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Unit1 Topic 1 Nice to meet you!. 听录音,将所听到的字母的代号填入题前的括号中。( ) 1. A. B B. D C. E( ) 2. A. M B. N C. K( ) 3. A. C B. E C. H( ) 4. A. b B. f C. g( ) 5. A. l B. i C. m. 听句子,选择正确的答语。( ) 1. A. Fine B. Good morning C. Yes, I am .( ) 2. A.Yes , I am . B. Thanks C. No , I am .( ) 3. A.How do you do ? B. How are you ? C. Nice to see you, too .( ) 4. A. How do you do ? B. Im fine , thanks . C. How are you ?( ) 5. A. How are you ? B. See you later . C. Im OK , thanks .Unit1 Topic 1 Nice to meet you! 听力材料. 1. D 2. K 3. H 4. b 5. m. 1. Good morning . 2. Hi ! Are you Michael ? 3. Nice to see you . 4. How do you do ? 5. How are you ?Unit1 Topic 2 Where are you from ?. 听句子,选择正确的答语。( ) 1. A.Youre from China . B. Im from Canada . C. Shes from Japan .( ) 2. A.This is Lucy . B. Its Lucy . C. He is Lucy .( ) 3. A.Thank you . B. Cheers ! C. No !( ) 4. A. Good evening ! B. Good morning ! C. Im fine !( ) 5. A. Yes , I am . B. No , he isnt . C. Yes , it is . 听短文, 选择正确的答案。( ) 1. Where is Mike now ?A .He is in Hangzhou now . B. He is in Guangzhou now . C. He is in England now . ( ) 2. Where are Mikes father and mother?A.They are in London now . B. They are in Guangdong now . C. They are in the USA now .( ) 3. Is Mikes mother a doctor ? A.Yes , he is . B. Yes , she is . C. No , she isnt .( ) 4. Where is Miss Smith from ?A. She is from Guangzhou . B.She is from England . C.She is from the USA . ( ) 5. Is Mikes teacher a good teacher ? A. Yes , she is . B. Yes , he is . C. No, she isnt .Unit1 Topic 2 Where you from ? 听力材料. 1 . Where is your mother from ? 2 . Whos this ? 3 . Cheers ! 4 . Good evening ! 5 . Are you from Chicago ?. My name is Mike . I am from England . But Im in Guangzhou now . Guangzhou is in Guangdong . My father is a doctor . My mother is a teacher . They are in London now . My English teacher is Miss Smith . She is from the USA . She is a good teacher . Unit1 Topic 3 What class are you in ?. 听句子,选出你所听到的单词或短语。( ) 1. A.13910957432 B. 13910956023 C. 13610956023( ) 2. A. 6 B. 5 C. 4( ) 3. A.Class 7 , Grade 1 B. Class 1 , Grade 7 C. Class1 , Grade 1 ( ) 4. A. 83654321 B. 82657432 C. 83657432( ) 5. A. apple B. orange C. egg. 听句子,选择正确的答语。( ) 1. A.How do you do ? B. Have a nice day ! C. Welcome to China !( )2. A. Oh ! Good afternoon , Mr . Chen . How are you ? B. Fine , thank you . And how are you ? C. Im fine , too .( ) 3. A.Yes , she does . B. No , he isnt . He is Zhou Jun . C. Yes, he is . ( ) 4. A. No , Im not . Im from New York . B. No , Im from England . C. Yes , Im from Cuba . ( ) 5. A. Im in Grade One . B. Im in Class 1 . C. No , Im not . Im in Grade Three .Unit1 Topic 3 What class are you in ? 听力材料. 听句子,选出你所听到的单词或短语。1 . This is my cellphone . Its number is 13910956023 . 2 . My little brother is only four years old . 3 . My friend Jim is in Class Seven , Grade One . 4 . Michael is from America . His phone number is 83657432 . 5 . That is an orange . 听句子,选择正确的答语。1 . Good morning , Miss Wang ! This is my mom . She is here to see you .2 . Good afternoon , Xiao Zeng . How are you ? 3 . Look at that boy .Is he Zhou Jun ? 4 . Are you from the USA ? 5 . Hi , Michael ! What grade are you in ?Unit2 Topic 1 He has a big nose . 听句子,选出你所听到的单词。( ) 1. A.ears B. hands C. eyes( ) 2. A. long B. short C.round( ) 3. A.class B. grade C. school( ) 4. A. mouth B. nose C. face( ) 5. A. short B. long C. strong. 听对话,选择正确的答案。( ) 1. Whos the boy ? A. A boy B. Michael . C. A friend .( ) 2. Does he have a telephone ?A. Yes , he does . B. No , he doesnt . C.Yes , he is .( ) 3. Whats Billys friends name ?A.Lucy . B. Kate . C. Lisa .( ) 4. What does the girl look like ?A. She has long hair . B. She has big eyes . C.A and B .