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高一上学期综合测试题(五)命题:陈伟 高雁杰 张达自评分_第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分分)第一节 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Your daughter is ill; you should call in the doctor _.A. right away B. all the wayC. right now D. just now2. When you finish reading the book, you will have _ better understanding of _ life.A. a; theB. the; aC. /; theD. a; /3. Now that he has _ that he stole the money, you should forgive him.A. excusedB. sufferedC. admittedD. offered4. Its believed that many athletes and sports fans from all over the world _ to Beijing during the 29th Olympic Games in 2008.A. will inviteB. will be invitedC. have invitedD. are being invited5. A special expert team has already been _ to make research on wildlife and its protection.A. built up B. picked upC. set up D. taken up6. I have two tickets for the film tonight. Will you go with me? Yes, _.A. its a pleasure B. with pleasure C. thanks D. I shall7. In 1927 Benjamin Franklin _ one of the first adult education organizations, a group called the Junto.A. set B. foundC. founded D. built8. My sister told me that her income was _ than mine. She can also earn as much as 5,000 yuan a month.A. no lessB. not moreC. no more D. not less9. Some TV programmes give people a lot of _ on how to _ along with their life.A. advices; go B. suggestions; goC. advice; get D. suggestion; get10. The Canadian friends who are visiting our school have given us a lot of books, few of _ a bit difficult for us.A. them are B. that isC. which is D. which are 11. What impressed me most was that they never _.A. lost hearts B. lose their heart C. lost heart D. lost their hearts12. The two old sisters, having been separated for so long, held each other and burst _ tears.A. into B. outC. withD. onto13. After the earthquake, the army organized teams to _ those who were trapped and to bury the dead.A. look up B. dig outC. go through D. take apart14. The chairman thought _ necessary to invite Professor Smith to speak at the meeting.A. that B. him C. thisD. it 15. You can never imagine what great trouble I have had _ the patient who received a serious wound.A. treat B. to treatC. treatingD. treated 第二节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) My father died when I was five. It was hard on us all. My brother, who is eight years older than me, began to 16 my mother and me. He made sure the trash was taken out and the yard mowed. He did this 17 , without being told to do so. Because of my fathers death, my mother was 18 to get a full time job. My brother, 19 , would get me up for school and make me 20 . On our way to school, he would play games with me. He made every 21 to make me happy and he succeeded 22 . When we arrived home from school, we were 23 for about half an hour until mom was home from work. He would 24 something for supper, and have everything ready for mom, 25 she could start cooking. After that, we would go outside and have some 26 . This was my brothers time to be a(n) 27 , enjoying himself in the games. It was a Saturday in June a couple years later. My mother and I were at the store when I 28 they had the Fathers Day cards out. Feeling 29 , I asked my mother why they hadnt Brothers Day cards. She smiled and said, “Youre right. 30 your brother has been a father to you. Go and 31 a card.” So I did, and on Fathers Day, my mother and I 32 my brother down and gave him the card. As he read it, I saw the tears 33 in his eyes. I heard my moms 34 trembling as she said, “Son, your father is proud of you, seeing that he 35 a good man. We love you, and thank you.”16. A. look out B. watch over C. care about D. depend on 17. A. carefullyB. smoothly C. quickly D. willingly 18. A. prepared B. allowedC. forced D. accepted 19. A. therefore B. though C. otherwise D. however 20. A. supper B. meal C. breakfastD. lunch21. A. methodB. effect C. way D. effort22. A. as usual B. every time C. once again D. as well 23. A. free B. asleep C. alone D. busy 24. A. cut B. cook C. find D. clean 25. A. unless B. before C. when D. so 26. A. rest B. fun C. adventure D. practice 27. A. kid B. adultC. friend D. brother 28. A. heard B. noticed C. felt D. thought 29. A. interested B. excited C. disappointed D. hurt 30. A. No wonder B. In all C. After all D. Without doubt31. A. take out B. pick out C. ask for D. check out 32. A. led B. signed C. sat D. required 33. A. filling B. formingC. floatingD. piling 34. A. hand B. laughterC. body D. voice35. A. raised B. turnedC. taughtD. promised第二部分 阅读理解 ?穴共小题;每小题分,满分分?