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最新2012年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试大纲湖北卷英语科考试说明I. 考试性质普通高等学校招生全国统一考试是合格的高中毕业和具有同等学力的考生参加的选拔性考试。高等学校根据考生成绩,按已确定的招生计划,德、智、体全面衡量,择优录取。高考应具有较高的信度、效度,必要的区分度和适当的难度。II. 命题指导思想1英语科(湖北卷)命题以普通高中英语课程标准(实验)、教育部考试中心大纲(课标版)和本说明为依据。2命题遵循“有利于高校选拔人才,有利于中学实施素质教育,有利于推进基础教育课程改革”的原则,确保安全、公平、公正、科学、规范。3命题要结合我省高中英语教学实际和普通高等学校对新生文化素质的要求,考查考生进入高等学校继续学习的潜能。4命题考虑英语学科特点,在考查考生的英语语言知识和语言技能的同时,侧重考查考生的综合语言运用能力,特别是运用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力。III.考试内容及要求 根据普通高等学校对新生文化素质的要求,依据教育部2003年颁布的普通高中英语课程标准(实验)和教育部考试中心大纲(课标版),结合我省高中英语教学实际,确定本学科考试内容。一、语言知识要求考生掌握并能运用英语语音、语法基础知识以及所学功能意念和话题(见附录1至4)。考虑到普通高中英语课程标准(实验)词汇表所列词汇及其在教材中的复现率,本说明所附词表(见附录5)共收单词3519个,作为高考命题的词汇范围(词汇表未列词组和短语,部分可根据构词法推导出的副词、名词等亦不单列;缩略词、月份、星期、数词,以及洲、国家及地区名称、主要大洋名称在词表后单独列出)。二、语言运用(一)听力要求考生能听懂关于一般性话题的英语对话或简短独白。考生应能:1.理解主旨和要义任何一段对话或独白总会围绕一个主旨或者一个中心思想展开。有时,主旨要义会比较明确;有时则会贯穿整个对话或独白,考生需自己去归纳、概括。2.获取事实性的具体信息为了说明和支持主旨,对话或独白中总会出现一些具体信息,如时间、地点、人物等。这些信息是理解和把握对话或独白主旨必不可少的内容,也常常是听力部分的重点考查项目。3.对所听内容作出简单推断话语发生的场合、说话者之间的关系等对话语含义的理解起着举足轻重的作用,对这些背景知识的推断能力在一定程度上可以体现一个人对口语的理解能力,因而也是听力测试所要考查的重点项目之一。4.理解说话者的意图、观点和态度一般来讲,说话者总会有说话的意图,或是提出或回答问题,阐述自己的想法,或是表明自己的态度或意见,对此的理解或推断在一般交往中非常重要。有时,说话者的意图或观点是明说出来的;有时则隐含在对话的字里行间,需要听者自己去揣摩、推断。(二)阅读要求考生能读懂书、报、杂志中关于一般性话题的简短文段以及公告、说明、广告等,并能从中获取相关信息。考生应能:1.理解主旨和要义任何一篇文章都会有一个主旨要义。有时从文章的第一个段落,甚至第一个句子即可得出文章的主旨要义,从这一段或这个句子读者会知道文章描述的是谁或什么(即文章的主题),亦会了解作者希望读者了解主题方面的哪些内容。有时,文章的主旨要义则需从文章的字里行间进行推断。这类试题主要考查考生略读文章、领会大意的能力,它对考生的归纳、概括能力有一定的要求。2.理解文中具体信息文章主题和中心思想的阐述往往需要大量细节信息的支持,这些细节对于理解全文内容至关重要,同时也是归纳和概括文章中心思想的基础。命题人员往往会要求考生根据不同的要求,阅读文章以获得某些特定的信息或准确地寻求所需的细节。这类试题有时比较直接,理解字面意思即可答题;有时则较为间接,需要归纳、概括和推理才能答题。3.根据上下文推断生词的词义正确理解文章中单词或短语的含义是理解文章的第一步,也是理解文章的基础,不懂单词含义根本就谈不上理解文章。但英语单词的含义并非完全等同于词典中所标注的汉语意思,其含义随不同的语境会有所不同。能根据上下文正确理解灵活变化的词义,才算是真正初步具备了一定的阅读理解能力。此外,阅读文章时,常常会遇到一些过去未见过的词,但许多这类生词的词义可以通过上下文推断出来。这种不使用词典而通过阅读上下文来推断生词含义的能力,是一个合格的读者所必须具备的能力,因此也是阅读测试中经常检测的一种能力。4.作出简单判断和推理阅读文章的主要目的是获取信息,即作者所要传达的信息。在实际的阅读活动中,有时需要根据文章提供的事实和线索,进行逻辑推理,推测作者未提到的事实或某事发生的可能性等。5.理解文章的基本结构英语文章讲究使用主题段和主题句。主题段通常在文章开头,简要概括文章的中心思想,主题句可能在一段的开头,也可能在中间或末尾,作用是交代该段的中心思想,再由全段展开或讨论这个意思。各个段落通常由某些起连接作用的词语连接,以使文章行文连贯。如果希望准确、深刻地理解一篇文章,必须对文章的结构有所了解,把握住全篇的文脉,即句与句、段与段之间的逻辑关系。6.理解作者的意图、观点和态度每篇文章都有一个特定的写作目的,或是向读者传递某个信息,或是愉悦读者,或是讲授某个道理。而这些信息通常并不是明确表达出来,而是隐含在文章之中。因此,这类问题要求考生在理解文章总体内容的基础上,去领会作者的言外之意。(三)写作要求考生根据题示准确使用英语语法词汇、进行书面表达。考生应能:1.有效运用所学语言知识,准确使用语法和词汇语言的准确性是写作中不可忽视的一个重要方面,因为它直接或间接地影响到信息的准确传输。应用语法结构和词汇的准确程度是写作部分评分标准中的一项重要内容。2.使用一定的句型、词汇,清楚、连贯地传递信息,表达意思任何一篇文章都需要有一个主题,作者应该围绕该主题,借助一些句型、词汇等的支持,清楚、连贯地表达自己的思想。IV. 考试形式与试卷结构考试采用闭卷笔试形式。考试时间为120分钟,满分150分。试卷由四部分组成。第一部分:听力本部分共两节,测试考生理解关于一般性话题的英语对话或简短独白的能力。第一节:共5小题,每小题1.5分。要求考生根据所听到的5段简短对话,从每题所给的3个选项中选出最佳选项。每段录音材料仅读一遍。第二节:共15小题,每小题1.5分。要求考生根据所听到的5段对话或独白,从每题所给的3个选项中选出最佳选项。每段录音材料读两遍。听力考试进行时,考生将答案标在试卷上;听力部分结束后,考生有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。本部分所需时间约为20分钟。第二部分:词汇知识运用本部分共两节,测试考生理解运用英语词汇知识的能力。第一节:共10小题,每小题1分。每题在一句或两句话中留出空白,要求考生从每题所给的4个选项中选出最佳选项。第二节:共20小题,每小题1分。在一篇短文中留出20个空白,要求考生从每题所给的4个选项中选出最佳选项,使补足后的短文意思通顺、前后连贯、结构完整。本部分所需时间约为25分钟。第三部分:阅读理解本部分测试考生理解关于一般性话题的英语简短文章的能力。共20小题,每小题2分。要求考生根据所提供的5篇短文的内容从每题所给的4个选项中选出最佳选项。本部分所需时间约为35分钟。第四部分:书面表达本部分共两节,测试考生准确使用英语语法词汇、进行书面表达的能力。第一节:共10小题,每小题2分。每题在英文句子中留出空白,要求考生根据该句的中文意思,用句末括号内的英语单词完成英文句子。第二节:共1题,满分30分。要求考生根据所给提示和相关要求,用英语写一篇120个单词左右的短文。提示包括目的、对象、时间、地点、内容等;提示的形式有图画、图表、提纲等。本部分所需时间约为40分钟。试卷内容、题量、计分和时间安排如下:题类内容题量计分参考时间(分钟)选择题第一部分:听力第一节(简短对话)5(1-5)7.53020第二节(较长对话或独白)15(6-20)22.5第二部分:词汇知识运用第一节:多项选择10(21-30)103025第二节:完形填空20(31-50)20第三部分:阅读理解20(51-70)4035非选择题第四部分:书面表达第一节:完成句子10(71-80)205040第二节:短文写作1(81)30总计81150120V.难度控制试题按难度系数(简称难度)分为容易题、中等题和难题。难度在0.70以上(包括0.70)的题为容易题,难度在0.300.70之间的题为中等题,难度在0.30以下(包括0.30)的题为难题。试卷由容易题、中等题和难题组成,三种试题应控制合适的分值比例,试卷总体难度适中。VI.题型示例以下例题选自近几年的高考英语(湖北卷),以方便考生对考试形式有更清楚的认识,与实际高考试卷的测试内容、难度等没有对应关系。