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学校_ 班别_ 姓名_ 学号_20122013年度第二学期期中练习卷五年级英语科 听 力 部 分(40分)一、选出你听到的内容,把代号填在括号里。(10分) ( )1. A.take B.tasty C.cake ( )2. A.knock B.book C.shop ( )3. A.toast B.boat C.coat ( )4. A.American B.China C.Canada( )5. A.made B.make C.date ( )6. A.last B.next C.net( )7. A.come on B.come from C.come back ( )8. A.watch TV B.see a movie C.wash the clothes( )9. A. went on a trip B. went to the park C.went to the zoo( )10.A.in Canada B. in Thailand. C. in Chinese二、听录音,标号。(6分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听问句,选答语。(5分) ( )1. A.No,we werent. B.Many trees fell. C.Yes,we were. ( )2. A.No,he is. B.No,they arent. C.Yes,she is.( )3. A.It was good. B.It was yucky. C.It was thirsty.( )4. A.They read some books. B.They are hungry. C.They were in England.( )5.A.The wind blew away my hat.B.She read a book. C.He went to the park. 四、听对话,判断是否与对话内容相符,对的写(T),错的写(F)。(5分)( ) 1、We were in Beijing last month.( ) 2、There was a snake in the tree.( ) 3、I drank a glass of milk this morning.( ) 4、My cousin plant some trees yesterday afternoon.( ) 5、They ate some cookies last night.五、听录音,判断对错,对的写(T),错的写(F)。(6分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )六、听录音,补全短文。(8分)1、Mary_ _ _ every day.2、She _ a _ _ yesterday.3、What_ the weather like? 4、There were _ in the room.笔 试 部 分 (60分)一、选出与下列图片内容相对应的图片把答案写在括号里。(6分) A B C D E F( )1. Im going to see The Great Wall of China. ( )2. I come from Canada.( )3 I broke the window. ( )4.Many trees fell.( )5.She wrote to her mother.( )6. Im going to get a hair cut.二、选择题。(15分) ( )1. Where did they _? Many places.A. came from B. come from C. comes from ( )2. - What did you _? - I_ a snake.A.saw;saw B. saw;see C. see;saw ( )3.- What _ your shoes _? They were very dirty.A. are;like B. did;like C. were;like( )4. What did Betty do _ Sunday morning?A. in B.on C. at( )5. My sister _ to the park now. A.went B.is going C. go ( )6.What your mother yesterday?A. does/did B. did/do C. does/do ( )7. you going to go on vacation? Yes, I am.A. Are B.Is C.Does( )8.Did you _ to the park yesterday?A. went B. go C. going( )9.What a mess! _ trees fell.A. Any B. Many C. A( )10.He didnt his bike last Sunday.A. rides B. ride C. rode三、阅读理解,按要求完成题目。(10分)Childrens Day is coming. In the morning, Im going to the park with my family. Then, we are going to have a picnic and take some photos. In the afternoon, were going to visit my relatives. I am going to make a model plane with my cousin. In the evening, we are going to shop for clothes and have a party with our friends. It will be a happy day!A、 相符的写“T”,不相符的写”F”。1.( )Im going to the park with my family on Childrens Day.2.( )We are going to have a picnic in the evening .3.( )My friends and I are going to have a party.4.( ) I am not going to make a model plane with my cousin.5.( ) We will be very happy on Childrens Day!Hello! Im from England . Im new here . Im a student .I love my teachers . They are very kind . Mr Li is my Chinese teacher . Hes strong and short . Miss Guo is my math teacher . She is young and pretty . Miss Wu is my favourite teacher . She teaches music . I like Tuesday very much , because we have music class . We often have beef and tomatoes for lunch in the school on Tuesday . Ping-pong is my favourite sport .B、根据短文,选择正确答案。( )1. The teachers are _ . A. quiet B. kind( )2._ is my favourite teacher .A. Music teacher B. Math teacher( )3. Whats Miss Guo like ? A. She is young and pretty . B. Shes young and short.( )4. Whats my favourite sport ? A. Ping-pong B. Football( )5. Why do I like Tuesdays ?A. Because we often have beef and potatoes for lunch . B. Because we have music class.四、看图完成句子。(每空一个单词9分)(1) (2) (3) (4)1._you going to have a _ on vacation? Yes, I am. 2.What is he going to_today? He is _ to _his homework.3.What_the food like? It was _.4._ you take a _ last week? Yes, I_.五、用所给动词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. What did they_( do) yesterday morning? They_ ( see) a movie.2. What _ (be) Tony _(go) to do today ? Hes going to _ (play).3. Where _ ( be ) you last month ? I_ ( be ) in Thailand . 4. The bird _(take away ) my hat this morning. 5. _ ( be ) you going to meet some friends tomorrow? Yes, I _. 六、书面表达。(10分)假期快要到了,你想和家人出一次远门度假,请用一段话,不少于5个句子写出来,要注意写出你所打算做的事情。(参考词汇:go on vacation,take some photos,meet some friends,see the Great Wall of China .)20122013学年度开心学英语五年级下册期中测试卷听力答案一、选出你听到的内容,把代号填在括号里。(10分) ( B )1. A.take B.tasty C.cake ( A )2. A.knock B.book C.shop ( A )3. A.toast B.boat C.coat ( C )4. A.American B.China C.Canada( B )5. A.made B.make C.date ( B )6. A.last B.next C.net( B )7. A.come on B.come from C.come back ( C )8. A.watch TV B.see a movie C.wash the clothes( A )9. A. went on a trip B. went to the park C.went to the zoo( B )10.A.in Canada B. in Thailand. C. in China二、听录音,标号。