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PEP小学五年级英语上册第一单元试卷一、请写出26个字母。二、下面哪一对是反义词,请连一连。tall youngstrong shortold thin三、根据汉字写出相应的英语单词。 1、My English teacher is very _.( ) 2、What do have on Wednesday? We have P.E and _( ) 3、We have P.E and computer on _( ) 4、_( ) is my favourite food. 5、Apples are _( ). 6、I often _on Saturdays. Chinese Wednesday kind watch TV sweet pork四、找出求同类的单词。( )1、A、tall B、strong C、old D、morning( )2、A、Monday B、Tuesday C、Friday D、old( )3、A、math B、teacher C、music D、English( )4、A、tomato B、pork C、 potato D、cabbage( )5、A、salty B、tofu C、sweet D、sour五、请写出它们的意思。 do homework_ watch TV_read books_ Moral Education_fresh_ healthy_green beans_ tasty_六、选择填空。( )1、_your math teacher? Mr zhao . A、.Whats B、Whos C、Wheres( )2、What do you _on Saturdays? A、is B、does c.、do( )3、Is she quiet? A、Yes, she is. B、No, she is. C、No, she isnt.( )4What do you have lunch on Mondays? _. A 、We have English. B、We have tomatoes and fish.七、读短文回答问题,把正确答案的序号填在前面的括号内。Hello! Im Zhang Pang . Im from Xing xing school .Today is Thursday .We have Chinese Math and English .I like English .My English teacher is very funny .He is short .I like him. We have pomato and fish for lunch on Thursday. I dont like pomato .Tomato are my favourite . ( )1、Whant day is it today? A Monday B Wednesday C Thursday D Sunday ( )2、What do they have for lunch on Thurday ? A Pork and rice . B Mutton and tomato C Pomato and fish D Eggplant and tomato ( )3、What is Zhang Peng s English teacher like ? A He is so tall . B He is active . C Hes very funny .He is short .五年英语上册第一单元测试卷(满分70分)班级_姓名_听力部分30分一听录音,编号。(5分) 活泼的活稽的 校长 大学生女士( )( )( ) ( ) ( )二听录音,选出你听到的一项。(5分) 1. ( ) Ashort Bshirt 2 ( ) Atall Bball 3. ( ) A thin Bthis 4 ( ) Amiss BMr 5()AbreakBblack 6 ( ) A English Bscience 7 ( ) AIs he strict? BIs she smart? 8 ( ) AYes, she is. BYes, he is. 9 ( ) AWhat is your father like? B Where is he from? 10 ( ) A Whos that lady? BWhose bag is it? 三听录音,选出所听到的问题的最佳答语。(10分) 1.( ) AYes, she is. BYes, he is. 2.( ) A.Mr Zhao.B Hes funny. 3. ( ) AHes from Canada.B. Hes Wang Tao.4. ( ) AShes thin.B Yes, she is. 5. ( ) A. Yes, she is quite.BNo, she is quite.四听录音, 填空(10分) 1 _ is your math _ like? He is _ and _. 2. _ is she? Oh,_ is my mother. 3. The story(故事) is _, but its very _. 4. Our principal is _,but she is _. 笔试部分(40分)六. 填入所缺字母,完成单词并写出中文。(5分) 1. sm_ rt ( ) 2. s tr_ct ( ) 3. act _ ve( ) 4. st_dent ( )5. pr_ncipal( ) 六把问题和答语对应起来。(5分) 1.() Whos that man? A、 Hes fromChina. 2.() Whats he like? B、Hes my teacher. 3.() Wheres he from? C、No, she is old. 4.() Is Miss Wang young? D、 Hes short and thin. 5.() Is Mr Wang young? E、 No, he is old. 七选择正确答案并将字母序号填在括号里。(5分) ( )1This is _ university student. ( )2_funny? Yes, she is. Aan Ba C 不填 A Is heBWhosC Is she 八连词成句并写出中文。(10分) 1.thatisyoungwhoman (?) _2. isOurprincipalkindvery(.)_ 3. classeswhat like you do (?) _ 九、翻译:(5分) 1谁是你的新的语文老师? _ is your _ Chinese teacher ? 2.她长得怎么样? 哦,她又高又瘦。_ she like ? Oh, she is tall and thin. 3.他聪明吗?是的,而且他很严厉。Is he _? Yes, and he is very _ 十. 读短文,判断正误。( 用T表示正确,F表示错误)(10分) Hello, my name is John. I have P.E ,art and English on Tuesday(星期二).Its my favourite day. I like English. Look,that is my math teacher. Hes very kind. His name is Li Hai. I like beef very much, but I dont like apples. I like bananas, too. 1()John has P.E and computer on Tuesday. 