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Book 2 Unit 5 Music. 教学设计教材版本:人民教育出版社教学年级:高一课题名称:Book2 Unit5 Music授课时间:40分钟 梅州市兴宁市田家炳中学 谢益清 温映标 罗文杏 陈翠梅 张苑 潘娜(一)、学情分析(1)本届高一年级大部分学生学习自觉性较好,对英语较感兴趣,能积极参加各种课堂活动,如话题的讨论,在学习中有较强的合作精神,愿意与他人分享各种学习资源。(2)很大一部分学生来自边远的农村,平时缺乏训练,英语口头表达能力较弱。教师在课堂教学活动过程中经常跟他们交流,并设计难易适中的话题来鼓励他们积极参与。(二)、教材分析本单元的话题是“音乐”。通过阅读“门基乐队”的故事和听“青蛙乐队”的故事向学生介绍了几种音乐形式。学生通过本单元的学习不仅能了解相关的音乐知识,也能通过使用目标语言来表达自己的观点,向别人提建议及正确使用带有介词的定语从句。 “热身”(Warming Up)部分通过直观形象的图片展现了为大众所熟悉的多种音乐形式,使学生音乐的丰富内容有较为广泛的认识。“读前”(Pre-reading)部分的四个问题导入学生对现代流行乐队基本常识的了解。“阅读”(Reading)部分主要介绍The Monkees乐队的一些情况。“理解”(Comprehending)部分旨在通过四部分练习题帮助学生进一步总结The Monkees乐队的基本情况和细节问题。本单元的词汇学习主要体现在“语言学习”(Learning about Language)部分,教师应借助于音乐这一通俗话题激发和调动学生的学习积极性与主观能动性,结合相关语境帮助学生学习和掌握有关音乐的词汇,并引导学生学会分类整理与归纳,提高学习效率。本单元结合阅读的内容和语法结构学习运用“介词+which”,“介词+whom”引导的定语从句以及被动语态。“语言运用”(Using Language)部分,编者安排了青蛙乐队的故事让学生进行听力理解和阅读训练,随后继续在学生用书和练习册中围绕音乐这个话题进行听说读写的互动,然后在”说”的部分布置两个任务:组建乐队,写有关音乐的”名言警句”。“学习建议”(Learning Tip)部分建议学生学习英文歌曲,从歌曲中学习英语语法与词汇,培养语感和节奏感,并在日常英语对话中使用。(三)单元教学安排本单元分七课时:第一课时:Words and Expressions.第二课时:Warming up, Pre-reading, &Talking.第三课时:Reading Comprehending第四课时:Learning about Language第五课时:Using Language 第六课时:Listening & Speaking & writing第七课时:Revision & Exercises(四)单元教学目标1.语言知识目标能传递信息并且就熟悉的音乐话题表达看法;从一般文字资料中获取主要信息,并能通过上下文克服生词困难;理解语篇意义;能结合阅读的内容和语法结构学习运用“介词+which”,“介词+whom”引导的定语从句。2.情感目标1) 在英语交流中能理解并尊重他人的情感; 2) 在学习中有较强的合作精神,愿意与他人分享各种学习资源。3.文化意识目标了解各种各样的音乐形式,深化对音乐的全面认识,增添音乐欣赏趣味,提高音乐修养。(五)教学策略1、通过计算机网络、教辅等资源获得更广泛的英语信息,扩展所学知识; 2、在课内外活动中积极用英语与同学交流,培养学生的合作意识,提高学生的主动性和参与性,从而增强其学习积极性。3、 采用多媒体辅助教学,使教学内容直观化,从而激发学生的学习兴趣。Period 1 Words and Expressions一、教学目标:1.使学生明确有些对不同的词汇,我们的要求是不一样的。有些只需了解,有些要 识记,有些得熟 练掌握运用在写作中。2.使学生会结合发音规则来识记单词,3.使学生会结合主题归纳总结记住相关词汇4.使学生会通过语境来揣摩重点词汇的搭配,用法。5.使学生会把词汇学习跟日常生活联系起来。二、教学策略: 以学生自主学习为主,教师引导为辅1.让学生根据给出的句子来学习语义和词性。2.根据特定的句子观察词汇的搭配。3.在教师的指导下进行联想相关搭配。4. 让学生通过翻译,造句子,片断练习熟练运用所学词汇。三、目标语言词汇1. 四会词汇roll, pretend, dream, form, attach, cash, addition, earn ,attractive, hit, stick, confident, form, perform, dream of, to be honest, attachto., in cash, Play jokes on, rely on, be familiar with, or so, break up, in addition, sort out, by chance, above all2认读词汇classical, orchestra, rap, rapper, choral, karaoke, the Monkees, reunite, supporter, Freddy, feedback 3重点词组dream of, to be honest, attachto., in cash, Play jokes on, rely on, be familiar with, or so, break up, in addition, sort out, by chance, above all4. 重点词汇roll, pretend, dream, form, attach, cash, addition, earn ,attractive, hit, stick, confident, form, perform四、教学步骤Step1: a. Play the video for students and ask them to listen carefully and pay attention to pronunciation and stress. b. Play the video again and ask students to read the new words and expressions after the tape. Each word should be read twice.c. Ask them to underline words related to music and invite some students to read these words. The other students are supposed to listen carefully and point out mistakes that their classmates made.Step2. Explain the usage of key words and phrases. 1. He always dreams of/ about owing a car.He dreams of a better future.dream. v 搭配: dream of/about sth./doing sth.