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8广东省2014年普通高等学校本科插班生招生考试英语(公共课)试题Part Vocabulary and Structure(35%)1. The committee a conclusion only after days of discussion. A.reached B.achieved C.arrived D.completed 2. The next afternoon I went to Miss Barkley again,but found her out. A.call for B.call on C.call up D.call off3. He said was not within his power to answer the question. A.that B.this C.what D.it4. to hurt her,he did not tell her the question. A.Not to want B.Not wanting C.To want not D.Wanting not5. He risked his house when his company went bankrupt. A.to lose B.having lost C.losing D.to have lost6. I didnt hear because there was too much noise where I was sitting. A.what did he say B.what he said C.what was he saying D.what to say7. I cant this type of computer,its too expensive。 A.cost B.spend C.afford D.pay8. Faced with the crisis,the girl looked pale,but was quite . A.silent B.quite C.still D.calm9. He didnt allow in his room.Actually he did not allow his family at all. A.to smoke,to smoke B.smoking,to smoke C.to smoke,smoking D.smoking,smoking10. George took ,of the fine weather to do a days work in his garden. A.advantage B.profit C.use D.charge11. I was very tired.Otherwise,I to the theater with you. A.had gone B.would go C.will have gone D.would have gone12. Seldom in such a rude way. A.we have been treated B.we have treated C.have we been treated D.have we treated13. This well-known international organization was several years ago. A.set up B.made up C.taken up D.got up14. The policeman the thief down the road. A.chased B.ran C.rushed D.raced15. Every means but its not so effective. A.have been tired B.has been tried C.have tried D.has tried16. By the time class was over ,the rain . A.will stop B.would stop C.had stopped D.have stopped17. Fortunately,the demonstration to be quite peaceful. A.turned in B.turned out C.turned off D.turned up18. Mr.Johnson,together with his wife and two daughter, to arrive this evening. A.were B.are C.was D.is19. ,hell make a first-class tennis player. A.Given time B.To give time C.Giving time D.Being given time20. We shall have an opportunity to exchange tomorrow. A.sights B.opinions C.thoughts D.minds21. Many birds the island during the summer months. A.settle B.join C.move D.visit22. Thank you for the you did me to move the sofa upstairs. A.favor B.good C.help D.aid23. I paid him 50 dollars for the painting,but its real must be about 500 dollars. A.fee B.value C.price D.fare24. We enjoyed ourselves very much at the part.You with us. A.must have come B.must come C.should have come D.should come25. Where is the writing desk? A.charming round small B.round small charming C.charming small round D.small round charming26. It would be unwise to too much importance to these opinion polls. A.stick B.give C.apply D.attach27. We havent been able to find out the of the rumor. A.source B.cause C.resource D.reason28. I to come to your house last night but it rained hard. A.thought B.attended C.intended D.considered29. The cost of the reconstruction would from 2.5 to 3 million pounds. A.deserve B.spend C.range D.include30. The authorities have refused to him a visa to visit English. A.arrange B.agree C.approve D.grant31. By the time I saw the job advertised,it was too late to . A.ask B.request C.demand D.apply32. Unfortunately he didnt to read the agreement carefully before signing it. A.bother B.disturb C.trouble D.interrupt33. Import for the first three months this year is larger than for the period last year. A.relating B.concerning C.corresponding D.regarding34. I bought a new bicycle, was very high. A.the price of which B.which price C.price of which D.which the price35. The furniture arrived ,so we had to send it back. A.damaging B.to be damaged C.to damage D.damagedPart Reading Comprehension(40%)Passage1Surfing(浏览)the Internet can be as addictive(上瘾的)as drugs,alcohol or gambling,a researcher from University of Pittsburgh said last month.In a study of almost 400 men and women in Canada,researchers found Internet addiction caused people to spend 40 hours or more a week online.Most of them often got involved in role-playing games or chat room discussion.One 17-year-old boy was so addicted to the Internet activities that his parents had to admit him to a hospital for 10 days treatment.One woman was described by friends and family as a perfect wife and mother.She because so addicted to the Internet that she would not cook or clean and was neglecting her children and husband,because she was spending as much as 12 hours a day talking to people on the Internet.Finally her husband said,“Choose me or the computer.”She divorced him.Kimberly Young,an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Pittsburgh,found that 76 percent of the subjects(调查对象)in the study spend an average of 40 hours a week on the Internet.Of 396 people who met Youngs criteria(标准)for addicted Internet users,157 were men,239 women.The men were younger with an average age of 29;the women average 43 years of age.The largest group of addicted users of the Internet was people who were not working outside home;housewives,students and those who were disabled(残疾)or retired.36. According to the researcher in the University of Pittsburgh,surfing the Internet can be highly . A.tiring B.exciting C.harmful D.wasteful37. After getting