2() Johns favourite day is Monday. 3()Mr Li is Johns English teacher. 4() John likes apple very much. 5(). Johns math teacher is short and kind. 五年英语上册第二单元测试卷班级_姓名_一.写单词:星期一_ 星期二_ 星期三_ 星期_星期五_ 星期六_ 星期日_二.写句子:1 今天星期几?_ _ _ _ _?2 星期三._ _ .3 星期四你上什么课? What _ _ _ on _?4 星期四我们上英语,数学和自然. We have _, _ and _on _.5星期六你都干什么? What _ _ _ on _?6 我经常读书. I _ _ _.7 他通常看电视. He _ _ _.8 Mom often _ _ (做家务)on _.(周日)9母亲节在五月的第二个周日Mothers Day is the _Sunday in _.10父亲节在六月的第三个周日. Fathers Day is the _Sunday in _.11在美国,感恩节在11月的第四个周四. I n America Thanksgiving Day is the fourth _ in _.12在加拿大,感恩节在10月的第二个周一. I n Canana Thanksgiving Day is the second _ in _.三 选择(填序号)( )1. What _ is it today? A. today B. day ( )2. Today _ Friday. A. is B. are ( )3. We _English, math and P.E. A have B has ( )4. What do you do _ Sundays? A. on B. in ( )5 Sunday is fun _ me. A on B for ( )6 Its time _ get up A. to B for 四 连词成句1have what do on you Saturday(?)_ 2I watch often TV Sundays on my (.) _ 3 day what today it is(?)_ 4 Sunday homework often I on my do(.) _ 十二.阅读,判断(用T表示正确,用F表示错误)5My name is Amy. I go to school from Monday to Friday. Every morning I get up at 6:30. I have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. We have English, math and science on Monday morning. I like Fridays very much, because I have P.E class and I can watch TV on that day.( )1. Amy gets up at 6:30. ( )2 Amy has five classes every day. ( )3. Amy likes math very much.( )4. Amy likes Saturdays.( )5. Amy has English, math and science on Monday morning小学五年级上册英语第一单元测试题姓名 分数一、 选出正确答案。(10分)( )1、-Who is that girl? -_A、She is young.B、Yes,she is. C、She is my friend.( )2、-Is she clever? -_A、Yes,she isnt. B、Yes,he is. C、No,she isnt.( )3、-Is she short? - No,she is _tall.A、very B、much C、very much( )4、-Who is your English teacher? -_A、He is my brother. B、Mr Li is very tall. C、Miss Cao ( )5、-_pretty? -Yes,she is very pretty.A、Does her B、Is she C、is she D、she is( )6、-_? -He is my brother.A、Who that boy?B、Whos that boy?C、Whose that boy?D、Whats that boy?( )7、-_? -Yes,she is.A、Is she good at her school work?B、Is she good her school work?C、Whats she good at? D、Does she good at her schoolwork?( )8、-Where do you come from? -_A、Im from Japan. B、I from Australia.C、I come from Britain. D、Im come from China.( )9、-Where do you live?A、I live on Green Road. B、I live at Purple Street.C、Im live on Green Road. D、I live Green Road.( )10、_? Im in Class One,Grade Five.A、Whats class are you in?B、What class do you in?C、What class are your in? D、What class are you in?二、连词成句。(10分)1、from come I Britain . _2、Purple Street 46 live at I . _3、her is what name . _4、has beautiful hair big eyes bright long she and . _5、each live we near other . _三、选出不同类的单词。(10分)( )1、A、smart B、clever C、come D、cute( )2、A、Britain B、China C、English D、Australia( )3、A、is B、have C、are D、am( )4、A、I B、his C、her D、my( )5、A、green B、purple C、grey D、glue( )6、A、subject B、mat(绿色圃中小学教育网 http:/WWW.Lspjy.cOm 原文地址http:/ C、science D、music( )7、A、what B、where C、want D、how( )8、A、friend B、brother C、sister D、aunt( )9、A、twelve B、first C、twenty D、fifteen( )10、A、Bob B、Peter C、Ben D、Li Yan四、根据汉语提示填空。(每空一词)(10分)1、We _(有) some new _(朋友) in our class.2、Where do you _ _(来自)? 3、What class are you in?Im in _(班级) One,_(年级) Five.4、_(是什么) _(他的) name?5、She _(有)a small _(嘴).五、选择相应答语.(10分)()1、Whos that man? A、Hes from China.