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九年级英语第 1 页 共 8 页 2018 中考英语模拟试卷 一 注意事项 1 本试卷包含第 卷选择题 第 1 45 题 第 卷非选择题 第 46 80 题及书面表达题 两部 分 本次考试时间为 100 分钟 卷面总分为 120 分 考试形式为闭卷 2 本试卷共 8 页 在检查是否有漏印 重印或错印后再开始答题 3 所有试题必须作答在答题卡上规定的区域内 注意题号必须对应 否则不给分 4 答题前 务必将姓名 准考证号用 0 5 毫米黑色签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡上 第 I 卷 选择题 共 60 分 一 单项选择 共 15 小题 每小题 1 分 计 15 分 1 The 24th winter Olympics will be held February 4 in Beijing and Zhangjiakou A on B in C at D of 2 big success the meeting was Our country is getting stronger and stronger A How B What C How a D What a 3 一 Do you know whose video this is 一 Let me see Oh it s A hers B her C him D their 4 Sorry I can t follow you I finish my homework first A can B may C must D could 5 If the customer rings up for me again please the call to the sales department A run through B look through C go through D put through 6 一 Have you finished your report on green life 一 Not yet I ll make it if I three more days A give B am given C will give D will be given 7 一 What do you think of the movie Youth 一 It is one I ve ever seen A more excited B more exciting C the most excited D the most exciting 8 一 Who lives together with your grandmother 一 She lives alone I often go to see her A Nobody B Somebody C Anybody D Everybody 9 Here s a ticker left for tonight s concert you your sister can go to it A Both and B Not only but also C Either or D Neither nor 10 Look at the sign It warns us it because it s fragile A don t touch B to not touch C not to touch D no touching 11 一 Excuse me could you tell me 一 Well there s one on your left A when the bookstore opens B where the bookstore is C how far is the bookstore D how can I get to the bookstore 九年级英语第 2 页 共 8 页 12 Make sure you have prepared everything well before you the plan A try on B break out C think of D carry out 13 What do you think of our hotel Good I m especially satisfied with the high of your service A level B speed C praise D price 14 Look There are dark clouds in the sky You d better take your raincoat Thank you A Good idea B It doesn t matter C I m afraid not D With pleasure 15 一 He never tells us he can make model planes 一 In fact he can and often wins in the competitions A Actions speak louder than words B Many hands make light work C No pain no gain D The early bird catches the worm 二 完形填空 共 15 题 每小题 1 分 计 15 分 Television is good You d like 16 it all day and all night But watching 17 TV is not a very good thing especially for kids It may negatively 消极地 负面地 affect their study and 18 Scientists have found that kids 19 watch too much TV may have more trouble 20 to read than 21 kids They may have worse language skills Kids learn language skills best 22 reading talking and playing with others If they 23 too much time watching TV they will have less time for those things It may make 24 harder for them to get on with others when they grow up Watching too much TV is also 25 to kid s health It s bad for their eyes Kids don t move much 26 watching TV What s more they may eat a lot of food while watching TV This can make them fat We call people who watch too much TV couch potatoes Fighting on TV is a big 27 for kids An American child will watch a lot of fighting acts on TV every year 28 people are good at following others Scientists say that those who watch a lot of fighting shows are more likely to fight So 29 the scientist Watch TV for one or two hours a day at most or try to 30 your TV for a week There are lots of other fun things to do 16 A watch B watching C to watch D watched 17 A too many B too much C much too D a few 18 A health B plan C activity D gift 19 A which B whose C who D whom 20 A learn B learning C learns D to learn 21 A another B the others C others D other 22 A by B with C in D on 23 A cost B pay C spend D take 24 A this B that C its D it 25 A harm B harmful C harmless D harmed 26 A while B before C after D until 九年级英语第 3 页 共 8 页 27 A question B answer C problem D way 28 A Old B Young C Happy D Sad 29 A hear B listen C hearing D listen to 30 A turn on B turn out C turn off D turn up 三 阅读理解 A 阅读下列短文 从每题所给的 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳答案 共 15 题 每 小题 2 分 计 30 分 A1 Most of us think that the most powerful people live in a world common people can t imagine In fact even some of the most successful people started working odd jobs to make money Donald Trump The president grew up in a rich family but his father wanted him to learn the value of money at his early age As a child his father