addicted to the Internet,the woman . A.chose to leave her husband B.chose to live with her husband C.was too busy with her housework D.was too busy to work38. From the passage,we learn that the majority of addicted Internet users are . A.middle-aged men B.middle-aged women C.young men D.young women39. According to this research,people who are likely to become addicted Internet users are . A.those who are busy with their work B.those who want to make friends C.those who are not employed D.those who are fond of taking40. The writers attitude towards Internet surfing is . A.supportive B.negative C.neutral D.practicalPassage 2Many parents complain that their teenage children are rebelling(叛逆).I wish it were it were so.At this age you ought to be growing away from your parents.You should be learning to stand on your own feet.But take a good look at the present rebellion.It seems that teenagers are all taking the same way of showing that they disagree with their parents.They say they want to dress as they please,but all of them wear the same clothes.They set off in new directions in music,but all of them end up listening to the same record.Their reason for thinking or acting is that the others are doing it that way.It has become harder and harder for a teenager to stand up against the popularity wave and go his or her own way.These days every teenager can learn from the advertisements what a teenager should have and be.And many of todays parent have come to award(给予)high marks for the popularity of their children.All this adds up to a great barrier for the teenager who wants to find his or her own path.But the barrier is worth climbing over.The path is worth following.You may to listen to classical music instead of going to a party.You may want to collect rocks when everyone else is collecting records and stamps.Well,go to it.Find yourself.Popularity will come with the people who respect you for who you are.Thats the only kind of popularity that really counts.41. Which of the following is true according to paragraph 1? A.Parents are happy that their children rebel. B.Teenagers should not live with their parents. C.The author of this passage agrees with the parents. D.Parents dislike their childrens rebellion.42. The kind of rebellion mentioned in this passage is that all teenagers . A.dress in their own ways B.wear the same clothes C.listen to the same music D.act in the same way43. According to the writer,many teenagers think they are brave enough to act on their own,but in fact,most of them . A.have difficulty understanding each other B.follow the popularity wave C.dare to deal with problems by themselves D.are very much afraid of getting lonely44. Which of the following is one way of“climbing over the barrier”according to the author? A.Listening to classical music B.Going to evening parties C.Collecting records and stamps D.Learning from advertisements 45. In this passage the writer wants to tell . A.teenagers how to decide things for themselves B.readers how to be popular with other people C.parents how to control and guide their children D.people how to understand and respect each otherPassage3A moments drilling by the dentist may make us nervous and upset.Many of us cannot stand pain.To avoid the pain of a drilling that may last perhaps a minute or two,we demand the needle that deadens the nerves around the tooth.Now its true that the human body has developed its millions of nerves to be highly aware of what goes on both inside and outside it.This helps us adjust to the world.Without our nerves and our brain,we wouldnt know whats happening.But we pay for our sensitive.We can feel pain when the slightest thing is wrong with any part of our body.The history of torture(酷刑)is based on the human body being open to pain.But there is a way to handle pain.Some Indian monks can sit on a bed of mails.Fakirs(托钵僧)can put a needle right through an arm,and feel no pain.This ability that some humans have developed to handle pain should given us ideas about how the mind can deal with pain.The big thing in standing pain is our attitude toward it.If the dentist says this will hurt a little,it helps us to accept the pain.By staying relaxed,and by treating the pain as an interesting sensation(感觉),we can handle the pain calmly.After all。Although pain is an unpleasant sensation,it is still a sensation,and sensation are the stuff of life.46. The word“deaden”in paragraph 1 probably means“ ”. A.increase B.restrain C.improve D.excite47. The sentence“But we pay for our sensitivity”in the second paragraph means that . A.we should pay a debt for our feeling B.we have to be hurt when we feel something C.our pain is worthwhile D.when we feel pain,we are suffering it48. When the author mentions the Indian fakir,he suggests that . A.Indians are not at all afraid of pain B.some people may be senseless of pain C.some people are able to handle pain D.fakirs have magic to avoid pain49. Which of the following is true? A.The nerves play an important part in feeling pain. B.We can only feel pain when badly wounded. C.The dentists can do nothing to the pain. D.Everyone should try his best to avoid pain.50. The most important thing to handle pain is how to . A.avoid pain B.put up with pain C.look at pain D.stop painPassage 4There is a popular belief among parents that schools