梦想,梦见 dream up 虚构出 dream away 虚度光阴即学即练:translation.e.g. 1) 当她年轻时,她梦想成为一位医生。When she was young, she dreamt of being a doctor in the future.2) 我梦到自己像鸟儿一样飞翔在蓝空上。I dreamed that I was flying like a bird in the sky.2.pretend.vt&vi.假装,假扮Pretend n./that从句/to be/to be doing/to have done假装做(过)某事e.g. 1) 他装病。He pretended sickness.2) 不要装成你什么都懂的样子。Dont pretend that you know everything. 3) 他假装是个作家。He pretended to be a writer. 4) 我进来时,他假装在唱歌。She pretended to have read this be honest说实在地,实话说to tell the truth常用作插入语e.g. To be honest, I dont like such kind of person.honest adj. 诚实的; dishonest adj.不诚实的; honesty n. 忠实be honest with sb 对说老实话,对某人以诚相待 be honest about sth 对某事没有隐瞒e.g.1) I will be honest with you.2) If you are honest with the others, they will help you a lot.3) Are you really honest about this accident?4. attach. vt&vi.系上,缚上,附加,连接attach sth to 贴上,附上attach importance /value/significance to认为有重要性/价值/意义be attached to 附属于e.g. 1) Hell attach the label to your luggage. 他会把标签系在你的行李上。2) Do you attach any importance to what he said? 你认为他说的话重要吗?3) This hospital is attached to the medical college nearby。 这个医院附属附近的那所医学院。5.form:1) vt.使组成,形成,构成,成立,创立e.g. 1) One should form good habits from ones childhood. 一个人必须从小养成好习惯.2) They have formed a club.他们成立了一个俱乐部.2) n.形状,形式,表格fill in a form填写表格; in the form of以的形式e.g. He put forward several suggestions in the form of questions.他以问题的形式提出了几条建议.6.earn.vt.赚;挣得;获得earn a / ones living=make a/ones living 谋生e.g. Shes young, but she earns a good n.现金e.g. Excuse me, should I pay this in cash or by check?in cash 用现金,有现钱in brief 着重于重点突出,不拖泥带水.in short 多用来在较长叙述后长话短说”综上所述”之意.e.g. 1) There is not much time left, so Ill tell you about it in brief.时间不多,所以我会简明地告诉你.2) In short, Im going to live there myself.总之我要一个人住在那里.8.familiar:adj.熟悉的,常见的,亲近的be/get familiar with sb.熟悉;与熟悉起来be familiar to sb为所熟知e.g. 1) I am getting familiar with my new classmates.2) Your name is familiar to all of us.9break up:打破,分裂,解体e.g. The meeting broke up at eleven oclock.会议在11点钟散会。break up with sb.与某人绝交e.g. Shes just broken up with her boyfriend.break down (机器)出故障,(健康,精神)跨下来break in 非法闯入,打断,插嘴break off 折断,中断,突然停止(讲话等)break out (战争,火灾等)突然发生,爆发10.addition.n.加,增加,加法 additional. adj.此外的,另外的,额外的=extrain addition=as well 另外,也in addition to=as well as=besides 除之外,还有e.g. 1) You need some time and money, and in addition, you need diligence.2) He speaks French in addition to English.11.above all 最重要的是;首先=first of all, the most important isat all 根本 after all 毕竟 in all总共e.g. You shouldnt have scolded that boy at all, hes a child after all; above all, he made only two mistakes in all.你根本不该责骂那孩子,他毕竟还是个孩子;更重要的是,他总共才犯了两个错。Step3. Exercises1. Complete the following sentences1) When you grow up, what kinds of job will you take? If you want to take jobs related to education, you can say I dream of becoming a teacher or an educator or a professor.2) If you are interested in science, you can say I have always dreamed about being a scientist.3) Some girls in our class fancy singing may be they want to become singers. So they can say what I dream of is to be a singer.4) You are not very satisfied with your present life. You do want to there is a change. So you can say it is a better future that I dream of.2. Translate the following Chinese into English.1) 老板进来时他假装在看一份重要的文件。