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七年级英语(下)第3单元测试题时间:100分钟 总分 120分 命题者:侯星林班级 姓名 学号 得分 听力部分(20分)I. 听句子一遍,根据所听内容选择正确的图片,其中有一副是多余的。(5分)A B C D E F . 1 2 3 4 5 II. 听对话和问题两遍,根据所听内容,选择正确答案。(5分)( )6. A. pandas. B. giraffes. C. dolphins. ( )7. A. Canada. B. Africa. C. Australia.( )8. A. Yes, they are B. Yes, there are. C. No, they arent( )9. A., Because theyre beautiful. B. Because theyre interesting. C. Because theyre cute( )10 A. Because theyre interesting. B Because theyre cute. C. Because theyre ugly.III. 听短文三遍,填入所缺单词。(10分) 11 is Ming Ming, Shes five 12 old. Shes from 13 . Shes very beautiful, but shes very 14 , so please be 15 .11 12 13 14 15 笔试部分(100分)I、 单项选择。(15分)( ) 16._ do you like penguins? Because theyre pretty fun. A. What B. When C. Where D. Why ( ) 17.Do you want _ the dolphins? Sure. A. to see B. see C. sees D. seeing( ) 18. Barry thinks lions are _ scary. A. kind B. kinds of C. kind of D. a kind of ( )19. Does koala sleep _ night? A. at B. in C. on D. to( ) 20. Please _ quiet! The small animal _ very shy. A. is; is B. be; be C. is; be D. be; is( ) 21.What _ do you like? Math. A. animals B. subject C. sport D. movies( ) 22.What animals eat leaves? _, I think. A. Koalas B. Dolphins C. Tigers D. Lions( ) 23.Why _ your mother _ dogs? Because theyre friendly. A. does; likes B. does; like C. do; likes D. do; like( )24. Do you often _ your dog? A. sleep B. get up C. play with D. come from( ) 25. We can see pandas, tigers, giraffes and some _animals in the zoo. A. an B. the C. any D. other 2630题,请选出划线部分短语的同义或近义短语。( )26. The pandas are kind of interesting. A. all kinds of B. a little C. very much D. a kind of( )27. His brother is a clever boy. A. smart boy B. lovely boy C. good boy D. bad boy( )28. The koalas are sleep during the day, but at night they get up and eat leaves. A.at the day B.on the day C.in the day D.of the day ( )29. Many animals are friendly to people. A. be good for B. be lovely to C. be friendly with D. be kindly to( )30. Why do you like to see the elephants? A. go to see B. want to see C. like seeing D. like doing seeII、完形填空 (10分)Hello, everyone! Im Jenny. Im thirteen 31 . Im a student. I like to go to the 32 every weekend. I like watching (看) animals and taking photos for 33 . I like cute and lovely 34 very much. Do you 35 them? I have a pet. Her 36 is Kitty. I like her very much. Shes my 37 friend. She likes to play 38 me and she has a beautiful voice (声音). Kitty is yellow and white. Shes very lovely, but she is 39 lazy. My mum says she always sleeps after I go to school. Her favorite 40 is fish. But she doesnt like mice (老鼠). Every day shes very happy. Do you know who she is? Yes, shes a cat. ( ) 31. A. hours B. dollars C. years D. years old( ) 32. A. store B. zoo C. club D. park( ) 33. A. them B. it C. they D. me( ) 34. A. food B. animals C. clothes D. movies( ) 35. A. go B. play C. like D. visit( ) 36. A. home B. friend C. address D. name( ) 37. A. boring B. ugly C. good D. scary( ) 38. A. in B. with C. from D. at( ) 39. A. a little B. little C. kind D. kinds of( ) 40. A. animal B. friend C. food D. bookIII、阅读理解 (30分)(A)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。It is a fine day today. The sky is blue. Now its nine oclock in the morning. Theres a sports meet(会)in the forest(森林)on the big mountain(大山). Look, a horse(马), a panda and a cat are running. Over there a dog and two tigers are jumping(跳高). Two monkeys(猴子) are climbing the trees. Four birds are flying(飞)around and singing. Therere some other animals there, too. The elephants are standing(站). A monkey is sitting(坐)on an old elephant. The monkey has a flag(旗) in his hand(手). Polly is sitting in a tree. A fox(狐狸), a baby panda and some small animals are sitting under the trees. They are all watching. ( )41. The sky is_ today. A. white B. black C. blue D. yellow ( )42._ animals are running and jumping. A. Fourteen B. Six C. Eleven D. Five ( )43._ are climbing the trees. A. Two monkeys B. The pandas and the foxes C. The elephants and the cats D. The horses and the pandas ( )44. Therere_ at the sports meet. A. not any birds B. a lot of animals C. many people D. many monkeys ( )45._ are sitting under the trees. A. A tiger, a baby horse and some cats B. A monkey, a baby cat and some birds C. Polly, an elephant and some small fishD. A fox, a baby panda and some small animals (B)根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。A man has a bird. It is very clever. Every day the man speaks to the bird. “Hello!” he says. “Hello!” the bird answers. “What are you doing?” says the man. “What are you doing?” says the bird. The man is not at home one day. A thief comes in. He is taking many things. “Hello!” The thief hears the birds words. “What are you doing?” The thief is very afraid,so he does not take any things and runs out of the house.( ) 46. The man teaches the bird how to sing song ( )47. The bird is. very clever. ( )48. The man speaks to the bird every week. ( )49. The thief is taking a lot of things from the house.( )50. The thief runs out of the room. (C)根据短文内容,回答问题。