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Unit 1我的祖母不识字,可是她有一箩筐的神话和传奇故事。小时候我总是缠着她,要她给我讲故事。而她在忙完家务后,总会把我抱在膝上,一边讲故事一边有节奏地晃动我。这些故事加上她丰富的表情,深深地吸引住了我。我父母发现了我对故事的浓厚兴趣,不失时机地引导我进行阅读。他们给我买了许多带插图的故事书,有空的时候就一遍遍地读给我听。慢慢地我认识了很多字,能自行阅读了。直到今天,我还要感谢祖母和双亲。没有他们,我今天不可能成为一名作家。Although my grandmother was illiterate, she had a good stack of myths and legends. When I was young I gave her no peace, constantly asking her to tell me stories. After she had finished her housework, she would lift me onto her lap and tell stories, all the while rocking me in rhythm. These stories and her expressive face appealed profoundly to me.Having noticed my interest in stories, my parents lost no time in initiating me into reading. They bought many storybooks with illustations, and whenever free, they would read these stories to me over and over again. By and by I had a vocabulary large to read on my own .Today, I still live in gratitude to my grandmother and my parents. Without them, I could never have become a writer.Unit 2 Diet一项又一项的研究发现,食物和一些慢性病之间有密切关系。例如:某些慢性病危险的降低和多吃以食物为基本成分的食物是相关联的。因此,在过去的十年中,美国饮食协会敦促美国人减少动物脂肪的摄取,增加水果、蔬菜和谷物的消费。同时,美国农业部发布了包括食物指导金字塔在内的文件,鼓励人们每天至少吃三道蔬菜和两份水果。但是许多美国人还是没有按照这些建议去做。彼德就是一个很好的例子。他因摄入过量的动物脂肪患了心血管病。尽管医生建议他吃有益于健康的食物,诸如吃以植物为主的食物,但是他非常固执,从不采纳。他说他无法抵挡有肉菜肴的诱惑,他的理想饮食一定要包含肉。人们没有意识到多吃以植物为主的食物的必要性,这使政府更加担心。他们正发起新的运动,以提高人们这方面的认识。今天你吃了多少水果和蔬菜呢? Study after study has uncovered the fact that there is a close correlation between food and a number of chronic diseases. For example, a decreased risk of certain chronic diseases is associated with an increased consumption of plant-based foods. Therefore, in the past, the American Dietetic Association has urged Americans to reduce their intake of animal fats, and to boost consumption of fruits, vegetable, and grains. Meanwhile, the United States Department of Agriculture has released a document containing the food guide pyramid which encourages a minimun of 3 vegetables and 2 fruit servings per day. However, many Americans still dont meet/listen to these recommendations. A good case in point is Peter. He developed a cardiovascular disease due to an excessive intake of animal fats. Athough his doctor suggested he should adopt a healthy diet, such as eating plant-based foods, he was too stubborn to listen. He said he couldnt resist the temptation of dishes with meat and that meat would always feature prominently in his ideal diet. Peoples lack of awareness of the need to eat more plant-based foods has heightened the governments concern and it is launching a new campaign to increase pulic awareness in this area. Well, how much fruit and vegetable have you eaten today?Unit 4 Take This Fish and Look At It 在注册上数学202这门课时,我就预料到会有困难,因为我在高中读书时数学基础不好,这门课是有理查森教授讲授的。他是一位典型的老牌的先生,穿着正视,说话声音柔和,对学生热情友好。然而,在学术问题上他一点都不马虎。在正式授课之前,他热情洋溢地阐述了有条不紊地工作、课前做好充分准备,坚持不懈和不满足于所学知识的重要性。毫无疑问,讲授数学对于他来说是神圣的工作。他的工作态度具有很强的感染力。渐渐地,我也爱上了数学。When I enrolled in Math 202, I anticipated difficulties because I was not well grounded in mathematics in high school. The course was taught by Professor Richardson, a fine specimen of an old-fashioned gentleman, formally dressed, soft spoken, and cordial to his students. However, when it came to academic matters, he was by no means an easy person. Before he started his lecture, he discoursed enthusiastically on the importance of working in an orderly fashion, of being thoroughly prepared before each class, of being steadfast in ones efforts, and of not being content with what you have learned. There was no doubt that teaching math was something sacred to him. His attitude towards work was infectious, and by and by I became an ardent math lover, too.Unit 5 Globel warmingMost scientists no longer doubt that the world is warming up and that humanity has altered climate. They agree that the long-term effects of global warming will be disastrous for the planet and its inhabitants. What is more, climate change wont be a smooth transition to a warmer world. Some regions will be greatly affected by abrupt climate changes. Enormous areas of densely populated land like coastal Florida would become uninhabitable. Hundreds of millions of residents would have to migrate to safer regions. Therefore, it is no surprise that global warming has made its way onto the agenda of world leaders.Unit 7Gambling addictionGamblers family members always pay a steep price. They not only have to endure the pain of having their wealth wiped away overnight, but they are also frequently overwhelmed with feelings of depression and hopelessness.A nationwide survey found that over 2 million adults identified a spouses gambling as a significant factor in a prior divorce. The number of divorces in a county in Mississippi has nearly tripled since the advent of casinos. The county has also witnessed increase in domestic violence since then.A considerable body of evidence showed that the expansion of legally sanctioned gambling destroys individuals, ruins families, increases crime, and ultimately costs society far more than the revenues government collects.


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