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1.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A) Manager and clerk. B) Teacher and student. C) Father and daughter. D) Customer and waitress. 正确答案为D你没有作答。解析:题干的意思是:谈话者有可能是什么关系?音频中男士首先说他想知道这家餐馆是否有当地的小吃(Im wondering whether there are any local snacks in your restaurant),接着女士说到她们的餐馆专门提供当地的小吃,并且很愿意为他推荐一种最受欢迎的(Our restaurant specializes in local snacks and Id like to recommend you one of the most popular here)。由此可以推断,男士是顾客,而女士为餐馆服务员,所以选D。 ScriptW: Whats the point of working free to serve the public? As far as I know, no small firm like us has ever done such service before.M: This is a good opportunity to advertise our firm. Few people know us, so we just expect people to remember us through providing them with satisfying services. 2.What does the man think of their companys free service?A) It is a waste of time and energy. B) It is an effective means of advertising. C) It can set a good example for other companies. D) It can cultivate a sense of responsibility among the employees. 正确答案为B你没有作答。解析:题干的意思是:男士对于公司提供的免费服务怎么看?音频中女士首先问男士如何看待公司为社会提供的免费服务(Whats the point of working free to serve the public?),接着男士回答说这是一个为公司做广告的良机(This is a good opportunity to advertise our firm)。其中选项B中effective means的意思是“有效的方法”,所以选B。 ScriptW: Youve seemed troubled for the past few days. Is there anything wrong?M: Its about my business partner. I want to expand our business while hed like to keep the company small. 3.What is the mans problem?A) He lacks fund to expand his business. B) He cannot find an appropriate partner. C) He cannot concentrate on his business. D) He has a disagreement with his partner. 正确答案为D你没有作答。解析:题干的意思是:男士遇到了什么问题?音频中女士首先问男士遇到了什么麻烦(Is there anything wrong?),男士回答说是关于生意伙伴的事(Its about my business partner),接着进一步解释他想扩大生意,但是他的合伙人却想保持公司规模(I want to expand our business while hed like to keep the company small)。由此可以推断这位男士跟他的合作伙伴产生了分歧,所以选D。 ScriptM: Many people say pop music is not pleasant to the ear. What do you think?W: I dont think its unpleasant. But classical music appeals to me more. 4.What does the woman mean?A) She hates pop music. B) The man has no taste in music. C) She likes classical music more. D) The man knows a lot about music. 正确答案为C你没有作答。解析:题干的意思是:女士的意思是什么?音频中男士说到许多人认为流行音乐听起来不太舒服(Many people say pop music is not pleasant to the ear),接着他问女士的看法(What do you think?),女士回答道她并不认为流行音乐不好听(I dont think its unpleasant),但是她更喜欢古典音乐(But classical music appeals to me more)。其中appeal to的意思是“吸引”,所以选C。 ScriptM: The director urges us to hand in this report at eight oclock tomorrow morning for the board meeting. Can you manage to type it before that?W: Well, it seems that I have to work overtime today. 5.What can we know about the woman?A) She has to make a report at tomorrows meeting. B) She has to work extra hours for the work. C) She has to get others to share the task. D) She has to apologize to the director. 正确答案为B你没有作答。解析:题干的意思是:关于女士的情况我们知道什么?音频中男士首先说到主任催促他们要在明天上午8点前上交报告(The director urges us to hand in this report at eight oclock tomorrow morning),然后他问女士在此之前是否能把报告打出来(Can you manage to type it before that?),女士说到看起来她今天又要加班了(it seems that I have to work overtime today)。其中work overtime与选项B中的work extra hours表达的意思相近,都是“加班”的意思,所以选B。 ScriptW: Im sorry, Mr. Smith. We dont have any record of your reservation here. Could it be possible that you mixed it up with some others?M: Let me see. Oh, I have mistaken your hotel for Johnson Hotel. How silly I am!6.What do we know about the mans reservation?A) The man actually made the reservation at another hotel. B) The man actually cancelled the reservation before arrival. C) The woman forgot to record his reservation in time. D) The woman transferred the reservation to another hotel. 正确答案为A你没有作答。解析:题干的意思是:关于男士的预定可以知道什么?音频中女士首先说到这里并没有男士预定的记录(We dont have any record of your reservation here),接着她问男士是否把宾馆给弄错了(Could it be possible that you mixed it up with some others?),接着男士说他把这个宾馆当成Johnson Hotel了。由此可以推断,这位男士实际上预定了另一家宾馆,所以选A。 ScriptM: I cannot make up my mind about taking the summer training course on the computer.W: I would take it if I were you. Itll be of great help for you to find a job after graduation. 7.What is the womans suggestion for the man?A) Consult his parents before making a decision. B) Learn computer knowledge after graduation. C) Find a summer job. D) Take the course. 正确答案为D你没有作答。解析:题干的意思是:女士给男士的建议是什么?音频中男士说他还没有下定决心参加暑假的计算机培训(I cannot make up my mind about taking the summer training course on the computer),接着女士说到如果她是这位男士的话,她就会参加(I would take it if I were you),接着进一步解释这个培训对于毕业后找工作是非常有帮助的(Itll be of great help for you to find a job after graduation)。由此可以推断,女士建议他参加这个课程培训,所以选D。ScriptW: Take a taxi. Youre going to be late.M: No. Im going to ride my bike. In the rush hour, there are always traffic jams on the way to school. Besides, the road is still under construction. 