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高考二轮复习专项练习(短文改错)(1)My father bought for me a new bike so I can go to 76. school by bike soon. Now I am trying to learn to 77. ride. Last week I began to learn it from my father. 78. It was not easy at the first. I had a lot of falls, 79. but I never stops trying. Yesterday my father asked 80. me to go out with him on bike. The streets was busy. 81. It was full of car and people. I felt afraid and 82. was very carefully the whole time. At last I got 83. home. I felt very tiring. My father seemed to be 84. very pleased. He said, You are done very well, boy. 85. (2) Ken was having a serious back trouble. He was in the 76. hospital. The doctor talked to Eva, Kens wife, about her 77. condition. When she asked what serious her husbands 78. back trouble was, and the doctor said that Ken should 79. have complete bed rest. This meant that he had to lie 80. down all the time in 2 or 3 weeks after he could 81. go home. He had to stay bed for about 10 days. After 82. that, he could only get up twice a day for 10 minute. 83. Finally he could do some easy exercises. When he could 84. walk round for an hour, he was able leave the hospital. 85. (3) Joe was late to school this morning. He looked a 76. little tiring when he met his maths teacher Miss Hunt. 77. He apologized her for being late. Miss Hunt asked 78. him if there was something wrong with him. The 79. boy said he was OK, but he did not have much more 80. sleep last night. He went to a football game and 81. took some pictures. After they got home, he was busy 82. developing them. He stayed till midnight. Miss Hunt 83. told him to get more sleep in night. Joe promised 84. dont to do that again. Then he showed Miss Hunt 85. his pictures.(4)Do you think this would be fun to remember just what 76. you did in a certain day? One way to remember 77. each day is to write about them in a diary. Many 78. people write in their diary each day. They write 79. about how they did, what they ate, who they saw and 80. how they felt during that day. Most people feel it 81. very private about what they write. They dont want 82. someone else to read their diaries. Long ago many 83. people write in diaries, too. Some of these old diaries 84. have found. They are famous because we can learn 85. about life long ago.(5)There is no easy way to succeed in language learning. 76. A good memory is a help, and it is not enough 77. only memorise rules from a grammar book. It is 78. not many use learning by heart long lists of words 79. and their meanings, study the dictionary and so on. 80. We must learn by using the language. Practice is 81. important. We must practise speaking it and writing the 82. language much as we can. We learn to swim by getting 83. into the water and swim. And we learn to speak 84. English by speaking it and dont by being told about. 85. (6)Kites invented in China 200 years ago. The earlier 76. kites were made of wood, that were expensive. Kite 77. flying began to spread among ordinary peoples only 78. after paper appeared and then kite making cost little. 79. Weifang City is the birth place of the kites. Now 80. kite flying is more and more popular here. Every spring 81. people all over the world come to take part in the 82. International Kite Festival. We will see many beautiful 83. kites flying in the sky. I believe youll all enjoy yourself 84. here. I hope you will go to the Festival every year. 85. (7)Anna Pavlova died as early as in 1931, so her name still 76. He is very clever, so he never speaks. He can work 77. 24 hours and never be tiring. He is one metre tall 78. with a face like a TV screen. He has no arms and legs 79 although he has a lot of buttons. Doctors often need 80. ask his patients about their health in the past. But 81. busy doctors can only spend a few more minutes with 82. each patient. Therefore, the new machine can ask a 83. patient for an hour if necessary. So when the doctor 84. meets his patient he already has a lot of reformations. 85. (8)Dear friend, I am afraid you must think I have been forgotten 76. you, for I havent written to you for so a long time. 77. My only excuse is whether I have been very busy 78. prepared for the final exams. I remember that youve 79. asked me what I mean to do when I leave school. Well, 80. that depends a good deal of on what plans my uncle 81. has for me. But Id like best to be a engineer in the 82. future. So I shall try to persuade my uncle send me 83. into a college. And I am afraid he may want me to go 84. into business at once and begin to earn my own life. 85. With best wishes. Yours truly, M. H. Liu(9)There are some things you should not to do in the 76. United States. Dont tell truth when people ask, How 77. are you? They only expect the answer to be Fine. 78. Never ask people their age, especially woman! Every- 79. body here want to be young. Dont tell heavy people 80. they are fat. Tell them they are lost weight. No one 81. wants to be fat here. Dont be late towards appoint- 82. ments ! When someone says 6 oclock, being 83. sure to be here by 6. The American people respect 84. for time and expect everyone to be on time. 85. (10)Today many countries are making rule to fight 76. pollution. Factories must now clean away their 77. water before it is throwing away. They mustnt 78. blow dirty smoke into the air. Besides above, we 79. need do many other things. We can put waste things 80. in the dust bins and dont throw them on the ground. 81. We can go to work by bus or with our friends by 82. a same car. If there are fewer people driving, 83. there will have less pollution. Rules are not 84. enough. Every person must help to fight pollution. 85. (11)The Americans think a great deal of about time. 76. They love time because time bring them money, 77. comforts and progress. In America time is money. 78. Time is knowledge. Time is anything. A working 79. American has to work hard for 8 hours a day and 40 80. hours in a week. This is the working time. In his 81. spare times, he also works hard for more money. 82. Even Saturday and Sunday are filled activities. In 83. the street you can hardly see a man he walks slowly. 84. They walk very faster. In fact they are running. 