一、多项选择题(一)考查听力W: Why, youre all wet!M: I didnt bring my umbrella with me. The weather forecast said it would be sunny.W: But you could see the big, black clouds this morning.1. Whats the weather like at the moment?A. Rainy.B. Sunny.C. Cloudy.【答案】AM: How are we going there? Have you decided yet?W: Should we fly? Its fast.M: But if we fly, well miss the beautifulscenery.W: You are right. Then forget about aeroplanes.M: Lets drive then. We can rent a car.W: Drive? That sounds dangerous.M: Then the only other choices are the train or the bus.Id like to see what an American bus is like.W: Theyre not as nice as trains.2. Why doesnt the man want to fly?A. He likes taking the bus.B. He thinks its dangerous.C. He wants to enjoy the scenery.3. Which means of transport does the woman prefer?A. The car.B. The train. C. The bus.【答案】2. C 3. BW: Mr. Parker, when did you arrive home yesterday evening?M: At about eight oclock.W: What did you do right after you entered your flat?M: Well, I washed my hands, and then watched sports news.W: When did you have supper?M: At about a quarter to nine, I guess.W: Did you stay at home all evening?M: Yes.W: But your friend says that he phoned you several times betweeneight and nine, but you didnt answer.M: Well, I think I was in the bath at that time.W: No, you werent. You were not even at home last night. You robbed a bank in James Street.4. According to the man, what did he do before he watched TV?A. He washed his hands.B. He had his supper.C. He took a bath.5. What place had the man been to the night before?A. James Street. B. A restaurant.C. A friends home.6. What does the man try to do in the conversation?A. To prove the truth.B. To find the truth.C. To hide the truth. 【答案】4. A 5. A 6. CW: Hey Taxi! M: Where to?W: Well, Im going to the National Museum of Art.M: Sure. Get in. W:Uh, do you know what time the museum closes?M: Well, I would guess around sixoclock.Thanks Uh, this is your first time to the city, right?W: Yeah. How did you know?M: Well, you can tell tourists from a mile away in this city because they walk down the street and look around curiously.W: Was it that obvious?M: Well . . .W: Oh, before I forget, can you recommend any good restaurants downtown that offer meals at a reasonable price?M: Umm . . . Well, Shanghai Restaurant is wonderful. Oh Its not as inexpensive as other places I know, but the food is delicious.W: Sounds great! How do I get there from the museum?M: Well, buses are always crowded by then, but you can catch the underground right outside the museum. There are taxis too, but they dont pass by the museum that often. W: Okay. Thanks.7. Where is the woman going now? A. To an art museum. B. To a Chinese restaurant. C. To an underground station.8. Why does the woman come to the city? A. For business. B. For traveling. C. For shopping.9. Why does the man recommend the restaurant to the woman? A. The service there is good. B. The food there is tasty. C. Theprice there is low.10. According to the man, which is the best means of transport to the restaurant? A. The bus. B. The taxi. C. The underground.【答案】7. A 8. B 9. B 10. CInmy spoken English class, I asked the students about their impressions of university life. To my surprise, many of them expressed disappointment. After their highly controlled high school lives, they were having difficulty adjusting to “the free time” in the university.When I asked them to describe their high school lives, many of them told me they got up at six in the morning and studied until ten at night. Most of this time was spent at school, doing piles of homework to help them prepare for the university entrance exams.Once they enter the university, in my opinion, the students are not expected to devote all their waking hours to studying. They should also take an active part in social activities. Therefore, they