took him to building places and had him and his brother pick up empty soda bottles for cash Barack Obama President Obama was called the leader of the free world He once had a boring summer job As a teenager growing up in Honolulu his first job was selling ice cream in a small shop Hillary Clinton Her first paying job was to look after a small park a few miles from her home in Chicago Her parents made sure that the kids learned the value of a dollar and could get a feeling of success by doing this Warren Buffett He s one of the worlds wealthiest people He has been interested in making and saving money since he was a kid At the age of 13 he spent his mornings delivering newspapers of The Washington Post At the same year he used his saving 1 200 to buy a 40 acre farm Michael Dell He is the founder and CEO of Dell Inc Before he helped make personal compute popular around the world Dell got his first job washing dishes for a Chinese restaurant at the age of 12 31 What does the underlined word odd mean in Chinese A 不同寻常的 B 零散的 C 体面的 D 无聊的 32 What was President Donald Trump s first paying job A Collecting bottles B Washing dishes C Selling ice cream D Looking after a park 33 Where did Hillary Clinton come from A England B America C Canada D Australia 34 How did Buffett deal with his first saving money 九年级英语第 4 页 共 8 页 A He gave it away to a charity B He bought himself a computer C He bought himself a big farm D He ate a big meal at a restaurant 35 What can we learn from the passage A Practice makes perfect B Where there is a will there is a way C When in Rome do as the Romans do D A road of a thousand miles begins with one step A2 Gulangyu a beautiful island was successfully listed in the UNESCO World Heritage 世界 文化遗产 on July 8th 2017 It s not only the pride of my hometown but the pride of the whole nation Gulangyu is separated from Xiamen by the 500 metre wide Egret River 鹭江 with an area of 1 88 square kilometers I s like a garden on the water You can go there only by ships cars buses and bikes are not allowed to run on the island It is so quiet that wherever you go you can hear the sound of playing the piano As a result of this it is called the island of music The first name of the island was Yuan Zhou Zi In the Ming Dynasty it was changed as Gulangyu meaning drum waves Because the holes in the southwestern reefs hit by the waves make sounds like the drum beating Today Gulangyu is listed as one of the nation s major travelling places The main places of interest here include the Sunlight Rock Shuzhuang Park Gangzihou Bathing Beach and Memorial Hall to Zheng Chenggong which are visited by millions of people from all parts of the country and the world What s more the buildings and food are popular with visitors Therefore I hope our government can protect the fairyland well especially the environment 36 Where does the writer come from A Beijing B Fujian C Japan D I don t know 37 Which is NOT TRUE according to the passage A The area of Gulangyu is less than 2 square kilometers B Gulangyu is honored as the island of music and a garden on the water C Gulangyu got its name in Tang Dynasty D Gulangyu is on the UNESCO World Heritage list now 38 The underlined word reefs in Paragraph 3 probably means in Chinese A 暗礁 B 沙滩 C 建筑 D 渔船 39 What can we learn from the passage A Gulangyu doesn t have a long history B Visitor don t like the buildings on the island C Gulangyu is famous all over the world D The writer isn t worried about the environment problem 40 Where may the passage be from A A guide book B A poster C A diary D A blog A3 Researchers find that a positive view can not only make people happy in spirits but 九年级英语第 5 页 共 8 页 improve people s health and help them have a longer life Studies have shown that people who hold a positive outlook will have proper blood pressure less heart disease better weight control and healthier blood sugar levels In a study of more than 4 000 people about 50 and the older Becca Levy and Avni Bavishi at the Yale School of Public Health found that having a positive view of aging can have a good influence on one s health and longevity 寿命 Levy said two possible mechanisms 机制 can explain the reasons of the findings Psychologically 心理学上 a positive view can build up one s confidence decrease stress in life and develop proper behaviors Physiologically 生理学上 people with positive views of aging have lower levels of c reactive protein C 反应蛋白 which can have to do with heart disease and other illnesses even if