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东平县2008-2009学年度八年级上学期期中英语考试题(时间:120 分钟 满分:120分)第I卷 选择题(共 65 分)一 、 听力测试(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)I听句子,选择适当的应答语。每个句子听两遍。(共5小题,计5分)( )1. A .I think so. B. I like it very much. C. Yes, Im well.( )2. A .Yes, you are right. B. Yes, Id love to. C. No, I dont.( )3. A. Its not good. B. You are right. C. Thank you.( )3.A. Yes, I do homework. B. Oh, thank you. C. I often go to the movies.( )5. A. Every day. B. Never. C. Twice.II、听对话,回答问题。每段对话听两遍。(共5小题,计5分)( )6. A. Monday B.Tuesday C. Wednesday( )7. A. She is reading. B. She is writing. C. She is drawing.( )8. A. March 8. B. September 10. C. May 4( )9. A .In a school. B. In a hospital. C. In a shop.( )10. A .2 miles. B. 7 miles. C. 5 miles.III听一段对话,根据对话内容选出最佳答案。听两遍。(共5小题,计5分)( )11.There is something wrong with Jills _.A. head B.back C. hand( )12. _takes Jills temperature. A. The doctor B. Dad C. Mum( )13. Jill had _ for breakfast. A. eggs B. nothing C. bread( )14. Jill should take the medicine _ a day. A. once B. twice C. three times( )15. Jill had better _. A. have a good rest B. drink more water C. both A and BIV:听短文,选择正确答案,短文听两遍。(共5小题,计5分)( )16. Liu Yes home is about _ kilometers from school. A. one B. two C. three( )17. To exercise and have breakfast takes _ minutes. A. 10 B. 15 C. 20( )18.He leaves for school at about _. A. 7:20 B. 7:40 C. 6:20( )19. He _ to get his bike in first five minutes. A. rides B. walks C. runs( )20. How long does the bike ride take? A .10 minutes. B. 15 minutes. C. 20 minutes.二、 单项选择题(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分) ( )21. _ does your mother go for a walk? Every afternoon.A. How long B. How often C. How much D. How many( )22. .Would you like some bread? _, Im full. A. No, thanks B. Yes, please C. No, I dont like it D. Yes, I would( )23. _ the matter with you? A. WhosB. WhatC. Hows D. Whats( )24. Dont eat _ junk food. A. much tooB. too manyC. too much D. too( )25_ does Kitty dance every day? Two hours. A. How often B. How long C. How much D. How many( )26. Last year I visited my friend in Hong Kong and we both had _ . A. a time B. a good time C. happy D. time happily( )27.I had wanted to go to England for vacation, but at last I decided _ Canada. A. about B. over C. in D.on( )28. She looks _ because she has a _ vacation. A. relaxed, relaxed B. relaxing, relaxing C. relaxed, relaxing D. relaxing, relaxed( )29. Dont forget _ the pen _ him. A. to return, to B. to return, for C. returning, to D. returning, for( )30. Happy birthday to you. _ A. Thank you. B. The same to you.C. Happy birthday to you, too. D. Thats great.( )31. _he was tired, _he didnt stop to have a rest. A. Though; but B. Though; / C. But; though D. /; /( )32. Can you come to my party? _ A. Sure, Id love to. B. Im sorry to hear that. C. Youre right. D. Thats all right. ( )33. _ By bus. A. Why does he go to work? B. How does he go to work? C. When does she go to work? D. Where does he work? ( )34. _is it from your school to the zoo? Its about six miles. A. How much B. How many C. How long D. How far( ) 35. Thanks _ your help, and now I have made great progress in my English.A. toB. withC. forD. by( )36. The poor lady had to go out for food _ a cold morning. A. inB. atC. onD. during( )37. Our school is only _walk from here.A. five- minutesB. five minutesC. five minutesD. five minutes( )38. That book is not so _ as this one.A. interesting B. more interesting C. most interesting D. the most interesting( )39. Would you like _ cup of tea? A. other B. the other C. another D. the one( )40. This classroom is _than that one. A. many big B. much big C. many bigger D. much bigger三、完形填空。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。