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(1) We are thus led to distinguish, within the broad educational process which we have been so far considering, a more formal kind of education - that of direct tuition or schooling.主干识别:We are thus led to distinguish a more formal kind of education其他成分:within the broad educational process 状语 which we have been so far considering “ process”的定语 that of direct tuition or schooling. 同位语翻译点拨:distinguish 区分出 consider考虑/讨论 tuition 直接讲授 schooling 学校教育主句的处理:We are thus led to distinguish a more formal kind of education直接翻译为:我们进而被引导去区分(引导我们的就是我们自己)。翻译中常常是将被动变为主动,“得以”是常见的替换方。同位语的处理:that of direct tuition or schooling.改译为:这就使我们进而得以去区分一种更加正式的教育。参考译文: 这就使我们进而得以在一直讨论的广义的教育过程中去区分出一种更加正式的教育,也就是直接讲授或学校教育。(2)From the beginning of our history, says Hofstadter, our democratic and populist urges have driven us to reject anything that smells of elitism.【词汇突破】democratic:民主的 populist:平民主义的【主干识别:】our democratic and populist urges have driven us to reject anything+定语从句【其他成分】says Hofstadter插入语;our democratic and populist urges have driven us to可提炼出 sth has driven sb to do 这个句型;that smells of elitism定语从句,修饰anything。(注意smell的介词搭配)【微观解析】若是觉得插入语干扰了正常的理解,可将这个句子变为Hofstadter aid ,”From the beginning of our history, our democratic and populist urges have driven us to reject anything that smells of elitism。”这样的由直接引语构成的宾语从句会降低句子的难度【难点揭秘】灵活的利用插入语改变句式是这个句子给我们的启示。【译文赏析】Hofstadter说,从我们的历史一开始,我们对于民主化和大众化的渴求就迫使我们拒绝一切带有精英主义色彩的东西(3)Islamic law is a phenomenon so different from all other forms of lawnotwithstanding,of course,aconsiderable and inevitable number of coincidences with one or the otherof them as far as subject matter and positive enactments are concernedthat its study is indispensable in order toappreciate adequately the full range ofpossible legal phenomena.词汇突破:notwithstanding prep.尽管;虽然 Indispensable 不可缺少的As far as就而言 Enactments 实施 Coincidences 巧合 主干识别:Islamic law is a phenomenon so different from all other forms of law其他成分:that its study is indispensable in order to appreciate adequately the full range ofpossible legal phenomena. 结果状语难点在于插入语,as far as subject matter and positive enactments are concerned就其涉及的内容和实际的实施情况而言a considerable and inevitable number of coincidences with one or the other of them(这是一个名词结构,可以翻译为一个句子)伊斯兰法律同这种或那种法律(one or the other of them)存在着大量和不可避免的一致之处。参考译文:当然,尽管,伊斯兰法律就其涉及的内容和实际的实施情况而言,同这种和那种法律之间存在着大量的和不可避免的一致之处,但是这种法律确实是一个与其他的形式的法律都如此不同的法律现象,以至于对它的研究确实是不可缺少的,这样才能充分理解所有可能的全部范围的法律现象。(4)The true enemies of science, argues Paul Ehrllch of Stanford University, a pioneer of environmental studies, are those who question the evidence supporting global warming, the depletion of the ozone layer and other consequences of industrial growth.【词汇突破】depletion:消耗(consume的同义替换词)ozone layer:臭氧层(碰到这种专业词汇不要慌张,判断出它是一个名词即可)【主干识别】the enemies are those 加定语从句【其他成分】argues Paul Ehrllch of Stanford University插入语,相当于上一句中的says Hofstadter,of Stanford University做定语修饰Paul Ehrllch;a pioneer of environmental studies:插入语;who question the evidence supporting global warming, the depletion of the ozone layer and other consequences of industrial growth定语从句修饰those。【微观解析】a pioneer of environmental studies插入语,改写为who is a pioneer of environmental studies就可以很快判断出它是修饰Paul Ehrllch的,而并非是句子的主语。