8.Why does the man intend to cycle to school?A) Because it is more time-saving by bike. B) Because it will save money by bike. C) Because it is difficult to get a taxi in the rush hour. D) Because it will do no harm to environment to ride a bike. 正确答案为A你没有作答。解析:题干的意思是:男士为什么打算骑自行车去学校?音频中女士首先说到快要迟到了,还是打车去吧(Take a taxi. Youre going to be late),接着男士说他要骑车去学校(Im going to ride my bike),因为在高峰时间,去学校的路上总会堵车(In the rush hour, there are always traffic jams on the way to school),除此之外,这条马路还在没有完全修好(Besides, the road is still under construction)。由此可以推断,这位男士骑车去学校是因为会节省时间,所以选A。 ScriptM: Hi, Lisa. Hows everything going?W: Not very well.M: You must be too tired. I heard you were just back from the trip to Central America.W: Not very tired. But it was a shocking experience, indeed.M: What happened?W: Do you remember that band of art students from America we met when we were in Rome last year?M: Yes, of course. We argued with them on issues about arts and literature. Did they have anything to do with your trip?W: Yes, I found something shocking about one of them. Do you remember that good-looking boy with red hair?M: Yes, I do remember him. How is he?W: You could never imagine what he is doing for a living now. He is begging in Vera Cruz.M: Oh, thats too far away from his dream. How so?W: Who knows. I attempted to get some information from him but in vain.M: How did you meet him?W: I just happened to. One day I was drinking in an outdoor bar and then he came into my sight, begging in front of tables, one after another. I recognized him at the first glance, but when I tried to speak with him, he quickly ran away. 9.Why doesnt the woman feel good?A) Because she quarreled with a group of students during her trip. B) Because she has just recovered from a disease. C) Because she was shocked by a boy she met before during her trip. D) Because she is really tired after a long journey. 正确答案为C你没有作答。解析:题干的意思是:为什么这位女士心情不好?音频中女士提到在她去中美洲的旅行中遇到了一件令人震惊的事情(a shocking experience),一个她以前认识的、长相帅气的男孩居然为了生计在要饭(You could never imagine what he is doing for a living now. He is begging),所以选C。 10.What does the good-looking boy do for a living now?A) He is a robber. B) He is a beggar. C) He is a policeman. D) He is a businessman. 正确答案为B你没有作答。解析:题干的意思是:这个长相帅气的男孩现在为了生计在干什么?音频中女士提到真让人难以想象,他居然为了生计在韦拉克鲁斯乞讨(You could never imagine what he is doing for a living now. He is begging in Vera Cruz),因此这个人是个乞丐,所以选B。 11.Where did the woman encounter the boy?A) In an outdoor bar. B) On a bus. C) At a restaurant. D) In a supermarket. 正确答案为A你没有作答。解析:题干的意思是:这位女士在哪里碰见了那个男孩?音频中女士提到一天她正在一个露天酒吧喝酒,之后就遇到了这个男孩(One day I was drinking in an outdoor bar and then he came into my sight),所以选A。 ScriptW: What can I do for you, Sir?M: Im going to go to London for a visit. I need to open an account, but I dont know what type of account I should open.W: All right. How long will you stay in London?M: A couple of months, then I will come back.W: How much money would you like to put in the bank?M: About 2,000 pounds.W: Well, you could open a Higher-Interest Deposit Account. You have to open this account with at least 500 pounds.M: What is the advantage of opening the account?W: As the name implies, the main feature of this account is that the net interest is nine percent and the gross interest is 11 percent. If you are a non-resident, you could get interest on gross.M: Oh, I understand. How can I withdraw money? Do I need to get a check book?W: Im afraid the only access is coming to your branch.M: I see. What happens to the account if the balance goes below 500 pounds?W: The rate of interest will be reduced to 5.52 percent. You can go below 500 pounds, but you cant overdraw on this account.M: What should I do if I want to close the account?W: One days notice is needed. You should go to your branch and give notice that you would like to close the account, then come in the following day, and take your money out.M: I see. Thank you very much for your help. 12.What do we know about the man?A) He is a non-Londoner. B) He is a local resident. C) He is an accountant. D) He is a financial advisor. 正确答案为A你没有作答。解析:题干的意思是:关于男士我们知道什么?音频中男士说道他要访问伦敦,需要开一个账户(Im going to go to London for a visit. I need to open an account),接着女士问他在伦敦待多长时间(How long will you stay in London?),男士回答要待几个月,然后就回去(A couple of months, then I will come back)。由此可以推断,这位男士不是伦敦当地人,所以选A。 13.What is the interest rate if the man opens a Higher-Interest Deposit Account and deposits 2,000 pounds?A) 9 percent on net. B) 11 percent on gross. C) 8 percent on net. D) 10 percent on gross. 正确答案为B你没有作答。解析:题干的意思是:如果男士要开一个高息存储账户并存入2000英镑,那么利率是多少?音频中女士提到the main feature of this account is that the net interest is nine percent and the gross interest is 11 percent.If you are a non-resident, you could get interest on gross(这种账户的特点就是净利率为9%,毛利率为11%。