()2、Whats he like? B、Hes my teacher.()3、Wheres he from? C、No,she is fat.()4、Is Miss Cao thin? D、Hes short and thin.()5、Is Mr Wang short? E、No,he is tall.六、写出下列完整形式.(10分)1.Im=_ _ 2、shes=_ _3.hes=_ _4.whos=_ _ 5. whats= _ _ 6、lets=_ names=_ _ _ 8.hows=_ _9.youre=_ _ 10、were=_ _七、写出正确的序号。(2分)1) A、Who are they?B、Mr Lin.He is from China.C、Hes tall and thin.He is clever.D、Who is your Chinese teacher?E、Hello!Mike,I have two new teachers.F、A music teacher and a Chinese teacher.G、Whats he like?2)并回答问题。(6分)1、 Who is the Chinese teacher? _2、 What is the Chinese teacher like? _3、 Where is the Chinese teacher from? _ 八、翻译。(10分)1、谁是你的新语文老师_is your _Chinese teacher?2、她来自哪? 她来自英国。 _does she come from? She comes from _.3、他高吗?是的,而且他很聪明. Is he _? Yes,and he is very _. Http:/Www.lsPjy.Com 课件|教案|试卷|无需注册九、把下面句子变成一般疑问句。(10分)1.He is quiet. _2.She is cute. _3.They ares tudents. _4、请回答问题 Is she quiet? _(肯定) Is he smart?_(否定)十、你能形容你的爸爸吗?(10分)提示:young(年青的) active(活泼的) like (喜欢) strict(严肃的) years old(年龄) him(宾格的他) farmer(农民) old(年老的)要求:至少说三句话英语五年级上册第二单元学习情况调查题班级 姓名 学号 一、选择(填序号)( )1. What _ is it today? A. today B. day ( )2. Today _ Friday. A. is B. are ( )3. We _English, math and P.E. A have B has ( )4. What do you do _ Sundays? A. on B. in ( )5 Sunday is fun _ me. A on B for ( )6 Its 8:00. Its time _ get up A. to B for 二、连词成句并写出中文1have what do on you Tuesdays(?)_ _2I watch often TV Saturdays on (.) _ _3 day what today it is(?)_ _4 Sundays homework often I on my do(.) _ _5 love Wendnesdays I (.) 6 you about What (?) 三、翻译 1. 今天星期几? _ _ is _ _? 2.你们星期四上什么课?_ do you _ _ _?(绿色圃中小学教育网 http:/WWW.Lspjy.cOm 原文地址http:/ 你星期六干什么?_ do you _ _ Saturdays?4.I often _ _ (看电视)and _ _ (看书)5.ChenJie often (做家庭作业)on Saturday housework play computer games paint Moral Education often 7.缩写并翻译Monday ( ) Tuesday ( ) Wednesday ( ) Thursday ( )Friday ( ) Saturday ( ) Sunday ( )更多免费资源下载绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.lspjy.com四、.阅读,判断(用T表示正确,用F表示错误)My name is Amy. I go to school from Monday to Friday. Every morning I get up at 6:30. I have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. We have English, math and science on Monday morning. I like Fridays very much, because I have P.E class and I can watch TV on that day.( )1. Amy gets up at 6:30. ( )2 Amy has five classes every day. ( )3. Amy likes math very much.( )4. Amy likes Saturdays.( )5. Amy has English, math and science on Monday morning (PEP)人教版小学英语五年级上册第二单元测试题及答案(二)一、判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同,相同的打“”,不同的打“”。1.howmouth()2.breadteacher()3.thinbike()4.takeapple()5.sheepsleep()6.putbut()7.greatseat()8.nowwindow()9.peachjeans()二、英汉互译。1.wait_2.often_3.love_4.yeah_5.tomorrow_6.playcomputergames_7.playping-pong_8.playfootball_9.dohousework_10.dosports_11.看电视_12.在星期六早上_13.做作业_14.读书_15.上科学课_16.在周末_17.在星期三_18.三天_19.太大_20.我爸爸的朋友_三、默写星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四_星期五 星期六 星期日_四、翻译下列句子。1.今天星期几?星期三。_2.星期四你们上什么课?_3.我们上语文,英语,音乐,计算机和美术。_4.星期六你做什么?_5.我经常看书和看电视。_6.我星期日做作业。你呢?_7.我也做作业。_8.我喜欢英语。你呢?_9.星期五你上什么课?_10.我上美术和体育。_11.周末你做什么?_12.我玩电脑游戏。