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口语测试第一部分:样题及详解一、 自我介绍涵盖自己的专业介绍,家乡特色,个人爱好,生活态度等二、 短文朗读Task 1 Read Aloud (preparation time: 45 seconds; response time: 1 min) Many people would list San Francisco as one of the most delightful cities in the world. Sitting on the Pacific coast, it gives you a feeling of the sea. The sea breezes wake you up and make you eat well and sleep well. The city was planned with straight roads, and these roads cross each other at right angles, making squares as they do in many American cities. Very often you can find yourself on top of a hill in the city, looking down one of these straight roads as it rises and falls on its journey through the town. A good way to travel these roads is by cable car. These are buses that run on rails in the ground up and down the steep hills. 三、 简短问答 Question and AnswerQuestion 1: what would many people think of San Francisco according to the passage? (20 seconds)Question 2: which city in China do you like most? And why? (response time: 20 seconds)四、 个人陈述Individual presentation: (preparation time” 45 seconds; response time: 1 min)看图说话:古树禁止登攀。答题思路:图片所传达的核心问题是旅游中的不文明行为我们可以围绕这一核心问题,从以下3个方面展开陈述:(1) 描述图片,点明问题首先要从整体上概括图片所呈现的核心问题,即旅游中的不文明行为。As the cartoon has described, some tourists behave in uncivilized ways.接着,进一步描述图片的具体内容。本题图片展示了人们的两种不文明行为,一是在名胜古迹上刻字,二是在照相时破坏古树。Some people carve their names onto scenic spots, and some people even climb the ancient trees to take photos disregarding the “No Climbing” notice.(2) 分析影响首先,可以先从整体上概括这一问题带来的影响。This phenomenon is becoming is a real embarrassment for all of us.下面,具体阐述其影响,一般两点即可。比如,一方面,旅游中的不文明行为与中国经济发展的步伐不相适应,显得缺乏教养。For one thing, when we are developing tourism for the national economy, such behaviors seem quite undeveloped and uneducated. 两点影响之间最好采用递进的逻辑关系, 第二点影响更为严重,即中国游客的不文明行为有损中国的国际形象。Whats more, more and more reports about Chinese tourists uncivilized behaviors have appeared in foreign media. Complaints about Chinese tourists bad manners are increasing in some foreign countries. As a result, Chinas international image has been seriously affected. (3) 提出解决办法最后必须提出解决问题的建议,可以从教育,监管等方面进行考虑。To solve the problem properly, I think the government should play a role in education and regulation. Public manners in tourism should be given higher priority in school education, and legal devices can also be sued to regulate peoples uncivilized behaviors in tourism.范文: As the cartoon has described, some tourists behave in uncivilized ways. Some people carve their names onto scenic spots, and some people even climb the ancient trees to take photos disregarding the “No Climbing” notice. These uncivilized behaviors show that many people lack the awareness of proper behaviors when traveling. This phenomenon is becoming a real embarrassment for all of us. For one thing, when we are developing tourism for the national economy, such behaviors seem quite undeveloped and uneducated. Whats more, more and more reports about Chinese tourists uncivilized behaviors have appeared in foreign media. Complaints about Chinese tourists bad manners are increasing in some foreign countries. As a result, chinas international image has been seriously affected.To solve the problem properly, I think the government should play a role in education and regulation. Public manners in tourism should be given higher priority in school education, and legal devices can also be used to regulate peoples uncivilized behaviors in tourism. 五、 小组互动(Preparation time: 1 min; Response time: 3 mins)Suppose you have three days to go sightseeing together. Talk with each other and make a plan for your trip. You plan may include:1. Place(s) to visit2. Means of transportation3. Schedule答题要点:题目设定的情景是你们将要进行一个为期3天的旅行,因此需要讨论制定一份旅行计划。在讨论中,需要谈到的要点包括:1. 推荐旅行地点,并说明原因首先可以说明自己选择旅行地点的原则,比如,根据旅行时间长短选择。然后再向同伴推荐具体的旅行地点并简要说明原因。Three days is not too long, so I think we should go to a place not too far away. How about Chengde? It is a tourist city in Hebei province, and only about 200 kilometers away from Beijing.2. 选择交通方式,并说明理由选择交通方式的因素有很多,可以是便利性,安全性,速度耗时,价格等等,比如对于这次短途旅行,可以主要考虑便利性。Coach is much more convenient because it can take us directly to the Imperial Summer Resort.3. 拟定日程安排,并做详细说明(1) 拟定日程安排时,首先需要确定出发时间与到达时间。We can start our journey at 7 oclock on the first day, and may arrive at Chengde at about 11:30.(2) 接着,可以开始安排每一天的具体行程,包括选择游览景点,为不同的经典安排不同的游览时间。