现在轮到我了。(3)Its about one hundred meters along on the right. (书店)在前面大约一百米右侧处。(4)The bookstore is across from the school. 书店在学校的对面。Across from 意思是“在对面。”如:There is a school just across from our house. 我们房子对面有一所学校。(5)The library is on the corner of Xinhua Street and Zhongshan Road. 图书馆在新华路和中山路交汇的拐角处。On the corner of 意思是“在拐角处”。【拓展】In the corner of 意思是“在角落里”,in强调在拐角里面.At the corner of意思是“在拐角处”, at强调在拐角的“外面”。 自测反馈点拨单项选择( )1.-Do you know how can I get to the bookstore? -Go along this road and left at the first crossing . you will find it on your right.A. get B. turn C. take D. put( )2.- ,which is the way to the hospital? -Oh, sorry. I dont know. A. Its nice of you B. I ask you a question C. Please tell me D. Excuse me( )3. Go Zhonghua street until you see a hospital. The Bank is next to it.A. along B. on C. in D. to( )4. Find out the word with different sound for the underlined part.A. mother B. come C. cold D. love ( )5.The bookshop is not far from here. Its about 100meters the right.A. away ;on B. along; to C. away ;to D. along; on 主备课人:学峰 小组成员签名:李素兰、 刘建 领导签名:

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