should learn to divide their time outside of class between sports and clubs. Whats more, they should spend some time watching TV and chatting with their roommates. These activities are useful in helping them prepare for their future.But what struck me most was that many of them did not seem particularly happy about their newfound freedom. As they had so many choices, they felt that no matter what they were doing, they should be doing something else. Thats why they were not happy. To those students, my advice was, “Get used to it and learn to make decisions for yourselves.”11. What is the problem of some of the university students? A. They dont spend all their time on studies.B. They dont know what to do with their free time. C. They dont have choices for outside class activities.12. How is the students high school life?A. Controlled and busy.B. Regular and colorful. C. Active and independent. 13. According to the speaker, what is the role of outside class activities at university? A. To make students healthier.B. To improve students test scores. C. To enrich students experience. 14. What does the speaker advise his students to do?A. Learn to enjoy themselves. B. Learn to be their own masters.C. Learn to develop their potential.【答案】11. B 12. A 13. C 14. B(二)考查词汇知识1. Knowledge and learning are important if we want to be successful, but they may also _ our thinking.A. directB. limit C. changeD. improve【答案】B2. In this lecture, I can only give you apurely _view of how we can live life to the full and make some suggestions about the future.A. unique B. private C. personal D. different【答案】C3. Would you please _ the paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes? A. look aroundB. look into C. look up D. look through【答案】D4. “Tommy, run! Be quick! The house is on fire!” the mother shouted, with _ clearly in her voice.A. panicB. rudeness C. regretD. anger【答案】A5. I wasnt blaming anyone; I_ said errors like this could be avoided.A. mostly B. merely C. rarely D. nearly【答案】B6. People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars, and this _ creates further problems.A. in short B. in case C. in turnD. in doubt【答案】C(三)考查阅读理解My grandfather came from Hungary and was the only one in his family who settled down in the United States. The rest of his family remained in Europe. When World War I broke out, he seemed to have become another man, downhearted. Such obvious change was not born out of concern for his welfare, but out of fear: if his only son, my uncle, had to go to war, it would be cousin fighting against cousin.One day in 1918, my Uncle Milton received his draft notice. My grandparents were very upset.But my mother, at the age of 10, felt on top of the world about her soldier brother going off to war. Realizing how he was regarded by his little sister and all of her friends, my uncle bought them all service pins, which meant that they had a loved one in the service. All the little girls were delighted.The moment came when my uncle and the other soldiers, without any training but allin uniforms, boarded the train. The band played and the crowd cheered. Although no one noticed, Im sure my grandmother had a tear in her eye for the only son. The train slowly pulled out, but not about a thousand yards when it suddenly paused. Everyone stared in wonder as the train slowly returned to the station. There was a dead silence before the doors opened and the men started to step out. Someone shouted, “The war is over!” For a moment, nobody moved, but then the people heard someone bark orders at the soldiers. The men lined up in two lines, walked down the steps, and with the bandplaying, marched down the street, as returning heroes, to be welcomed home. My mother said it was a great day, but she was just a little disappointed that it