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1 高承英语专题讲义 56 期 高二 专题一 分词作定语 表语和宾语补足语 一 分词做定语 单个现在分词形式或过去分词形式作定语时 一般说来放在中心词 被修饰的名词或 代词 之前 现在分词形式或过去分词形式短语作定语时 放在被修饰词之后 相当于一 个定语从句 1 That is an interesting TV series 那是一部非常有趣的电视剧 2 The girl sitting by my side is my cousin 坐在我旁边的是我表妹 3 The excited children were opening their Christmas presents 兴奋的孩子们正在打开他们的圣诞礼物 4 They reduced the number of animals used in experiments 他们减少了用于试验的动物数量 used in experiments which were used in experiments 二 分词做表语 现在分词作表语表示主语的特征 常用于事物 过去分词作表语表示主语的状态 常用于 人 1 The news is really exciting 那消息真让人兴奋 2 She looked disappointed after she lost the game 输掉那场比赛后 她看上去很失望 三 分词做宾语补足语 现在分词形式和过去分词形式可作复合宾语中的补足语 1 在表示感觉和心理状态的动词 see hear feel smell listen to notice observe smell watch 这类表示感觉的动词之后常跟 宾语 现在分词 的 复合结构 这种动词与分词之间的宾语可以是普通名词或专有名词 人名等 也 可以是代词宾格 him us 等 1 She smelt something burning and saw smoke rising 她闻到有东西在燃烧并看到有烟升起来了 2 I watched them rehearsing the play 我看他们排演戏 2 3 I could feel the wind blowing on my face 我能感觉到风吹在我的脸上 2 表示 致使 等意义的动词 如 catch find leave give have get 后也可跟上述 1 的结构 有时也可跟过去分词结构 1 The teacher caught a boy cheating 老师发现一个男生 考试 作弊 2 You should make your views known 你应当让别人了解你的看法 3 She s having her eyes tested 她正在验光 练习一 1 I don t know the girl in the snow storm A to catch B caught C catching D to be catching 2 The girl down by a car was dying A knock B knocking C knocked D to knock 3 The foreign guests by an interpreter came out of the hall A following B to follow C followed D to be followed 4 The problem so quickly last evening will not be set again anywhere A having been settled B settle B be settled D settled 5 There was an look on his face when the actress appeared A excited B excite C exciting D excitement 6 The children at the hospital yesterday were seriously ill A to examine B examined C examine D examining 7 He talked about his suggestions by you yesterday A been turned down B turned down C to be turned down D to turn down 8 This is the package at the post office last night A be weighed B to be weighed C to weigh D weighed 9 An island is a small piece of land by water A surrounded B surrounding C to be surrounded D being surrounded 10 The managers will again discuss the plan last week A carried out B carrying out C carry out D to carry out 11 After the heavy rain many cars got in the mud A catch B catching C caught D being caught 3 12 What surprised me most was that the leader of that country got A kill B killing C killed D to be killed 13 When I went in they were in a heated discussion A absorb B absorbed C absorbing D being absorbed 14 A cook will be fired immediately if he is found in the kitchen A smoke B smoking C to smoke D smoked 15 The speaker raised his voice but still couldn t make himself A hear B to hear C hearing D heard 练习二 1 Prices of daily goods through Internet can be lower than store prices A are bought B bought C been bought D buying 2 Tom sounds very in the job but I m not sure whether he can manage it A interested B interesting C interestingly 3 When the museum will be open to the public next year A completed B completing C being completed D to be completed 4 This plant is so vulnerable 脆弱的 that once by any disease it can t survive A attacks B having attack C attacking D attacked 5 Linda worked for the Minnesota 美国 明尼苏达州 Manufacturing and Mining Company as 3M A knowing B known C being known D to be known 6 The pilot asked all the passengers on board remain as the plane was making a landing A seat B seating C seated D to be seating 7 I m very with my own cooking It looks nice and smells delicious Mm It does have a smell A pleasant pleased B pleased pleased C pleasant pleasant D pleased pleasant 8 Though rather tired he insisted on helping the old lady carry the box A feeling B feels C felt D was feeling 9 in a hurry this novel was not as good as his previous one A Writing B Written C To be write D To be written 10 From the expression on his face I know he lost the game A disappointed B disappointing C to be disappoint D to disappoint 语法填空 阅读下面短文 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯性的要求 在空格处填入一个适当的 4 词语或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空 Architecture looks at the man made living environment Every great culture in the past had its own ideas of beauty 31 express in art and architecture When you look around 32 buildings streets squares and parks you will find 33 designed planned and built in different styles Modernism was invented in the 1920s by a group of architects 34 wanted to change society with buildings that went against 35 feeling of beauty They wanted their buildings constructed in a way 36 look unnatural 37 in traditional architecture materials such as earth stone brick and wood are used the materials of modern architecture 38 be steel glass and concrete To some people modern architecture equals progress Developing countries want to build the most modern looking buildings as the first step towards becoming 39 modern country However many do not find modern buildings beautiful because they look like boxes with flat 40 roof sharp corners and glass walls that act as mirrors 练习一 1 5 BCCDA 6 10 BBDAA 11 15 CCBBD 练习二 1 5 BAADB 6 10 CDABA 语法填空 31 expressed 32 at 33 them 34 who 35 people s 36 to 37 While 38 are 39 a 40 roofs 20090112

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