( ) 5. Is that a knife ?A. Yes , it is . B. No , it isnt . C. Yes , it is a ruler .Unit2 Topic 1 I have a big nose . 听力材料. 听句子,选出你所听到的单词。1 . The man has small eyes and a big nose .2 .The boys face is round . 3 . My friend and I are in the same grade . 4 . She has a round face . 5 . Amys arms are short . 听对话,选择正确的答案。1. W : Whos that boy ?M : Hes my friend , Michael .2. W : Does he have a phone ?M : Yes , he has a telephone .3. M : Whats your friends name , Billy ?W : Her name is Lisa .4. W : Does the girl have long hair ?M : Yes , and she has big eyes , too .5. M : Is that a knife , Amy ?W : Yes . It is a big one .Unit2 Topic 2 She has short brown hiar . 听句子,选择恰当的答语。( ) 1. A.Its Amys . B. Its green . C. Its a blouse .( ) 2. A.He looks good . B. Here you are . C.Which boy ?( ) 3. A.Blue . B. A bag . C. Blue eyes .( ) 4. A. Which one ? B. Oh , I see . C. Yes , here you are .( ) 5. A. Yes , please . B. Oh , she is Amy . C. Yes , he is my father . 听短文,选择正确的答案。( ) 1.Where is Mary from ? A.France . B. England . C. Germany .( ) 2.Whats her favorite color ? A.Pink . B. White . C.Pink and white .( ) 3. Whats she in now ?A.A white dress . B. A pink dress . C. White pants .( ) 4. What color is her hair ?A. Blond . B. Red . C. Black .( ) 5. What color are her eyes ?A. Blond . B. Blue . C. Fair .Unit2 Topic 2 She has short brown hiar . 听力材料. 听句子,选择恰当的答语。1 . What color is Amys skirt ?2 .Who is that boy over there ? 3 . What color do you like ? 4 .She has blond hair and blue eyes . 5 .Do you know the man in the car ?. 听短文,选择正确的答案。Mary comes from England . She like pink very much . She has some pink dresses . But she likes white , too . Look ! She is in white pants ! Wow , she is not short , and not tall . She has blond hair , big blue eyes and nice ears . She has a nice look !Unit2 Topic3 Is he tall or short ?. 听句子,选择相应答语。( ) 1. A.They are pants . B. They are Lucys . C. They are clothes .( ) 2. A Its over there . B. Its black , too . C.Its here .( ) 3. A.Yes , it is . B. Yes , it is mine . C. Its red .( ) 4. A. Its Lilys . B. Its me . C. Its bad . ( ) 5. A. Its on the desk . B. Its a desk . C. Its new . 听短文及问题,选择正确答案。( ) 1.What does he do ? A.He is a nurse . B. He is a doctor . C. He is a teacher .( ) 2.Wheres Mr Hu from ? A.Beijing . B. America . C.England .( ) 3. What clothes is Mr. Hu in ?A. A white shirt and green pants . B. A black shirt and green pants . C. A white shirt and black pants . ( ) 4. How old are his sons ?A. He is two years old . B. Theyre two . C. Youre two . ( ) 5. Does Mr. Hu have two sons ?A. Yes , he does . B. No , he doesnt . C. I dont know .Unit2 Topic3 Is he tall or short ? 听力材料. 听句子,选择相应答语。1 . Whose clothes are these ?2 .My coat is black . What color is yours ? 3 . Is the red sweater Lucys ? 4 .Is the book yours or Lilys ? 5 .My book is here . What about yours ?. 听短文及问题,选择正确答案。Mr. Hu is an English teacher from England . He is very tall . Hes in a white shirt and black pants . His English is good . He has two sons . They are only two years old . They look the same and theyre in the same clothes .1.What does he do ?2.Wheres Mr Hu from ?3. What clothes is Mr. Hu in ?4. How old are his sons ?5. Does Mr. Hu have two sons ?Unit3 Topic1 Do you like the English corner?. 听句子,选择恰当的答语。( ) 1. A.No . B. Yes . C. Sure. My name is Kate .( ) 2. A Yes , he is . B. Sorry , I dont know . C.No , he isnt .( ) 3. A.Mike B.the USA . C. She ( ) 4. A.He lives in Shanghai . B. I live in Guangzhou . C. I am Chinese . ( ) 5. A.Yes , I do . B. Yes , I is . C. No , we arent . 听对话,选择正确的答案。( ) 1.Does the man know the Japanese girls name now ? A.Yes , he does . B. No , he doesnt . C. I dont know .