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高考书面表达精编练习30题1. Rose 是一位年轻的科学家,她每天工作繁忙,但卓有成效。下面记录的是她昨天一天的主要工作,请以 A Busy Day 为题,以短文的形式描述她的生活。7:00 a.m.起床,开车去机场赴纽约参加重要会议10:00 a.m.下飞机,怀特先生在机场迎接,快餐店吃午饭。12:50 p.m.到Read 教授办公室1:004:00p.m.开会,与会专家对Rose 的报告很满意,Read 教授对她的研究工作提了一些好的建议。11:00 p.m.乘飞机回到了家2.* 假定你叫张华,你的同学李明即将去上海学习。现由你写一封便函给你们的朋友Jim,约他聚会。内容要点如下:(1).聚会时间:本星期五下午3点30分;(2).聚会地点:东风路225号,李明家。(3).按下图所画路线告诉Jim怎样去李明家。注意:(1)便函用英语写,并注明便函的时间:2003年4月9日;(2)内容包括说明部分和要点;(3)字数:80120。3* Peter Lee 先生星期日下午2:00从颐和园乘322路公共汽车去动物园,不慎将手提箱(suitcase)丢失,请你为他填写一张失物登记表,详细描写所丢失的那只手提箱,并填好联系电话:69017878。内容要点:1)手提箱的颜色为棕色,皮制(leather),方形(square),上有一金属提手(handle);2)箱内有一架日本照相机,几卷胶卷(roll ,film)和两条从西单商场买的毛料裤子;3)箱子前面袋里有一本杂志(Travel In China)及两封美国来信。4)箱子后袋有一个装有600美元的信封和一张从北京去纽约的飞机票,词数100左右。PersonaldetailsNameTelephone numberDetails of journeyTimeBus RouteFrom (bus stop)To (bus stop) Details of lost property(财产)4*. 假如你是北京一中的学生,名叫李磊,想要参加北京大厦的招聘工作,现请你按下列内容填一份履历表,并给公司经理写信谋职,向他介绍如下情况:1)1979年5月1日生于北京。现住在东直门大街5号。2)今年7月将要高中毕业,学习英语6年。3)对英语感兴趣,尤其擅长口语和打字,一分钟能打100个字符。4)能熟练掌握电脑操作技术,会编程,能上网。要求:1).内容要连贯、完整。2)叙述必须用第一人称。3)字数:120左右。NameNationalityDate of BirthPlace of BirthPresent AddressSchool5. 我市海滨游泳场将对外宾开放,请你根据下列内容用英语写一份“游泳须知”(Swimming Rules),( 字数80100)提示如下:1).游泳者不得越过红线;2).本场借出的游泳衣、救生圈(life-buoy)、太阳伞(sunshade)、椅子不得损坏或带走;3).不准乱扔垃圾;(litter)4).下午6点前必须上岸5).不准在游泳区内钓鱼。游泳者必须遵守(observe)以上规定,违者罚金(fine)520元。6. 近年来,环保依然存在着许多问题。为了保护环境,各国政府做了大量的工作,并采用法律措施来控制空气污染,保护森林和海水资源,禁止任何对环境造成污染的行为。虽然在环保问题上政府起了重要的作用,但你认为还不够,请你就环保问题谈谈你的看法。(字数100120左右) 7.* 请你根据下面提示起草一篇欢送词。字数(100左右)汤姆三年前随父母来到西安,在你班学习,在这段时间里,你们互相帮助,相处得很好。由于他的到来,许多同学对英语更感兴趣,并在英语学习上取得很大进步。现在汤姆就要随父母回国了,你们准备为他举行欢送会,请你代表全班起草一篇欢送词,向汤姆告别,希望他回国后经常给同学们写信保持联系,并希望他有机会再到中国来。8请你根据下面提示写一则口头通知:1).9月23日在你班教室进行一场辩论会。( a debate)2).话题:中学生上网是利大于弊,还是弊大于利。3).欢迎感兴趣的同学去听,并可在会上阐述自己的观点。9学校微机室决定对学生开放,请根据下列内容写一则通知:1).微机室开放时间,每天下午3:306:30,星期日除外。2).学生凭学生证(student card),上机操作。3).爱护设备,如有损坏,须照价赔偿。4).遵守微机室规章制度,文明上网,不大声喧哗。微机室20033110. 最近你校学生反映目前学生学习负担过重,校长想了解一下情况,请你根据下表所列信息给校长写一封信,提出一些建议:你叫李华。在校在家建议早晨7:30上学下午6:30放学有许多作业要做,每天34小时让老师少留一点作业每天仅有一小时活动时间几乎没时间看电视让学生有充足的时间锻炼身体考试压力大家长期望高 不要把成绩看得太重要,让学生发展自己的兴趣爱好。11. 某外贸公司在报上登了一则广告,想招聘一名秘书,条件如下:年龄不超过28岁,未婚;大学文凭;会两门外语者优先(必须懂英语);并能进行计算机操作。假如你叫李平,请根据下表内容写一封求职信。姓名李华年龄22学校武汉大学英语系技能特长具有较强的英语听、说、写能力,能阅读和讲一点德语。能熟练操作电脑。工作经历业余时间作过打字员,暑假里作过导游。其它情况可以向学校咨询你的情况,愿意面谈或参加测试 注意:1).写信日期:2003年6月20日 2).字数在100字左右。12. 今天下午电视将要播放一场激动人心的足球比赛中国队对巴西队(Brazil),你和班上的球迷对这场比赛盼望已久,课间你们兴奋地谈论这场比赛。上课了你还在想比赛,结果你心不在焉,老师批评了你。事后你也认为自己不对,作为学生,学习应该是第一位的。今后一定要认真听讲。13.请你根据下表的内容写一篇日记:你于2003年4月参加了防“非典”的志愿者工作,你为此感到骄傲并希望以后当一名优秀的医生。工作时间四月14日,星期日,冒雨工作八小时工作地点北京王府井大街工作内容宣传防治“非典”的知识,发送药物服务对象北京市民感想和感受工作辛苦且琐碎,但很重要。生词:防治非典: anti-SARS 志愿者: volunteer 琐碎:trifling14. 半开放作文:你的家乡很美,你不仅熟悉而且引为自豪,请使用下列所给信息给我们介绍一下你的家乡。可适当发挥。1).Location2).Area3). Population4).What does it look like?5).Describe the peoples life there.15.按下列提示写一篇(100120词左右)的议论文:题目:The Teacher-student Relationship提示:1).处理好师生关系对学生的前途有一定影响。2).良好的师生关系会使学习成为一种享受。3).师生关系不融洽会打消学生学习的积极性。4).教师应多鼓励学生。只有耐心和相互理解才能使学生对学习持有正确的态度,才能促进就教师的教学工作。16. 请以“我们为什么上大学”为题,写一篇议论文。(字数100120)提示:1).不同的人对此有不同的看法。2).有些学生以为大学是最理想的地方,上大学就是为了获取好的工作和高额工资,但结果是大学的生活和毕业后的工作往往使他们失望。3)事实上,大学给那些渴望学到更多的知识以便将来报效祖国的人提供了良好的学习机会和必要的条件,这才是大学真正的吸引所在。 17.请以 What Is My Happiness?为题写一篇短文。提示:有些孩子认为不写作业就是幸福;有些家长认为子女考上如意的学校就是幸福;有些大学生认为毕业后有个好职业就是幸福;每个人对幸福的理解都不一样。那么你心中的幸福是什么? 要求:1)内容要积极向上。2)100字左右。 18.*你在校学生会负责“英语角”的活动。请你为学校的英语广播站起草一则通知。要点如下:1)“英语角”定于本周星期四下午四点在学校花园里举行。2)五位在北京师范大学学习的美国学生将应邀参加。3)Tina,他们当中的一位,将向我们介绍美国人的生活方式和美国的学校教育。4)之后,大家可就两国学生的生活、语言学习等题目自由交谈。字数:100左右。19.翻译练习(尽量依据原文的意、境、情翻译出以下文段,可以适当尝试各种修辞手法)我的理想阿爹还没走(当地称人死为“走”)的时候,他对我说,你要好好学习天天向上,长大做个科学家;阿妈却要我长大后做个公安(人员),说这样啥都不怕。我不想当科学家,也不想当公安。我的理想是变成一只狗,天天夜里守在家门口。因为阿妈胆小,怕鬼,我也怕。但阿妈说,狗不怕鬼,所以我要做一只狗,这样阿妈和我就都不怕了20.翻译练习(尽量依据原文的意、境、情翻译出以下文段,可以适当尝试各种修辞手法)春天春天回来了。太阳升起,她给人们带来了光明和温暖,遍地葱绿,百花盛开。