He pretended to be reading an important paper when the boss entered.2) 我曾梦想在音乐会上面对成千上万的观歌唱,掌声如雷。I dreamed of singing in front of thousands of people at a concert, at which everyone is clapping and appreciating my music.3) 这所中学附属于一所师范院校。This middle school is attached to a teachers college.4) 他往行李上贴了一个标签。He attached a label to his baggage. 5) 实话说,我对当地的法律并不熟。To be honest, I am not really familiar with the local laws. Homework: review the words and expressions in this unit and pre-view the lesson .五、设计思路词汇是阅读和语言运用的基础. 由于学生的实际情况,叫学生自学和把词汇在阅读中来猜词,对大部分学生而言效果不好. 因此有必要集中讲解一部分词汇,给学生自学作一个示范,把部分词汇放在文中叫学生猜测它门的意思和注意它们是如何运用的。 对词汇的学习不能一味强调学习的广度,还必须强调词汇的深度. 也就是根据语境来学习词汇的搭配,语义,语用.因为在学生学习的反馈信息中,例如当他们写作的时候很多同学知道那个词的中文意思,甚至搭配,但是他们的词汇的语用是错误的. 因此这里特别强调教会学生体会词汇的语用,也即词汇要用在哪个特定环境下. 再者启发学生通过一个主题来积累发散词汇. 最后是学生自己根据日常生活来运用词汇.学生在这过程中得充分观察,总结,体验,实践。Period 2 Warming up, Pre-reading & Talking这三部分均涉及音乐方面的知识。先通过Warming up 画面部分介绍八种音乐类型,简单描述其基本特征,配合多媒体播放八种音乐,让学生加以辨别并回答以下问题:1、What kind of music do you like better, Chinese or Western, classical or modern? Why ? 2、How does music make you feel? 3、Why do you like to listen to music? 学生可采用四人一组的方式讨论刚才听到的音乐并互相采访。接着让学生讨论Workbook P69 的Talking 部分的话题(你和你的朋友要去听音乐会,就如何买票、出发时间、见面地点等问题进行讨论。)最后再组织Speaking部分的对话。一、Teaching Steps:StepsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesAims Step1: Warming-up (1) Lead in: show pictures of some popular singers and ask some questions: who are they? Which song is his/her most famous one? Do you like music? How does music make you feel?(2) Then ask Ss to listen to the tape and enjoy the music.(3) Present the pictures and guess which music match which picture.(4) Discussion: what kind of music do you like: Chinese or Western, classical or modern? Why?(5) Give an example of a band, and then ask Ss to list more(1) Enjoy the pictures and songs(2) Answer the questions. 1) increase Ss interest in the topic2) can recognize different kind of musicStep 2. Pre-reading(1) Have you heard about any of the famous bands in the world? List some if you have.(2) Which one do you like best? Why?(3) Do you know anything about “ The Monkees”? Ss discuss the following questions with their partners and then ask them to report in class.Step 3 Talking (page69)1. Discussion: Ss wok in pairs and discuss what music and musicians they like or dislike and give their reasons.Show their notes in class.(3) to develop Ss Speaking abilities.Homework1. Pre-view the reading text.2. Collect some information about your favorite music.二、设计思路:展示学生熟悉的歌手的相片,及对此小讨论一番,非常自然地进这单元的话题music, 接着播放几组音乐片段,让学生用心聆听,感受音乐的魅力,然后呈现课文中的八幅图画,给学生五分钟讨论画中的人物的衣着打扮,乐器的搭配等来猜测音乐的类型。在此基础上,让学生讨论自己所喜欢的音乐风格。此时教师可以列举一个教师自己喜欢的乐队的名称,引导学生列举更多例子。这样就自然而然从Warming-up 引入到 Pre-reading 最后过渡到Reading。三、课后反思亮点:(1)整节课气氛非常活跃,从学生熟悉的,喜爱的流行歌手引入课堂。学生对这话题充满着兴趣,渴望表达自己的愿望非常强烈。(2)课堂的时间安排非常合理,教师通过提问的方式引导学生不断进入阅读部分。 Period 3 Reading and Comprehending一、Teaching Goals: 1. To learn and talk about kinds of music.2. To learn and read about bands.