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2013-2104第二学期期中检测卷 高一英语 注:本试卷满分150分,考试用时120分钟 I 英语知识应用(共两节,满分45分)第一节完形填空(共1 5小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1-15各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I always knew I wanted to be a writer. Even before I learned to write, I would listen _l_ to the stories read to me. Then I would retell them to my friends. But I usually left out things I didnt like and added things that I thought would _2_the story. I was not sure if my improved new stories made a lot of sense but my _3_seemed to enjoy them. In a way, I have been still doing the _4_ thing: listening to the stories and telling them in a new way. When I learned how to write, I decided that I wanted to be a writer who would see the stories he wrote in magazines, newspapers and books. The _5_books I wrote were for my family and friends. I liked my stories to have_6_ , but I wasnt very good at drawing. _7_, my brother Daniel _8_drawing, so he drew pictures for many of those first books of mine, In the second grade, I thought I was _9_ to become a published writer. With my mothers help, I started sending my stories to some big New York _10_. Although the editors never bought my stories, some of them _11_ me to keep writing. All the time I was dreaming of becoming a published writer while my brother was dreaming of becoming a full-time book _12_. So I was taking classes to improve my _l3_, and he was going to a _l4_ school to learn more about skills of painting. Usually, when I finished a new story, Daniel would _l5_for it. We would get ourselves published as a picture book author and a painter.1A. sincerely B. casually C. carefully D. carelessly2A. enjoyB. forgetC. explain D. improve3A. teachersB. friends C. sistersD. families4A. differentB. same C. useful D. new5A. firstB. last C. bestD. old6A. endsB. coversC. picturesD. readers7A. HappilyB. StrangelyC. UnhappilyD. Importantly8A. finishedB. stoppedC. hatedD. loved9A. unwillingB. luckyC. determinedD. ready10A. publishersB. writersC. schoolsD. artists11A. encouragedB. forbadeC. allowedD. forced12A. sellerB. painter C. owner D. editor13A. readingB. listeningC. writingD. drawing14A. businessB. musicC. medicalD. special15A. prepareB. lookC. paintD. study第二节语法填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)仔细阅读下面短文,短文中有10个空格。请按照语境以及括号里的具体要求完成语法填空。答案填写在答题卡标号为16-25的对应位置。All these things have been wonderful. _16_ I have to say, the highlight (最精彩的部分)of the year was the senior prom(舞会). For _17_ American girl, its so important that you have a good time at the prom. Well, I did! Daniel, a boy in my English class, asked me to go to the prom with him,_18_ I was so pleased Id been hoping he would ask me. I found a dress _19_ suited me perfectly, and had my hair _20_(special) done on the day of the prom. _21_ took two hours but it was worth it, as everyone told me I looked very elegant! A group of us rented a nice car _22_(take) us to the prom. The food was delicious and I ate so much that I had to stop _23_(dance) for a while! We shared a table _24_ some good friends, and laughed and _25_(tell) jokes all evening. Its great pity that its probably the last time this will happen.II 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ACharles sat in the dining room with five other students, waiting for Ms Swanson to interview all of them. Ms Swanson, the seventh-grade science teacher, was looking for a lab helper. Charless hands were sweaty and his face felt hot. He wondered if his face was red - and if anyone would notice. As he prepared for his interview, Charles reviewed a set of cards with notes that he had made earlier. On the cards, he had written answers to questions that Ms Swanson might ask and some lab requirements. The emergency (紧急状况) eyewash station is not a place to get a drink of water, he quietly read from one card. Put on your lab coat or youll not be allowed into the school science lab. Have strong shoes to protect your feet from broken glass, he continued to read from another card. Looking up, Charles decided to check out the other candidates. Nearby, a girl with dark red hair was putting her own set of cards in order. He watched as she tore a card into tiny pieces and put the pieces into a pocket. Suddenly she looked up at Charles. “Are you nervous?” she asked. No, Im not nervous - not at all, Charles said. What about you? Uh, no, me neither, the girl answered. At that moment, Ms Swanson appeared. Charles Locke? she called out.26. When sitting in the dining room, Charles was_. A. nervous B. calm C. embarrassed D. sad27. According to the second paragraph, which of the following is TRUE? A. Ms Swanson must ask the questions on the cards. B. Charles went over what he had prepared before. C. Ms Swanson asked Charles to put on his lab coat. D. Charles sat in the lab, waiting for the interview.28. The underlined word candidates in Paragraph 3 refers to “_” A. lab helpers B. science teachers C. students reading cards D. students competing for the job29. Whats the passage mainly about? A. Making notes on cards. B. Making friends at school. C. The life of a science teacher. D. Students waiting to be interviewed.30. What will probably happen next in the story? A. Charles will tear up his cards. B. Charles