( ) 2.How old is the boy ? A.She is 12 . B. He is 12 . C. He is 20 . ( ) 3. Why does the girl speak English so well ?A. Because she often goes to the English corner . B. Because she has a pen pal . C.Because her American pen pal helps her a lot . ( ) 4. What can the dog do ?A. It can speak Chinese . B. It can speak English . C. It can play balls . ( ) 5. Where is Lily now ?A. In England . B. In Japan . C. In Hong Kong .Unit3 Topic1 Do you like the English corner? 听力材料. 听句子,选择恰当的答语。1 . May I have your name , please ?2 .Does Mike often go to the English Corner ? 3 . Who is the letter from ? 4 .Where do you live ? 5 .Are you in the same class ?. 听对话,选择正确的答案。1. M : Excuse me . May I know your pen pals name ? W : Certainly . She is Japanese . Kumiko is her name . Q : Does the man know the Japanese girls name now ?2. M : How old are you , Mary ? W : Im 12 years old . And you ?M : We are the same age . Q : How old is the boy ?3. M : Your English is very good . Do you often go to the English Corner ? W : Thank you . Not very often , But I have a pen pal in the USA . He help me a lot . Q : Why does the girl speak English so well ?4. M : Do you like pets ? W : Yes , very much . I like my dog . It can play balls . Q : What can the dog do ?5. M :Bob , here is your letter . W : Thank you . Oh , its from my pen pal , Lily . She says she is in Hong Kong .M : Is she Chinese ?W : No . She is from England . Q : Where is Lily now ?Unit3 Topic2 This is a photo of my family . 听短文,判断正( T )误 ( F )。( ) 1.This is a photo of Annas family .( ) 2. There are four people in my family .( ) 3. Lily is my sisters name .( ) 4. My brothers name is Peter .( ) 5. Anna loves them very much . 听短文, 根据短文内容填空, 每空一词。1 . Mike is Roses _ .2 .Does Mike often go to the English Corner ? 3 . Rose is _ years old . 4 .Mikes father is a _ . 5 .There are _ people in Mikes family .Unit3 Topic2 This is a photo of my family . 听力材料. 听短文,判断正( T )误 ( F )。 My name is Anna . Here is my family photo . There are five people in my family . These are my parents . My brothers name is Tony . Look at this little girl . She is my sister Lily . I love them very much . 听短文, 根据短文内容填空, 每空一词。 I am an English boy . My name is Mike Black . I am twelve . My sisters name is Rose . She is 14 . Rose and I are students . My father is a teacher . He is a teacher of English . My mother is a doctor . My little brothers name is Jack . He is only four . We all like him .Unit3 Topic3 Would you like something to drink ?. 听句子,选择正确的答语或问句。( ) 1. A.Thirteen . B.Fifteen . C. Twelve .( ) 2.A Yes , please . B. Two hamburgers and a cup of coke , please . C.One dollar , please .( ) 3. A.Id love to . B.two eggs and a cup of milk , please . C. Thats fine .( ) 4. A.Whats this ? B. Would you like to have dinner with me ? C. Would you like something to drink ?( ) 5. A.Do you like the coffee ? B. How do you like the coffee ? C. May I take your order ?. 听对话,选择正确的答案。( ) 1.Whose is the ice cream ? A.Its Joes . B. Its Jeans . C. Its Johns .( ) 2.Whats Roses favorite food ? A.Meat . B. Vegtables . C. Fish .( ) 3. Would Helen like some more fish ?A. Yes , another plate , please .B. Just a hamburger , please .C.No , shes full .( ) 4. Who wants some drink ?A. The boy . B. The girl . C. I dont know .( ) 5. Wheres the fruit ?A. In the basket . B. In the bag . C. In the box .Unit3 Topic3 Would you like something to drink ? 听力材料. 听句子,选择正确的答语或问句。1 . Whats 6 and 9 ?2 .May I take your order ?3 . What about rice and chicken ? 4 .Just a cup of tea , please . 5 .Not bad . 听对话,选择正确的答案。