小草和鲜花在微风中点头,空气清新,花香扑鼻。蓝天上飘着朵朵彩云。远处牛背上的牧童活泼可爱。一只小船从小河从对岸驶来,上面坐着两位姑娘,她们唱着歌望着水中的游鱼;小船儿悠悠,鱼儿听着她们甜美的歌声。田野上的农民们正忙于耕种多可爱的春天!她是我最喜爱的季节,希望一年四季总是春。21.根据下面6幅图画,写一篇题目为“An Interesting Book”的小故事。(词数约100字。) 提示:1)画中人物:Mrand MrsSmith;他们的儿子Mike。 2)故事的开头是:It was dinnertime 3)题目与故事的开头不计入总词数内。22.你是一名中学生,设想假期有一段打工的经历。开学初在英语课上,你用英语向同学们讲述你的体会。 试用所给的短语,写一篇100词左右的短文。1). keep on asking my parents for money2). learn the value of money3). get along with others4). find its good preparation for/get prepared for5). get a little bit working and social experience短文开头已为你写好:Nowadays it is not unusual for many students to find part-time jobs. 23.开放作文:根据下面提供的情景,写一段接续文字。注意:词数不少于30。Xu Chen is a senior school student, who usually goes to school by bike. He lives far from the school.It was an early morning. Lin Tao arrived at the school at the cold, dark and snowy hour. At the entrance to the classroom building, he saw Xu Chen without his bike. So Kin Tao asked him why he didnt come to the school by bike.If you are Xu Chen, please tell Lin Hao why.24.开放作文:根据下面提供的情景,写一段接续文字。注意:词数不少于30。Last month I bought a new sweater at a big department store, but it has given me enough trouble.25.开放作文:根据下面提供的情景,写一段接续文字。注意:词数不少于30。You are a middle school student. You are going to take an important examination in two months. You want your parents to buy you another tape-recorder to take the place of the old one.Now you tell your parents why you need a new tape-recorder.精编练习30题(参考答案)1. Rose had a busy day yesterday. She got up at seven oclock in the morning, and quickly washed her hands and face. She drove to the airport and flew to New York to attend an important meeting. It was 10 oclock when she got off the plane. Mr. White met her at the airport, and they had lunch in a fast food restaurant. They got to Professor Reads office at 12:50. The meeting began at 1 p.m. and lasted for 4 hours. All the experts were satisfied with Roses report. Professor Read gave her some good advice on her research. After dinner, Rose flew back and it was already 11:00 at night when she got home. She was tired, but very happy.She likes to keep busy.2. April 9th, 2003 Dear Jim,Our friend Li Ming will leave for Shanghai to study. So we are going to have a get-together at 3:30 this Friday afternoon. He lives at No.225 Dongfeng Street. It is not very difficult to find your way to his home. Take a No.2 bus, the stop of which is on the left of your university, and get off at the second crossing. There is a cinema across the street. Turn right at the corner, and you will find Dongfeng Street. Li Mings home is 200 yards down the street on the right. There is a post office opposite to Li Mings home. Yours, Zhang Hua3.PersonaldetailsNamePeter leeTelephone number69017878Details of journeyTime2:00p.m.SundayBus Route332From (bus stop)The Summer PalaceTo (bus stop) the Beijing ZooDetails of lost property(财产)My suitcase is easy to recognize. It is brown. It looks square and its made of leather with a metal handle on the top.There is a camera made in Japan with several rolls of film inside. There are also two pairs of wool trousers, which were bought from Xidan Department Store. You can find a magazine named “Travel in China”, and two letters from the USA in the front pocket. In the back pocket, there are 600 dollars enclosed in an envelope and an air ticket from Beijing to New York.4.NameLi LeiAgeTwentyNationalityHanDate of BirthMay 1st, 1979Place of BirthBeijingPresent Address5 Dongzhimen StreetSchoolBeijing No.1 Middle SchoolJune 9, 1999Dear manager,I will graduate from Beijing No.1 Middle School in July. I have studied English for six years. Im interested in English very much. I am especially good at spoken English and typing, and my typing speed is 100 words a minute.I can operate the personal computer and make programs for it. I can get information from the Internet and send information on business through it. If Im accepted, Ill work hard, and be a good worker. Yours sincerely, Li Lei5. NOTICESwimming RulesSwimmers are required to observe the following rules. Anyone who breaks the rules will be fined 5-20 yuan.