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普通高中课程标准实验教科书英语选修6教学设计 Unit 4 Global warming-New wordsBackgroud information:Students:57 The Eight High Middle School students Class 2 Grade 2.Lesson duration:80mins(9:40-11:10) on Nov.29thTeaching aims :1. To learn the new words and expressions.2. Make sure the students understand the new words and can use them flexibly.3. To learn to express their own opinion about global warming.The key points of teaching:1. How to make the students to understand some useful phrases and words.2. Let the students understand the new words and remember them in mind.The difficult points of teaching:Some specialized words , their different forms and difficult phrases for them to understand.Language contents and skills: consume:vt: 消费;消耗;耗尽;吃完 n :consumption 消耗;消费 consumer 消费者eg :We must consume breakfast before class. come about : 发生;造成eg :How did it come about?同义词、组:happen , occur, take place知识扩展:come across 偶然遇见,碰上come after 跟在()后面come along 一起来,跟着来;进展,进步eg: She came along with us.come and go 来来往往 random:adj : 胡乱的;任意的adv: randomly / at random 胡乱地;随便地 n : randomness eg: random event 随机事件 a random guess 瞎猜 There are many soiled dishes piled at random/randomly.=Soiled dishes were piled at random / randomly. subscribe :vi :同意;捐赠;订阅subscribe to an opinion 同意某观点subscribe for a dictionary 预订字典subscribe to a magazine 订阅杂志 vt :文件;捐助subscribe an act 签署法案subscribe liberally to the relief fund.为救灾基金捐款同义词:contribute , donate n : subscriber签署者;订购者;捐赠者quantity n :数,数量quantities of/a quantity of 大量的同类总结: a lot of /lots of + C/U a number of + C/U scores of + C a great deal of + U a large amount of +U eg:There are quantities of coal in the north of Shaixi. tend : vi:趋向,易于;照顾 tend to sb. 接待某人eg:Ill tend to my teacher at home tomorrow. vt: 照顾;护理 tend the sick护理病人 tend to do sth 倾向做某事eg:She tends to watch TV on weekend.go up 上升;增长;升起eg:Production keeps going up.生产量不断上升per per annum 每年 per month每月eg:This kind of magazine is ten yuan per copy.这类杂志每册十元。 trend n 趋势;倾向;走向 Vi:倾向;趋向 eg :an upward trend of prices 物件上涨的趋势 the trend of history 历史方向/趋势 Modern life trends towards less formal customs.现代生活倾向于较少拘泥于客套习俗。 oppose vt :反对;反抗;与(某人)较量 opposed adj :反对的;对立的 be oppose to + doing/noun/noun-phrases 反对. eg:We are firmly opposed to the plan .我们坚决反对这项计划。consequence n:结果;后果;影响;重要性 in consequence of 由于.的缘故 Its of no consequence .这是无关紧要的。 a person of consequence 举足轻重的人 take the consequences 承担后果 adj : consequent 作为结果的;合理的range :n 种类;范围;系列 a range of 一系列 a wide range of choices 广泛的选择范围Teaching stages and procedures :1. Guide students to pronounce each new words by themselves and read it out loudly.2. Correct the students pronunciation and let them read after the teacher .3. Explain the words different usages and forms.4. Make sentences in order to let the students understand the words in an easy way.Teaching aids : blackboard, dictionary, videoEnd of lesson summary:1. Important words:consume, random,subscribe,quantity,tend,trend,oppose,consequence,range,glance,steady,average,advocate,circumstance,contribution,presentation。2. Important phrases:come about ,quantities of ,result in ,be opposed to , even if ,keep on , on the whole ,on behalf of ,put up with ,so long as ,and so on。3. Remind the student to arrange their notes .Optional activities and assignments:1. Give the students chances of translating some phrases and sentences.2. Play a game by using the words that has learned in the class.After lesson reflection:The lesson went on well.Students were quite excited and positive.But not enough time was given for students to make sentences,so some students still have difficulty answering the simple questions .More practice and checking are needed for these students in the next class.

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