定语从句中supporting global warming作evidence的定语(仍旧是修饰形式的变化)。【译文赏析】 环境研究的先驱、斯坦福大学的保罗厄尔里西认为,科学真正的敌人是那些对支持全球变暖、臭氧层损耗以及工业发展的其他后果的证据提出置疑的人。(5) Time was when biologists somewhat over worded the evidence that these creatures preserve the health of game by killing the physically weak, or that they prey only on worthless species.主干识别:Time was when主系表结构其他成分:biologists somewhat over worded the evidence 表语从句that these creatures preserve the health of game by killing the physically weak, evidence的同位语从句之一;or that they prey only on worthless species. evidence的同位语从句之二词汇点拨:Game 猎物 Preserve保持 the physically weak 体弱者prey 猎杀 somewhat或多或少 over worded 过多的提及(滥用)成分的点拨: Time was when= there was time when曾经有段时间,同位语从句的处理:或者 “即,”“也就是说”成分的处理:biologists somewhat over worded the evidence生物学家或多或少滥用了一种证据,that these creatures preserve the health of game by killing the physically weak,即这些生物通过杀死体弱者来保持种群的健康,or that they prey only on worthless species.或者说它们仅仅捕食没有价值的物种。参考译文:曾经有段时间,生物学家或多或少滥用了一种证据,即这些生物通过杀死体弱者来保持种群的健康,或者说它们仅仅仅捕食没有价值的物种。(6) But his primary task is not to think about the moral code which governs his activity, any more than a businessman is expected to dedicate his energies to an exploration of rules of conduct in business. 解析:这句话主要难在not. . . any more than.这一引导两个 句子进行比较的结构上。Any more than主要用在否定句当中,表示强调语气,如: He did not want to express himself any more strongly than he had to(不到万不得已他并不想这样言辞激烈)。可以把这句话简化为这样一个结构便于理解: task is not to think about something, just as a businessman is not expected to do something(他的任务不是考虑,就如同不指望一个商人去做的一样)。 Rules都可译成“规范”。 除此之外,还应注意moral code和rules of conduct的译法,这里的code和rules都可译成“规范”。参考译文:但是,他的首要任务并不是考虑支配自己行动的道德规范,就如同不能指望商人会探索行业规范一样。那么现在我们来看一下这个句子:Nobody with any sense expects to find the whole truth in job advertisement any more than he expects a man applying for a job to describe his shortcomings and more serious faults.解析:这个句子同样是结构:not.any more than 的变体;在这里not 变成了nobody;Nobody with any sense expects to find the whole truth in job advertisement.先翻前半句:任何有头脑的人都不指望招聘广告里说的话都是真话,any more than + 否定含义,同样他也不会指望求职者会说出自己的缺点和严重过失。参考译文:任何有头脑的人都不指望招聘广告里说的话都是真话,同样他也不会指望求职者会说出自己的缺点和严重过失。(7) Its all deliciously ironic when you consider that Shakespeare, who earns their living, was himself an actor (with a beard) and did his share of noise-making.【词汇突破】deliciously 美味的,但在这个句子里若是这样翻译就太死板了。在无法准确的理解副词意思的情况下,大可将其做very 来理解【主干识别】it is ironic+时间状语从句【其他成分】when you consider that 时间状语从句;who earns their living 非限制性定语从句,修饰Shakespeare,其特殊在于处于主谓之间,起到了主谓隔离的作用,这样处理使句子内部长短相间,错落有致,写作中可以灵活运用。【微观解析】首先要找清楚Shakespeare所搭配的动词是 was,而且was himself an actor (with a beard) and did his share of noise-making.这个句子是强调句(部分强调),可还原为when you consider that Shakespeare was an actor (with a beard) and his share of noise-making.其次再找定语从句who earns their living的修饰对象是Shakespeare。【难点揭秘】这个句子的巧妙之处在于定语从句的位置以及为配合语气所做的强调处理,建议写作时适当运用.【译文赏析】想想给他们带来生机的莎士比亚本人就是一个演员(而且留胡子),他也是这些噪音的一部分,你就会觉得这一切颇具讽刺意味。【翻译点拨】did his share of noise-making 在翻译时不要生硬的翻译为:为噪声的制造做出了自己的贡献,这里的翻译可以是:他也参与了噪声的制造或者是他就是噪声中的一部分。(8)This, for those as yet unaware of such a disadvantage, refers to discrimination against those whose surnames begin with a letter in the lower half of the alphabet.