(1). Nobody is allowed to swim out of the read line.(2). Swimming suits, life buoys, sunshades and chairs borrowed from here are not to be spoiled or taken away.(3) No littering.(4). Swimmers must get out of water before 6 p.m.(5). Fishing is not allowed here. The Seaside Swimming Pool6. There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years. One of the problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil. To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done lot. Laws have been used to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources. Although governments are playing important parts in the environmental protection today, I think much more should be done.In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more other measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the one-child policy into practice, because more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment should be punished. We should let people know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.7. Today we are having a party to honour our friend Tom, who is returning to his own country with his parents.Tom came to our school three years ago and has been studying in our class ever since. During this period, we have helped each other and have become good friends. Because of his presence, many students are more interested in English and they have made great progress in it.We all hope that when he returns to his own homeland, he will keep in touch with us. We all hope that he will come to China again some day. Good luck, Tom. And good luck to your family. May you have happy memories of your time in our class and in our school.8. On September 23rd, a debate is going to be held in our classroom (Class 4 Grade Three). It is about the advantages and disadvantages of students entering the Internet. If you are interested in it , please come to attend it You are welcome to declare your opinion if you like.9. NOTICE1.The computer room is open from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. except Sunday.2.Show your students card when you operate/use the computer.3.Protect the equipment in the computer room. Pay the cost price for any damage done to the computer or the other equipment.4.Obey the rules of the computer room. You are forbidden to make any noise.March 1st 2003 The Computer Room10.Dear Headmaster,Im writing to express my idea about our study at school.As a Senior 3 student, we have to stay at school for nine hours to have lessons and spend at least three to four hours doing our homework at home every day. It takes us only an hour to do sports, so we hardly have any time to watch TV.We feel tired because of the pressure of examinations and the high expectations from the parents.I write this letter only to wish that you could have the teachers give us less homework so that we could have enough time to do what we want. In my opinion, the result of the examinations is not so important to us. We teenagers are eager to play and enjoy ourselves.Im looking forward to your good news. Yours truly, Li Hua11.The English DepartmentWuhan UniversityHubeiJune 20, 2003Dear sirs,I have just read in the newspaper that a secretary of the English language is wanted in your company. I am therefore writing to you to introduce myself. Id like to get the job.I am a girl college student of 22 years old. My name is Li Hua, and