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仁爱英语九年级上册单词表Unit 1 第1单元 Topic 1 Our country has developed rapidly.话题1 我们的国家飞速发展。proper prpprpadj. by the way volunteer vlntivlntrn. bell n.grandpagrndp: n.chairwoman twumn n. grandson grndsn n. disabled diseibld adj.shut t v.rope rup n.teenager ti:neid n.granny grni n.describe diskraib v.in detail di:teil education ,edjukein n.childhood taild,hud n.support sp:t v.&nlaborer leibr n.develop divelp v.rapidly rpidli adv.luckily lkili adv.development divelpmnt n.narrow nru adj.communication k,mju:nikein n.quick kwik adj. adv.leisure li: n.keep in touch withrelative reltiv n.far awaymainly meinli adv.telegram teligrm n.reform and opening-up sort s:t n.;v.fax fks n.rapid rpid adj.progress prugres n.; v.make progressalready :lredi adv.succeed sksi:d v.organization ,:gnaizein n.war w: n.tug of war n.note nut n.;v.composition ,kmpzin n.consider knsid v.draw up tool tu:l n.thanks toUnit 1 第1单元 Topic 2 China has the largest poipulation.话题2 中国拥有最庞大的人口。yet jet adv.probably prbbli adv.call up European ,jurpi:n adj.population ,ppjulein n.recent ri:snt adj.because of policy plisi n.neither adv.billion biljn numincrease inkri:s v. ;n.difficulty difiklti n.be short of so far measure me n.take measures to do sth.newborn nju:,b:n adj.percent psent n.unless nles conj.couple kpl n.a couple of market m:kit n.transportation ,trnsptein n.excellent ekslnt adj.keep up with relation rilein n.belong to Unit 1 第1单元 Topic 3 The world has changed for the better.话题3 中国变得越来越好。as a matter offactflood fld n.;v.discover diskv v.direct direkt adj.; v.possible psbl adj.fair f adj.invention invenn n.excite iksait adj.in need medical medikl adj.treatment tri:tmnt n.provide prvaid v.conversation ,knvsein n.secretary sekrtri n.engineer ,endini n.fisherman fimn n.dead ded adj.army :mi n.wound waund n.; v.granddaughter grn,d:t n.grandchild grndtaild n.ache eik n.& v. fire fai n.stairs n.downstairs ,daunstz adv.;n.board b:d n.; v.skill skil n.drug drg n.steal sti:l v.disobey ,disbei v.purpose p:ps n.mention menn v.; n.social sul adj.aim eim v.;n.abroad br:d adv.at home and abroad pay for Unit2第2单元 Topic1 Pollution is harmful to peoples health.话题1 污染有害人们的身体健康。bee bi: n.my goodness chemical kemikl adj.;n.waste weist adj.;n.;v.stream stri:m n.soil sil n.breathe bri: v.harmful h:mfl adj.be harmful to.influence influns v.&n.weak wi:k adj.produce prdju:s n.gas gs n.chest test n.anyway eni,wei adv.following flui adjcoal kul n.electricity ,ilektrisiti n.partner p:tn n.deaf def adj. v.hearing loss disturb dist:b v.harm h:m n.&v.including prep.title taitl n.rubbish rbi n.sawmill s:mil n.nearby nibai adj.effect ifekt n.create krieit v.industry indstri n.destroy distri v.blood bld n.pressure pre n.Unit2 第2单元 Topic 2 All these problems are very serious.话题2 所有这些问题都很严重。as a result rude ru:d adj.behavior biheivj n.in the beginning day by day die out importance imp:tns n.sand snd n.sandstorm sndst:m n.cut downchange intodesert dezt n. v.prevent privent v.prevent.from human beingalthough :lu conj.law l: n.turn off tap n.on earth ozone layercarbon dioxideperiod pirid n.millions of take awaypollute plu:t v.oxygen ksidn n.radiation ,reidiein n.blanket blkit n.escape iskeip n.&v.rise raiz v.the greenhouse effectlevel levl n.Mars m:z n.refer to take up garbage g:bid n.recycle ri:saikl v.Unit2 第2单元 Topic 3 Would you like to be a greener person?话题3 你想成为一位环保人士吗?reduce ridju:s v.plastic plstik adj.can n.suppose spuz v.be suppose to do nod nd v.agreement gri:mnt n.shake eik v.ought todistance distns n.cloth kl n.action kn n.battery btri n.power pau n.acid rain nuclear nju:kli adj.biogas n.technology teknldi n.straw str: n.electric ilektrik adj.efficient ifint adj.maglev trainper p prep.wheel hwi:l n.guide gaid n.steel sti:l m n.movement mu:vmnt n.journey d:ni n.towel taul n.offer :f v.