雪Playing sports is a way for most kids to make friends, get exercise and have a good time. But what happens when kids have a disability preventing them joining in? Challenge Alaska has worked out a national program to give those disabled kids a chance to enjoy the sports they otherwise may not be able to. Alex thought a simple game of bocce ball (室外地滚球) was out of reach before. Alex was hit by a car when he was 5 years old, an accident that left him with a broken body and a mind full of dreams. “Those dreams are harder to do because you cant move your hands, and you cant move your legs,” he said. But today Alex was getting the chance to live his biggest dream. With some help, he can get the bocce ball across the playing field and he said he was getting the biggest joy from his favorite. Today, Challenge Alaska worked together with another organization, the US Paralympics Academy (残奥委会), to give kids with physical disabilities a chance to try some new sports. “They offer a lot of sports for people with disabilities and thats cool,” Alex said. But this program is not just about teaching these kids about sports. “Its an opportunity to learn how to work on a team, how to work with other people, how to win graciously and how to lose graciously all about the lessons you can use throughout life,” said Jeff Dick, leader of Alaska Paralympics Academy. Challenge Alaska also has a program called Blaze Sports, which holds different events throughout the year. Dick says skills learned at these free programs increase kids chances of getting college scholarships (奖学金) to play these sports. 36. Challenge Alaska mentioned in the passage must be _. A. a famous person who wants to help the disabled B. a national program designed to help the disabled C. an organization that provides sports chances for the disabled D. a sports club which aims to improve peoples health 37. What is the biggest dream of Alex? A. To stand up one day. B. To live a normal life. C. To play bocce ball. D. To have a clear mind. 38. Besides teaching the disabled kids about sports, the program also teaches them about _. A. how to work with other people B. the importance of teamwork C. how to face failure and victory D. all of the above39. From the passage, we can learn that _. A. disabled children have hardly any chance to go to college B. disabled children can take part in the program called Blaze Sports for free C. most colleges in the US do not accept disabled children D. not all the disabled children like the sports offered by the program I was off to go back to work one evening and my two children were busy sewing things on the sewing machine. My eleven-year-old daughter, in the middle of her project, was going to help her elder brother make a little cushion (软垫). I left, and in a few hours returned to find a mess in the kitchen and front room. Having had a long day, I was very short with my greeting to them and then I noticed the material my daughter had used. That piece of cloth had been cut into pieces and making a baby blanket was no longer possible. Not stopping to listen, I shouted at the children who were enjoying television programs and explained how angry I was at what had been done. My daughter listened to me, not trying to speak for herself at all, but the pain could be seen written across her face. She went into her room quietly, and spent some time there alone before she came out to say good night and once again apologize for the mistake she had made. A few hours later, as I was going to bed, there on my bed lay a beautiful, little cushion made out of the forbidden cloth, with the words “I LOVE MOM”. Along side it was a note apologizing again. To this day, I still get tears in my eyes when I think of how I reacted and still feel the pain of my actions. It was I who then went to her and apologized for my actions. I place with great pride the cushion on my bed, and use it as a lasting reminder that nothing in this world is greater than a childs love. 40. When the writer returned home from the work, _.A. she saw her children busily sewing a small cushionB. she was too tired to speak a word to her children C. she found everything in the house in good orderD. she saw her children were watching TV happily41. The writer bought that piece of cloth in order to _. A. make a baby blanket B. practice her sewing skill C. make herself a cushionD. decorate the house 42. What would be the best title of the passage? A. Mothers mistake. B. A childs love. C. A little cushion. D. Mothers love. Nowadays we enjoy high standards of living; our jobs are well paid and new technologies like the Internet have come to give us even more opportunities of development. There is one of those opportunities: article writing as a freelancer. Housewives, college