Christmas (圣诞节)was coming. A lot of 41 were going to town. They hoped to 42 some vegetables, fruit and meat in the market. And then they were going to buy some 43 for their families. A bus came. They tried to 44 . Robert, a strong young man, rushed in first. He occupied(占)two 45 :one for his girl friend Mable and the other for himself.The bus started. Robert had a look 46 the bus. He saw a lot of people 47 there. There were some old men among them. He hurried to 48 his eyes. Mable found it and thought he felt 49 and asked, “Whats wrong with you, dear?”“ 50 ,”answered the kind-hearted (好心肠) young man. “I cant bear (忍心) to see the poor old men!”( )41. A. workers B. soldiersC. farmersD. drivers( )42. A. lend B. sellC. borrowD. show( )43. A. books B. pensC. newspapers D. presents( )44. A. get on B. get off C. lifeD. sit down( )45. A. tables B. seats C. boxes D. steps( )46. A. after B. forC. up D. around( )47. A. standing B. sitting C. lying D. sleeping( )48. A. touch B. look over C. openD. close( )49. A. terrible B. sadC. happy D. dangerous( )50. A. Something B. AnythingC. Nothing D. Everything四、阅读理解。(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。AOnce there were three old men. They were rather forgetful. They always forgot what they were doing.One of them said, “I always wonder if I want to buy a coat or a pair of socks.The second old man said, “I often forget if I should put something in or take something out of the fridge as soon as I open its door.”“I am even more forgetful than both of you,” said the last old man ,and he knocked at the table. Then he turned to the other two men and asked, “Who just knocked at the table?”( )51. The second old man said _.A. he forgot where he should go B. he forgot whether he wanted to put something in the fridgeC. he forgot his keyD. he forgot his name( )52. The first old man forgot _ .A. what he wanted to do B. where he wanted to go C. what he should bring D. what he wanted to buy( )53. The third old man said _ .A. he was less forgetful than the others B. he was more forgetfulC. he was remembering what he was doing D. he was a little forgetful( )54. Who is the most forgetful?A. The first old man B. The second old manC. The third old man D. All of them( )55. From the story we can know _ .A. None of them are young B. None of them is forgetfulC. The second old man is most forgetful D. The third old man is the least forgetfulBIt was Sunday yesterday. Bruce went to play football with his friends. Soon he felt hot and took off his coat. On his way home, he forgot to put it on again. This morning he felt unwell and couldnt go to school. His mother told him to stay in bed and then went to buy some medicine for him. An hour later he wouldnt lie there, so he stood by the window. The sun was shining and the birds were singing in the trees. Soon his mother came back and said, “Its warmer outside. Go to sun yourself after you take the medicine. ” Bruce went out and sat on a step and played alone. At that time a salesman (推销员)came up to him and asked, “Has your mother come back, my little friend? ” “Yes, sir, ”answered the boy. The man began to ring the doorbell, but nobody answered. He rang it for a long time and became angry. “I dont think you are an honest(诚实的)boy, ”said the salesman. “Theres no one in the house. Youve played a joke on (捉弄)me! ” “I dont think so, sir, ”said Bruce. “The house isnt ours. ”( )56. Bruce caught a cold _. A. when he was playing football B. when he returned home C. after he went to bed D. after he got up this morning ( )57. This morning Bruce didnt go to school because _. A. their holiday began B. it was very cold C. his brother made him stay at home D. he was ill and had to stay at home ( )58. Bruce played alone this morning because _. A. he had no friends B. his friends were all at school C. he had nothing to do at home D. his friends were all ill in bed ( )59. The underline word “sun” in the story means “_”. A. 