1.M : Is the ice - cream yours , Joe ? W : No . Its Jeans .2.M : What would you like , Rose ? W : Fish . Its my favorite .3.M : Helen , would you like some more fish ? W : No , thanks . Im full .4.M :Oh , Im thirsty now . W : Well , here is some orange juice .5.M : Put the eggs in the box . W : Sorry , I cant . I put some fruit in it .Unit4 Topic1 How much is it ?. 听句子,选择你所听到的单词。( ) 1. A.coat B. pant C. shirt( ) 2. A red B.green C.blue( ) 3. A.shopping B.reading C. writing( ) 4. A.twenty B. twelve C. thirty ( ) 5. A.bowl B. bottle C. cup . 听句子,选择恰当的答语。( ) 1. A.No . B.Hi . C. I am just looking , thanks .( ) 2.A No good . B. Its too small , I think. C.Its a good price .( ) 3. A.Theyre very nice . B. Theyre very cheap . C. 70 yuan .( ) 4. A.Yes . B. Bye -bye C. Thank you .( ) 5. A.Yes , please . B. What about some rice ? C. Oh , its too bad .Unit4 Topic1 How much is it ? 听力材料. 听句子,选择你所听到的单词。1 . Maria is in a green coat .2 .The blue shirt is mine .3 . Lisa and her mother are shopping . 4 .Mary is twelve years old . 5 .I have a bottle of orange . 听句子,选择恰当的答语。1 . Hello ! What can I do for you ?2 .How does the dress fit ?3 . How much are these shoes ? 4 .Here is your coat . 5 .I dont want any dumplingsUnit4 Topic2 Would you like to go for a picnic ?. 听对话,选择恰当的答语。( ) 1. A.Sure . B. Sorry , he isnt in now . C.Im here .( ) 2. A Im Linda . B.Thats Linda . C.This is Linda .( ) 3. A.Sure . B.I dont know . C. She isnt at home .( ) 4. A.Im sorry I cant . B. I want to see my friends . C. Yes , please .( ) 5. A.Good idea . B. Sorry , I cant . C. I want to go out for a picnic . 听对话,判断正(T)误(F)。( ) 1. Tom and Li Hua are in the same school .( ) 2. Tom is in Grade One .( ) 3. Li Hua is in Class One .( ) 4. Tom and Li Hua are not in the same classl .( ) 5. Li Hua and Tom are good friends .Unit4 Topic2 Would you like to go for a picnic ? 听力材料. 听对话,选择恰当的答语。A : Hello .7571003 .B : Hello ! Ann .A : No , this is Kate speaking .B : Hi , Kate . This is Mary . How are you ?A : Fine , thanks .B : Is Ann in ?A : I think she is at school .B : OK , thank you . Good -bye . 听对话,判断正(T)误(F)。Tom : Dad , this is my friend , Li Hua .Father : Good evening ! Li Hua : Good evening ! Tom and I are in the same school .Father : Are you in the same class ?Li Hua : No , we are in different classes . Tom is in Class One . I am in Class Three . We are in the same grade , Grade One . We are good friends .Unit4 Topic3 What are your favorite animals ?. 听句子,选择你所听到的单词。( ) 1. A.pandas B. monkeys C.tigers ( ) 2. A drink B.dress C.down ( ) 3. A.horses B.lions C. elephants ( ) 4. A.gloves B. bags C. shoes ( ) 5. A.color B. time C. animal. 听对话,选择所给给问题的正确答案。( ) 1.Would Jane like to go out for a picnic ? A.Im not sure . B. No, she wouldnt . C. Yes , shed love to .( ) 2.Why is Maria not free this Saturday ? A.She has to visit a friend . B. She has to do housework . C. She has to study . ( ) 3. What do David and his friends want to do ?A. Play basketball . B. Play soccer . C.Play computer games .( ) 4. Where did they plan to (计划) meet ?A. In the school . B. At Kangkangs home . C. In the classroom .( ) 5. What are Mikes favorite animal ?A. Pandas . B. Tigers . C. Monkeys .Unit4 Topic3 What are your favorite animals ? 听力材料. 听句子,选择你所听到的单词。1 . Look ! Monkeys . They are very interesting .2 .Would you like some cold drink ?3 . Why do you like elephants ? 4 .Where are my new shoes ? 5 .What time is it , Jane ?. 听对话,选择所给给问题的正确答案。1. Would you like to have a picnic with me on Sunday , Jane ? OK . Id love to .2. Are you feel this Saturday , Maria ? Sorry , I have to visit a friend .3. Lets play basketball , David .Good idea .4. Lets meet at my home tomorrow .OK , Kangkang .5. Whats your favorite animal , Mike ? Mmm , my favorite animals are monkeys . 第 - 11 - 页 共 11 页

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