二、Teaching StepsStep 1: Revision Review what we have learned last period, show some pictures to students and let them speak out what they are. And then, let students listen a song which is sung by “The Monkees”, ask them which kind the song belongs to.Step2. SkimmingPlease read the text as quickly as you can and find out the main idea of each paragraph.Suggested answer:Para.1: Many people want to be famous as singers or musicians.Para.2: This is how most bands start.Para.3: The Monkees started in a different way.Para.4: How the Monkees became popular and how they developed as a real band.Step3. ScanningAnswer the following questions:1. Why do most musicians like to be in a band with others?2. Which two musical bands are mentioned in the passage?3. How do bands that are formed by high school students earn some extra money?4. When did the Monkees break up?Step4. SummarySuggested answer: The text is mainly about the band “The Monkees” and learned something about music. In addition, we know their success lies in their hard work and their unique style of performance.Step5. Language points1. The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music, most of which was based loosely on the jokes (on sb) 跟(某人)开玩笑e.g. 1) He is a serious man, dont play jokes on him.2) He likes to play jokesplay tricks on 抓弄某人e.g. We should never play tricks on the others.2. They put an advertisement in a newspaper looking for rock musicians, but they could only find one who was good enough. 他们在报纸上登了一则广告,想招摇滚乐手,但他们只招到一个满意的。 looking for rock musicians 是动词-ing形式作advertisement 的定语。e.g. 1) Will the people sitting at the back please keep quiet? 坐在后面的人请保持安静,好吗? 2) We arrived too late to catch the train leaving at eight. 我们到得太晚了,没能赶上八点的火车。3. They had to use actors for the other three members of the band. 乐队的其他三人只能用演员来代替。介词for在本句中表示“取代”。e.g. Ill use plastics for iron to make some parts of the machine.Step 6. Retelling 1. Show the key words and relevant pictures on the screen.2. Ask the students to retell the passage, according to the following key words:be honest with, dream of, form a band, earn extra money, give a chance;A band started in a different way, play jokes on, music and jokes, be based on, The Monkees, play instruments, write their own music, break up, reunite;Step7. Homework Retell the text and make sentences using the phrases we learned in this period. 三、思路设计:在上一节课中学生已基本了解音乐的种类,这节课一开始先让学生复习回想并说出音乐的种类。然后播放一首由门基乐队演唱的歌曲,问他们这首歌的风格。由此引入课文阅读。在课文阅读过程中,先让学生快速阅读,概括各段大意,然后细节阅读,回答问题。接着说出文章大意。最后是一些难句的分析。四、教学反思:本课的成功的方面:1. 整节课的气氛高涨。在完成任务的过程中,我设计了lead-in, skimming, scanning等这些环节,循序渐进,充分调动学生的积极性,使学生在参与讨论并抢答的情境中体会学英语的乐趣.2. 本节课是根据任务型语言教学原则进行设计的:a. 以学生为中心,以交际为原则。整节课大部分多处设计了讨论,辩论以及模仿的环节,教师充当指导者和参与者。 b. 以任务为基础, 学生在完成任务的过程中提升阅读能力。 存在的不足:在这节课中,部分同学,特别是英语基础薄弱的同学,并没有参与各个环节的讨论以及表达自己的观点。在以后的教学过程中,教师要注意如何调动这一部分学生的积极性,以及如何帮助他们克服在表达自己观点时的紧张心理,让他们重新找回学习英语的乐趣和信心。 Period 4 Learning about Language一、Teaching Goals: 1. To enable Ss to master some new and useful words and expressions about music.2.To get Ss to have knowledge of the attributive clause (prep+which / prep+whom).