【词汇突破】discrimination:歧视 alphabet:字母表【主干识别】This refers to discrimination against those加定语从句【其他成分】for those as yet unaware of such a disadvantage:插入语,可改写为:for those who are unaware of such a disadvantage as yet理解起来会方便很多;as yet至今;whose surnames begin with a letter in the lower half of the alphabet定语从句。【微观解析】若是对于句中的插入语理解起来有困难,不妨试着改变它的句式结构,将长定语还原为定语从句,而这种方法的逆向思维可以与写作相结合,使文章的句式更加灵活多变。【译文赏析】对于那些还不了解这种危害的人来说,它指的是对姓氏首字母位于字母表后半部分的人的歧视(9)Nor, if regularity and conformity to a standard pattern are as desirable to the scientist as the writing of his papers would appear to reflect, is management to be blamed for discriminating against the odd balls among researchers in favor of more conventional thinkers who work well with the team.【词汇突破】regularity 常规性;conformity 一致性;conventional 传统的desirable 令人满意的,令人希望的,值得拥有的例:It is desirable that you should be there by two oclock.(希望你两点能到那里。)【主干识别】Nor is management to be blamed. Nor置于句首引起倒装,正常语序为management is not to be blamed.【其他成分】if regularity and conformity to a standard pattern are as desirable to the scientist as the writing of his papers would appear to reflect状语从句;for discriminating against the odd balls among researchers in favor of more conventional thinkers who work well with the team状语。【微观解析】if regularity and conformity to a standard pattern are as desirable to the scientist as the writing of his papers would appear to reflect主干为:regularity and conformity are as desirable;to a standard pattern定语修饰regularity and conformity;to the scientist状语; as the writing of his papers would appear to reflect. As 引导的定语从句修饰 regularity and conformity,as在句中做 reflect的宾语,如果在科学家的论文中所反应出的对于标准模板的遵守和认同正是其所想得到的话。【难点揭秘】由于nor 置于句首所引起的倒装和由as 所引导的定语从句造成阅读上的困难。【译文赏析】如果在科学家的论文中所反应出的对于标准模板的遵守和认同正是其所想得到的话,那么管理层就不该因歧视研究者中的思维与众不同的人,喜欢其中较为传统的善于团队合作的思想者而受到指责了。(10)But the human mind can glimpse a rapidly changing scene and immediately disregard the 98 percent that is irrelevant, instantaneously focusing on the monkey at the side of a winding forest road or the single suspicious face in a big crowd.词汇突破:glimpse快速的看一眼;Disregard 抛弃、丢弃;Irrelevant不相干;Instantaneously 立即;Winding 蜿蜒曲折的;Suspicious 可疑的主干识别:the human mind can glimpse a rapidly changing scene and immediately disregard the 98 percent并列的两个动词 glimpse和disregard其他成分:that is irrelevant 修饰 the 98 percent; focusing on the monkey at the side of a winding forest road or the single suspicious face in a big crowd. 现在分词短语做状语,focus 的动作发出者就是句子主语human mind;微析:the monkey or the single suspicious face 为focus on 的并列宾语译文赏析: 但是人类的大脑可以只迅速地瞟一眼一个快速改变的场面,然后立刻放弃98的不相关信息,而马上聚焦于一条崎岖森林道路边的一只猴子,或者在茫茫人海中的一张可疑的脸。(11)With economic growth has come centralization: fully 76 percent of Japans 119 million citizens live in cities where community and the extended family have been abandoned in favor of isolated, two-generation households.【词汇突破】abandoned 抛弃;extended family 大家庭【主干识别】centralization has come with economic growth.在写作的时候可以用这个句型:with B has come A(随着BA)【其他成分】:fully 76 percent of Japans 119 million citizens live in cities where community and the extended family have been abandoned in favor of isolated, tow-generation households冒号后接定语修饰centralization。【微观解析】fully 76 percent of Japans 119 million citizens live in cities为句子主干,where community and the extended family have been abandoned in favor of isolated, tow-generation households.