didnt last a tiny bit longer.1. What the grandfather was most worried about was _.A. the spread of the world warB. the safety of his two cousinsC. a drop in his living standardsD. his relatives killing each other2. The underlined phrase “draft notice” means “_”.A. order for army serviceB. train ticket for EuropeC. letter of rejectionD. note of warning3. What did the “service pins” (in Para. 2) stand for in the eyes of the little girls? A. Strength. B. Courage. C. Victory. D. Honor.4. Which of the following words can best describe the ending of the story?A. Disappointing.B. Unexpected.C. Uncertain. D. Inspiring.【答案】1. D 2. A 3. D 4. BFor many parents, raising a teenager is like fighting a long war, but years go by without any clear winner. Like a border conflict between neighboring countries, the parent-teen war is about boundaries: Where is the line between whatIcontrol and what youdo?Both sides want peace, but neither feels it has any power to stop the conflict. In part, this is because neither is willing to admit any responsibility forstartingit. From the parents point of view, the only cause of their fight is their adolescents complete unreasonableness. And of course, the teens see it in exactly the same way, except oppositely. Both feel trapped.In this article, Ill describe three no-win situations that commonly arise between teens and parents and then suggest some ways out of the trap. The first no-win situation is quarrels over unimportant things. Examples include the color of the teens hair, the cleanliness of the bedroom, the preferred style of clothing, the childs failure to eat a good breakfast before school, or his tendency tosleepuntil noon on the weekends. Second, blaming. The goal of a blaming battle is to make the other admit that his bad attitude is the reason why everything goes wrong. Third, needing to be right. It doesnt matter what the topic ispolitics, the laws of physics, or the proper way to break an eggthe point of these arguments is to prove that you are right and the other person is wrong, for both wish to be considered an authoritysomeone who actuallyknowssomething and therefore to command respect. Unfortunately, as long as parents and teens continue to assume that they know more than the other, theyll continue to fight these battles forever and never make any real progress. 5. Why does the author compare the parent-teen war to a border conflict?A. Neither has any clear winner.B. Neither can be put to an end. C. Both can continue for generations.D. Both are about where to draw the line.6. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 2 mean?A. The teens accuse their parents of misleading them. B. The teens agree with their parents on the cause of the conflict. C. The teens blame their parents for starting the conflict. D. The teens tend to have a full understanding of their parents.7. Parents and teens want to be right because they want to _.A. gain respect from the otherB. get the other to behave properlyC. give orders to the otherD. know more than the other8. What will the author most probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?A.Examples of the parent-teen war.B. Causes for the parent-teen conflicts.C. Future of the parent-teen relationship.D. Solutions for the parent-teen problems.