And the other half of the day is too short for us to visit the Imperial Summer Resort, so I suggest we visit the temples around the Resort after lunch.I think we need to spend the whole day in the Summer Resort, am I right?On the third day, we may spend half a day visiting the Panchui Tower National Forest Park. It is said that it usually takes 3 hours to go through the whole park.(3) 在谈及游览一个具体的景点时,可以针对景点安排一些具体的游览活动。As the Summer Resort is an ancient construction, we need a guide to help us understandits history and other stories about it. 为了使讨论更加连贯,顺利地展开,在交谈中还需要运用一些交际策略:1. 询问对方意见,以此推动交谈的展开(1) 为了推动交谈的展开,可以指出待讨论的事项,并询问对方的观点。Now , we are supposed to decide on a place to visit for three days. Do you have any ideas?What means of transportation shall we use? Coach? Or railway? Wow, thats a wonderful plan for the second day. How about the third day?(2) 也可以在表达完自己的观点后,及时询问对方的意见。I suggest we visit the temples around the Resort after lunch. It is said that there are altogether 12 temples in the Resort area, and the Puning Temple is the largest and most famous one. Shall we go there?I think we need to spend the whole day in the Summer Resort, am I right?2. 交谈中及时对对方的看法进行评论和回应。交谈中及时对对方的看法进行评论和回应,是一种交际礼貌。同时也是保证会话顺利进行的有效策略。Wow, thats a good idea.I totally agree with you. Perfect.第二部分:模拟题(5套)CET-4 Spoken English Test考试流程:考试流程内容时间形式1考生对设备进行测试5分钟考生自主完成2Self-introduction1分钟人机对话两人轮流3Read Aloud2分钟人机对话两人轮流(45秒准备,1分朗读)4Q&A1分钟人机对话5Personal Presentation2分钟人机对话6Pair Work4分钟人人对话样卷一一、自我介绍涵盖自己的专业介绍,个人爱好等。二、短文朗读Task 1 Read Aloud (preparation time: 45 seconds; response time: 1 min)Flextime is a flexible hours schedule that allows workers to alter workday start and finish times. In contrast to traditional 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. work arrangements, flextime typically. involves a “core” period of the day during which employees are required to be at work. The working day outside of the “core” period is flexible time, in which employees can choose when they work. Advantages of a flexible policy include allowing employees to coordinate their work hours with public transport schedules, with the schedules of their children, and with daily traffic patterns to avoid rush hours. Some claim that flexible working hours will change the nature of the way we work. , 三、简短问答Question and AnswerQuestion 1: What is the flextime?Question 2: whats the advantages of a flexible policy? (Response time: 20 seconds)四、Personal presentation: My reasons for a flexible working hours arrangement四、 小组互动(Preparation time: 1 min; Response time: 3 mins)Suppose you have three days to go sightseeing together. Talk with each other and make a plan for your trip. You plan may include:1. Place(s) to visit2. Means of transportation3. Schedule样卷二一、自我介绍涵盖自己的专业介绍,个人爱好等二、短文朗读Task 1 Read Aloud (preparation time: 45 seconds; response time: 1 min)Seen as the industry standard for delivering interactive multimedia presentation, PowerPoint is beginning to pop up in classrooms across the nation.PowerPoint is a wonderful tool for learning in both a student and teacher-directed situation. It can add a new dimension to learning, allowing teachers to explain abstract concepts, while accommodating all learning styles. Used properly, PowerPoint can be one of the most powerful tools for delivering information. Employed inappropriately, PowerPoint could potentially confuse students and make learning a difficult process.Once you start using PowerPoint, dont forget to look back and ask yourself: “Is this making me a better teacher?” Technology is a lot of things, but it shouldnt take the place of well-polished traditional methods of teaching and learning., 三、简短问答Question and AnswerQuestion 1: What have you got from the passage?Question 2: Do you agree your Ss to take pictures of your PPT? (Response time: 20 seconds)四、Personal presentation: The use of PowerPoint in class五、 Pair work (Preparation time: 1 min; Response time: 3 mins)Your discussion may include: -the topic of your presentation -the major points to be presented -division of labor(what each of you will do)样卷三一、自我介绍涵盖自己的专业介绍,个人爱好等。