定语从句修饰cities。【难点揭秘】对于倒装的识别和系动词完成时态的识别。【译文赏析】随着经济的增长,出现了集中化:全国119亿公民,其中整整76的人口定居城市:在这里,原来的社区和多代同堂的大家庭已被摒弃,取而代之的是与外界疏于往来的、只由两代人组成的核心家庭.(12)The newly described languages were often so strikingly different from the well studied languages of Europe and Southeast Asia that some scholars even accused Boas and Sapir of fabricating their data.主干识别:这是一个带有结果状语从句的系表结构,主句系表结构的框架为: The languages were so different from that 各种语言是如此的不同,以至于其他成分:结果状语:some scholars even accused Boas and Sapir of fabricating their data.一些学者甚至指责Boas 和Sapir编造了他们的资料定语:The newly described languages 这些新近被描述的语言介词from 的宾语:the well studied languages of Europe and Southeast Asia 经过充分研究的欧洲和东南亚的语言翻译点拨: accused sb. of sth. (指责谴责某人作了某事)fabricating(捏造, 伪造, 虚构)The newly described(这些新近被描述的)strikingly different(显著的不同)the well studied languages(经过充分研究的各种语言)的准确译法此句难点有三处:1)strikingly different 差别显著。许多人不理解strikingly,要么不译,要么错译为“严格不同”,“完全差别”。 2)sothat (如此) 以至于。由于sothat间隔长,有的考生看不道这一句法结构,错把that后的从句当作South Asia的定语,译文语义混乱。 3)fabricating 编造。这个词许多人不认识,错译为 “构造”,“修饰”,“弄错”或“修改”。参考译文:这些新近被描述的各种语言与经过充分研究的欧洲和东南亚的语言是如此的显著的不同,以至于一些学者甚至指责Boas 和Sapir编造了他们的资料。(13)Sad to say, this project has turned out to be mostly low-level findings about factual errors and spelling and grammar mistakes, combined with lots of head-scratching puzzlement about what in the world those readers really want.词汇突破:head-scratching:令人头疼的;Puzzlement困惑主干识别: This project has turned out to be findings combined with lots of head-scratching puzzlement 加上后面一系列的对于findings的修饰。其他成分: Sad to say 状语: 遗憾的说。about what in the world those readers really want.定语修饰puzzlement (about +what 引导的从句)。In the world 状语做插入语,表示强调。从句的主干为:what those readers really want.微观解析: factual errors and spelling and grammar mistakes。这个并列结构是factual errors和spelling and grammar mistakes的并列。combined with 相当一个连词and 。 译文赏析:遗憾的说,这个项目最终被证明是一个很低级的研究,它着眼于错误的事实和拼写以及语法的问题,还有很多关于读者究竟想要什么的困惑。(14) The male initiative in courtship is a pretty indiscriminate affair, something that is tried on with any remotely plausible woman who comes within range and, of course, with all degrees of tentativeness.词汇突破:courtship 求爱期; Initiative 主动性;Indiscriminate不加选择的,不分青红皂白的;(何凯文出品) 随意的,任性的,任意的; try on 耍花招、哄骗 remotely plausible 不合理的; tentativeness 试探性的主干识别:The male initiative in courtship is a pretty indiscriminate affair其他成分: something that is tried on with any remotely plausible woman who comes within range and, of course, with all degrees of tentativeness. (something 前面句子的同位语,后面加上定语从句何凯文)参考译文:男性在求爱时的主动是一件很随意之事, 就是哄骗和戏弄那些进入他们视野而没有合理借口的女人,当然这一切都只是试探性的程度。(15)Moreover, those economists who argue that allowing the free market to operate without interference is the most efficient method of establishing prices have not considered the economies of non socialist countries other than the United States. 词汇突破: interference 干扰;Other than 除了主干识别: those economists have not considered the economies of non socialist countries other than the United States.(一定找出主干)定语从句:who argue that allowing the free market to operate without interference is the most efficient method of establishing prices 微观分析:allowing the free market to operate without interference is the most efficient method of establishing prices参考译文:而且,有些经济学家认为,允许自由市场不受干扰地运作是最为有效的定价手段。