85. (12)In New York there are some neighborhoods are 76. full of people from same country. For example, 77. in the southern part of the city has New Yorks 78. Chinatown. New Yorkers from all part of the 79. city like to go here. They enjoy shopping at the 80. Chinese stores and eat at the Chinese restaurants. 81. But most of the people live in Chinatown are 82. Chinese. The shop signs are all writing in Chinese. 83. Everyone in the shops speaks Chinese. This is one 84. of the crowding and colorful neighborhoods in 85. the city.(13)You can see a computer doctor at hospital near London. 76. He is very clever, so he never speaks. He call work 77. 24 hours and never be tiring. He is one metre tall 78. with a face like a TV screen. He has no arms and legs 79. although he has a lot of buttons. Doctors often need 80. ask his patients about their health in the past. But 81. busy doctors can only spend a few more minutes with 82. each patient. Therefore, the new machine can ask a 83. patient for an hour if necessary. So when the doctor 84. meets his patient he already has a lot of informations . 85. (14)Giotto and his father lived in a small farm in 76. Italy. Every day Giotto sent to watch their sheep in 77. the hills. But Giotto loved to draw. He had neither 78. pencil or paper, but as be sat in the warm sunshine 79. watched the sheep, he drew pictures in the sand with 80. a stick. Sometimes he covered stones with drawing of 81. things he saw them about him. Before he was very old, 82. Giotto had a chance to study drawing and painted 83. with a great painter. He worked very hard before many 84. years had passed he could draw so well as his master. 85. (15)Today we visited to a farm. Early in the morning 76. we met at the school gate and went there together by 77. our school bus. The farm workers there gave us warm 78. welcome. Then the head of the farm showed us around 79. him. How glad we were to see the crops and vegetables 80. growing well. At noon we enjoyed a picnic under the 81. sunshine. After a short rest, we had great funs singing 82. and dancing, telling jokes or stories. Two of them even 83. :laved a game of chess. The time passed quickly. After 84. we knew. we had to say goodbye to the workers. 85. (16)Dear Mr. Smith, I was so pleased to hear you and am writing to 76. tell you something about my school. You were right. 77. Quite a few changes have been taken place. On one 78. side of the road has a new classroom building. On 79. the another side, where the playground used to be 80. now stand another building -library. In it there are 81. all kinds of books, magazines and newspaper. The 82. playground is now in front of the school. We had also 83. planted a lot of trees in and around the school. I 84. hope you come and see for yourself on some day. 85. Best wishes. Yours, Li Ming(17)It was 7:15 in the morning of February 8, 2000. I was 76. walking along Park Road towards the east when a aged 77. man came out of from the park on the other side of the 78. street. Then I saw a yellow car drove up Third Street and 79. make right turn into Park Road. The next moment the car 80. hit the man while he was crossing the road. He fell with a 81. cry. The car didnt stop and drove at great speed heading 82. west. I noticed the driver is a young woman and the plate 83. number was AC864. About in two minutes later I stopped 84. a passed car and took the old man to the nearest hospital. 85. (18)Dear Dick, What nice to hear from you again. You want to know 76. what is going on in schools? In a short, things have begun 77. to improve since schools were calling on to reduce learning 78. load. I dont know about others, but I was used to have to 79. work hard even at weekends did endless homework and 80. attending classes as well. Now I have more free time. I can 81. follow my own interest such as reading books, visiting 82. museums, and taking computer lessons. ()n the evenings I 83. can watch TV or read newspapers. Whats much, I can go 84. to bed earlier. As far I know, everyone is happy about this 85. new arrangement of things. Best wishes.(19)Dear Editor, Im writing to tell you about the discussion weve had 76. about whether a entrance fee should be charged for parks. 77. Opinions are dividing on the question. 60% of the students 78. are against with the idea of entrance fees. They believe a 79. public park should free of charge. People need a place 80. where they can rest and enjoy themselves there. Charging 81. entrance fees will not doubt keep some people away. On the 82. other hand, 400/00 thinks that fees should be charged because 83. you need money to pay workers, and buy plants and young 84. trees. They suggest, therefore, fees should be charged low. 85. Yours truly, Li Hua(20)Dear Bob, Im so much glad to learn that youre coming 76. in September. Ive found the place for you. Its a 77. quite small flat of 25 square meter, with a bedroom, 78. a bathroom and a kitchen. In tile bedroom there are 79. a bed, a sofa, a desk and a chair. The rent is 500 yuan 80. for per month. The flat is in a building on Fangcao 81. Street, where is not far from Jianxin Chinese School. 82. Bus No. 11 can take you straight the school. In fact, 83. its only one stop. Do you think youd like it? If no, I 84. can try and find other place for you. Just let me know. 85. Yours, Li Hua(21)I graduated from university two years ago and started working for a company in Qingdao. After one year, I cannot bear the hard work 76. _and low salary any longer, because I took a chance 77._as an assistant in the human resources section. 78._But now, after more than one and a half year in that 79._section, I feel tiring on the job again. I feel 80._puzzled about me. I dont know what to do, 81._but I know I want success bad. Sometimes I wish 82._I could stay in quiet place, alone, away from 83._this city for a long time for think about my future. 84_Can you tell me how to do now? 85._(22)Dear Editor, Im writing to tell you about the changes in my hometown.My hometown was used to be a beautiful place. Trees grew thickly 76. _ in all the hills around the village. In order to build houses and 77. _ grew more crops, trees were cut down but none were planted. 78. _As time going by, the whole forest was almost destroyed. 79. _Now the green hills have changed into wasteland. The water 80. _ in the rivers become black and dirty. You cant see a fish in it. 81. _As a

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