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七年级英语上册 Unit 3 测试题选择填空 (20 分)。 ( )1. My_is a teacher. A. parents B. grandparents C. sisters D. father 2. This is my good _. A. friends B. friend C. sisters D. brothers3. My _ are all teachers. A. friend B. sister C. grandparents D. mother D. at()4. Thanks _your family photos, they are very nice. A. to B. in C. for 5._these her hats? No, they _. A. Is, isnt B. Am, are C.Are, isnt D. Are, arent6. Is this _ car ? Yes, Its_ car. A.your, you B.your, my C.his, he D.her,she7. She is a student and _ name is Kate. A. she B.her C.hers D.his8.Your mothers brother is your _.A.father B.grandfather C.cousin D.uncle 9. Mum, _ my friends, Dale and Helen. A. this is B. they are C. he and she D. these are10. This _ my sister and those _ my parents., is, are C.are, is D.are, are11.Here_ his family photo. A.are 12. - _? - No, it isnt. A. Is this your aunt B. Whats this C. Whos this D. Is he your son13. This is Mr. Black and _ my English teacher. A. this is B. she is C. he is D. it isnt14. _ are in the same class. A. Helen and I B. I and Helen C. I, you and she D. These15. Is _ your aunt? Whats _ name? Ahe,his Bshe,her Che,her Dshe,his16.Is he your friend? Yes, _. Ait is Bit isnt Che is Dhe isnt Bpicture Cpictures Dnice pictures17Is that your _ ? Aa picture )18Are _ Kates _? Athis, book Bthat,bookCthese,books Dthose,book19Is Guo Peng your brother? _. AYes,it is BNo,it isnt CYes, she is DNo,he isnt20.Anna is not my sister. _ my cousin. AHe BHes CShe DShesII.完形填空(5 分)This is a 1 of my family. _2 Frank, I am twelve. I study(学习) at No.11 Middle School. This is my father. _3_name is Dale Brown. He is a teacher in my school. He teaches English. And this is my mother, she is a teacher, too. Whosthat woman near(在-附近) my father? Oh, she is my aunt. She is a nurse. My grandparents arent in the photo, They are in the USA. I have a dog. _4_ name is Dick. I love my_5_and I love my dog, too. 2My fathers sisters are my a _. 3My fathers brothers are my u _. 4My uncles children are my c _. 5My parents d _ is my sister. 6I am a boy. Im my parents _. 7This is my f _ photo. These are my parents and this is me. 8T _ for your help(帮助)! 9. My father and mother are my _ (父母). 10. The _(相片) are very nice. VI.翻译下列短语(10 分) 1 那些男孩 3. 家谱 5.你的朋友 _ 7.your grandparents_ 9.those dictionaries_ 2. 这些女孩 4.她的堂弟 _ 6. a photo of my family _ 8.his parents_ two brothersVII用 am,is,are 填空(10 分) 1Excuse me! _ this your eraser? 2What _ those? _ they birds? 3This _ his ruler. Where _ my ruler? 4I _ in Class Three. _ you in Class Three,too? 5_ these her English books? 6Those _ their apples. Where _ his apples? 7She _ eleven. How old _ that boy?

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