二、Teaching StepsStep 1. Let Ss review the words and expressions in this unit.Musician, form, clap, classical, extra, attractive, loosely, instrument, advertisement, supporter,Dream of, be honest with, play jokes on, or so, by chance, as well as, be based on, a chance of doing sth.Step 2do Ex1,Ex2 and Ex3. And talk about something about band with the words and phrases in the text.Suggested answers:Ex1: 1.musical instrument2.musican 3.dream of4.passer-by be honest 6.break up7.attach 8.earn cash Ex2: 2 1 1 1 1 Ex3: dreamed of , extra , pub , studio , playing a joke on, humorous, broadcast, millionaires, familiarStep 3. Learning about the grammar: the attributive clause with prep. +which / whomStepsTeachers activitiesStudents s activitiesAimsStep 1: revision and warming up1. T: In the last four units, we learned the structure of attributive clause. We know attributive clause is to describe noun or pronoun.2. Then ask questions: Do you know how to do the exercises on page 71? Do you want to know more about the structure of attributive clause?1. Answer the questions and check the answers.2. Learn the new structures: preposition+ relative pronoun.1. Let Ss recall what they have learned before about the attributive clause.2. Enliven the atmosphereStep 2: grammar learningAsk Ss to turn back to page 34 to go through the passage The Band That Wasnt, let them pick out the sentences with the attributive clauses with a preposition ahead of the relative pronoun and translate them into Chinese.1. Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert, at which everyone is clapping and appreciating your music?2. They may start as a group of high-school students, for whom practicing their music in someones house is the first step to fame.1. Learn the new structure: The Attributive Clause with prep. + which / whom.2. Pave the way for the next step.Step 3: sum up the structure “preposition + relative pronoun”.T: Now we can find that the structure “prep +which / whom can also introduce an attributive clause, and we should remember that usually which and whom can be used in this structure while that cant be used. Can you find out more examples on this kind of structure?1.Ill never forget the days during which we worked on the farm.(= when)2.This is the place at which we first met.(= where)3.The reason for which he was late was that his mother got ill.(= why)4. The person to whom I spoke just now is my son.Summarize the rules of attributive clause with prep.+whom / which and let Ss have a better understanding of it.Step 4: grammar practiceAsk Ss to turn to page 37 and do the exercises 2 to sort out the messages that are mixed up and exercise 3, and then ask some students to check the answers after 15 minutes.1. I remember the day when our band was formed as if it was yesterday.2. The guitar with which Dave composed our first hit is in a music museum.3. The name by which we were to become famous was chosen by Mikes mum.4. The show at which we played our first hits was in America.Practice their skills of using the structure.Step 5: sum up the rules of the grammar1. In formal styles we often put a prep before the relative pron. which and whom. After a prep. We cant use who in place of whom or that.2. In informal English we usually put the prep. at the end in attributive