如果不是当地人,那么利率为11%),由于男士并不是伦敦人,所以选B。14.What is the interest rate when the balance of a Higher Rate Deposit Account is less than 500 pounds?A) 11.5 percent. B) 9 percent. C) 7.75 percent. D) 5.52 percent. 正确答案为D你没有作答。解析:题干的意思是:当高利率储蓄账户余额不足五500英镑时,利率是多少?音频中男士问道如果账户余额不足500英镑时会怎样(What happens to the account if the balance goes below 500 pounds?),女士回答到利息率会降到5.52%(The rate of interest will be reduced to 5.52 percent),所以选D。 15.What should the man do to close his account according to the woman?A) He should attach a copy of his ID card to his bank book. B) He should hand in an application to the bank in advance. C) He should inform the bank about it one day in advance. D) He should take the money out from the account in advance. 正确答案为C你没有作答。解析:题干的意思是:如果男士要注销账户,他应该怎么办?音频中女士提到需要提前一天通知银行(One days notice is needed),接着又进一步解释需要亲自去她们的支行告知想注销账户,然后第二天再来把钱取走(You should go to your branch and give notice that you would like to close the account, then come in the following day, and take your money out),所以选C。 Section B Understanding PassagesDirections:In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).本题得分:-/10分Script The World Bank estimates that more than 1,000 million people live on less than one dollar a day. These are the poorest of the poor, about one-sixth of the world population. Martin, working for the Development Research Group at the World Bank, says about 50 percent of the people in several African countries are among the worlds poorest. But even though these areas remain extremely poor, world poverty has been cut in half over the last 20 years. The number of poor people dropped by almost 400 million between 1981 and 2001. To reduce poverty, the World Bank says developing countries should expand the possibilities for business and investment. The banks newest World Development Report notes that private industry creates more than 90 percent of jobs in developing countries. Last week, about 50 heads of state discussed ways to reduce poverty during a one-day conference in New York. The leaders and top officials met before the opening of the United Nations General Assembly meeting. The French President called for a world tax to help finance an anti-poverty campaign. Diplomats said international finances, airplane tickets and sales of heavy weapons were just some of the things that could be taxed. Agriculture Secretary representing the United States at the conference said taxes on world trade would be impossible to put in place.16.What is said about the general situation of poverty around the world?A) World poverty has been greatly reduced in the last two decades. B) Little has been done to reduce poverty in some African countries. C) Poverty is becoming increasingly serious in some western countries. D) Asian countries have made the greatest progress in reducing poverty. 正确答案为A你没有作答。解析:题干的意思是:世界贫困人口的总体状况如何?音频中提到在过去的20年中,世界贫困人口的数量减少了一半(world poverty has been cut in half over the last 20 years),其中cut与选项A中的reduced表达的意思相同,都是指“减少”;20 years与选项A中的two decades表达的意思相近,都是指“20年”,所以选A。 17.According to the World Bank, what should developing countries do to reduce poverty?A) Build social welfare systems. B) Reduce taxes of the poor people. C) Establish more technical schools. D) Encourage business and investment. 正确答案为D你没有作答。解析:题干的意思是:为了减少贫困人口数量,世界银行建议发展中国家应该怎样做?音频中提到为了减少贫困人口数量,世界银行建议发展中国家应该扩大贸易、加大投资(To reduce poverty, the World Bank says developing countries should expand the possibilities for business and investment),所以选D。 18.What is the French Presidents suggestion to fight against poverty?A) Give poor countries technical support. B) Reduce the debts of poor countries. C) Collect a world tax. D) Boost world trade. 正确答案为C你没有作答。解析:题干的意思是:为了抵制贫困,法国总统给出了什么建议?音频中提到法国总统倡导征收世界税,目的是为反贫困活动提供资金支持(The French President called for a world tax to help finance an anti-poverty campaign),所以选C。 Script Health experts predict that soon, more people will die from cancer than from AIDS and tuberculosis and malaria combined. They expect that by 2010, cancer will become the worlds leading cause of death. Experts say one reason for more people dying from cancer is that more people are smoking cigarettes in developing countries. Forty percent of the worlds smokers are believed to live in China and India. The WHO report estimates that 12 million people will be found to have some form of cancer this year. It predicts that more than seven million people will die early as a result of cancer. And more than five million of new cancer cases will be found in developing countries. Without new treatments, the WHO says, the number of new cancer patients could reach 27 million a year by 2030. The number of deaths could reach 17 million a year. A separate report in December said the number of men and women dying of cancer in the United States had dropped for the first time on record. The report in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute said the drop was mainly the result of fewer cases of lung cancer in men. In women, it resulted from fewer cases of breast cancer. The American Cancer Society says governments can do things to help prevent the increase in cancer cases and deaths. And the cancer society says health officials and governments should invest more in cancer research and early detection. 