I am studying in the English Department of Wuhan University. I can speak, read and write English well. As a second foreign language, I can read and speak a little German. I can operate the computer quite well. I have some working experience as a typist during my spare time at school, and as a tourist guide during summer holidays. The bosses I worked for were all satisfied with my work. I am sure Ill satisfy you as well.You can get more information about my study and work from my college. I can visit your office at any time for a talk or test.With best wishes. Faithfully, Li Ping12.August 5, 2002 , Friday FineThis afternoon there will be on TV an exciting football match between China and Brazil. We, the football fans in our class, have been looking forward to watching it. We talked about the match a lot during the break. We were so excited that I was still thinking about it in class. My English teacher noticed that and asked me to listen to class attentively. Yes , I was really wrong. As a middle school student we should study hard. Work must come first. I wont do that again.13.April 14th, 2003, Sunday RainyToday I took part in the work for the “ Anti-SARS”. I was working in Wang Fujing Street for eight hours in the rain. My job was to explain how to keep ourselves from being infected and hand out some medicine to the passers-by.The job was trifling but very important.I feel very proud of being a volunteer at this very time and decide to be an excellent doctor in the future. 14.Not far from the west of Qingdao, there stands a small village. Thats my native village place. It has an area of 53 square kilometers. A small brook runs through the village. On the banks of the brook grow a lot of green trees which have big branches and beautiful leaves. If you stand under them, you cant see the sky. Several small pools are dotted among the village with all kinds of fishes swimming in them. At a little distance from the north, there rises a hill covered with wonderful trees and green grass in the fields and it looks like a beautiful garden.My native village has a population of more than one thousand. 80% of them are peasants, all of whom are busy with their work in the field during spring, summer, and autumn. They often watch TV, go to cinema, and play in the club. People in my village lead a happy life.15.The Teacher-student RelationshipThe relationship between a teacher and students can be good or bad, helpful or harmful. Either way, the relationship can affect for the rest of his life. A good teacher-student relationship will make learning enjoyable and interesting for the student and will make the teachers job worthwhile. A bad relationship can discourage the student from learning and make teaching an unpleasant task.The teacher should encourage the student so that he wants to learn. He needs patience and understanding. He must encourage the student without pushing or forcing him. Learning can be fun when the student has the right attitude about it. It is part of the teachers job to help develop a good positive attitude in his students.16.Why Do We Go To Universities?Why do we go to universities? Different people have different points of views.Some students may have many colorful dreams and regard universities as the most ideal places. They think that good jobs and higher pays will certainly result from a college education. In fact, the university life often makes them feel disappointed, and after graduation many of them will find the jobs arent the ones they like and the pays are not higher than they expected.I think that a university provides good chances for those who are eager to learn more knowledge so that they can serve their motherland better in the future. This is why