clauses rather than at the beginning.Then ask Ss to make some examples.1. Her many friends, among whom I like to be considered, gave her encouragement.2. She is one of those (which /that )I look up to.3. I dont like the way in which you laughed at her.Summarize the rules of attributive clause and let Ss have a better understanding of its structure.Step 6: do some exercises to consolidate the rule of the grammar.T: there is a grammatical error in each of the following sentences. Please read them carefully and correct the mistake.1. Its a piece of jewelry across which I came in this shop.2. My mother, after whom I looked for over 20 years, died last year.3. The woman to who he is engaged comes from Poland.1. Its a piece of jewelry which I came across in this shop.2. My mother, whom I looked after for over 20 years, died last year.3. The woman to whom he is engaged comes from Poland.Make Ss practice using new structures and enliven the atmosphere.Step 7: assign some homework1. Learn and master the related grammar rules, if there are still any problems, come to the teacher for help.2. Finish off the exercises on page 71.Do the exercises on Page 37 and 71. Consolidate what we have learned in this class.三、设计思路:上个单元我们刚学完定语从句的用法,在复习的过程中很自然地进入到介词+关系代词引导定语从句的另一种用法。然后通过讲解这一结构来展示和训练新知识,最后以小组合作和个别提问的形式让学生进行巩固练习。在这个任务中,课堂的引入自然流畅,循序渐进,学生能够锻炼读和做题的能力,激发了学生的兴趣,也培养了合作精神。整个任务中,教师是参与者和引导者,充分体现了学生的主体性原则。四、教学反思:本课的成功的方面:3. 整节课的气氛高涨。在完成任务的过程中,我设计了grammar practice, sum up the rules of the grammar等这些环节,充分调动学生的积极性,使学生在参与讨论并抢答的情境中体会学英语的乐趣.4. 本节课是根据任务型语言教学原则进行设计的:c. 以学生为中心,以交际为原则。整节课大部分多处设计了讨论,辩论以及模仿的环节,教师充当指导者和参与者。 d. 以任务为基础, 学生在完成任务的过程中提升语言运用的能力。 存在的不足:在这节课中,部分同学,特别是英语基础薄弱的同学,并没有参与各个环节的讨论以及表达自己的观点。在以后的教学过程中,教师要注意如何调动这一部分学生的积极性,以及如何帮助他们克服在表达自己观点时的紧张心理,让他们重新找回学习英语的乐趣和信心。 Period 5. Using Language一、Teaching Goals: 1. To read the story about Freddy.2. To develop Ss listening ability.二、Teaching StepsTask 1 ReadingFreddy the frog ()Teachers activities Students activities AimsStep1: Brain-stormT: Now Freddy founds his band. What do you think will happen next? Students discuss in groups and then report their thoughts.1. Enliven the atmosphere2. Go to Step 2 smoothly. Step 2: Fast reading Say: Wonderful endings. I think very one here is a good novelist like Andersen. Now please read the text carefully with this question Did Freddy and his band get a great success in Britain.1. They get the gist of the reading text2. They answer the question: Yes, they get a great success in Britain. Practice their reading skill. Step3: Detailed information Two question: 1. What is Freddys most exciting experience in London ?2. What problems do they have after being famous?Students answer these two questions. Step4. Debate 1. Divide students into two groups to argue the advantages and disadvantage of being famous.2. Guide them to finish their argument. 3. Make a conclusion. 4. They try to present their ideas in English. 5. They learn to get the useful information from the text to defend themselves. 1. Practice their speaking skills.2. Teach them how to prove their ideas.3. They learn

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