参考答案一、(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)二、1等 2常常 3爱 4是的 5明天 6玩电脑游戏 7打乒乓球 8踢足球 9做家务 10做运动 11watch TV 12on Saturday morning 13do homework 14read books 15have science class 16on weekends 17on Wednesday18three days 19too big 20my fathers friend三、Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday四、1.What day is it today?Its Wednesday.2.What do you have on Thursday?3.We have Chinese, English, music, computer and art.4.What do you do on Saturdays?5.I often read books and watch TV.6.I do my housework on Sundays. What about you?7.I do my homework, too.8.I like English. What about you?9.What do you have on Fridays?10.I have art and P.E.11.What do you do on weekends? 12. I play computer games.五年级第一学期第三单元检测题一、 选择题。( )1._ would you like for lunch? A. Where B. What C. Who( )2. What would you like _ lunch? A. to B. for C. have( )3._? -Id like some tomatoes .A. What do you have for dinner on Mondays ? B. What do you have for on Mondays ? C What would you like for dinner?( )4. What would like for lunch ? -_.A. I like mutton. B. Id like mutton . C. I have mutton.( )5._ do you have for dinner? A. Whats B. Who C. What( )6.What do you have for lunch _ Mondays? A. on B. in C. at( )7. What do you have for breakfast on Fridays? -_A. I have English . B. I have cabbage . C. Id like cabbage .( )8.- I have tofu. _? - I have onions.A. What day is it today? B. Whats your favourite food? C. What about you?( )9.The fish _ tasty. A. are B. is C. has( )10. The grapes _ sour . A. is B. are C. 更多免费资源下载绿色圃中小学教育网http:/ )11.Whats your favourite _ ? - Fish . Its fresh.( )12. Whats your favourite _ ? -Watermelons. They are sweet.( )13. Whats your favourite _ ? -Eggplant . Its tasty.( )14.I like apples. _ sweet. A. Its B. Theyre C. are they( )15. I like tofu. _ healthy. A. Is it B. Theyre C. Its( )16. Im heavy now. I _ eat vegetables. A. am B.would like C. have to( )17.How many _do you have ? -I have four. A. muttons B. tomatos C. apples( )18.I can see two _ in the picture. A. banana B. orange C. oranges( )19. What would Amy like ? -_.A. Id like cakes. B. Shed like cakes. C. Wed like cakes.( )20. _? - Wednesdays. We have P.E. class.A. Whats your favourite day? B. Whats your favourite class?C.Whats your favourite food?( )21. What _ your favourite food? A. are B. is C. have( )22. I_ like bananas. A. cant B. dont C. am not 二、 写出缩写形式。1.I would _ 2. do not _ 3. is not _4. are not_5. he is _6.they are _7. we are _ 8. you are _9.she is _ 10. it is_三、写出下列单词的复数形式。1.mutton_ 2.potapo_3.cabbage_4.fruit_5.grape _ 6. fish _ 7. tomato_ 8. pork_ 9. eggplant _ 10.tofu _四、连线。1. What would you like for lunch? A. I have pork .2. What do you have on Thursdays? B. Id like mutton .3.What do you have for lunch on Thursdays? C. I have English and music.4.Whats your favourite food ? E. I like apples.5. Whats your favourite fruit? F. I like tofu.五、根据句意写单词(首字母已经给出)1. The fish is t _ .2. I like cucumbers. Because its f_ and healthy.3. I dont like grapes. They are s_.4. The watermelons are s_ .5. Beef is my f_ food.六、阅读短文。 Today is Wednesday. We have potatoes, pork and green beans for lunch .Potatoes are my favourite my mother food. But I dont like potatoes. I like pork. Its tasty and healthy. What about my father? His favourite food is green beans . They are fresh. For dinner, we have tomatoes , beef and cabbage. My father, my mother and I like the dinner. After dinner, we eat some apples. Apples are our favourite fruit. They are healthy.1. What day is it today? _2.What


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