considering possible influences like age health status sex race and education This kind of people also live longer in some way In conclusion we should hold the positive point of view in our daily life 41 A person with positive view will A be more popular B be more interesting C have a longer life D have a thinner body 42 Which of the following is NOT true about people with a positive outlook A They will have lower blood pressure B They will suffer from less heart disease C They will keep healthier blood sugar levels D They will be heavier than others 43 Becca Levy and Avni bavishi s group A studied over 4 000 people in their research B worked at the York School of Public Health C found health had nothing to do with one s spirit D thought aging is not important at all 44 How did Levy explain their theory according to the passage A He said three possible mechanisms could explain the reasons B He talked in psychological and physiological ways C He didn t deal with one s confidence D He thought higher C reactive protein was helpful 45 From this passage we can learn that A we have to exercise every day B we d better make more friends C we must lose weight when we are overweight D we should have positive views 第 卷 非选择题 共 60 分 B 任务型阅读 共 10 题 每小题 1 分 计 10 分 阅读下面短文 根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息 每空一词 九年级英语第 6 页 共 8 页 As more adults hope to get peace from meditation 冥想 more children want to get it too It can help people deal with stress and find a more peaceful idea of life The following can help children do meditation exercises Look at the sky On nice days go to nature lie down on the grass and look up at the sky The clouds move through the sky But the sky stays clear open and free This is also how our thoughts work Thoughts float in and out of our minds just like clouds Allow your thoughts to come and go Then you know your mind is clear and free just like the sky Mindful bottle Fill a bottle with water The bottle of water stands for our minds Then add red and blue sand to it Red stands for our thoughts and blue stands for our feelings and moods Now shake it up The water will get cloudy We need to wait and watch the sand settle as our thoughts feelings and moods settle just like the sand Mindful listening Sit in comfort and hold a bell or anything that makes a simple sound in your hands Just feel and hear its sound as you ring it Focus on the sound from the very first moment you hear it all the way to the end When you can t hear the sound any more open your eyes or put up your hand How to find peace There are some simple meditation 46 that children can try Look at the sky On nice days go 47 and look up at the the sky The clear open and free 48 helps your thoughts float like clouds Mindful bottle Make a bottle 49 of water and add red and blue sand to it Red and blue 50 for our thoughts feelings and moods Shake it up and watch the sand settle as our thoughts feelings and moods settle like the 51 Mindful 52 Sit 53 and hold anything that makes a simple sound Pay 54 to the sound from the very first to the end as you ring it When you can t hear the sound any more open your eyes or 55 your hand C 阅读与回答问题 共 5 每小题 2 分 计 10 分 WeChat 微信 has become a way of life for communication entertainment and making payments in China It is going to develop its market in the U S for convenience in paying and Chinese learning At the Wechat U S China Strong conference held in San Francisco Silicon Valley 硅谷 start up Citron showed the only payment processor 处理器 in the U S that helps businessmen accept Wechat Pay Chuck Huang CEO of Citcon said Last year over 100 million Chinese people traveled outside of China Once they see this place can accept Wechat Pay they are ready to use smart phones They certainly receive much warmer welcome with foreign countries 九年级英语第 7 页 共 8 页 Wechat is also teaming up with the U S China Strong Foundation 基金会 on a special Wechat account aiming to get one million grade school and high school students to study Chinese in the United States Right no that number is about 400 000 The account of U S China Strong offers games learning tools scholarship resources and more that will help Americans learn more about China and connect with Chinese friends and classmates Eugene Huang CEO of the U S China Strong Foundation said Language is one of those tools that if you don t use it continuously your skills will begin to get weak very rapidly And this is one of those ways where using technology you can not only