19.What is the reason for the increase of deadly cancer in developing countries?A) Polluted environment. B) Excessive drinking. C) Unhealthy dieting. D) Cigarette smoking. 正确答案为D你没有作答。解析:题干的意思是:发展中国家癌症增多的原因是什么?音频中提到专家认为在发展中国家,越来越多的人死于癌症的原因之一是吸烟人数的增多(Experts say one reason for more people dying from cancer is that more people are smoking cigarettes in developing countries),所以选D。 20.What is the general situation of cancer in the US?A) Cancer cases for men have increased in recent years. B) Effective medicine has been invented to fight against cancer. C) The number of people dying from cancer has declined. D) Cancer cases for women have been stable in recent years. 正确答案为C你没有作答。解析:题干的意思是:在美国,癌症的总体情况如何?音频中提到报告显示在美国患癌症的人数首次开始减少(the number of men and women dying of cancer in the United States had dropped for the first time on record),其中drop与选项C中的decline表达的意思相同, 都是“减少、下降”的意思,所以选C。 21.What should governments do to prevent the increase of cancer?A) Establish uniform health standards. B) Support cancer research financially. C) Enforce strict environment laws. D) Establish more cancer hospitals. 正确答案为B你没有作答。解析:题干的意思是:为了防止患癌症人数增加,政府应该采取什么措施?音频中提到政府应该在癌症研究和早期发现两方面加大投资(governments should invest more in cancer research and early detection),其中invest in与support financially表达的意思相近,都是指“提供资金支持”,所以选B。 Script A study has found that most people with severe mental health problems go untreated in developing countries. The World Health Organization says between 75 and 85 percent had no treatment within the past year. In developed countries, between 35 and 50 percent went untreated. Professors of Harvard University examined the results of questions asked of more than 60,000 adults in 14 countries between 2001 and 2003. They asked the same questions in every interview. They wanted to estimate how many people have mental disorders. The percentage of people who said they had a mental disorder differed greatly from country to country. The researchers found that for most countries the rate was between 9 and 20 percent. The United States had the highest, at 26 percent of those questioned. China had the lowest, at four percent. The researchers say they believe this difference shows how mental health is seen differently around the world. They say people in many non-Western countries are often less likely to admit they have problems. In almost every country, the more severe a problem was, the more likely it was to be treated. Still, the researchers say many people with minor mental health problems are treated, while many with serious disorders are not. They say this is not simply a problem of limited treatment resources. It also shows that resources are not being used well. The researchers call for new efforts at early interference. They say early treatment of minor disorders could prevent many serious cases later. 22.What is the passage mainly talking about?A) Effective measures to fight against mental disorders. B) Causes of mental disorders in developing countries. C) Serious consequences of mental disorders among adults. D) General situation of mental disorders around the world. 正确答案为D你没有作答。解析:题干的意思是:音频主要谈论了什么内容?音频开头提到存在精神健康问题的人(A study has found that most people with severe mental health problems),后面提到他们的治疗情况(treatment)以及美国和中国的患病比例,世界各地情况不同(mental health is seen differently around the world)。由此可见本段音频主要是对全世界患有精神疾病的情况的概述,所以选D。 23.What is the purpose of Harvard University professors study?A) To find out the number of people with mental disorders. B) To examine the treatment of mental disorders in developing countries. C) To classify mental disorders around the world into several categories. D) To confirm the relationship between economic status and mental disorders. 正确答案为A你没有作答。解析:题干的意思是:哈佛大学教授们的研究目的是什么?音频提到关键词Professors of Harvard University,后面说研究这些问题(examined the results of questions)是因为他们想知道有多少人患有精神疾病(They wanted to estimate how many people have mental disorders),所以选A。 24.Which of the following statements is true according to the study?A) 26 percent of people in US have mental problems. B) 4 percent of people in China have mental problems C) The rate of interviewees admitting mental disorder was between 9 to 20 percent for most count

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