太阳 B. 月亮 C. 晒 D. 晒干( )60. The salesman came to _. A. sell something to Bruces mother B. tell something important to Bruces mother C. see Bruces mother D. help Bruces mother CFish and chips, and Chinese take-away food(熟食) are very popular in England. But they are less popular(不受欢迎) in the USA. In the USA, they eat take-away food, too, like fried(油炸的) chicken. But the most popular kind of take-away food is hamburger. It looks like bread with meat in it. Hamburgers are delicious. They are very popular in the world.Chinese food has different tastes and is usually very delicious. Its also very popular in the world.( )61.Whats the favourite food in the USA? A. Hamburger. B. Fish and chips. C. Fried chicken. D. Take-away food.( )62.What does hamburger look like? A. It looks like a mooncake. B. It looks like a sausages(香肠). C. It looks like bread with meat in it. D. It looks like a banana.( )63.Which food has different tastes and is usually very delicious? A. English food. B. American food. C. Chinese food. D. French food.( )64.Are fish and chips and Chinese take-away food very popular in the USA? A. Yes, they are. B. No, they arent. C. Yes, they were. D. No, they werent.( )65.Who do you think likes hamburgers best? A. The old people. B. Children. C. Most of the people. D. Nobody第II卷 非选择题 (共55分)五、 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)阅读短文,按要求做题。Basketball players are usually very tall.(69) Because they need to put the ball into the basket. Other sports players may be shorter than them. Short people often have better balance (平衡) than tall people, so they dont fall over very often. In some sports the players must have good balance, for example, table tennis, they dont need to have long legs to run fast! (70) Some of the fast runners in the world are not very tall. Some people are tall and some are short. The tallest man in the world is 2.41 meters tall. Today young people in many countries grow taller than their parents. This is because they eat better than their parents. Good food can help children grow. 任务一: 根据短文内容回答下列问题。66. Is it better to be short than to be tall?_ 67. How tall is the tallest man in the world? _ 68. Why do young people grow taller than their parents? _ 任务二:将文中划线的句子翻译成汉语。69._ 70. _ (B)六. 、词汇运用。(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)(一)单词拼写,请根据首字母及句意写出单词。(5分)71. I often take the bus to the train s_ . 72. The first day of the week is S _ . 73. I think learning English well is very n _ . 74. Our Chinese teacher is very serious. He hardly ever l _ .75. Mary i _ Tim to her birthday party but Tim couldnt, because he had lots of homework to do.(二)综合填空:根据短文内容,用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,使文章通顺,完整。短文填空。(10分)new, friendly, breakfast, do, so, stay, but, different, you, class, big, meal Anna comes from Russia. She is 17 years old. Shes going 76._ with the Black family for a year. Anna comes to England because she wants to study English. She helps Mrs. Black 77._ housework in the house and goes to English78._ every Wednesday and Friday afternoon. Anna is now in London. Everything is 79. _ to her. She finds life is80._ from that in Moscow. Some things are nice in London, many things are not so nice. The shops are 81._ in London than those in Moscow. 82._ its very expensive to enjoy 83._ in London. Its expensive to have a84._ at a restaurant or go to a cinema. Now Anna has got used to (习惯) many things, but she cant get used to the 85._ in England. “You English eat so much in the morning,” she often says. “Fruits, porridge, eggs, tea and bread. How can you face(面对) all that food so early in the day?” 76. _ 77. _ 78 . _ 79. _ 80 _.81. _ 82. _ 83. _ 84. _ 85. _七、补全对话。(共10分,每空一句)A: Hey, Lucy! What are you doing for vacation?B: I am going to the beach.A: 86 .B: 87 ?A: Im leaving on the 12th. How about you?B: Im going to sports camp.A: Oh , cool! Sounds great! 