牛津上海版(深圳用)英语一年级下册Module 3 Things around us Unit 8 Weather同步测试(一)C卷

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牛津上海版(深圳用)英语一年级下册Module 3 Things around us Unit 8 Weather同步测试(一)C卷_第1页
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牛津上海版(深圳用)英语一年级下册Module 3 Things around us Unit 8 Weather同步测试(一)C卷_第2页
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牛津上海版(深圳用)英语一年级下册Module 3 Things around us Unit 8 Weather同步测试(一)C卷_第3页
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牛津上海版(深圳用)英语一年级下册Module 3 Things around us Unit 8 Weather同步测试(一)C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 相符的打“正确” ,不相符的打“错误”。 (共4题;共16分)1. (2分)The classroom is small.2. (10分)我是生活小博士。(判断下列物品的颜色是否正确。)(1) is blue.(2) is red.(3) is black.(4) is green.(5) is yellow.3. (2分)hot4. (2分) three bears二、 选出正确内容前的编号。 (共8题;共16分)5. (2分) Why dont you like math? Because its _.A . interestingB . funC . relaxingD . difficult6. (2分)选出与图片对应的单词( ) A . oldB . helpfulC . hardworking7. (2分)Whats this?Its my flag(旗). Its red and yellow.A . B . 8. (2分)Stop at a _ light.A . redB . yellowC . green9. (2分)How _are you?Im 160 centimetres tall.A . muchB . tallC . old10. (2分)My English teacher is kind. My maths teacher is _,too. A . smartB . kindC . strict11. (2分)Water is very .( )A . useB . usesC . useful12. (2分)My fish is than his A . longB . shorterC . big三、 看图选出正确的单词。 (共1题;共1分)13. (1分)Would you like _ noodles?( a / an / some ) 四、 将下列图片和句子配对。 (共1题;共1分)14. (1分)Math is very _(use) in our life.五、 选择正确的答案。 (共6题;共12分)15. (2分)Would you like _ dumplings?No,Id like _ orange.A . a;anB . some;anC . some;a16. (2分)Be ! Its very hot A . carefullyB . carefulC . care17. (2分)How are you , Mike ? You look so _.Its raining outside. I cant play football.A . sadB . excitedC . happy18. (2分)_ a beautiful girl! A . WhatB . WhyC . Where19. (2分)Would you like some tea,Bob?_,Mum. I would like some water.A . No,pleaseB . Yes,pleaseC . No,thanks20. (2分) How _ oranges? Five, please.A . muchB . manyC . old六、 选出选择正确的单词,把编号写在横线上。 (共5题;共26分)21. (5分)选择相应的答句。(_)1. Are you going to join us? (_)2. What are you going to do at the party? (_)3. Are there any good plans for the party? (_)4. Where are we going to have the party? (_)5. When did you go? A.Yes, there are.B.At Mikes house.C.At eight oclock.D.Yes, we are.E.Tell a story.22. (5分)看图,读一读,把字母写在相应括号里。_ _ _ _ _A. I cant go out because its rainy today.B. Look at the sun. What a fine day it is!C. We need to be careful on windy days.D. I can ride a bike in the park on sunny days.E. Farmers like to work on cloudy days.23. (5分)应答句配对。 How is the weather? _A. Thank you. Happy birthday! _B. Oh. How nice! Thank you. Happy New Year! _C. Happy New Year! A gift for you._D. It is windy. what do you like?_E. I like the firecrackers.24. (5分)读一读,连线。How is the weather? _A. Yes, we can.How many birds are there?_B. No, I dont.Can we ride bikes there?_C. Its cloudy.Is it windy today? _D. There are four birds.Do you like the rain?_E. No, it isnt.25. (6分)将下列句子排序。A. OK.B. Good morning, Ben.C. Lets go to the park.D. Good morning, Kitty.E. What season is it?F. Its spring. Its warm._第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、 相符的打“正确” ,不相符的打“错误”。 (共4题;共16分)1-1、2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、4-1、二、 选出正确内容前的编号。 (共8题;共16分)5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、三、 看图选出正确的单词。 (共1题;共1分)13-1、四、 将下列图片和句子配对。 (共1题;共1分)14-1、五、 选择正确的答案。 (共6题;共12分)15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、六、 选出选择正确的单词,把编号写在横线上。 (共5题;共26分)21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、

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