will talk to Ms Swanson. C. Charles will give up trying for the job. D. Charles will help the girl prepare for her interview. BWhen the Second World War ended last century, Europes leaders decided to work together to deal with their problems. They wanted to put an end to fighting. In this way, people could rebuild their lives and create new and better ways to support themselves and trade with each other. One way to do this, the leaders thought, was to control how much coal and steel each country could receive. This was important because coal was needed to power the factories. The factories made all the things that people needed, including steel for machines, houses, roads and buildings. Coal and steel were also necessary when people produced war machines like guns and tanks. When the leaders made this decision, no nation could build these weapons (war machines) without other nations knowing about it. The leaders also hoped that countries which depended on each other like this would have no reason to fight. Because their economies (经济) would be stronger and people would have good jobs and food without wars. Over 50 years have passed and Europes wars are what you read in your history books. The EU (European Union) has come a long way. There are now 28 member states in the European Union. Its a little bit like a school class. As in a good community, the stronger ones help the weaker ones. And as in a class where some children like maths and others prefer music, some EU countries have interests that are different from others. To live together peacefully, everybody must accept everyone else as they are. Each country lives according to its own traditions, language and culture.( )31. Before the Second World War, the European countries_.A. used more steal to produce war machinesB. used more coal to make guns and tanksC. couldnt properly control coal and stealD. were not in great need of coal and steal( ) 32. According to the passage, what are more important European development?A. Guns and tanks. B. Machines and houses.C. Coal and steel. D. Roads and buildings.( ) 33. What does the underlined sentence “Its a little bit like a school class.” mean?A. The countries in the EU are different and united.B. The countries in EU have to learn together.C. There are lots of schools in the EU.D. There are the same subjects in the EU schools.( ) 34. Which of the following is TRUE about the EU?A. The EU put an end to the World War II.B. The EU should have the same culture.C. Each country in the EU has its own traditions.D. The economy makes the EU stronger.( ) 35. What can be the best title for the passage?A. How to live together peacefully B. The opinions of the leaders in EuropeC. How to control coal and steel in EuropeD. The EU: whats it aboutCIn the US, cars are often called automobiles. The first car in the US was shown in 1804 by Oliver Evans. This car could not only travel on land with wheels like a normal car, but it could also move on water. It was powered by steam. The next step in the development of the car came at the end of the century. The parts of the first cars were made separately and then put together by hand. This took much too long. In 1913, the American car maker Henry Ford began to use an assembly line to make his cars. An assembly line is a way of producing many things in a. short time. It is a line of machines and people. Each of these is responsible for a certain step in putting something, like a car, together. For example, at one point a machine will put in the engine. The car will then move along the line to the next point, where something else will be put into place. By the time it reaches the end of the long line, the car is complete. It made cars much cheaper to make and buy. Cars have developed a lot since then. Today, cars can be very advanced. The first car could travel at about 5 km/h. Now cars can run faster than 200 km/h. The first recorded long drive in a car in Britain was in 1895, and it was just over 90 km long. Today, cars travel thousands of kilometres at a time. Some of the more expensive cars include CD players, computer screens, televisions, even fridges, but no matter how luxurious (奢侈的) or simple a car is, driving the car has become one of the most important ways to travel, especially in the city.36. What do we know about the car invented by Oliver Evans? A. It was called an automobile at that time. B. It was created at the end of the 19th century. C. It could be used both on the road and on water. D. It was the first car in history around the world. 