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七夕,古今诗人惯咏星月与悲情。吾生虽晚,世态炎凉却已看透矣。情也成空,且作“挥手袖底风”罢。是夜,窗外风雨如晦,吾独坐陋室,听一曲尘缘,合成诗韵一首,觉放诸古今,亦独有风韵也。乃书于纸上。毕而卧。凄然入梦。乙酉年七月初七。-啸之记。 高一英语下学期期中考试专项训练(范围 必修3 单词拼写 完成句子 单项选择). 单词拼写 (35分)1. Even a small success gives you a sense of _(成绩,成就).3. Perhaps if they had an _(紧急情况,突发事件)they could not reach a doctor.4. That was a _(一代,时代)when girls education was always placed second to boys.5. What made her succeed later on was the kindness and _(考虑,体谅)she showed to all her patients.6. Mohandas Gandhi was the leader who helped gain Indias i_ from Britain.7. With your _(允许), Id like to say a few words.8. I a_ to the teacher for my cheating in the final test.9. It was _(显而易见的)to everyone that the child had been badly treated. 10. Todays festivals have many origins, some_(宗教的) and some for special people or events.11. I stopped worrying and started advertising the _(好处,利益)of my food. 12. We are still looking for someone who _(联合,结合)all the necessary qualities. 13. Have you_(咨询,请教) your physician about possible treatments?14. We would be grateful for your _(合作,协作)in clearing the hall as quickly as possible.15. The boy lifted the stone with all his _(力量).16. The letter wasnt addressed to me but I opened it out of c_. 17. The night found the boy_(徘徊,来回走动) on the pavement alone.18. He put the letter into an e_ and then put it into a mail-box.19. She was a lovely girl with _(耐心). 20. He is always finding _(过错,毛病) with the way I do things. 21. The A_ of Tom Sawyer is one of Mark Twains masterpieces.22. I am not familiar with the British educational _(体系,系统).23. The earth became so _(暴力的)that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not.24. The hotel offers a friendly _(气氛,氛围)and personal service. 25. There is a _(基本的,根本的)difference between the two points of view. 26. Without g_ on the earth, you can float in space.27. Cigarette smoking _(增加,乘)the risk of cancer. 28. We must take some immediate measures to solve the problem of _(全球的) warmth.29. He has been home from abroad, _(筋疲力尽的).30. There was frost on the ground ,_(证实)that fall had arrived.31. Ottawa, Canadas capital. Its _(大约)four hundred kilometres northeast of Toronto32. People say it is Canadas most beautiful city, _(包围)by mountains and the Pacific Ocean.33. There are seven c _ in the world, of which Ascia is the biggest.34. As is known to us ,air is a m_ of many gases.35. What is the exact _(位置) of the city? . 完成下列句子(20分)1. 她过着忙碌的生活。_2. I looked carefully at the text and realized that _ (它是为农村 妇女写的).3. Suddenly _(我想到)how difficult it was for a women to get medical training at that time.4. _(数不胜数的故事) of how Lin Qiaozhi, tired after a days work, went late at night to _(接生)for a poor family.5. Lin Qiaozhi had devoted her whole life to her patients and had_(选择了不拥有自己的家庭).6. The path on your right_(通向) the old temple.7. His three kids are _(盼望去钓鱼) with him.8. The country , covered with cherry tree flowers, _(看上去好像) it is covered with pink snow. 9. The picture _(让我想起来我的童年).10. _ (显而易见的是)the manager of the shop was waiting LiFang to leave.12. _(一定发生了可怕的事情) if Li Chang was not coming to eat here as he always did.13. He could not have Yong Hui_(向人们说谎而不受惩罚)! 14. Why dont you sit down and try a meal? - _ _ _ _ and try a meal?15. He has _(厌倦了住在国外). He is considering coming back to China. 16. Wang Peng was_(对-感到惊奇) this and _(特别是,尤其是)at the prices.17. I think _(没有什么比旅行更令人愉快).18. He_(以-最出名) his novels, most of which _(以-为背景) his boyhood world on the river.19. _(看书入了迷), he missed the train.20. The fact is that I_(挣取旅费)_(通过做义工) , which _(对-作出解释)my appearance. 21. The next morning Id _(刚要放弃) for lost when I was spotted by a ship.22. I hope youll come here_(不管你何时喜欢).23. He decided to _(碰碰天气的运气) and have the party outdoors.24. However,_(根据一个广泛被人接受的理论) , the universe _(从-开始)a Big Bang that threw matter_(朝着各个方向). 25. What many scientists is that _(持续的水的存在) allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas. 26. They produced young generally_(通过下蛋的方式). 27. They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere,_ _(这阻止了热量从-逃脱) the earth into space. 28. But when I tried to step forward, I found I was carried _(两倍远) on the earth and fell over.29. _(而不是)take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then_(坐火车从东到西横穿加拿大)30. Have you _(适应新的工作了吗?)31. It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall,_(有些量起来超过90米).32. Mr.Smith asked the tailor to make some new clothes _(按照他自己的尺寸). EXCERCISES (20分) 1. When he was doing the software development project, he _ many problems that he had to solve on his own. A. came up with B. came through C. came across D. came out 2. (2008重庆卷) Only when I left my parents for Italy_ how much I loved them.A.I realized B. .I had realized C. . had I realized D. did I realize3. Tom, _ yourself . Did you forget the school rules? A. behave B. believe C. perform D. help E. admire F. observe G. remind 4. I didnt mean to keep you waiting here for a long time. There are several traffic jams on the way. Can you _ me? A. apologizeB. interruptC. forgiveD. behave5. It is strange that long skirts should come into _ again.A. connection B. celebration C. fashion D. religion E. location 6. The old professor travelled from one school to another, _ first-hand information about the education situation in China. A. to gather B. collecting C. getting together D. to get together 7. This memorial was built_ those heroes who laid down their lives for the liberation of the poor people. A. in memory of B. in favor of C. in celebration of D. in place of 8. Im really tired _ Tom. He had me _ for two hours in the rain. A. of, waiting B. with; wait C. of; waited D. with; waited 9. She is already two hours late. What _to her?A. can have happened B. must have happened C. should have happened D. must happen10. - How well did John do in the match? -Wonderful. I think we cant have _ player in our