build cultural bridges but also enable yourself to develop your learning of Chinese 根据短文内容 回答下列问题 56 What s Wechat going to develop in the U S No more than 9 words 57 Why is the payment processor used in the U S No more than 7 words 58 How many Chinese traveled outside of China last year No more than 3 words 59 What s the aim of the U S China Strong Foundation in the U S No more than 6 words 60 What will happen if you don t use a language continuously according to Eugene Huang No more than 9 words 四 词汇 共 20 题 每小题 1 分 计 20 分 A 根据句意和汉语提示写出单词 完成句子 61 A year is 划分 into four seasons 62 The word kids is 相似的 to children in meaning 63 Through hard work Aileen finally realized her dream in her 四十 64 Housing prices in major cities didn t continue 上升 this year 65 The students are having a Physics lesson in the 实验室 B 根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空 66 It s usual for her to be so active because she is often a girl of few words 67 I think the story it is great fun 68 Present drinking and driving laws should be made much strict than before to prevent tragedies happening again 69 Tan Dun has success brought Chinese music and Western music together 70 This is one of the most famous hero names It is often seen in newspapers C 根据短文内容及首字母提示 填写所缺单词 使短文意思完整 People have been interested in robots for quite some time Scientists are always inventing new and better robots It is k 71 that robots play an important r 72 in our lives First in real life robots are mainly used in factories They do many different jobs They 九年级英语第 8 页 共 8 页 always do all the d 73 hard and heavy work and help out in h 74 schools and offices The use of robots can i 75 the working conditions for people Second smarter robots will help us with the housework They can do jobs such as c 76 meals washing dishes sweeping the floor Therefore we will have more time to r 77 T 78 robots will be our friends When we feel sad l 79 or happy we can have a chat with a robot Robots will not only be good listener but also offer us good advice In a word robots will be more and more intelligent and affect our lives i 80 many ways 五 书面表达 共 1 题 计 20 分 亲爱的同学们 作为 00 后的初中生 你们是我们祖国的未来 但你们也有自己的优 点和缺点 请以 We Are Post 00 Students 为题写一篇短文参加学校的英语作文竞赛 请 按照下表两个方面进行客观的描述 然后制定个人的目标和计划 Advantages Disadvantages Aims Plans 1 helpful in trouble 2 active be interested in new things 3 1 get excited and angry easily 2 make the same mistake because of carelessness 3 1 My dream is 2 I believe 注意事项 1 100 词左右 文章的开头已给出 不计入总词数 表达清楚 语法正确 上下文连贯 2 文中不得出现真实姓名 校名等信息 3 文章必须包括表格中所提供的主要信息 并作适当发挥 We Are Post 00 Students As post 00 students we are the hope of our country However we also have our advantages and disadvantages 018 年中考模拟英语 一 参考答案 一 单项选择 每题 1 分 计 15 分 1 5 ADACD 6 10 BDACC 11 15 BDAAA 二 完形填空 每题 1 分 计 15 分 九年级英语第 9 页 共 8 页 16 20 CBACB 21 25 DACDB 25 30 ACBDC 二 阅读理解 A 阅读选择 每题 2 分 计 30 分 31 35 BABCD 36 50 BCACD 41 45 CDABD B 任务型阅读 每题 1 分 计 10 分 46 exercises 47 Outside 48 Sky 49 Full 50 stand 51 sand 52 Listening 53 Comfortably 54 Attention 55 raise C 阅读与回答问题 每题 2 分 计 10 分 56 The market for convenience in paying and Chinese learning No more than 9 words 57 Because it helps businessmen accept WeChat Pay No more than 7 words 58 Over 100 million No more than 3 words 59 To get students to study Chinese No more than6 words 60 Your skills will begin to get weak very rapidly No more than 9 words 四 词汇 共 20 题 每小题 1 分 计 20 分 61 divided 62 similar 63 forties 64 rising 65 laboratory 66 unusual 67 itself 68 stricter 69 successfully 70 heroes 根据首字母提示填写短文中所缺单词 71 known 72 role 73 dangerous dirty 74 hospitals 75 improve 76 cooking 77 relax 78 Third 79 lonely 80 in 五 书面表达 20 分 One possible version We are post 00 students As post 00 students we are the hope of our country However we also have our advantages and disadvantages We have lots of advantages Most of us are helpful We ll try our best to help others if they are in trouble We re also active enough to be interested in new things What s more we re creative We can often come up with good ideas We still have some disadvantages Sometimes we get excited and angry easily And we often make the same mistakes because of carelessness We think of ourselves more than others My dream is to enter the best high school in Yancheng and to be one of the top students in the class I believe I can realize my dream through hard work I will try my best to learn all the subjects well I m sure I can do anything if I never give up

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