他们没有考虑到除了美国以外的其他非社会主义国家的经济。(单独成句)(16)The increase in numbers of married women employed outside the home in the twentieth century had less to do with the mechanization of house work and an increase in leisure time for these women than it did with their own economic necessity and with high marriage rates that shrank the available pool of single women workers, previously, in many cases, the only women employers would hire. 词汇突破:Economic necessity 经济需求 pool of single women workers 单生女工的资源 high marriage rates 高结婚率主干识别:The increase(in numbers employed outside the home in the twentieth century定语) had less to do with the mechanization (of house work定语) and an increase (in leisure time定语) than it did with their own economic necessity and with high marriage rates 在主干中出现了一个比较结构:A had less to do with B and C than A did with D and EA = The increaseB= mechanizationC= an increase D= their own economic necessityE= high marriage rates并列中加不加with都是可以的;(与其说A与BC 有关,还不如说与DE有关。)其他成分: that shrank the available pool of single women workers, previously, in many cases, the only women employers would hire.定语从句接在high marriage rates后微观分析:the only women(whom) employers would hire. The only women = single women workers 同位语中加上一个定语从句其中whom被省略了, previously, in many cases,状语参考译文:20世纪,在家庭外被雇佣的女性人数增加了,这与其说是由于家务活的机器化和闲暇时间的增加,还不如说是由于女性自身的经济需求和由于高结婚率。正是高结婚率减少了单身女工劳动力资源的数量,而在这之前很多情况下,她们是雇主们会雇佣的唯一女性。(17) If the moderate end of the legal community has its way, the information on products might actually be provided for the benefit of customers and not as protection against legal liability.词汇突破:moderate end 适当的目标 Legal community 法律界Have onesway 成功,实现,得逞 Legal liability 法律责任主干识别:并列句and 后面补全是:Information might not be provided as protection against legal liability 参考译文 :如果法律界这种恰当的目标能实现的话,那么产品上的信息可能就真是为顾客的利益而提供的了,而不是为了避免承担法律责任。(18) At the same time, the American Law Institute-a group of judges, lawyers, and academics whose recommendations carry substantial weight-issued new guidelines for tort law stating that companies need not warn customers of obvious dangers bombard them with a lengthy list of possible ones.词汇突破:Institute 机构;Substantial 实际的;Lengthy冗长 Bombard不断攻击;向.连续提出问题主干识别:the American Law Institute issued new guidelines 其他成分:a group of judges, lawyers, and academics whose recommendations carry substantial weight同位语。for tort law定语修饰new guidelines。stating that companies need not warn customers of obvious dangers or bombard them with a lengthy list of possible ones 定语修饰new guidelines微观解析:companies need not warn customers of obvious dangers or bombard them with a lengthy list of possible ones;动词为warn 和 bombard并列 ; warn sb of sth ; bombard sb with sth 难点揭秘:同位语有一个隔离现象产生;stating+ that +句子其中出现两个并列的动词;译文赏析:与此同时,美国法律协会,由一群法官、律师和专家学者组成的组织,他们的建议分量极重,发布了新的民事伤害法令指导方针,宣称公司不必提醒顾客注意显而易见的危险,也不必连篇累牍地一再提请他们注意一些可能会出现的危险。(19)Perhaps more than anywhere else, investors put their faith in accounting firms to make sure that the version of the figures that is made public is reasonably true and fair.词汇突破:put ones faith in 信任倚重 reasonably true and fair(在翻译的时候只需要翻译出真实和合理就可以了,其中的reasonably就不用翻译了,表示强调作用)Accounting firms (会计师事务所)参考译文:可能和其他地区相比,这里的投资者最倚重于会计师事务所,以确定公开版本的数据是真实并且合理的Proficiency in anything requires a great deal of determination and self discipline. In addition, a persons ability to cope with frustration is also a critical factor in ones life career. 