88 ?B: I am going with my parents.A: 89 ?B: Just for five days.A: Well, have a good time.B: 90. .八、完成句子(共10分,每空1分)91. 我们每天花三个小时看电视。 It_ _ us three hours _watch TV every day.92. 后天你准备做什么? What are you going to do the day _ _ _?93. 韩梅擅长音乐。 Han Mei is_ _music.94. 他总是担心他的儿子.He is always _ _his son.95. 当你紧张时,你应该听听音乐。When you are _ _,you should listen to some music.九、书面表达。(15分.请用英语表述以下内容(1)本周六是王红的生日,许多同学将去她家参加生日聚会。(2)王红爱好广泛,为人友善;经常帮父母做家务。(3)一些同学打算向父母要钱,买礼物送给她。(4)你对同学们花钱买礼物一事的看法及理由。要求:1.不要逐句翻译。2.词数6080。 听力材料听力材料I听句子,选择适当的应答语。每个句子听两遍。(共5小题,计5分)1 Tom, are you free tomorrow?2 Would you like to go fishing with me?3 Your English is good.4 What do you usually do on Sunday?5 How often do you do your homework?II、听对话,回答问题。每段对话读两遍。(共5小题,计5分)6 W: What day was it yesterday?M: It was Monday.Q: What day is it today?7 W: Dont read in bed, Lily. Its bad for your eyes. M: OK, Mom. Q: Whats Lily doing?8 W: Hello, Miss Li. Here are some flowers for you. M: Oh, its Teachers Day today. Thank you. Q: Whats the date today?9 W: Good morning, Madam. Can I help you?M: Yes, please. Id like to buy a T-shirt.Q: Where is the woman?10W: Hello, Tom. Is your home far from your school?M: Yes. Its two miles from my home to the bus station and its five miles from the bus station to my school.Q: How far is it from Toms home to his school?III听一段对话,根据对话内容选出最佳答案。读两遍。(共5小题,计5分)W: Whats the matter?M: Doctor, I had a pain in my head this morning.W: How are you feeling now?M: Im feeling even worse.W: Let me take your temperature. Its a cold. Nothing serious.M: Really? But I dont feel any better now.W: Did you eat anything for breakfast? M: No, I didnt feel like eating anything.W: Well, take this medicine three times a day. Have a good rest and drinkmore water. M: Ok. Thank you.IV:听短文,选择正确答案,短文读听两遍。(共5小题,计5分)Liu Yes home is about 2 kilometers from school. He gets up at six every morning. Then he exercises and has a quick breakfast, or has it at school. He leaves for school at about six twenty. First, he walks to get his bike for around five minutes. Then he rides his bike to school. The bike ride usually takes about ten minutes. And his new day begins.八年级英语参考答案一、 听力测试(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)1-5 ABCCA 6-10 BABCB 11-15 AABCC 16-20 BCCBA二、 单项选择题(共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)21-25 BADCB 26-30 BDCAA 31-35 BABDC 36-40 CDACD三、完形填空。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)41-45 CBDAB 46-50 DADAC四、阅读理解。(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)51-55 BDBCA 56-60 DDBCA 61-65 ACCBC五、 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)66.No,it isnt. 67. The tallest man in the world is 2.41 meters tall. 68.Because they eat better than their parents. 69.因为他们需要把篮球投入篮筐里. 70 .世界上一些跑得快的运动员个子不很高.六、词汇运用。(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)71.station72. Sunday73.necessary 74.laughs 75 . invited 76 . to stay 77. do/to do 78 . classes 79 . new 80. different 81 . bigger 82. But 83. yourself / yourselves 84 . meal 85. breakfast七、补全对话。(共10分,每空一句)86.That sounds great/good/interesting!87. When are you going?88. Who are you going with?89. How long are you staying/90.Thank you./The same to you.八、完成句子(共10分,每空1分) 91.takes to 92.after tomorrow 93. good at 94. worried about 95.stressed out 九、书面表达 (15分)One possible version:Wang Hong is a friendly girl and has a lot of hobbies.She often helps her parents with the housework.Its her birthday this Saturday. My classmates will go to her home for her birthday party.Some of them will ask their parents for some money to buy her gifts. But I dont have a good idea, because that will cost our parents money. Im going to make a birthday card for her by myself. Im sure shell like it.


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