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朗文6A Chapter Two 学习提要亲爱的同学们,学习了这个章节后,请按照要求检测你的学习结果吧l Part A and B& New words and phrases(要求:知道中文意思,听懂,会读,会拼写。)collect stamps:集邮 collect coins: 收集硬币paint pictures: 画画 make handicrafts: 做手工play the violin: 拉小提琴 do ballet: 跳芭蕾do karate: 练空手道 grow flowers: 种花(以下词汇要求:知道意思,会读,听得懂)display展览& 语法点:现在完成时(要求:理解并会运用。)一、用法:从过去开始并持续到现在的动作或状态。二、结构:have/has+过去分词(p.p.)例句:Ive done karate for five years. Ive made handicrafts since 2003.三、for和since的用法:for+a period of time: for 后面加时间段;since+a starting point: since后面加时间点;例句:My father has worked at the company for 12 years. My mother has lived in this city since 2000.四、How longMy father has worked at the company for 12 years. (划线部分提问)How long has your father worked at the company?My mother has lived in the city since 2000. (划线部分提问)How long has your mother lived in the city? 五、过去分词的变化 (Chapter 2) 规则变化: paint-painted; play-played; collect-collected; 不规则变化: do-done; make-made; grow-grown; be-been write-written; hear-heardl Part C and D& Recite Part C(头脑敏捷的你,快快挑战这个记忆力大考验吧熟练背诵C部分吖。)New words and phrases (四会)a lady in Germany一位在德国的女士more than 超过the most expensive pen 最昂贵的笔 be made of用做的a collecting club 一个收藏俱乐部 other members 其他的成员twice a year 一年两次 exchange sth. with sb. 和某人交换in the USA=in America=in the US 在美国collect key rings 收集钥匙扣 world record holder 世界纪录保持者collect Barbie dolls 收集芭比娃娃change the dolls costumes给芭比娃娃换服装brush ones hair梳头发 collect erasers 收集橡皮chewing gum 口香糖 & Sentences(要求:知道中文意思,会读,会拼写,会运用。)同学们,喜欢阅读中的这些句子吗?超赞!快快再来学习、记忆吧 1. A lady in Germany has collected more than 290,000 ball-point pens from 140 countries. 一个德国的女士已经从140个国家收集了29万多支圆珠笔。 2. The most expensive pen in her collection is made of gold. 在她的收藏品中最贵的一支是用黄金做的。 3. You can meet other members twice a year and exchange pens with them. 你可以和其他的俱乐部的成员一年见两次面,而且还可以和他们交换圆珠笔。4. He has been a world record holder since 2003. 自从2003年,他一直是世界纪录的保持者。5. He also collects dolls of Barbies boyfriend, Ken. 他也收集芭比娃娃男朋友-Ken,有关的娃娃。6. Most of her erasers are shaped like food, e.g. fruit, vegetables, sushi, chewing gum and fries. 她大部分的橡皮形状像食物,比如:水果、蔬菜、寿司、口香糖和炸薯条。l Part E & New words and phrases(要求:知道中文意思,会读,会拼写。)relaxing: 放松的 musician:音乐家businessman: 商人in ones spare time=in ones free time: 在某人的空闲时间make money: 赚钱;挣钱 & Sentences(要求:知道中文意思,会读,会拼写,会运用。) 1. What do you do in your spare time? 你空余时间都做什么?2. Do you want to be a musician when you grow up? 你长大了想成为一名音乐家吗?3. You cant be an astronaut unless youre good at science. 除非你的科学很好,否则你不会成为一名宇航员。l Part F and G& New words and phrases(要求:知道中文意思,会读,会拼写。)friends from around the world: 来自全世界的朋友们cat puppet: 猫咪木偶 Christmas songs:圣诞歌曲write back: 回信 my parents advice: 我父母的建议scold: 批评 try a hobby: 尝试一项爱好fill up ones day: 充实某人的生活 surf the Net: 上网get a pet: 养宠物 listen to CDs: 听CDwrite poems in Chinese: 用汉语写诗 all the time: 一直


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