students can devote just a few hours to earning good money. This kind of outsourcing (外购) allows the writers to help website owners by offering its visitors information about their topics of interest. It is like newspaper articles in which international and national news is discussed and therefore helps the readers to get an idea of what is going on. Articles can be on different topics like health, business, sports, education, fashion, pets, etc. You may ask who are the readers of these articles? The answer is simple. Suppose you have good knowledge about the stock exchange (股票交易) market and you write an article about it. Any person who might not have information about stock exchanges but wishes to know about it quickly may read your article and therefore understand the topic without having to read large books. Website owners are ready to pay good money to writers of high-quality articles. Good articles attract more web traffic (点击率) which gives companies the opportunity to show their products to more possible customers. Thus, as web traffic increases so will the website income through paid advertisements. So finally it does good to all people: the writer, webmaster and website visitor. Article writing can even help the writer to learn about many kinds of topics and then increase his knowledge. Above all, it enables you to work in a free environment. At the same time, you can still earn a good salary. All such advantages have made this form of employment very popular, especially among college students. 43. According to the passage, article writing as a freelancer _. A. is suitable for the people with high educationB. will take a person a lot of time and effortC. can help people make extra money without too much trouble D. is the most popular way among college students to make money 44. The passage suggests that you publish your articles _ to make money. A. in newspapers B. in magazines C. in large books D. on the Internet45. Who will be the readers of the articles of the freelancers? A. Those who wish to get quick information about a specific topic.B. Those who want to learn about the latest information of the world. C. Those who want to learn about the stock exchange market. D. Those who dont like reading newspapers and books.46. How do websites get the money to pay good writers?A. By charging people who read articles. B. By putting on paid ads of certain companies. C. By selling their products to possible customers. D. By charging the writers whose articles arent good enough. Did you know that Andrew Johnson, the 17th President of the United States, was a tailor before he was President? Or that one of George Washingtons favorite foods was ice cream? Many Presidents had unusual careers before entering the White House. Jimmy Carter, the 39th President, was a peanut farmer. Ronald Reagan, the 40th President, played in some films. And Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President, once worked chopping rails for fences. Once in the White House, each President made his mark in different ways. In fact, before Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President, came to office, people called the building where Presidents worked the Presidents Palace, Presidents House, and the Executive Mansion. Roosevelt began to call it the White House in 1901. Theodore Roosevelt wasnt the only President to invent a new expression. Martin Van Buren, from Kinderhook, New York, the eighth President, is sometime credited with creating the word “OK” to show thanks for what Old Kinderhook (O.K.) clubs did during his campaign (竞选). Later, “OK” or “okay” came to mean “all right”. There have been many other interesting presidential firsts. James Polk, the 11th President, was the first President to have his photograph taken. Theodore Roosevelt was the first President to ride in a car while in office. His cousin and the 32nd President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, was the first to ride in an airplane. What will be the next big presidential first? First to ride in a spaceship? More Facts: At 6 feet 4 (1.9 meters), Abraham Lincoln was the tallest US President. William Henry Harrison, the ninth President, was the only President who studied to be a medical doctor. Millard Fillmore, the 13th President, was the first President to have a stepmother. James Garfield, the 20th President, was the first left-handed President.47. Of the presidents mentioned in the passage, who was once an actor? A. Jimmy Carter. B. Abraham Lincoln. C. Ronald Reagan. D. Andrew Johnson. 48. Which of the following was the expression invented by Theodore Roosevelt? A. The Executive Mansion.B. The White House. C. The Presidents Palace.D. Presidents House. 