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牛津版2019-2020学年六年级上学期英语期中考试试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 按要求完成下列语音题。(5) (共3题;共5分)1. (2分) (2019六下京山期末) 用“标出句中停顿的地方。 There is a pencil, two erasers and some books on my desk.2. (2分) 找出重读的单词。 There is an apple on the desk._3. (1分) 写出下列单词的重读音节。 teacher _about _二、 按要求写出下列单词。(10x1=10) (共1题;共10分)4. (10分) She couldnt _ (看) or_(听). 三、 根据句意选出划线部分单词或短语的含义。(5x1=5) (共5题;共5分)5. (1分) Email A . 写B . 键盘C . 电子邮件6. (1分) Whats your name? Im Liu Tao. A . 你是刘涛吗? B . 你叫什么名字? 我叫刘涛。7. (1分) Nice to meet you. A . 很高兴见到你。 B . 见到我很高兴。8. (1分) Whats your name? Im Peter. A . 你是彼得吗? 我是彼得。 B . 你叫什么名字? 我叫彼得。9. (1分) I often clean the office for my teachers. A . 我从不去老师办公室。 B . 我常常为老师打扫办公室。四、 选择合适的答案。(5x1=5) (共5题;共5分)10. (1分) I often do exercise. So I am _ than my brother. A . shorterB . strongerC . smarter11. (1分) Christmas is _. A . comeB . comesC . coming12. (1分) is a very important festival in Western countries. A . Teachers DayB . New YearC . Christmas13. (1分) He _ the Great Wall and ate a lot of Beijing duck! A . visitingB . visitedC . visit14. (1分) Can you help find him? A . IB . meC . my五、 看图,补全句子,每空一词,使句子意思完整。(5x2=10 (共5题;共10分)15. (2分) _/kd/ I have some tomatoes? 16. (2分) 补全单词,并写出其汉语意思 (1) q_een _(2) sh_p _(3) g_en _(4) ho_se _(5) ra_it _17. (2分) Its raining outside. You should wear your_. 18. (2分) (2019六下射阳期中) How l_ will you work in Beijing? For three years.19. (2分) (2019三下龙岗期末) Look at me. I can make a h_. 六、 按要求完成句子。(5x1=5) (共5题;共5分)20. (1分) In the castle lived a giant. (换种方式表示) _a giant in the castle.21. (1分) There are some apples on the plate.(肯定否定) 22. (1分) There is some fruit and vegetables in a healthy diet. (改成一般疑问句) _ _ _ fruit and vegetables in a healthy diet?23. (1分) They were in the music classroom. (改为一般疑问句) _in the music classroom?24. (1分) We can swim. (改为否定句) 七、 将下列句子用(1 5)重新排序,使它们构成一篇完整的对话。 (共1题;共5分)25. (5分) 排序题 _Good afternoon, Li Yan._Not very well._How are you?_Good afternoon._Oh, Im sorry._Look at my leg.八、 把下列句子译成汉语。(5x1=5) (共5题;共5分)26. (1分) How big! 27. (1分) Whats for breakfast? 28. (1分) In China, we usually start school at 8 oclock. 29. (1分) Whos that boy? 30. (1分) Happy New Year to you! 九、 阅读短文,根据其内容选择正确答案。(5x2=10) (共1题;共10分)31. (10分) 阅读理解 Zoom: Hi, Mr. Monkey. Can you go shopping with me?Monkey: Sorry, I am drawing pictures.Zoom: Mr. Pig, can you go shopping with me?Pig: Sony, Im reading a book.Zoom: Hi, Mr. Cat. Can you go in shopping with me?Cat: Sorry, Im cooking supper.Zoom: Hi, Zip. Youre watching TV. Can you go with me?Zip: Sure, Lets go.(1) Mr. Monkey is cooking supper. (2) Mr. Cat is reading a book. (3) Zip is watching TV. (4) Zoom goes shopping with Mr. Monkey. (5) Mr. Pig is reading a book. 第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、 按要求完成下列语音题。(5) (共3题;共5分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略二、 按要求写出下列单词。(10x1=10) (共1题;共10分)4、答案:略三、 根据句意选出划线部分单词或短语的含义。(5x1=5) (共5题;共5分)5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略四、 选择合适的答案。(5x1=5) (共5题;共5分)10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略五、 看图,补全句子,每空一词,使句子意思完整。(5x2=10 (共5题;共10分)15、答案:略16、答案:略17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略六、 按要求完成句子。(5x1=5) (共5题;共5分)20、答案:略21、答案:略22、答案:略23、答案:略24、答案:略七、 将下列句子用(1 5)重新排序,使它们构成一篇完整的对话。 (共1题;共5分)25、答案:略八、 把下列句子译成汉语。(5x1=5) (共5题;共5分)26、答案:略27、答案:略28、答案:略29、答案:略30、答案:略九、 阅读短文,根据其内容选择正确答案。(5x2=10) (共1题;共10分)31、答案:略

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