(6分) ( 3 ) ( 2 ) ( 5 ) ( 4 ) ( 1 ) ( 6 )No.1 What did he do? He read books.No.2 We are going to have a party.No.3 Im going to surf the net this evening.No.4 He feel bad.Hes going to see the doctor.No.5 My sister is going to shop for clothes tomorrow.No.6 Shes going to take some photos in the vacation.三、听问句,选答语。(5分)( B )1.What happened? A.No,we werent. B.Many trees fell. C.Yes,we were.( B )2. Are they going to go to Canada?A.No,he is. B.No,they arent. C.Yes,she is.( A )3. What was the weather like in Guangzhou?A.It was good. B.It was yucky. C.It was thirsty.( C )4.Where were they last summer holiday ? A.They read some books. B.They are hungry. C.They were in England.( B )5.What did she do this morning?A.The wind blew away my hat.B.She read a book. C.He went to the park.四、听对话,判断是否与对话内容相符,对的写(T),错的写(F)。(5分)( T ) 1、What did you do last month? We saw The Great Wall of China.( T ) 2、What happened? She saw a snake in the tree.( F ) 3、What did you drink this morning? I drank a cap of tea this morning?( F ) 4、Did your cousin plant a tree yesterday afternoon? Yes,he did.( T ) 5、What did they do last night? They swept the floor and ate some cookies.五、听录音,判断对错,对的写(T),错的写(F)。(6分) ( F ) ( T ) ( T ) ( F ) ( F ) ( T )No.1 What did your brother do last night? He read books.No.2 We are going to play with friends.No.3 Im going to have a picnic tomorrow .No.4 What happened? The window broke.No.5 My sister is going to shop for clothes tomorrow.No.6 Shes going to get a haircut the day after tomorrow .六、听录音,补全短文。(8分)1、Mary makes models planes every day.2、She planted a big tree yesterday3、What was the weather like? 4、There were chairs in the room.笔 试 部 分 答案(60分)一、选出与下列图片内容相对应的图片把答案写在括号里。(6分) A B C D E F( F )1. Im going to see The Great Wall of China. ( A )2. I come from Canada.( C )3 I broke the window. ( D )4.Many trees fell.( E )5.She wrote to her mother.( B )6. Im going to get a hair cut.二、选择题。(15分) ( B )1. Where did they _? Many places.A. came from B. come from C. comes from ( C )2. - What did you _? - I_ a snake.A.saw;saw B. saw;see C. see;saw ( C )3.- What _ your shoes _? They were very dirty.A. are;like B. did;like C. were;like( B )4. What did Betty do _ Sunday morning?A. in B.on C. at( B )5. My sister _ to the park now. A.went B.is going C. go ( B )6.What your mother yesterday?A. does/did B. did/do C. does/do ( A )7. you going to go on vacation? Yes, I am.A. Are B.Is C.Does( B )8.Did you _ to the park yesterday?A. went B. go C. going( B )9.What a mess! _ trees fell.A. Any B. Many C. A( B )10.He didnt his bike last Sunday.A. rides B. ride C. rode三、阅读理解,按要求完成题目。(10分)Childrens Day is coming. In the morning, Im going to the park with my family. Then, we are going to have a picnic and take some photos. In the afternoon, were going to visit my relatives. I am going to make a model plane with my cousin. In the evening, we are going to shop for clothes and have a party with our friends. It will be a happy day!B、 相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F”。1.( T )Im going to the park with my family on Childrens Day.2.( F )We are going to have a picnic in the evening .3.( T )My friends and I are going to have a party.4.( F ) I am not going to make a model plane with my cousin.5.( T ) We will be very happy on Childrens Day!Hello! Im from England . Im new here . Im a student .I love my teachers . They are very kind . Mr Li is my Chinese teacher . Hes strong and short . Miss Guo is my math teacher . She is young and pretty . Miss Wu is my favourite teacher . She teaches music . I like Tuesday very much , because we have music class . We often have beef and tomatoes for lunch in the school on Tuesday . Ping-pong is my favourite sport .B、根据短文,选择正确答案。( B )1. The teachers are _ . A. quiet B. kind( A )2._ is my favourite teacher .A. Music teacher B. Math teacher( A )3. Whats Miss Guo like ? A. She is young and pretty . B. Shes young and short.( A )4. Whats my favourite sport ? A. Ping-pong B. Football( A )5. Why do I like Tuesdays ?A. Because we often have beef and potatoes for lunch . B. Because we have music class.四、看图完成句子。(每空一个单词9分)(1) (2) (3) (4)1. Are you going to have a picnic on vacation? Yes, I am. 2.What is he going to do today? He is going to do his homework.3.What was the food like? It was yucky .4. Did you take a test last week? Yes, I did.五、用所给动词的适当形式填空。(10分)6. What did they do ( do) yesterday morning? They saw ( see) a movie.7. What is (be) Tony going (go) to do today ? Hes going to play (play).8. Where were ( be ) you last month ? I was ( be ) in Thailand . 9. The bird took away (take away ) my hat this morning. 10. Are ( be ) you going to meet some friends tomorrow? Yes, Iam . 六、书面表达。(10分)假期快要到了,你想和家人出一次远门度假,请用一段话,不少于5个句子写出来,要注意写出你所打算做的事情。(参考词汇:go on vacation,take some photos,meet some friends,see the Great Wall of China .)


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