49. What did Old Kinderhook clubs probably do during Martin Van Burens campaign? A. They helped him create some popular expressions.B. They welcomed him warmly when he returned to his hometown. C. They supported him when he was competing for being President. D. They offered him the money to compete for being President. 50. What is the purpose of the passage? A. To increase readers knowledge of American history.B. To talk about the unusual hobbies of American presidents.C. To explain the careers of some American presidents.D. To offer some interesting facts about American presidents.Can you do the math: What is one hundred times four, divided by the square root of a hundred? If you know that, then you know the answer to this: How many years ago did three scientists at Texas Instruments invent their special calculator (计算器) ? The scientists were Jerry Merryman, James Van Tassel and Jack Kilby. Their first device could add, subtract, multiply and divide. It had twelve bytes (字节) of memory close to nothing compared to todays powerful calculators. And it weighed more than a kilogram. But it was powered by batteries (电池). Other electronic calculators had to be plugged into electricity, so they couldnt be taken anywhere. Not only that, they weighed close to twenty-five kilograms and were almost as big as typewriters. In the USA, there is an opinion that teachers at every level should support the use of calculators. Yet after forty years, calculators in the classroom still add up to the same old debate. Some education experts think calculators are used too much. Calculators may not only give students answers to questions they do not really understand, they may also keep them from discovering ideas for themselves. The danger? Students who cannot even do simple addition and subtraction. Other experts say calculators have helped make mathematics more understandable to more students. They say calculators give students more time to understand and solve problems and to develop a better sense of what numbers mean. And they can feel better about their abilities. What do teachers think? Generally they say calculators can be useful especially with more complex (复杂的) math. But they also say that young students should know basic operations before they begin using them. 51. How many years ago was the hand-held electronic calculator invented? A. 100 years ago. B. 80 years ago. C. 40 years ago. D. 20 years ago. 52. Compared with other calculators, the advantage of the three scientists calculator was that _. A. it was the first electronic calculator ever inventedB. it didnt use as much electricity as other calculatorsC. it had a memory as big as todays calculators D. it could be taken wherever people went 53. What was the peoples attitude when calculators were first used in the classroom? A. They were strongly against it. B. They were in support of it. C. They didnt think it useful. D. People had different opinions.54. Some experts are against children using calculators too much because _. A. it may reduce childrens interest in learning mathB. children lose the chance of working on their own brainC. children may think they can easily learn math well D. it reduces childrens communication with their math teachers 55. Who can use calculators according to most teachers?A. Teachers who are teaching complex operations of math.B. Scientists who arent good at complex operations of math. C. Students who have known the basic operations of math. D. Students who are good at complex operations of math.第三部分 写作 ?穴共两节,满分分?雪第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)My husband Mike and I was at a restaurant with his boss.56. _While Mike began the story I was sure that he told before, I gave57. _him a kick under the table. There was no response, but I gave him 58. _another one. Still the story went on. Suddenly he stopped, smiling59. _and said, “Oh, but Ive told you this one before, havent I?” We 60. _all laughed and changed into the topic. Later, on the dance floor,61. _I asked Mike why it had spent him so long to get my massage. 62. _“What do you mean?” he replied to. “I stopped the story as soon63. _as you kick me.” “But I kicked you twice, and it still took you64. _a while to stop!” Suddenly we all realized what had happened. 65. _第二节 书面表达 (满分25分)最近,你班同学就“课间是否播放音乐”这个话题展开了讨论。请你根据下表所提供的信息,用英语写一篇短文,陈述讨论结果及个人的看法、建议。大部分同学观点部分同学观点你的看法1. 能活跃气氛。2. 能使大脑得到放松,减轻学习造成的疲劳。3. 使同学们在快乐的氛围中做好下一堂课的准备。4. 能给大家带来快乐。1. 课间时间太短,播放音乐达不到预期的效果。2. 课间需要的是安静而不是嘈杂的声音。?词数:120左右。高一上学期综合测式题(五)参考答案及重点解析参考答案1-5 ADCBC 6-10 BCACD 11-15 CABDC16-20 BDCA

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