are no longer interested in spelling.No school I have taught in has ever ignored spelling or considered it unimportant as a basic skill.There are,however,vastly different ideas about how to teach it,or how much priority(优先)it must be given over general language development and writing ability.The problem is how to encourage a child to express himself freely and confidently in writing without holding him back with the complexities(复杂性)of spelling.If spelling becomes the only focus of his teachers internet,clearly a bright child will be likely to play safe.He will tend to write only words within his spelling range,choosing to avoid adventurous language.Thats why teachers often encourage the early use of dictionaries and pay attention to content rather than technical ability.I was once shocked to read on the bottom of a piece of writing about a personal experience:“This work is terrible!”There are far too many spelling errors in the writing,but it was also a sad reflection on the teacher who had feelings.“The teacher was not wrong to draw attention to the errors,but if his priorities had centered the pupil to improve his writing.”51. Which of the following is true according to paragraph 1? A.Parents are not interested in spelling. B.Schools are not interested in spelling. C.Teachers must give top priority to spelling. D.Complex spelling prevents free writing.52. From the passage,we can infer that . A.parents support how the schools teach spelling. B.parents dont know how the school teach spelling C.people agree on the importance of spelling in writing D.people agree on how to teach spelling in writing53.In the second paragraph,the expression“play safe”most probably means“ ”. A.pay more attention to the ideas B.write freely and smoothly C.avoid words he is not sure of D.use dictionaries very early54. Which of the following is true according to the last paragraph? A.The writing did not truly reflect the feelings. B.The teacher liked the writing very much. C.The teachers priority was on the childs ideas. D.The author disagreed to the teachers comments.55. This passage mainly discusses . A.the necessity of teaching spelling in writing B.the role of developing writing skills C.the complexities of spelling D.the relationship between spelling and ideasPart Cloze(10%) Have you 56 asked yourself why children go to school?You will probably say that they go 57 their own language and other languages,arithmetic,history,science and 58 subjects.That is quite true;but why do they learn these things?And are these things 59 that they learn at school? We 60 our children to school to 61 them for the time 62 they are grown-up and have to work 63 their own.Nearly all they learn at school has some 64 use in their life,but is that the only reason 65 they go to school?There is 66 in education than just learning facts.We go to school 67 all to learn how to learn, 68 when we have 69 school we can continue to learn.A man who really knows 70 will always be successful,because 71 he has to do something new which he has never had to do 72 he will rapidly teach himself how to do it in the best 73 .The uneducated person, 74 ,is probably unable to do something new,or does it badly.The purpose of schools,therefore is not just to teach languages,arithmetic,ect 75 to teach students the way to learn.56.A.either B.forever C.ever D.never57.A.learning B.to learn C.for learning D.in learning58.A.all other B.all others C.all the other D.all the others59.A.each B.ones C.every D.all60.A.send B.get C.fetch D.select61.A.set B.prepare C.make D.give62.A.where B.when C.while D.how63.A.on B.for C.with D.to64.A.realistic B.effective C.efficient D.practical65.A.why B.which C.how D.what66.A.much B.most C.many D.more67.A.above B.over C.on D.beyond68.A.so as B.as that C.so that D.such that69.A.remained B.left C.get out D.went away70.A.how to be learned B.how to learn C.hoe to have learned D.how learning71. A.whenever B.whichever C.whatever D.however72. A.ago B.later C.before D.after73. A.path B.course C.road D.way74. A.on another hand B.on other hand C.on the other hands D.on the other hand75. A.yet B.however C.but D.orPart IV Writing(15%)76. 你叫张新,与李明是好朋友,在不同大学读书。你得知他沉迷于(indulge in)玩网络游戏(online game-playing),影响了学习,期末考试有几门课程不及格。请给他写封信,说明沉迷与网游的危害,劝他珍惜大学时光。学好专业知识。 温馨提示:不可将上述内容直接翻译成英语;信中不能出现考生的真实姓名与学校名广东省2014年普通高等学校本科插班生招生考试英语(公共课)试题答案及评分标准1.A 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.C 6.B 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.A11.D 12.C 13.A 14.A 15.B 16.C 17.B 18.D 19.A 20.B21.D 22.A 23.B 24.C 25.C 26.D 27.A 28.C 29.C 30.D31.D 32.A 33.C 34.A 35.D 36.C 37.A 38.B 39.C 40.B41.D 42.A 43.B 44.A 45.D 46.B 47.D 48.C 49.A 50.C51.D 52.B 53.C 54.D 55.D 56.C 57.B 58.C 59.D 60.A61.B 62.B 63.A 64.D 65.A 66.D 67.A 68.C 69.B 70.B71.A 72.C 73.D 74.D 75.CPart Writing(15%)76.(Omitted)作文评分标准: 作文部分满分是15分,可按五档评分:2分,5分,8分,11分及14分。 阅卷人员根据考生的作文,参照评分标准,在某一分数档次(如8分)上进行加减,即若认为稍优于或稍劣于该分数档则可加一份(即9分)或减一分(即7分)。但不得加或减半分。评分标准: 2分条理不清,思路混乱,内容不明确,语言支离破碎,只有几个语句,且大部分句子有严重语言错误。 5分基本切题,表达思想基本清楚,但连贯性差,有较多的语言错误,字数少于80。 8分比较切题,但仍有些地方表达不够清楚,文字基本连贯;仍有少数较严重语言错误;字数多于80。 11分切题,表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误,字数少于100. 14分很切题,表达思想十分清楚,行文相当通顺,连贯性较好,基本上无语言错误,字数不少于100。 (1)白卷:完全文不对题;默写或从试卷其他地方抄来的与作文主题无关的材料;只有几个孤立的单词而未表达任何思想等情况,均给0分。 (2)字数不足应酌情扣分。


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