Bobby is a dolphin. He is two years old. He is from Australia. Now he is in a zoo in Beijing. There are not many dolphins in China, so people like him very much.Every day Bobby learns to play games. First he jumps(跳) high into the air and then falls(落) into the water. Bobby enjoys doing this again and again. He is clever and learns fast. Bobby often swims with his friends.On Saturdays and Sundays, many people come to see Bobby, He looks so cute and jumps so well. People love taking pictures of him. Children love him very much and they are happy to see him. Bobby is now a star in the zoo.51. Where is Bobby from ? 52. How old is Bobby ? 53. Why do the Children love Bobby ? 54. When dose the people come to see Bobby ? 55. Is Bobby clever?. IV. 补全对话,其中有两个多余选项 。(10分)A: Tomorrow is Saturday. 56 B: Good idea. What animals do you like? A: I like dolphins, pandas and elephants. 57 B: I like tigers, lions and monkeys. What animals do you like best? A: Pandas, of course. B: 58 A: Because they come from China. And they are very cute. 59 B: Yes, I do. But I like monkeys best. A: Why? B: 60 .A. .Why do you like pandas best?B. .Because they are interesring.C. . They are very smart.D. What about you?E. .Dont you like them?F. Lets go and see the animals.G. What animals do you like?56 57 58 59 60 V、短文填空。阅读短文,根据短文内容用所给的词的适当形式或根据所给的中文写出英文的适当形式,每空一分。(10分)There are kinds of 61 (animal) in the zoo. I want to talk about five 62 (they). Koalas come from 63 (澳大利亚). They are quiet. 64 (friend) and cute. 65 (child) like koalas. Koalas like to 66 (live) in trees. Giraffes are from Africa. They are 67 (interest) and exciting. They need a 68 (大的) house in the zoo. Lions are 69 (也)from Africa. Theyre exciting and scary. And theyre not cute. Dolphins 70 (be) very smart and exciting. They need a lot of water for their home. Tigers are beautiful animals. Theyre exciting and scary,. too.61_62_63_64_ 65_ 66_67_ _68_ _ _69_ _ 70_ _ _VI、根据汉语提示及提示词翻译句子。(10分)71、我认为老虎有点聪明。(kind of) 72、你为什么喜欢熊猫?(why) 73、动物对人类很友好。(be friendly to) 74、早上汤姆6:30起床。(get up) 75、露西想去动物园看狮子。(want to do) VII、书面表达(15分)谈谈你最喜欢的动物,并说明理由全文不少于70个词 8I.听句子一遍,根据所听内容选择正确的图片,其中有一副是多余的。1.Do you like penguins?.2.-Whats. this? -Its an elephant.3.I think koalas are very interesting.4.A panda lives in China.5.Why dont you like tigers? -Because theyre scary.II. 听对话和问题两遍,根据所听内容,选择正确答案。6. A: Dolphins, giraffes and pandas. lets see the pandas first. Pandas are my favorite animals.B: Why is that?A: Because theyre very cute.Q: What animals are the boys favorite animals?7. A: Giraffes and elephant are from Africa. B: Yean, and koalas are from Australia. Q: Wherere from koalas?8. A: You know, lions are pretty smart B: Dolphins are very smart, too.Q: Are Dolphins very smart?9. A: Lets see the koalas. B: Why do you like koalas? A: Because theyre cute.Q: Why do two boys want to see koalas?.10. A: Lets see the lions. B: Oh,. theyre interesting. And theyre really clever. but theyre very ugly. Lets see the koalas first.Q: Why dosent the man want to see the lions?III.听短文三遍,填入所缺单词。(10分)This is Ling Ling, Shes five years old. Shes from China. Shes very beautiful, but shes very shy, so please be quiet.八、书面表达There is a little dog in my home. I like it very much. Its name is Wang Wang. Its white, as white as snow. Its very cute. It likes meat very much. It comes from Beijing, so some people call it Beijing Dog. I often play with it. Every day, when I get home, it always waits for me at the door. I think it is saying, “Welcome back home!” In the evening I do my homework at my desk and it sits next to my feet and looks at me. Wang Wang is my good friend.七年级英语(下)第3单元测试题答题卡班级 姓名 学号 得分 1. ( E ) 6. ( A ) 11. this 2.( B ) 7. ( C ) 12. years 3. ( C ) 8. ( A ) 13. China 4. ( D ) 9. ( C ) 14. shy 5. ( A ) 10. ( C ) 15. quiet 16 ( D ) 21.( B ) 26.( B ) 31.( D ) 36.( D ) 41( C ) 46( F )17 ( A ) 22.( A ) 27.( A ) 32.( B ) 37.( C ) 42( D ) 47( T )18 ( C ) 23 ( B ) 28.( C ) 33.( A ) 38 ( B ) 43( A ) 48( F )19 ( A ) 24 ( C ) 29.( D ) 34.( B ) 39.( A ) 44( B ) 45( F )20 ( D ) 25 ( D ) 30.( B ) 35.( C ) 40.( C ) 45( D ) 50( T )51. He is from Australia 52. He is two years old. 53. Because he is cute and jumps so well 54. on saturedays and Sundays. 55. Yes, he is 56.( F ) 57.( G ) 58.( A ) 59.( E ) 60.( B )61. animals 62. them 63. Australia 64. friendly 65. children 66. to live 67. interesting 68. big 69. also 70. are 71. I think the tigers are kind of smart. 72. Why do you like pandas? 73. The animals are friendly to people. 74. Tom gets up at 6:30. 75. Lucy wants to see animals in the zoo. 书面表达:There is a little dog in my home. I like it very much. Its name is Wang Wang. Its white, as white as snow. Its very cute. It likes meat very much. It comes from Beijing, so some people call it Beijing Dog. I often play with it. Every day, when I get home, it always waits for me at the door. I think it is saying, “Welcome back home!” In the evening I do my homework at my desk and it sits next to my feet and looks at me. Wang Wang is my good friend.

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