37. We can know from Paragraph 2 that _. A. the parts of the first cars were put together by machine B. the first cars were very popular with customers C. it usually didnt take long to make the first cars D. the first cars were not easy to make38. What is implied about Henry Ford in the passage? A. He was the first car maker in history. B. He didnt make good use of an assembly line. C. He didnt make much money out of selling cars. D. He reduced the costs, of cars and made them cheap to buy.39. The author shows cars have developed a lot through _. A. telling us stories about cars B. comparing early cars and todays cars C. telling us his feelings of using different cars D. comparing cars he drove in the past and cars he drives now40. What is the main idea of the passage? A. The importance of cars. B. The development of cars. C. Features of expensive cars. D. Important car makers in history. DIn most developing countries, few children graduate from secondary schools and many dont even finish primary schools. In Ghana, for example, only 50 percent of children complete Grade 5, and of those, less than half can understand a simple paragraph. The UNESCO(联合教科文组织) program Education for All aims to provide the free primary schooling for children. It has been successful in increasing the number of students. But, according to Education for All reports this year, many kids drop out of school. Why dont they stay? There are lots of reasons. They have difficulty in getting to school and the cost of uniforms is too much for them. As we all know, though tuition (学费) is free, there are often expenses for lunch and examinations. And because the quality of education is often poor, parents are forced to pay for private teachers to make their children pass tests. Besides, while they are in school, children have to forgo opportunities to make money working on the family farm or selling in the marketplace. Even when learning results are good, very few students continue to study further. Job prospects (前景) for most people in the developing world are poor. If they stay in school and pass Grade 5, or even Grade 10, it does not improve them much. Education programs typically use traditional Western models of education, paying more attention to math, science, language and social studies. These programs have little to do with the lives of poor children. Most students in developing countries face a much more different future from those in developed countries. There are no higher levels of schooling or proper job opportunities for most of these children. They will likely end up working on the farm or starting their own small business.( ) 41. How many kids in Ghana probably cant understand a simple article? A. More than 25%. B. Above 45%. C. About 50%. D. More than 75%. ( ) 42. According to the text, which is NOT the reason for kids dropping out? A. High tuition. B. Problems of traffic. C. Exam fees. D. Lunch in the school.( ) 43. The underlined word “forgo” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_”. A. find out B gain C. give up D. choose( ) 44. The main purpose of the passage is to_. A. persuade more kids to go to school for better jobs B. advise poor parents to support their kids education C. point out the education problems in developing countries D. report the new development of the education( ) 45. Whats the authors attitude towards the education in developing countries? A. Concerned. B. Positive. C. Supportive. D. Uncaring.第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分1 0分) 阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。下面是要出租的房屋图片和相关信息:Rent:¥32,000 per year A spacious living room with a balcony and a nice river view.A kitchen, a living room, two bedrooms and a bathroom.A supermarket nearby.Rent:¥49,000 per year A large balcony in living area.An open-plan kitchen, three bedrooms with beautiful decoration and two bathrooms.Convenient transportation and a shopping center nearby.Rent:¥28,000 per yearIKEA style furniture, large French windows, the open layout and a nice river view. A large living room, a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom. A park nearby.Rent:¥30,000 per yearThe spacious open layout and a living room with a nice view,Two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom.Rent:¥50,000 per year Floor heating, a beautiful private garden and an open-plan kitchen.A large living room, four bedrooms, a study and two bathrooms.Rent:¥20,000 per yearA small house with wall heating and beautiful decoration with silk wallpaper.A living room, a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom.Convenient transportation.以下是五位外籍教师的租房需求,请从上面的六个预租房中帮他们选择最合适的房子。46. Tom is a graduate. He is looking for a cheap house. The weather in his city is very cold so he would like to choose a house with heating. And a house with wall heating is his first choice.47. Mrs Green wants to find a large house with floor heating for her family. She has three kids, so it is very necessary to have a big private garden. She thinks that her children can play there.48. Now Cindy and her husband want to rent a house with a not so high price. Cindy is fond. Of IKEA style furniture very much and thinks that it meets the popular expectations of new enjoyment.49. Eliza prefers a house with a nice river view. One of her hobbies is cooking. In her spare open-plan kitchen will be her first choice.50. Edward is a retired college teacher. Recently, he is looking for a house. In his opinion, a house with a balcony in the living room is his first choice. Moreover, if there is a nice river view, it will be perfect. 写作(共两节,满分50分)第一节 基础写作(共1小题;满分25分)【写作内容】根据以下提示信息,以“Highlights of My Senior Year”为题,写一写发生在你高二生活中的一件事。1. 你校举办中学生个人才艺展示;2. 你代表班级参赛;3. 最初你感觉很紧张,压力很大,一度想放弃;4. 老师和同学为你提供了很多建议并且帮我准备;5. 在他们的鼓励和帮助下,你参加了比赛,获得了第一名;6. 通过这次经历,你认识到坚持自己的梦想就一定会成功。【写作要求】1. 注意人称和动词的时态,可适当增加连词使行文连贯。2. 只能使用五个句子表达全部内容。【Key words】 代表:represent 一度:at one moment 坚持:hold on

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