要精通任何事情都需要极大的决心和自律精神。此外,一个人应对挫折的能力也是影响他一生事业的一个重要因素。(20) Although it has been possible to infer from the goods and services actually produced what manufactures and servicing trades thought their customers wanted, only a study of relevant personal documents written by actual consumers will provide a precise picture of who wanted what.词汇突破:manufactures制造商;servicing trades服务业;precise准确的主干识别: a study will provide a precise picture.其他成分:Although it has been possible to infer from the goods and services actually produced what manufactures and servicing trades thought their customers wanted (状语从句)of relevant personal documents written by actual consumers (定语修饰study,翻译的时候不需要翻译出修饰关系)of who wanted what.(定语修饰picture)微观分析:it has been possible to infer what manufactures and servicing trades thought their customers wanted (状语从句的主干,形式主语it,真的主语是:to infer)from the goods and services actually produced(状语从句中的状语)参考译文:尽管我们有可能从实际生产的商品和服务中推断出制造商和服务行业对于顾客需求的想法,但是只有对那些由实际的消费者所写就的相关个人记录进行研究才能精确地描述出到底是“谁”想要“什么”。(但是只有对真正顾客所写的相关个人记录的研究才能对什么人需要什么东西提供一个精确的描述。)(21)Sternberg notes that traditional tests best assess analytical and verbal skills but fail to measure creativity and practical knowledge, components also critical to problem solving and life success.词汇突破:analytical解析;Verbal 文字的;Components 成分主干识别:Sternberg notes that+宾语从句其他成分:traditional tests best assess analytical and verbal skills but fail to measure creativity and practical knowledge 宾语从句;并列的动词best assess 和 fail to measure components also critical to problem solving and life success 为creativity and practical knowledge的同位语; critical to problem solving and life success为形容词短语修饰components译文赏析:斯顿伯格指出传统的测试能最好的评估出解析能力和语言能力而不能衡量一个人的创造性和实际才能,而这些都是对于解决问题和成功人生而言极其重要的因素。(后置定语前置,同位语单独成句)(22)Those who remain content with Putinism should heed it, and see that, when the interests of the powerful are at stake, their rulers have no compunction about compromising their economic and political well being 词汇突破:heed 注意到;At stake 处于危险之中;Compunction 内疚,懊悔,后悔;Compromise 妥协,退让,出让,损害; Well being 利益句子主干:those should heed it and see that+从句其他成分: when the interests of the powerful are at stake, (宾语从句中的状语从句)their rulers have no compunction about compromising their economicand political well being (宾语从句的主干)参考译文:那些对于普京主义感到满意的人应该注意到这点,同时,也应该认识到当权贵们的利益有危险的时候,统治者们会毫无愧疚地去出让这些人的经济和政治利益的。(对于英语中的代词不一定都得翻译出来,尤其是their, his等形容词的物主代词,很多时候不用翻译出来)Emerging model 新兴模式It is time to start caring the sharing. 是时候去关心分享了。(押韵)(23)This prosperous community is the picture of the good and ever longer life just what policymakers have in mind when they say that raising the eligibility age for Social Security and Medicare is a fair way to rein in the nations troublesome debt.词汇突破:prosperous繁荣的;Eligibility有资格的;符合条件的;有能力Someone who is eligible to do something is qualified or able to do it, for example because they are old enough. Most half the population are eligible to vote in todays election.大约有一半人有资格参加今天的选举投票。rein in = control 控制主干识别:This prosperous community is


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