【答案】5. D 6. C 7. A 8. DHowling is a behaviour commonly observed among a wolf pack. As pack animals,wolves work together to hunt and rely on howling as an important means of communication among each other.There are different explanations of a wolfs howl and it appears that there may be more to discover.One theory is thatwolves howl to bond better together. Its almost as if howling together helps the pack stay together. Perhaps something similar to people feelinga sense of involvementwith each otherwhen singing a song together. But this theory may be wrong, explains Fred H. Harrington,a professor who studies wolf behaviour.Indeed, there have been times when wolves have been seen one moment howling in a chorus, and the next, quarrelingamong each other. It appearsthat usually the lowest-ranking members of the pack may actually be“punished” for joining in the chorus at times. So is howling a way to strengthen a social bond or just a way to reconfirm status among its members?Why do wolves howl for sure?What is clear, however,is that howling is often used among packmates to locate each other. Hunting grounds are distant and it happens that wolves may separate from one another at times. When this happens, howling appears to be an excellent means of gathering.Howling, interestingly, is a contagious behaviour. When one wolf starts to howl, very likely others will follow. Thisis often seen to occur in the morning, as ifwolves were doing some sort of “roll call” where wolves all howl together to report their presence.9. What is the possible similarity between wolves howling together and humans singing in chorus?A. The act of calling each other. B. The sense of accomplishment.C. The act of hunting for something.D. The sense of belonging to a group. 10. Why does Harrington think the “social bond” theory may be wrong?A. Wolves separate from each other after howling. B. Wolves tend to protect their hunting grounds.C. Wolves sometimes have quarrels after howling together. D. Wolves of low rank are encouraged to join in the chorus.11. Researchers are sure that wolvesoften howl to _. A. show their ranks B. find their companionsC. report the missing ones D. express their loneliness12. “Howling is a contagious behaviour” (in the last paragraph) means _.A. howling is a signal for huntingB. howling is a way of communication C. howling often occurs in the morningD. howling spreads from one to another【答案】9. D 10. C 11. B 12. D二、完形填空题You are near the front line of a battle. Around you shells are exploding; people are shooting from a house behind you. What are you doing there? You arent a soldier. You arent 1 carrying a gun. Youre standing in front of a 2 and youre telling the TV 3 what is happening.Its all in a days work for a war reporter, and it can be very 4 . In the first two years of the 5 informer Yugoslavia (前南斯拉夫), 28 reporters and photographers were killed. Hundreds more were 6 . What kind of people put themselves in danger to 7 pictures to our TV screens and 8 to our newspapers? Why do they do it?“I think its every young journalists 9 to be a foreign reporter,” says Michael Nicholson, “thats 10 you find the excitement. So when the first opportunity comes, you take it 11 it is a war.” But there are moments of 12 . Jeremy Bowen says, “Yes, when youre lying on the ground and bullets (子弹) are flying 13 your ears, you think: What am I doing here? Im not going to do this again. But that feeling 14 after a while and when the next war starts, youll be 15 .”“None of us believes that were going to 16 ,” adds Michael. But he always 17 aluckycharm (护身符) with him. It was given to him by his wife for his first war. Its a card which says “Take care of yourself.” Does he ever think about dying? “Oh, 18 , and every time it happens you look to the sky and say to God, If you get me out of this, I 19 Ill never do it again.You can almost hear God 20 , because you know he doesnt believe you.”1.A. simplyB. reallyC. merelyD. even2.A. crowdB. houseC. battlefieldD. camera3.A. producersB. viewersC.directorsD. actors4.A. dangerousB. excitingC. normalD. disappointing5.A. stayB. fightC. warD. life6.A. injuredB. buriedC. defeatedD. saved7.A. bringB. showC. takeD. make8.A. scenesB. passagesC. storiesD. contents9.A.


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