universities have a strong attention.17.18.Attention, please! I have an announcement to make.The English Corner is to be held in the school garden at 4:00 this Thursday afternoon. Five American students studying at the Beijing Normal University (Teachers University) will be invited to take part. Tina, one of them, will give us a talk about the American way of life and the education in the U.S.A. After that, there will be a free talk. You may talk about language study, the school life in both countries, and other things that may interest you.Everybody is welcome. And I hope you will find the English Corner fun.Thats all. Thank you.19. My AmbitionBefore Dad passed away (local people call“die”“pass away” ), he used to tell me that I should study hard and make progress every day so as to be a scientist when I grow up. But Mum wants me to be a policeman, saying that I would have nothing to fear. I want to be neither a scientist nor a policeman. I just want to be a dog, keeping watch at my gate every night. Because Mum is timid and is afraid of ghosts . So am I. But Mum says that dogs are not afraid of ghosts, so I want to be a dog. In that case, Mum and I would no longer be scared20. Spring TimeSpring has come back. When the sun comes up, she sends her lights and warmth to our world. All the plants and trees turn green. All the flowers are in full bloom. They keep nodding in the soft wind, which brings us fresh air and the good smell of the flowers. Coloured clouds dot the blue sky here and there.In the distance, some lovely boys can be seen riding on the backs of the cows. A small boat is coming from the other side of the river with two girls sitting in it. They are watching fishes swimming in the water while singing. The fishes are listening to their beautiful songs as the boat is floating on. In the fields, the farmers are busy with ploughing and sowing.How lovely spring is! It is my favorite season. I wish all the year were spring time.21.It was dinnertime. Mr. and Mrs. Smith were waiting at the table for Mike. Where was Mike? Mrs. Smith asked her husband to look for him. Mr. Smith went to Mikes room and found him lying on his face on the floor, reading a book. He told Mike to go for dinner. Mike left unwillingly, leaving the book on the floor. Now Mrs. Smith and Mike were at the table waiting for Mr. Smith. They waited and waited until they became impatient. Mrs. Smith asked Mike to look for Mr. Smith. When Mike went to his room, to his surprise, he found his father lost himself in the same book, lying on his face. What an interesting book! 22.Nowadays it is not unusual for many students to find part-time jobs. During this past winter holiday, I once worked as a waiter at a McDonalds.I used to keep on asking my parents for money. Its the first time that Ive earned money, so I was quite excited. Now I can buy whatever I need without asking others for money. From my working experience, I found its good preparation for the world outside schools. I understood not only the value of money but also the way of getting along with others. Whats more, Ive got some working and social experience. Its good for my future work. In a word, Ive had a wonderful vacation.23.As you know, I prefer to come to school by bike to take buses, for it is more convenient to me. But you see, it has kept snowing for nearly a week and the road is covered with thick snow and has become so slippery that it is easy to fall and have an accident, especially in the dark. So I came to school by bus today instead of by bike.I hope it will stop snowing soon and clear up.24.Last month I bought a new sweater at a big department store, but it has given me eno


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