& n.Review of Units 1-2 第1、2单元复习Reason ri:zn n.;v.television teli,vin n.competition ,kmpitin n.regret rigret v. ; n.view vju: n.cheat ti:t v.&n.chemistry kemistri n.punish pni v.strange streind adj.murder n.&v.lamb lm n.operation ,prein n.marry mri v.nor n: conj.neither.nor toilet tilit n.fix fiks v.unit 3 第3单元 Topic 1 English is widely spoken throughout the world. 话题1 英语在全世界被广泛使用。cartoon k:tu:n n.character krikt n.language lgwid n.throughout ru:aut prep.from now ongarage gr: n.be pleased with. pack pk v.on business Spanish spni n.; adj.be similar to interpreter int:prit n.translate trnsleit v.translate.into orally :rli adv.exactly igzktli adv.system sistm n.company kmpni n.general denrl adj.in general besides bisaidz adv.; prep.once in a whilewhenever hwenev conj.French frent n.; adj.divide divaid v.divide.into. deliever v.postman pustmn n.tongue t n.mother tonguestate steit n.speaker spi:k n.communicate kmju:nikeit v.kingdom kidm n.the United Kingdomtourism turizm n.conference knfrns n.tourist tu:rist n.powerful paufl adj.leading li:di adj.position pzin n.; v. Unit 3 第3单元 Topic 2 English is spoken differently in different countries. 话题2 不同的国家讲的英语也不一样。Australian :streiljn adj.; n.British briti daj.suitcase su:tkeis n.trunk trk n.difference difrns n.autumn :tm n.face to facesee.offput outthumb m n.ask for a rideminibus mini,bs n.get inflight flait n.guidebook n.pick up puzzled pzld adj.victory viktri n.pronounce prnauns v.oral :rl adj.pronunciation pr,nnsiein n.clerk kl:k n.expression ikspren n.fill inPirates of the Caribbeancome aboutforce f:s v.take incent sent n.German d:mn n.; adj.kowtow kautau v.accent ksnt n.Unit 3 第3单元 Topic 3 Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well? 话题3 你能给我一些建议如何能学好英语吗? dare d v.at timesgrammar grm n.copy kpi v.notebook nutbuk n.keep a diarybeg beg v.parden n.& v.repeat ripi:t v.be weak inaloud laud adv.ability biliti n.make mistakes take a breath channel tnl n.toothpaste tu:peist n.discussion diskn n.opinion pinjn n.preview pri:vju: v.review rivju: v.; n.retell ri:tel v.method med n.as long asstick to doing sth. chant t:nt n.whom pron. (who的宾格) wise waiz adj.learned l:nid adj.tide taid n.complete kmpli:t adj.; v.last but not least keep ontext n.Unit 4第四单元 Topic 1 Spaceships are mainly controlled by computers. 话题1 宇宙飞船大多由电脑控制。goddess gdis n.legend lednd n.hero hiru n.launch l:nt v.&n.spaceship speisip n.prove pru:v v.unar probe achieve ti:v v.manned mnd adj.send up astronaut strn:t n.mankind mnkaind n.magical mdikl adj.amazing meizi adj.master m:st v.;n.introduction ,intrdkn n.expect ikspekt v.craft kr:ft n.mini-world n.dry drai v.;adj.telescope teliskup n.doubt daut n.&v.no doubttiny taini adj.cancel knsl v.connect knekt v.for instance exchange iksteind v.turn on connect to envelope envilup n.screen skri:n n.click klik v.click oninbox inbks n.reply riplai n.&v.search s:t v.&n. Unit 4第四单元 Topic 2 When was it invented?话题2 那是什么时候发明的?rocket rkit n.metal metl n.satellite stlait n.toothbrush tu:br n.ink ik n.recorder rik:d n.digital diditl adj.bulb blb n.clone klun v.&n.experiment iksperimnt n.benefit benefit v. ;organ :gn n.AIDS eidz n.laptop lptp n.servant s:vnt n.for certainhousework n.behave biheiv v.contribution ,kntribju:n n.make a contribution tolandmark lndm:k n.global glubl adj.thief i:f n.run away Unit 4第四单元 Topic 3 I dont think aliens can be found in space.话题3 我认为宇宙中没有外星人。scientific ,saintifik n.research ris:t n.admire dmai v.basic beisik adj.coach kut n.base beis v.be based on science fictionsolar systemRoman rumn adj.diameter daimit n.storm st:m n.gravity grviti n.limit limit v.universe ju:niv:s n.beyond bijnd prep.separate sepreit adj.separate v.hand in Review of Units 3-4 复习3-4单元Silence sailns n.throw awaytower tau n.prison prizn n.praise preiz v.&n.degree digri: n.whatever hwtev pron.wherever hwrev conj.8


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