二、短文朗读Task 1 Read Aloud (preparation time: 45 seconds; response time: 1 min)Your body contains more water than anything else-about 60 percent of your total body weight. Water helps regulate your body temperature, transports nutrients, and helps remove waster. The big question is how much water you need to drink every day. Although thats a simple question, it doesnt have an easy answer. It depends on some environmental and physical factors that can change every day. Also, its not just the water you drink-about 20 percent of your water intake comes from the goods you eat. The remaining 80 percent comes from beverages, including water, coffee, tea, milk, and anything liquid. The health authorities commonly recommend eight glasses, which equals about 2 liters, or half a gallon. , 三、简短问答Question and AnswerQuestion 1: What can you get from the text about the function of water?Question 2: what do you often drink in your daily life? (Response time: 20 seconds)四、Personal presentation: Reasons behind young peoples preference for soft drinks五、 Pair work (Preparation time: 1 min; Response time: 3 mins)Your discussion may include: -make know the harm soft drinks may do to health -urge the government to regulate the sales of soft drinks -impose a heavier tax on the sales of soft drinks.样卷四一、自我介绍涵盖自己的专业介绍,个人爱好等二、短文朗读Task 1 Read Aloud (preparation time: 45 seconds; response time: 1 min)A good lecture starts with the lecturer. I went to a day of lectures at the Museum of London some years ago. The first, I wont name names, was on the Rome Army and was delivered effectively without notes. The lecturer made eye contact with his audience and seemed to be talking to you individually. He got a round of applause. But then he was followed by a poor woman for whom this was obviously the first time to face such a large audience. She stood on the platform reading from a carefully prepared script never once looking at her audience, I have no idea what she was talking about. Her flat voice soon made me feel sleepy., 三、简短问答Question and AnswerQuestion 1: What do you think contribute to an effective lecturer?Question 2: Besides eye-contact, what do you think is important for making a successful lecture? (Response time: 20 seconds)四、Personal presentation: The importance of communicative skills五、 Pair work (Preparation time: 1 min; Response time: 3 mins)Your discussion may include: -the topic of your lecture -the main points of your lecture and supporting ideas -the methods of presentation.样卷五一、自我介绍涵盖自己的专业介绍,个人爱好等二、短文朗读Task 1 Read Aloud (preparation time: 45 seconds; response time: 1 min)Hilary Putnam was born in Chicago, Illinois, in 1926. His father was a scholar of Romance languages, columnist, and translator who wrote for the Daily Worker, a publication of the American Communist Party, from 1936 to 1946. Putnam attended Central High School, there he met Noam Chomsky, who was a year behind him. The two had been friends-and often intellectual opponents-ever since. Putnam studied mathematics and philosophy at the University of Pennsylvania, receiving his BA. He went on to do graduate work in philosophy at Harvard University, and later at UCLAs Philosophy Department, where he received his Ph.D. in 1951. Putnams dissertation supervisor was a leading figure in the dominant school of philosophy of the day. , 三、简短问答Question and AnswerQuestion 1: What do you know of Hilary Putnam?Question 2: what do you think of philosophy? (Response time: 20 seconds)四、Personal presentation: A most influential philosopher I know of五、 Pair work (Preparation time: 1 min; Response time: 3 mins)Your presentation may include: -reasons for inviting this speaker -topic -time and place.样卷六一、自我介绍涵盖自己的专业介绍,个人爱好等二、短文朗读Task 1 Read Aloud (preparation time: 45 seconds; response time: 1 min)As globalization is bringing the world ever closer together, the need for global citizens to be competent in other languages is becoming increasingly important. The United States is the only developed country that routinely graduates students from high school who lack knowledge of a foreign language. Whereas 52.7% of Europeans are fluent in both their native tongue and at least one other languages, only 9.3% of Americans are fluent in both their native tongue and another language. This statistic does not project a good future for America in a global society. The upward trend in Language learning must accelerate if the U.S. is to continue to be s major participant on the international stage. , 三、简短问答Question and AnswerQuestion 1: What is the future of the Chinese language in a globalized world?Question 2: Do you think globalization is necessary? Why? (Response time: 20 seconds)四、Personal presentation: The future of the Chinese language in a globalized world五、 Pair work (Preparation time: 1 min; Response time: 3 mins)Your presentation may include: -hiring teachers -preparing teaching materials -finding a suitable place.


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