football team.A. a good B. the better C. a better D. the best11. The secretary worked deep in night, _ a speech for the president. A. to prepare B. preparing C. prepared D. to be preparing 12. He couldnt _ the fact that the money was found in his house. A. answer for B. leave forC. account for D. care for13. Nobody could have ever imagined that the poor man _ _ be a millionaire. A. in rag; could B. in rags; should be C. wearing poorly ; should D. dressed poorly; might 14. The reason_ she gave for not being present was _the heavy snow prevented her coming. A. why; because B. why; whether C. that; that D. how; that15. These wild flowers are so special . I would do_ I can to save them. A. whateverB. thatC. whichD. whichever 16. I want to see _ is in charge of the international sales. A. who B. whom C. whoever D. no matter who 17. _ made the teacher proud was _ more than half of her students had been admitted to key universities. A. What; because B. What; that C. That; what D. That; because18. What will happen to the child if Jim and Mary _?A. break downB. break up C. break outD. break off E. break away 19. The naughty boy spends most of his time playing computer games _ his lessons. Canada is the only country that _ an entire continent in the world, facing the Atlantic _ the east. A. makes up; on B. covers; on C. takes up; to D. do up; in 20. Canada is the only country that _ an entire continent in the world, facing the Atlantic _ the east. A. makes up; on B. covers; on C. takes up; to D. do up; in 21. _ you feel tired after the long tiring journey, you may as well (不妨)take a good rest at home. A. So that B. In that C. Now that D. In order that 22. -My goodness! I failed again in the computer test. -_. The world is not at an end. A. Look up B. Pick up C. Cheer up D. Keep up 23. (09山东卷) The girl who got lost decided to remain _she was and wait for her mother. A. where B. what C. how D. who 24. -How often do you go to the cinema? - _,but usually twice a month. A. It all depends B. Have no idea C. As usual D. Not at all 25. When and where well hold the next meeting _yet . A. are decided B. is decided C. has not been decided D. have decided26. Having checked the doors were closed , and _ all the lights were off, he left the classroom. A. that B. whether C. when D. / 27. After his long and tiring trip from abroad, he returned home, _. A. exhausted B. being exhausted C. inspired D. puzzled E. limited F. respected28. You cant imagine that a well-behaved gentleman _ be so rude to a lady. A. might B. need C. would D. should 29. This is not a cheap way to get more water; _, it is not a little(=very much) expensive. A. on the whole B. on the contrary C. in short D. in addition30. That is the best way you thought of _(prevent) people _(get) into the dangerous areas.31. I think hard work is _ to success. Nobody is an exception. A. fundamental B. global C. modest D. worthwhile 32. Tom, you _ play football in the street; you _ be hurt. A. wont ;cant B. shouldnt ; must C. mustnt ; may D. cant ; shouldnt 33. You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is _ I disagree.A. why B. where C. what D. how 34. His suggestion _ to see the art exhibition interested every of us. A. that we would go B. which we should go C. that we go D. when we should go35. It is always difficult being in a foreign country,_ if you dont speak the language. A. extremely B. basically C. specially D. especially E. approximately 36. -Who is the girl standing over there? -If you _ know, her name is Mabel. A. may B. can C. shall D. must 37. You may _ your notebook when you deliver the speech if you want to. A. refer to B. turn to C. lead to D. devote to 38. As is known to all, cigarette smoking _ the risk of cancer . A. combines B. confirms C. consults D. multiplies 39. Many scientists hold the view that the atmosphere of Mars couldnt _ life. A. support B. intend C. deliver D. cover E. float F. respect 40. I know you dont like her, but try not to make it so _. A. religious B. violent C. obvious D. energetic 41. We listened to the news with a _ of surprise and joy. A. adventure B. agriculture C. measure D. mixture E. fault 42. The hotel offers a friendly _ and personal service. A. atmosphere B. achievement C. emergency D. benefit E. award F. reward 43. He didnt have the _ to walk any further. He was worn out. A. system B. theory C. patience D. curiosity E. strength 44. The trees provide _ for the farmers in the summer. A. shade B. shadow C. scene D. scenery E. origin 45. There is a _ in our family that we have a party on New Years Eve. A. tradition B. consideration C. generation D. determination E. cooperation 单词拼写4-1. achievement emergency generation consideration determination 3-1 independence permission obvious religious 3-2 combine consult benefit cooperation strength curiosity 3-3 envelope wander patience fault adventure 3-4 system violent atmosphere fundamental gravity multiply global exhausted 3-5 location mixture continent surround approximately confirm 动词behave believe perform admire observe remind apologizeinterruptforgive behave combine confirm consult multiply support intend deliver cover float respect inspire 动词短语 answer for leave foraccount for care forbreak downbreak up break outbreak off break away makes up takes up bring up Look up Pick up Cheer up Keep up refer to turn to lead to devote to 名词connection celebration fashion religion location adventure agriculture measure mixture fault atmosphere achievement emergency benefit award reward system theory patience curiosity strength shade shadow scene scenery origin tradition consideration generation determination cooperation 形容词和副词 exhausted inspired puzzled limited respected fundamental global modest worthwhile extremely basically specially especially approximately religious violent obvious energetic


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